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Model-Free Control

2022-07-07 00:27:00 Evergreen AAS

The last one is a summary Model-Free Predict Problems and methods , The content of this paper Model-Free Control Method , namely “Optimise the value function of an unknown MDP”.

Explain here ,Model-Free Predict/Control Not just for Model-Free The situation of , It also applies to MDP Known problem :

  • MDP model is unknown, but experience can be sampled.
  • MDP model is known, but is too big to use, except by samples.

In the official introduction Model-Free Control Before method , Let's introduce On-policy Learning And Off-policy Learning.

On-policy Learning vs. Off-policy Learning

On-policy Learning:

  • “Learn on the job”
  • Learn about policy π from experience sampled from π( That is, the sampling strategy is consistent with the learning strategy )

Off-policy Learning:

  • “Look over someone’s shoulder”
  • Learn about policy π from experience sampled from μ( That is, the sampling strategy is inconsistent with the learning strategy )

On-Policy Monte-Carlo Learning

Generalized Policy Iteration

Concrete Control Method , stay 《 Dynamic programming 》 In the article, we mentioned Model-based Generalized strategy iteration under GPI frame , That's in Model-Free Is it also applicable in case ? The picture below shows Model-based Generalized strategy iteration under GPI frame , There are mainly two parts : Strategy evaluation and based on Greedy Strategy improvement of strategy .

Model-Free Strategy assessment

stay 《Model-Free Predict》 We introduced two kinds of Model-Free Strategy evaluation method :MC and TD. Let's talk about using MC Cases of Model-Free Strategy assessment . Pictured above GPI As shown in the frame :

  • be based on V(s) The improvement of greedy strategy needs MDP It is known that :

\pi'(s) = \arg\max_{a\in A}\Bigl(R_{s}^{a}+P_{ss'}^{a}V(s')\Bigr)

  • be based on Q(s,a) There is no need to MDP It is known that , namely Model-Free:

\pi'(s) = \arg\max_{a\in A}Q(s, a)

therefore Model-Free I need to be right Q(s,a) Strategy assessment , Whole GPI Strategy iteration should also be based on Q(s,a)

Model-Free Strategy improvement

Determine the object of strategy evaluation , The next thing to consider is how to evaluate the results based on strategies Q(s,a) Carry out strategy improvement . because Model-Free Our strategy evaluation is based on experience samples( That is, evaluated q(s,a) There is bias), So we don't use pure greedy Strategy , Prevent the deviation of strategy evaluation from leading the whole strategy iteration to local optimization , Instead, it uses explore Functional ϵ-greedy Algorithm :

\pi(a|s) = \begin{cases} &\frac{\epsilon}{m} + 1 - \epsilon, &\text{if } a^*=\arg\max_{a\in A}Q(s, a)\\ &\frac{\epsilon}{m}, &\text{otherwise} \end{cases}

therefore , We're sure Model-Free Under the Monto-Carlo Control:


First, post it directly David The courseware of ,GLIE Introduce the following :

about ϵ-greedy In terms of algorithm , If ϵ As the number of iterations gradually decreases to 0, that ϵ-greedy yes GLIE, namely :

\epsilon_{k} = \frac{1}{k}

GLIE Monto-Carlo Control

  • about episode Each state in S~t~ And the action A~t~

N(S_t, A_t) ← N(S_t, A_t) + 1 \\ Q(S_t, A_t) ← Q(S_t, A_t) + \frac{1}{N(S_t, A_t)}(G_t - Q(S_t, A_t))

  • Based on the new action value function promotion strategy :

\epsilon ← \frac{1}{k}\\ \pi ← \epsilon\text{-greedy}(Q)

Theorem :GLIE Monto-Carlo Control Converge to the optimal action value function , namely :

Q(s, a) → q_*(s, a)

On-Policy Temporal-Difference Learning


We have concluded before TD relative MC The advantages of :

  • Low variance
  • Online
  • Incomplete sequence

Then a natural idea is to use TD Instead of MC:

  • Use TD To calculate Q(S,A)
  • Still use ϵ-greedy Strategy improvement
  • every last step updated

Through the above changes On-Policy The Monte Carlo method of became famous Sarsa.

  • Update the action value function
  • Control

Sarsa The pseudo-code of the algorithm is as follows :


n-step Sarsa returns It can be expressed as follows :n=1 when :q_{t}^{(1)} = R_{t+1} + \gamma Q(S_{t+1})n=2 when :q_{t}^{(2)} = R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + \gamma^2 Q(S_{t+2})…n=∞ when :q_{t}^{\infty} = R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + … + \gamma^{T-1} R_T) therefore ,n-step return q_{t}^{(n)} = R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + … + \gamma^{n}Q(S_{t+n})

n-step Sarse Update formula :

Q(S_t,A_t) ← Q(S_t,A_t) + \alpha (q_t^{(n)} - Q(S_t,A_t))

Concrete Sarsa(λ) The algorithm pseudo code is as follows :

among E(s,a) For qualification trace .

The following figure for Sarsa(λ) be used for Gridworld Schematic diagram of the example :

Off-Policy Learning

Off-Policy Learning The characteristic of is to evaluate the target strategy π(a|s) To calculate v~π~(s) perhaps q~π~(s,a) But follow behavioral strategies {S~1~,A~1~,R~2~,…,S~T~}∼μ(a|s)

Off-Policy Learning What's the point ?

  • Learn from observing humans or other agents
  • Re-use experience generated from old policies π~1~,π~2~,…,π~t−1~
  • Learn about optimal policy while following exploratory policy
  • Learn about multiple policies while following one policy

Importance sampling

The purpose of importance sampling is :Estimate the expectation of a different distribution.

\begin{align} E_{X\sim P}[f(X)] &= \sum P(X)f(X)\\ &= \sum Q(X)\frac{P(X)}{Q(X)}f(X)\\ &= E_{X\sim Q}[\frac{P(X)}{Q(X)}f(X)] \end{align}

Off-Policy MC Importance sampling

Use policy π Produced return To assess the μ :

G_t^{\pi/\mu} = \frac{\pi(A_t|S_t)}{\mu(A_t|S_t)} \frac{\pi(A_{t+1}|S_{t+1})}{\mu(A_{t+1}|S_{t+1})}...\frac{\pi(A_T|S_T)}{\mu(A_T|S_T)}G_t

Towards the right return Direction to update value :

V(S_t) ← V(S_t) + \alpha\Bigl(\textcolor{Red}{G_t^{\pi/\mu}}-V(S_t)\Bigr)

Two things to note :

  • Cannot use if μ is zero when π is non-zero
  • Importance sampling will significantly increase variance

Off-Policy TD Importance sampling

TD It's a one-step , So use strategy π Produced TD targets To assess the μ :

V(S_t) ← V(S_t) + \alpha\Bigl(\frac{\pi(A_t|S_t)}{\mu(A_t|S_t)}(R_{t+1}+\gamma V(S_{t+1}))-V(S_t)\Bigr)

  • Variance ratio MC The importance of version sampling is much lower


Previously, we introduced the value function V(s) Conduct off-policy Study , Now let's discuss how to evaluate the action value function Q(s,a) Conduct off-policy Study :

  • No importance sampling is required
  • Use behavioral strategies to choose the next action :A_{t+1}\sim\mu(·|S_t)
  • But there is still another follow-up action to consider :A’\sim\pi(·|S_t)
  • Update towards the value of another subsequent action Q(S_t, A_t)

Q(S_t, A_t) ← Q(S_t, A_t) + \alpha\Bigl(R_{t+1}+\gamma Q(S_{t+1}, A')-Q(S_t, A_t)\Bigr)

After discussing the learning of action value function , Let's see how to pass Q-Learning Conduct Control:

  • Both behavior strategy and goal strategy are improved
  • Target strategy π With greedy Ways to improve :

\pi(S_t) = \arg\max_{a'}Q(S_{t+1}, a')

  • Behavioral strategies μ With ϵ-greedy Ways to improve
  • Q-Learning target:

\begin{align} &R_{t+1}+\gamma Q(S_{t+1}, A')\\ =&R_{t+1}+\gamma Q\Bigl(S_{t+1}, \arg\max_{a'}Q(S_{t+1}, a')\Bigr)\\ =&R_{t+1}+\max_{a'}\gamma Q(S_{t+1}, a') \end{align}

Q-Learning Of backup tree As shown below :

About Q-Learning Conclusion :

Q-learning control converges to the optimal action-value function, Q(s,a)→q~∗~(s,a)

Q-Learning The specific pseudo code of the algorithm is as follows :

contrast Sarsa And Q-Learning Two of the most important differences can be found :

  • TD target Different formulas
  • Q-Learning The next action in is selected from the behavior strategy , Not the target strategy

DP vs. TD

The differences between the two are shown in the table below :


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