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Day26 IP query items

2022-07-07 12:56:00 Xiaobai shelter

                                 IP Online inquiry platform of ownership 

One 、 Project introduction
1. background
according to IP Get the position , Tag
Do big data analysis , For example, Taobao Recommendation provides high-quality data
www.ip.cn etc. Inquire about IP

2. demand
IP analysis Attribution information , Lookup completed in milliseconds
IP Address base , The public network is open

IANA : international organization , Responsible for public network IP Maintenance Distribution

3. Technology stack
Eclipse ,JavaSE Object oriented in 、IO flow 、 Dichotomy algorithm 、Base64 code 、 Tool class encapsulation
4. The goal is
By developing IP Address attribution query platform , We need to be right about JavaSE The comprehensive technology has been improved , Enhance actual combat capability . After studying this project, we should have the following abilities :
1 Object oriented programming
2 Tool class encapsulation and usage writing
3 file IO flow
4 string manipulation
5 Binary search
6 IP Different forms of address use
Two 、 Main idea
1 Read the content in the program
2 analysis IP character string , Structured processing
3 Wrapper utility class
4 Interface API
Enter the reference : IP
The ginseng : Place of ownership
3、 ... and 、 Main idea

Application development projects
C/S structure , Need to have a specific client , such as QQ, WeChat ,eclipse
Web Development projects
B/S Structure first . An online system accessed through a web page , For example, various official websites , Various management systems, etc

Standard R & D process of small and medium-sized projects

1 Requirements overview - Requirements describe : Explain why you did this project
according to IP Get the place of belonging
2 Demand analysis :
According to the demand Overview , Consider it from a technical point of view , Is it feasible
Three aspects : 1 Input , 2 Output , 3 Necessary materials ( Address base )
Input : Given an arbitrary legal IP Address
Output : return IP Address library corresponding to address
3 Development steps
1 Read IP Address base
2 Resolve the information of the address Library , Structured processing
3 Save the object to list in
4 Do a binary search , Increase of efficiency
5 An interface that provides external access
6 test
4 Detail development and risk control
5 BUG Repair , tuning , Standardization
6 The official launch
7 Project summary - Project resumption
Four 、 Code development
1 Mindless reading files

public class TestFileIO_01 {
   public static void main(String args[]){
		   //1  File path 
		   String ipLibrayPath="ip_location_relation.txt";
		   String encoding="UTF-8";
		   //2  Node stream docking file 
		   FileInputStream fis=new FileInputStream(ipLibrayPath);
		   //3  Convert to character stream and specify character encoding 
		   Reader reader=new InputStreamReader(fis,encoding);
		   //4  Buffering streams improves efficiency 
		   BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(reader);
		   //5 Read 
		   String line=null;
		   //6 close 
	   }catch(Exception e){

2… Text file reading tool class
Abstract tool class
1 By coding , Realize input and output
2 Abstract input and output , Form method input and output parameters
3 Implement and test the tool class code
2.1 Tool class code

public class FileOperatorUtil {

	public static List<String> getLineList(String filePath, String encoding) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;

2.2 Tool class test

public class TestFileIO_02 {
   public static void main(String args[]){
	   //1. File path 
	   String ipLibrayPath="ip_location_relation.txt";
	   String encoding="UTF-8";
		   List<String> lineList=FileOperatorUtile.getLineList(ipLibrayPath,encoding);
		   for(String string:lineList){
	   }catch(IOException e){

  1. structured
    structured : When we know the format of the first data , Then the data format of the second has been determined , There are rules to follow , Convenient operation
    Based on unstructured data , Find the corresponding rule , And create corresponding entity classes for encapsulation , Convert to structured data
  2. Abstract entity classes and save data
    4.1 Entity class

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