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Explain various hot issues of Technology (SLB, redis, mysql, Kafka, Clickhouse) in detail from the architecture
2022-07-05 21:05:00 【Huazai chat Technology】
What are hot issues ? In our lives , Is defined as : News or information that is more concerned or welcomed by the masses or refers to places or problems that attract attention in a certain period .
Here we are going to talk about the hot issues of Technology ,SLB Hot issues of ,Redis Hot issues of ,Mysql Hot issues of , Hot issues of distributed database cluster , This kind of technology hotspot is not the so-called eye-catching problem, but the excessive service requests , The problem of traffic concentration .

Definition : Server load balancing (Server Load Balancing), Achieve load balancing between multiple servers .
Mainstream software load balancing has :1:LVS,2:Nginx,3:HAProxy
1: work Work on the Internet 4 layer , adopt VRRP agreement ( For agency purposes only ), The specific flow is determined by linux Kernel to handle , So there's no flow .
2: Strong resistance to load , High performance , Can achieve F5 Of 60%, The memory and CPU Resource consumption is relatively low
3: Stable , High reliability , We have a perfect hot standby solution (Keepalived+lvs)
4: Support 8 A kind of load balancing algorithm :rr( polling )、wrr( Weighted polling )、lc( The minimum connection )、wlc( Weighted minimum connection )、 lblc( Least Connection Scheduling Algorithm Based on locality )、lblcr( Complex connection algorithm based on the least locality )、dh( Target address hash scheduling algorithm )、sh( Source address hash scheduling algorithm )
5: The working mode is 4 Kind of :
(1) nat address translation
(2) dr Direct routing
(3) tun Tunnel
(4) full-nat
1: Work on the network 7 layer , Can target http Apply some diversion strategies , For example for domain names , Directory structure
2:Nginx Only supported http、https and Email agreement , In this way, the scope of application is smaller .
3: Health check for back-end servers , Only through the port to detect , No support for passing url To detect
4: It can bear high load pressure and is stable ,nginx To solve c10k It was born out of problems
5:Nginx Do Web The server is Cache function .
1: Two agent modes are supported :TCP( four layers ) and HTTP( Seven layers ), Support virtual host
2: Support url Detection of back-end server problems detection will be very helpful .
3: Support load balancing algorithm :Round-robin( Rotation )、Weight-round-robin( Turn with power )、source( Keep the original address )、RI( request URL)、rdp-cookie( according to cookie)
4: Support load balancing strategy : Dynamic weighted rotation (Dynamic Round Robin), Weighted source address hash (Weighted Source Hash), weighting URL Hash and weighted parameter hash (Weighted Parameter Hash)
5: Can't do Web The server is Cache
At present, the most front-end business of almost all companies is a load balancing server to carry traffic , Then distribute it to various back-end servers , Refer to the following figure , Such an architecture should be the architecture of most companies . There are three levels of requests . user -> Load balancing , Load balancing -> Microservices , Microservices -> The back-end service .
Where are the hot issues about load balancing ? From the above analysis, it is mainly hash scheduling algorithm , Whether it's source address hashing algorithm or destination address hashing algorithm , It may cause many users of a LAN to request the same service at the same time, resulting in a large number of load balancing servers , And cause problems with the load balancing server , This is the so-called hot issue . When using hash scheduling algorithm, it is easy to encounter hot issues , Because hashing is easy to cause uneven requests , A large number of requests may trigger to the same load balancing server . If polling is used , Load requests are averaged , Not easy to trigger hot issues . Of course! , In fact, there will be no problem with load balancing , Because if load balancing goes wrong , Or the business volume increases by millions or tens of millions of times , That does mean that this amount is very large .
Redis The architecture of
About Redis The deployment architecture of mainly includes stand-alone mode , A master-slave mode , Sentinel mode ,redis cluser Pattern . In fact, strictly speaking, there are only three deployments , Sentinel mode is actually based on the stability optimization of master-slave mode , Cutting the master node can realize automation .
standalone mode
advantage :1、 Simple deployment .2、 High data consistency
shortcoming :1、 Reliability cannot be guaranteed .2、 Limited processing capacity
Lord from Pattern ( Here's the picture )
advantage :1、 Reliability is guaranteed , When a node goes wrong , Can be provided by other nodes .2、 Improved reading ability , Disperse the reading pressure of the master node
shortcoming :1、 The write capacity and storage capacity of the primary node are limited by a single machine .2、 The primary node is down , Switching slave nodes requires the business party to switch manually , To intervene artificially .
whistle Soldier mode ( Here's the picture )
advantage :1、 Based on master-slave mode , Master and slave can switch automatically .
shortcoming :1、 The bearing capacity of the joint is limited , Limited write and storage capacity .
redis cluser Pattern ( Here's the picture )
advantage : High availability 、 Extensibility 、 Distributed 、 Support fault tolerance .redis cluster Accept client requests , Will first pass on key Conduct CRC16 Verify and correct 16384 modulus (CRC16(key)%16383) To calculate the key In the slot , Determine the node where the slot is located , Then go to the corresponding node to fetch or store data , In this way, the access and update of data are realized .
shortcoming : nothing
About redis Three architectural modes of ,redis The hot issues of cluster architecture are obvious , A master-slave mode , Writing requests is an obvious hot issue , The read request polls the read node , There will be no hot issues , But if the read node is hashed , There will also be hot issues . About redis cluster The architecture is multi master , Multi slave architecture , Theoretically, it can solve hot issues well , Write requests are randomly sent to different master nodes in different master-slave clusters , Read requests will be sent to the slave nodes of different master-slave clusters , This is a good way to disperse requests , To achieve this, we should at least ensure that each primary node has an active and standby node . If there is only one master node , That's actually no different from the master-slave mode , In this way, the hot issues of writing and reading are easy to appear , In especial redis The big key Read problem , Of course, no matter which mode, there will be big key Read hot issues , To solve the big problem key Hotspot issues ,redis Value design is very particular , It is not recommended to exceed 128KB. After understanding the basic knowledge , On how to choose the frame composition to solve the hot issue , Key points to improve service stability .
Mysql The architecture of
About Mysql The architecture of ( Here's the picture ), In fact, there is only master-slave mode , In business, we usually use read-write separation to deal with a large amount of problems ,mysql Is to do data persistent storage , The separation of reading and writing is also realized through middleware . About Mysql Hot issues in reading and writing , In fact, it is quite obvious , Whether it's reading or writing , Amount to a certain extent , There will be . Under our large business flow , We Mysql There will be Redis Or middleware block The amount .
Kafka The architecture of
About Kafka The architecture of ( Here's the picture ) Is a distributed multi partition , Multiple copies , High availability for multiple subscribers , High performance , Highly concurrent MQ System .Kafka Write data from Producer Generate , Need to specify Topic, Finally, it is written to a Partition( Some Leader Replica Partition).Kafka The consumption data is from Leader One of the copies Partition Read data to consume . Well, let's look at the hot issues of writing and reading , If the client keeps requesting the same topic, The same partition, When this amount reaches the bearing capacity of the cluster, hot issues are easy to appear . So to avoid such problems, we try to make partition Can more , Let the data be randomly averaged to different partition On , In this way, the bearing capacity will be greater , Hot issues are not easy to appear . also kafka It's called millions qps Of ( This involves kafka The underlying implementation of , The order io, Zero copy and other mechanisms ), Hot issues are relatively difficult to appear . There will be no hot issues about reading data , Because consumers are based on partition To determine the number of , One partition Can only correspond to one consumer of one consumer group . Of course, there will be multiple consumers , In general, it is impossible to reach the read capacity of the server .
Clickhouse The architecture of
clickhouse The architecture of ( Here's the picture ) yes Multi-Master Multi master architecture , The same result can be obtained when the client accesses any node .clickhouse Is a big data storage database , The node itself has qps Limit . Its own hot issues are obvious , High concurrency is not allowed for writing , There is also a high concurrency limit for reads . Let's take a look at clickhouse The execution flow of a request in this multi master Architecture , Here's the picture ,client launch Request1 The request is sent to the node Clickhouse A This request will be forwarded to Request B,Request C,Request D, etc. B,C,D After the node returns the result, it will be sent to the node A, Then the node returns the total data to Client.

1: Hot issues should be considered in terms of reading and writing , The key to solve the hot issues is to realize the decentralization of reading or writing .
2: Achieve good technical architecture design of products , Hot issues are our primary consideration , Understanding the architecture is very important for us to solve hot issues .
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