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My C language learning records (blue bridge) -- files and file input and output

2022-07-06 02:48:00 Someone -jojo

File and file input and output

What is a document

There are different types of documents , In programming , It mainly uses two kinds of documents :

Program files : Include source files ( The suffix is .c), Target file ( The suffix is .o) And executable files . The content of this file is program code .

Data files : The content of the document is not a program , It's data for reading and writing when the program is running , Including the data output to the disk during the program operation and the data for reading during the program operation , Such as the grade data of the whole class 、 Data of goods transaction, etc .

What we discuss in this section is Data files . In order to simplify users' understanding of input and output devices , Users do not have to distinguish between various input and output devices , operating system Treat all kinds of equipment as documents . For example, the terminal keyboard is an input file , The display and printer are output files .

Classification of documents

According to the organization of data , Data files can be divided into ASCII Files and binaries . Data is stored in binary form in memory , If output to external memory without conversion , Binary files , It can be considered as the image of memory data , Called image file . If it is required to use... In external memory ASCII Code storage , It needs to be converted before storage .ASCII Files are also called text files , One character per byte ASCII code .

use ASCII When outputting in code form, bytes and characters correspond one by one , A byte represents a character , So it's easy to process characters one by one , It's also easy to output characters . But it usually takes up more storage space , And it takes time to switch . Output values in binary form , It can save external storage space and conversion time , Output the contents of the storage unit in the memory intact to the external memory disk , At this time, a byte does not necessarily represent a character .

Open and close files

You should open This document , After use close file . actually , The so-called opening a file refers to establishing a corresponding information area for the file ( Used to store information about documents ) And file buffers ( Used to temporarily store input and output data ).

fopen()  Function to open a data file

fopen()  The function is called in **fopen( file name , How to use files );**.

for example :


To open a computer with a name of “ a1 ” The file of , The way to use files is Read in r representative read, Read in ).fopen The return value of the function points to a1 Pointer to file ( namely a1 The starting address of the file information area ). Will usually fopen The return value of the function is assigned to a pointer variable pointing to the file . Such as :

FILE *fp;

fp = fopen("a1","r");

such fp On and file a1 It's connected , Or say fp Yes a1 file .

fclose()  Function to close the data file

After using a file, you should close it , To prevent it from being misused . close Is to undo the file information area and file buffer , Make the file pointer variable no longer point to the file .

fclose()  How to call function :**fclose( The file pointer );**.

for example :


If you don't close the file, you will lose data , You should get into the habit of closing all files before the program terminates .

Read and write data files in sequence

After opening the file , You can read and write it . When writing in sequence , The data written first is stored in the front of the file , The data written later is stored in the later position in the file . In sequential reading , The order of reading data is consistent with the physical order of data in the file . Sequential reading and writing needs to be realized by library functions .

The function of reading or outputting a character to a text file is shown in table :

Function name

Call form


Return value



from fp The file pointed to reads a character

success , Bring back the characters you read ; If it fails, the end of file flag EOF( namely -1



Alphabet character ch Write file pointer variable fp In the file pointed to

Output success , The return value is the output character ; Output failed , Then return to EOF( namely -1


fgetc First letter of f For documents (file), In the middle of the get Said to get , the last one c According to the character char.fputc Also similar .

Enter some characters from the keyboard , Send them to disk one by one , Until the user enters a “ # ” until .

Their thinking

use fgetc Function to enter characters one by one from the keyboard , And then use fputc Function to write to a disk file .

establish 12-1.c File and enter the following code :


#include<stdlib.h>   // stdlib The header file is standard library Standard library header file

int main(){

    FILE * fp;

    char ch,filename[10];

    printf("Please enter the file name:");


    // If the file doesn't exist ,fopen The file will be created

    if((fp=fopen(filename,"w"))==NULL){    // Open the output file and make fp Point to this file

        printf("Unable to open this file\n");     // If there is an error opening , It outputs “ Cannot be opened ” Information about

        exit(0);     // To terminate the program


    ch=getchar();     // Used to receive the last entered carriage return

    printf("Please enter a string  in the disk(Ends with a #):");

    ch=getchar();     // Receive the first character entered from the keyboard

    while(ch!='#'){     // When the input # End cycle at







    return 0;


Enter the following command to compile and run :

gcc -o 12-1 12-1.c


Enter the following command to view the file file_name The content of :

cat /home/project/file_name

The program runs as follows :


Program analysis

  • exit  Exist in the standard C In the library function of , The function is to terminate the program , When using this function, the beginning of the program should contain  stdlib.h  The header file .
  • The execution process is as follows : First read a character from the keyboard , Check if it is “ # ”, If it is , Indicates the end of the string , Do not execute loop body . If not , Then execute the loop body , Output this character to file.date . Then the character is displayed on the screen , Then read a character from the keyboard . So again and again , Until it appears “ # ” Until the character . At this time, the program has “ hello shiyanlou ” Write with “ file.date ” In named file .

Read and write data files randomly

It's easier to read and write files in sequence , It's also easy to operate , But it's not efficient . For example, the documents contain information about millions of people in a city , We want to find someone , In order to read and write, you need to read in the first data one by one , The waiting time is unbearable .

To solve this problem , Move the position pointer inside the file to the position where you need to read and write , Read and write again , This kind of reading and writing is called random reading and writing . Random access is not read and write according to the physical location of data in the file , It can access data from any location , Obviously, this method is much more efficient than sequential access .

The key to random reading and writing is to move the position pointer as required , That is, the location of the file .

There are two main functions to move the position pointer inside the file , namely  rewind()  and  fseek().

rewind()  The call form of the function is :**rewind( The file pointer );**, Its function is to move the position pointer inside the file to the beginning of the file .

Here is the main introduction fseek function .fseek Function is used to move the position pointer inside the file , Its calling form is :**fseek( The file pointer , Displacement , The starting point );**.

among : The file pointer Point to the moved file ; Displacement Represents the number of bytes moved , The required displacement is long Type data , So that when the file length is greater than 64KB There will be no error when , When the displacement is represented by a constant , Suffix is required “ L ”; The starting point Indicates where to calculate the displacement , There are three starting points specified : File header , Current location and end of file .

Its expression is shown in the following table :

The starting point

A symbol

Digital representation

File header



The current position



end of file



for example :


The meaning is to move the position pointer away from the beginning of the file 100 Bytes .

It should also be noted that fseek Functions are generally used in binary files . In the text file due to the need for conversion , Therefore, errors often occur in the calculated position .


Copy the contents of the file


Achieve one C Language program , It can support the simplest replication function .

Knowledge point

  • Linux Next C Language programming
  • C Language foundation
  • C Program input and output processing
  • C Language file operation

For example, make a copy  /etc/protocols  File to  /tmp  Catalog , The effect of program execution after compilation is as follows :

# compile

$ gcc copy.c -o copy

# function

$ ./copy /etc/protocols /tmp/protocols

Note that the copied file and the target file should be passed in as parameters of the compiled executable file , instead of  scanf()  Read , If you use  scanf()  Reading will cause the test system to wait for timeout .

The fragments of program parameter processing are as follows :

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){



The goal is

  • In the experimental building environment on the right WebIDE Create a new document in , Name it  copy.c;
  • Copy the program fragment to the document  copy.c  in , And supplement documents ;
  • Use a file to complete , Do not use separate header files ;
  • copy.c  You can compile and run in the environment , The compiled executable accepts two parameters , They are the source and target file paths of the copy ;
  • There are two kinds of errors to deal with : The copied source file does not exist , Or the copied target file already exists . When an error occurs, you need to print a with  error  Output information of .

Refer to the answer



int main(int argc,char **argv){ //tips: main Functions should be able to receive parameters on the command line


        return 1;

    // Get the file name

    char* file1 = argv[1];

    char* file2 = argv[2];

    FILE  *fp1,*fp2;

    char ch;

    // Read source file


       printf("File isn't exist!\n");

    // Create destination file


       printf("File can't be created!\n");

    // Read and write files





    return 0;




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