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Mp3mini playback module Arduino < dfrobotdfplayermini H> function explanation

2022-07-06 12:04:00 A geek is as deep as the sea

Intended to DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h The common functions in the library are analyzed

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the serial port function of serial port communication , Do not analyze and use the hardware .

About the use of hardware IO mouth Make another analysis when you have time .

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 Insert picture description here

Use this library , The beginning is different

#include "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h"
DFRobotDFPlayerMini myDFPlayer; // Example object name 

MP3mini The module uses serial port communication , I use virtual serial port here

#include "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <arduino.h>
DFRobotDFPlayerMini myDFPlayer;  // Example object name 
SoftwareSerial BTserial(12, 13); //  establish SoftwareSerial object ,RX Pin 2, TX Pin 3

steup() Function to initialize


First, simply test the communication
The wiring is as follows

 Insert picture description here

TF Lieutenant general card MP3 The file is in the root directory MP3 The file is named 0003.mp3

/* 【Arduino】66 A series of sensor module experiments (85)  Experiment 85 : Open source  Mini MP3 Player TF Card player module (YX5200-24SS)  One of the procedures , Loop Playback TF Carnet 0003.MP3(MP3 In the folder ), The volume 20 Arduino-------dfplayer 5V-------------VCC GND-----------GND D2-----------TXD D3-----------RXD */

#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
#include "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h"

SoftwareSerial mySoftwareSerial(2, 3); 

DFRobotDFPlayerMini myDFPlayer;

void setup()


myDFPlayer.volume(20);   // The volume is set to 20 

myDFPlayer.loop(3);    // Loop Playback TF In the card  0003.mp3  file 

void loop()

Next, we will explain the library functions one by one according to the order in the technical manual

 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here
Suppose we have instantiated a MP3mini Object of module

#include "DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h"
SoftwareSerial mySoftwareSerial(2, 3); 
DFRobotDFPlayerMini myDFPlayer; // Example object name 
void setup() {

No return value

myDFPlayer.next()        // Next song 
myDFPlayer.previous()    // Last song 
myDFPlayer.play(3)       // Specify track (NUM) 1-2999  Parameters are added  int  Type parameter  
myDFPlayer.volumeUp()    // The volume +
myDFPlayer.volumeDown()  // The volume - 
myDFPlayer.volume(20)    // Specify the volume  0-30
myDFPlayer.EQ(0)         //  Appoint  EQ 0/1/2/3/4/5  Parameter function  Normal/Pop/Rock/Jazz/Classic/Bass ( This one hasn't been used , I'll explain it in detail when I know how to use it )
myDFPlayer.loop(3)       // Single loop specifies the track to play  0-2999 
myDFPlayer.outputDevice(2)// Specify playback settings 1/2/3/4/5  Parameter function  U/SD/AUX/SLEEP/FLASH
myDFPlayer.sleep()       // Go to sleep  --  low power consumption 
myDFPlayer.reset()       // Module reset 
myDFPlayer.start()       // Play 
myDFPlayer.pause()       // Pause 
myDFPlayer.playFolder(1,1)  // Specify a folder to play  1-10( You need to make your own settings )  The front is folder , Followed by the file name in the folder 

About the specified file plus playback , Appoint MP3 file . This place needs to be explained in detail , At that time, I fell into a big misunderstanding when debugging for the first time . After doing this, I found that the name of the folder was wrong .
1、 The name of the folder , Two digits are two digits such as 01, 02···· wait
2、 The folder should be placed in the root directory of the file .
3、 Some said they would put it in one mp3 In the folder of , After my measurement , There's no need . Of course, mine TF There are only files for playback in the card , Nothing else . If your TF There are other folders in the card , That may not be clear .
The naming method is as follows

 Insert picture description here

The first three digits of the file are numbers .
Such as :

 Insert picture description here
such ,playFolder Function can accurately find the specified file in the specified price folder
Folder name (1 ~ 99); file name (1 ~ 255)
such as , We want to play 02 The... In the folder 3 individual MP3
That's how we can write


Continue function interpretation

myDFPlayer.outputSetting(1,2)   // Sound reinforcement settings ( nothing )  Parameters 1:bool type  [DH=1: Open and amplify ]  Parameters 2:uint8_t type  [DL: Set the gain 0-31]
myDFPlayer.enableLoopAll()      // Loop it all 
myDFPlayer.disableLoopAll()     // Stop looping 
myDFPlayer.playMp3Folder(1)     // Appoint  MP3 Folder tracks  0--9999
myDFPlayer.advertise(1)         // Insert ads  0--9999 
myDFPlayer.playLargeFolder(1,2) // Usage and playFolder equally , This supports more  
myDFPlayer.stopAdvertise()      // Stop broadcasting , Play background 
myDFPlayer.stop()               // Stop playing 
myDFPlayer.loopFolder(2)        // Specify a folder to cycle through   The parameter is the name in the specified folder 
myDFPlayer.randomAll()          // Random broadcast 
myDFPlayer.enableLoop()         // Loop playback is off 
myDFPlayer.disableLoop()        // Cycle play on 
myDFPlayer.enableDAC()          // close DAC
myDFPlayer.disableDAC()         // Turn on DAC

Query type function , There is a return value , All return to int Data of type

myDFPlayer.readState()          // Query current status 
myDFPlayer.readVolume()         // Query the current volume 
myDFPlayer.readEQ()             // Query the current  EQ
myDFPlayer.readFileCounts(DFPLAYER_DEVICE_SD) // Number of query files 
                            // DFPLAYER_DEVICE_U_DISK : Inquire about  UDISK  Total number of files 
                            // DFPLAYER_DEVICE_SD :  Inquire about  TF  Total number of files on the card 
                            // DFPLAYER_DEVICE_FLASH :  Inquire about  FLASH  Total number of files 
myDFPlayer.readCurrentFileNumber(DFPLAYER_DEVICE_SD) // Query the current track 
                            // DFPLAYER_DEVICE_U_DISK : Inquire about  UDISK  Your current track 
                            // DFPLAYER_DEVICE_SD :  Inquire about  TF  Current track of the card 
                            // DFPLAYER_DEVICE_FLASH :  Inquire about  FLASH  Your current track 
myDFPlayer.readFileCountsInFolder(2) // Query the total number of files in the specified folder 
myDFPlayer.readFolderCounts()        // Query the total number of files 

above , It's what I sorted DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h Library function sorting


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