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Introduction to robotframework (II) app startup of appui automation

2022-07-06 02:37:00 Makasa


This chapter focuses on appUI A small example of Automation

  • ps: Although this is a small example , But if you want to pass robot To do appUI automation , It's all the same , You can search for keyword combinations to use

    In fact, under normal circumstances , We will use code directly to realize automation , Not in ride Shangxingha , I'll talk about it later robotframework Construction of framework

One 、 Create test cases

 Insert picture description here

Two 、app Start step

1、 download robotframework-AppiumLibrary

pip install robotframework-AppiumLibrary

 Insert picture description here

2、 Guide the package in the test suite

  • Be careful : The package name should be strictly case sensitive , After downloading the package , Remember to guide again
  • Red : It means that the package import failed , black : Then the package is successfully imported
    If red is displayed , If you don't know why , Can open Tools–View RIDE Log Look at the specific errors reported in the log

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3、UI Use case writing

 Parameters 1、Appium Where url route ( This is fixed ):http://localhost:4723/wd/hub

 Parameters 2、platformName: Name of the tested platform  Android/ios

 Parameters 3、platformVersion : edition 

 Parameters 4、deviceName: Equipment name 

 Parameters 5、appPackage: test app The package name 

 Parameters 6、appActivity: test app Of activity name 

 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here

If you don't know how to use specific keywords ? You can press the shortcut key F5, You can search

 Insert picture description here

4、 Run the use case to see the results

 Insert picture description here

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