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Service ability of Hongmeng harmonyos learning notes to realize cross end communication

2022-07-06 13:28:00 Intoxication, thousand layer dream

One 、 Basic concepts

be based on Service Template Ability( hereinafter referred to as “Service”) Mainly used for background running tasks ( Such as performing music playback 、 File download, etc ), But it doesn't provide a user interface .Service It can be used by other applications or Ability start-up , Even if users switch to other applications ,Service Will continue to run in the background .

Service It's a single instance . On a device , same Service There will only be one instance . If more than one Ability Share this example , Only when and Service All of the binding Ability When they all quit ,Service To quit . because Service Is executed in the main thread , therefore , If in Service The operation time inside is too long , The developer must be in Service Create a new thread to handle , Prevent the main thread from blocking , The application is not responding . For more information, please refer to Official documents

Two 、 Use

1. establish Service

newly build ServiceAbility Inherit Ability

public class ServiceAbility extends Ability {
    private static final HiLogLabel LABEL_LOG = new HiLogLabel(3, 0xD001100, "Demo");

    public void onStart(Intent intent) {
        HiLog.info(LABEL_LOG, "ServiceAbility::onStart");

    public void onBackground() {
        HiLog.info(LABEL_LOG, "ServiceAbility::onBackground");

    public void onStop() {
        HiLog.info(LABEL_LOG, "ServiceAbility::onStop");

    public void onCommand(Intent intent, boolean restart, int startId) {

    public IRemoteObject onConnect(Intent intent) {
        return new GameRemoteObject("GameRemoteObject").asObject();

    public void onDisconnect(Intent intent) {

    /** *  Used to accept cross end information  * */
    private static class GameRemoteObject extends RemoteObject implements IRemoteBroker{

        public GameRemoteObject(String descriptor) {

        public IRemoteObject asObject() {
            return this;

        public boolean onRemoteRequest(int code, MessageParcel data, MessageParcel reply, MessageOption option){
            // Accept cross end information 
            String message =data.readString();

            // adopt  ConnectionHelper  Call back the message to  PageAbility

            // Send back the result to the message sender 
            return true;


At the same time config.json Registration is required in the file
 Insert picture description here

2. establish ConnectionHelper

public class ConnectionHelper {

    /** *  Private constructor , Avoid extra instantiation of singletons  */
    private ConnectionHelper(){

    /** *  Static inner class , Hold only  ConnectionHelper  example  */
    private static class ConnectionHelperHolder{
        private static final ConnectionHelper INSTANCE =new ConnectionHelper();

    ![/** *  Provide external methods for obtaining instances  *](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/c13fc3bfef3c4c1ba23a60ed3308f532.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark,type_d3F5LXplbmhlaQ,shadow_50,text_Q1NETiBA6YaJ5oSP5Li25Y2D5bGC5qKm,size_20,color_FFFFFF,t_70,g_se,x_16) * @return ConnectionHelper  example  */
    public static ConnectionHelper getInstance(){
        return ConnectionHelperHolder.INSTANCE;

    /** *  Communication callback  */
    private IConnectionCallback mConnectionCallback;

    /** *  Set communication callback  * * @param connectionCallback  Communication callback  */
    public void setCallback(IConnectionCallback connectionCallback){

    /** *  Send a message  * * @param message  news  */
    public void sendMessage(String message){

    public interface IConnectionCallback {

        /** *  Communication callback  * * @param message  news  */
        void onCallback(String message);

3. establish RemoteProxy

public class RemoteProxy implements IRemoteBroker {

    private static final HiLogLabel LABEL_LOG = new HiLogLabel(0,0x01008,"RemoteProxy");

    private final IRemoteObject remote;

    /** *  Construction method  * * @param remote IRemoteObject example  */
    public RemoteProxy(IRemoteObject remote) {
        this.remote = remote;

    public IRemoteObject asObject() {
        return remote;

    public void sendMessage(String message){
        // Encapsulate messages into MessageParcel
        MessageParcel data= MessageParcel.obtain();

        MessageParcel reply =MessageParcel.obtain();
        MessageOption option =new MessageOption(MessageOption.TF_SYNC);
        try {
            // adopt RemoteObject Instance send message 

            // Get the message delivery results 
            int ec=reply.readInt();
            if(ec!= Constants.ERR_OK){
                throw new RemoteException();
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            HiLog.error(LABEL_LOG,"RemoteException: %{public}s",e.getMessage());

4. start-up service

There's no need to start setvice, Connect directly
Start local device Service The code example of is as follows :

Intent intent = new Intent();
Operation operation = new Intent.OperationBuilder()

Start the remote device Service The code example of is as follows :

Intent intent = new Intent();
Operation operation = new Intent.OperationBuilder()
        .withFlags(Intent.FLAG_ABILITYSLICE_MULTI_DEVICE) //  Set the identification to support multi device startup of distributed dispatching system 

5. Connect Service

Define related variables

private Text countdownText;

private static RemoteProxy mRemoteProxy=null;

private final IAbilityConnection connection=new IAbilityConnection() {
        public void onAbilityConnectDone(ElementName elementName, IRemoteObject iRemoteObject, int i) {
            // Successful connection , Instantiate agent 
            mRemoteProxy=new RemoteProxy(iRemoteObject);
                countdownText.setText(" Connected ");


        public void onAbilityDisconnectDone(ElementName elementName, int i) {


Join function

private void connectService(String deviceId){
        Intent intent=new Intent();
        Operation operation=new Intent.OperationBuilder()


Send message function

private void sendMessage(String message){
            ToastUtils.show(getContext()," No cross end connection broker ");

Message handler

private void handleMessage(String message){
        // Process the received message 

Final effect , When the connection is normal, the words "connected" will appear
 Insert picture description here

3、 ... and 、 Be careful

In order to correctly connect the host end and the remote end , The host side actively connects to the remote side , The remote side actively connects to the host side . stay onStart In the function, you should get the devices on the host side and the remote side ID


At the same time, judge whether the current page is created in the form of host or remote end , And in onActive The function uses different connection parameters according to whether it is the host

else {

Four 、 Reference resources

Official development documents of Hongmeng
Hongmeng official example code


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