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Is it safe to open an account on the official website of Huatai Securities?

2022-07-08 00:20:00 Koufu Q & A

Is it safe to open an account on the official website of Huatai Securities ?

Take the answer 1:
Hello! , At present, the default account opening commission of securities companies is RMB 30000 , If you want a safe way to open an account , You can choose a large company that is officially listed , For example, Huatai Securities , China international capital corporation , CITIC Securities, etc , Make an online appointment with an account manager before opening an account , Talk about the Commission , Then prepare your ID card and bank card , The specific account opening process is as follows :
1, Download your favorite securities company APP2, Register and fill in your personal information according to the prompts ,3, Upload ID photos ;4, Read and sign the account opening agreement 5, Select the account to be opened 6, Record video authentication 7, Set account password , Confirm opening 8, Waiting for a follow-up call
If you want to open an account, you can contact me directly , Commission package to your satisfaction , You can enjoy an ultra-low fee for consultation


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