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Cmake learning and use notes (1)

2022-07-07 13:17:00 ly_ zszcyx


Using tools :

Project settings :

Build the program

problem : To be solved ?---- Solved

set Set a variable ------------------------- Add version number

Set the system's own variables

Set custom variables

Add version number

Expand :

 add_definitions------------------------- Add macro definition

Using tools :

vs 2019, Clion

System : Windows

Refer to the website :cmake Use the tutorial ( One )- start - Nuggets

Project settings :

project(<PROJECT-NAME> [VERSION <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>[.<tweak>]]]] [LANGUAGES <language-name>...])

You can only set the project name : Such as :

project ("cPulsPlusTestProject")

  You can also set the item description , Project address, etc

project (cPulsPlusTestPrj 
		VERSION 1.0.0 
		DESCRIPTION " Project description :xxxxx"
		HOMEPAGE_URL " Project address , such as :github  Address "

  Be careful : The above code fragment must be capitalized , Otherwise, the compilation will not pass , such as (LANGUAGES  CXX, DESCRIPTION etc. )

Build the program

Use cmake To build programs :

  Use cmake .

Before building :

  After construction :

  But I use it clion The built program always defaults to vs 2019

After construction :

  If you want to re cmake  , Need to delete cache


windows Prompt make Not an internal command ​
If you use MinGW, Yours make  It's called  mingw32-make

If you use MSVC, Yours make It's called  nmake

problem : To be solved ?---- Solved

cmake .  Always default to vs2019

Suspected : Not understanding cmake Back point (.) What does that mean?

After testing, it should be the path , It should be exactly CMakeList.txt The position of , therefore I should be ../  Return to upper level

  Always use the upper path , therefore cmake come out Always default to vs 2019 

  When I enter mingw Next , What we build is not vs 2019 The environment : Such as :

set Set a variable ------------------------- Add version number

set(KEY VALUE) Take two parameters , Used to declare variables . stay camke Use... In grammar KEY You can't get... Directly VALUE, You have to use ${KEY} This way of writing to get VALUE.

Set the system's own variables

Such as :C++ standard

set(cmake_cxx_standard 11)

Set custom variables

Set custom variables , for example : Set the header file search path

This is the currently processed CMakeLists.txt directory

Add version number

First set two variables

set (cPlusPlusTest_version_major 1)
set (cPlusPlusTest_version_minor 0)


stay cPlusPlusTestConfig.h.in Add

#define cPlusPlusTest_version_major @[email protected]
#define cPlusPlusTest_version_minor @[email protected]


Expand :

configure_file(input output options)

   Put a file ( from input Parameter assignment ) Copy to the specified location ( from output Parameter assignment ), And according to options Modify its contents .

configure_file Commands are generally used to customize compilation options or customize macro scenarios .configure_file The order will be based on options Specified rule :

  • COPYONLY: Just copy files , Don't do any variable substitution . This option specifies NEWLINE_STYLE Option cannot be used ( Invalid ).
  • ESCAPE_QUOTES: Avoid any backslash (C style ) escape .

   take input File copy to output file , And the variables in the input file content , Replace the reference with @[email protected] or ${VAR} Variable value . Each variable reference will be replaced with the current value of the variable , If the variable is not defined , Is an empty string .

  for example :cPlusPlusTestConfig.h.in

1. Definition CMakeList.txt

set (cPlusPlusTest_version_major 1.9)
set (cPlusPlusTest_version_minor 0)

2. cPlusPlusTestConfig.h.in( Input file )

#define cPlusPlusTest_version_major @[email protected]
#define cPlusPlusTest_version_minor @[email protected]

3. cPlusPlusTestConfig.h( The output file )

Automatic generation , There is no need for us to manually input           

PROJECT_BINARY_DIR: The official explanation is The full path used to generate the project directory

for example :

PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR: PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR Include for PROJECT() The most recent CMakeLists.txt The folder where the file is located .

for example : The inner layer of the CMakeLists.txt Medium not included project()

An error will occur   Tell me the file doesn't exist  

  I put it on the outer layer , There is no error

 add_definitions------------------------- Add macro definition

Add one flag For pretreatment

There are two ways to add :

  • -D start
  • /D start

for example :add_definitions(-DMyDebug)

  Use :

  Be careful : Do not use the front -D


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