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Does Conway's Law Matter for System Architecture?
2022-08-02 05:48:00 【jeff-Y】
Does Conway's Law Matter for System Architecture??
After learning about microservices,Agile development and our current organizational structure,If there were some correlations between.比如A团队负责a服务,B团队服务b服务,Then the microservices between the entire departments are strung together to form a large service system.So why arrange it this way??
*organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations. — M. Conway
Conway's law but out half a century earlier than the service,Conway's Law may be the first principles of microservice system design.Next, let's understand the content of Conway's law.
Interpretation of Conway's Law by Famous Scholars
Let's first see how the big guys interpret it,Ten million people have ten million Hamlets in their hearts.As the environment changes,Understanding of the things one by one and cognitive will also change,may misinterpret the meaning of the original author(产生争议),Maybe it will be sublimated to another level on the meaning of the original author.
- 尤尔登和康斯坦丁更坚定地重新表述了康威定律:
– Edward Yourdon 和 Larry L. Constantine,结构化设计,1979
- 埃里克·雷蒙德 (Eric Raymond) 重申了康威定律如下:
——埃里克·雷蒙德,新黑客词典(第 3 版),1996 年
- 埃里克·雷蒙德 (Eric Raymond) 重申了康威定律如下:
——埃里克·雷蒙德,新黑客词典(第 3 版),1996 年
- 如果您有 4 个小组在开发一个编译器,您将获得一个 4-pass 编译器.
——埃里克·雷蒙德,新黑客词典(第 3 版)p.124., 1996
- 将Tom Cheatham 的修正案添加到康威定律中.
如果一组 N 人实施 COBOL 编译器,则将有 N-1 次通过.小组中的某个人必须是经理.
——埃里克·雷蒙德,新黑客词典(第 3 版)p.124., 1996
- 如果一个组织的各个部分(例如团队、部门或分部)没有密切反映产品的本质部分,or if the relationship between the organizations does not reflect the relationship between the product parts,那么项目就会陷入困境……因此:确保组织与产品架构兼容.
- James Coplien 和 Neil Harrison 敏捷软件开发的组织模式,2004
- 艾伦·凯利的推论:
- 如果系统架构和组织架构不一致,则组织架构获胜.
– Ruth Malan,康威定律,2008 年 2 月 13 日
- 露丝·马兰 (Ruth Malan) 一直擅长以引人入胜的方式制定康威定律:
- 如果我们对系统分解进行初步猜测,将子系统分配给团队,然后开始行动,康威定律也会起作用——团队边界将趋向于成为系统内的边界.
– Ruth Malan,康威定律,2008 年 2 月 13 日
*- Michael Feathers,推特,Reddit 和康威定律,2017 年
- 团队分配是架构的初稿.
迈克尔·尼加德, 2007
- 康威定律的另一个含义是,如果我们让经理决定团队,并决定将构建哪些服务,由哪些团队决定,我们就隐含地让经理决定系统架构.
– Ruth Malan,康威定律,2008 年 2 月 13 日
- 我更相信自称是架构师的人需要技术和社交技能,他们需要了解人并在社交框架内工作.他们还需要一个比纯技术更广泛的职权范围——他们需要在组织结构和人事问题上有发言权,即他们也需要成为一名经理.
Allan Kelly,回到康威定律,2006 年 1 月 6 日
- 当我想到我认识的真正优秀的技术人员时……他们迟早都会意识到解决技术问题需要他们在技术领域之外工作.
Personal experience and understanding of Conway's Law
- See from the above,Conway's Law addresses the impact between team organization and system architecture,But through my personal manager.That's what you see.
- In my first company in the first place,It is divided into teams according to business lines and responsible services.The property line,financial line,Health line, etc..There are some general product line(I was in the product line),中台部门 ,基础架构部门.如下图.
Through the above organizational chart, let's first judge the structure of the entire company.
- 基础架构组,提供基础服务, Include some message middleware,Service infrastructure, etc.,
- The product line of the middle platform under the middle platform Provide the company's core modular services ,The coincidence of the general product line and the middle platform product line is just that the general product line is an old version of the middle platform service,Unsplit service.
- business line,Customized development for the basic services provided by the middle office service,provide services to users.
是的,It is indeed from the organizational architecture diagram that we can see the interaction logic between our system architectures.Just like Conway's Law:组织设计就是系统设计.
The line of business I was in at the time was in the generic product line,给我最大的感觉就是,This line is not safe,may be optimized away,As a developer, I feel very insecure(and I just maintain old products,Not responsible for new migrations),在架构设计中,There is another thing called Maslow's theorem that does not give developers enough sense of security,Cause I'm migration resent China this matter.So much so that I don't cooperate or even do some"protect old systems"的做法.Slow pace of service sinking due to the presence of multiple people like me,In the end, when I left, the migration was not successful..This is consistent with Conway's theorem: 如果系统架构和组织架构不一致,则组织架构获胜,I personally think that the development of the architectural direction is hindered,The organization won.That is, the generic product line wins,The pace of being killed is very slow.
我们在开发的过程中,Do you often call someone else's service?? This is not as good as my own writing.For most programmers,Writing code is easier than communicating across teams,and less experienced programmers just do it.In the end in the same logicABCDservices exist,The product said that this logic needs to be changed,于是aThe team forgot to change,导致了线上事故.突然想到了一句话: 多数人为了逃避真正的思考愿意做任何事情. Yes, the boasting team problem seems to exist in any company,The solution must be to group closely connected teams together.,or belong to the sameleader.Such architectural design has been consolidated due to the adjustment of the organizational structure.可以看的出 系统的架构以开发它的团队的形式得到巩固.
- Conway's Law may be one of the first principles of microservice architecture,Following it can make our system architecture and organizational structure reasonable,更加稳定.Let our developers is more efficient.
- Above we have some personal experiences through famous scholars and me,Know about Conway's Law.在总结下,That is, there is mutual influence between organizational structure and system structure.,The correct way is to set the organizational structure through the system architecture,Because organizational structure wins over system structure.
- Maslow's theorem also plays an important role in system design,From a certain point of view,This is actually included in the organizational structure.,That is to say, the setting of organizational structure personnel can be carried out according to Maslow's theorem.
- Conway's law is important for system architecture!!!!!
Some personal understandings and humble opinions,Hope you guys can correct me!!
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