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The difference between full-time graduate students and part-time graduate students!

2022-07-07 15:29:00 Computer and software postgraduate entrance examination


The types of graduate students include full-time graduate students and part-time graduate students , Everyone is familiar with full-time , So do you know part-time ? What's the difference between full-time and full-time ? Today, Xiaobian will take you to know the difference between the two in detail !

Definition of full-time and part-time

Full time graduate students It refers to compliance with national graduate enrollment regulations , Pass the postgraduate entrance examination or other admission methods recognized by the state , Be admitted by institutions of higher learning or other institutions of higher education with the qualification to implement graduate education , Within the basic years of study or the years specified by the school , Full time graduate students studying in school .

Part time graduate student It refers to compliance with national graduate enrollment regulations , Pass the postgraduate entrance examination or other admission methods recognized by the state , Be admitted by institutions of higher learning or other institutions of higher education with the qualification to implement graduate education , The basic length of schooling or the length of schooling stipulated by the school ( Generally, the basic length of schooling should be appropriately extended ) Inside , While engaging in other professions or social practice , Graduate students who take a variety of ways and flexible time arrangements for non part-time learning .

2016 year 11 month 30 The postgraduate students admitted recently shall be implemented according to the original regulations ;2016 year 12 month 1 Graduate students admitted in the future are distinguished by full-time and part-time forms in terms of training methods .


The difference between full-time and part-time


  • 1、 Enrollment population

Full time graduate students must be full-time staff .

Most of the people studying for part-time graduate students are professionals who have participated in work .

  • 2、 Form of study

Full time graduate students are required to attend school on normal working days .

Part time graduate students schedule their classes on weekends or holidays , This is the so-called weekend class 、 Centralized class , This form of learning will be a great convenience for professionals .

  • 3、 School system tuition

The full-time postgraduate education system is generally 3 year , Tuition fees are mostly 8000 Every year, .

The part-time graduate school system is about 2-3 year , If students finish their studies during this period , It can be appropriately extended to 5 year . The tuition fee for part-time graduate students is about 1.8-39 Between ten thousand .

  • 4、 Scholarships

In order to reduce students' economic pressure , Full time graduate students can enjoy various types of scholarships , It includes college level , It also includes national . however , The amount of these scholarships depends on the institutions 、 Professional . Generally speaking , There are no scholarships for part-time graduate students .

  • 5、 Get a certificate

The certificates obtained by part-time graduate students and full-time graduate students are the same , You can obtain master's degree certificate and academic certificate . The only difference between the two is , The graduation certificate of part-time graduate students will have the words of part-time .


Disadvantages of part-time graduate students


  • 1、 Tuition is more expensive

Tuition fees for part-time graduate students are generally higher than full-time graduate students , Most professional masters are in 3-6 Ten thousand or more , And part-time graduate students generally do not enjoy scholarships 、 Grants, etc , The cost of postgraduate study will be much higher than that of full-time .

  • 2、 Some majors have long school systems and limited majors that can apply

The length of schooling of part-time graduate students in some majors is six months to one year longer than that of full-time research , And some schools do not recruit part-time graduate students .

  • 3、 Social recognition is not as good as full-time graduate students

Although part-time graduate students also get double certificates , However, part-time graduate students obtain an on-the-job graduate degree , There are still some differences with full-time graduate students , And due to the reform of part-time graduate students, it is only two years , Many people's impression of part-time graduate students still stays on the professional master , Therefore, the recognition may be slightly worse .

  • 4、 Some part-time workers do not provide accommodation

Some colleges and universities will not provide accommodation for non full Masters , You need to solve the accommodation problem yourself .

Although the social recognition of part-time is not as high as that of full-time , But it is still gradually improving , The Ministry of education has also issued a document in the recruitment announcement and actual operation No graduate school is allowed 、 countries ( habitat ) Foreign learning experience 、 Learning style ( Full time and part-time ) As a condition of limitation , It can be reflected from the side that the recognition of part-time jobs is gradually improving .


( Picture source : Official website of the Ministry of Education )

in summary , Xiaobian believes that if you can't apply for the exam or study full-time and want to improve your academic qualifications, you might as well try part-time graduate students , It's also a good opportunity !

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