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Wangeditor rich text component - copy available

2022-07-06 11:33:00 iatkotworld

Function is introduced :

This article records wangeditor The most basic usage , For more usage, please go to the official website .

The whole idea :

Typescript Developed Web Rich text editor , Light weight 、 concise 、 Easy to use 、 Free open source ( From website ).

Concrete realization :

One 、 install :

npm i wangeditor --save

Two 、 Introduce and use :

		<div ref="richText" style="height: 100%;"></div>
//  Import rich text editor 
import wangeditor from 'wangeditor';
export default {
    name: "richtext",
	data() {
        return {
        	richTextEditor: {
    mounted() {
    	//  call 
    methods: {
    	//  Rich text box initialization 
	    initRichText() {
	    	this.richTextEditor = new WangEditor(self.$refs.richText);
	    	//  Configuration menu bar , Cut the menu , Adjust the order 
	    	this.richTextEditor.config.menus = [
				'head', //  title 
				'bold', //  In bold 
				'fontSize', //  Font size 
				'fontName', //  typeface 
				'italic', //  Italics 
				'underline', //  Underline 
				'strikeThrough', //  Delete line 
				'indent', //  Indent 
				'lineHeight', //  Row height 
				'foreColor', //  Text color 
				'backColor', //  Background color 
				'link', //  link 
				'list', //  Sequence 
				'todo', //  To do list 
				'justify', //  alignment 
				'quote', //  quote 
				// 'emoticon',
				// 'image', //  picture 
				// 'video',
				'table', //  form 
				// 'code', //  Code 
				'splitLine', //  Split line 
				'undo', //  revoke 
				'redo', //  recovery 
        	//  Use base64 Save the picture 
        	this.richTextEditor.config.uploadImgShowBase64 = true;
	        //  Hide web pictures 
	        this.richTextEditor.config.showLinkImg = false;
	        //  Configure the full screen function button not to display 
	        // this.richTextEditor.config.showFullScreen = true;
	        //  Set the height of the editor content area 
	        this.richTextEditor.config.height = 150;
	        //  Set the of rich text z-index
	        this.richTextEditor.config.zIndex = 105;
	        //  Disable automatic selection 
	        this.richTextEditor.config.focus = false;
	        //  modify  placeholder  The prompt text of 
	        this.richTextEditor.config.placeholder = '';
	        //  The menu bar prompt is subscript 
	        // this.richTextEditor.config.menuTooltipPosition = 'bottom';
	        //  Remove the default style of copied text 
	        this.richTextEditor.config.pasteFilterStyle = true;
	        this.richTextEditor.config.onchange = this.richTextChange;
	        //  assignment 
	        const myHtml = '<p>123</p>';
	    //  The content of the rich text box changes , Value 
	    richTextChange(newHtml) {
	    	//  obtain  html
	    	//  obtain  text  Text 

3、 ... and 、 Use ( Form validation , combination element-ui Use ):

Non empty verification , Set a hidden input Components , Be responsible for using the verification prompt .

	<el-form ref="form" :model="form" :rules="rules" size="small" label-position="top" >
          <el-form-item label=" Content " prop="noticeContent" >
            <el-input v-if="false" v-model="form.content" readonly />
            <div ref="richText" class="richText" style="height: 100%;"/>
export default {
  data() {
  	//  Custom validation 
    const contentLength = (rule, value, callback) => {
      if (value === '') {
        callback(new Error(' The content cannot be empty ');
      } else {
        if (this.richTxt.length > 100) {
          callback(new Error(' The number of words cannot exceed 100 word ');
    return {
      form: {
        content: ''
      //  Form validation 
      rules: {
        //  Announcement content 
        content: [
     validator: contentLength, trigger: 'change' }
      richTxt: '',
      //  Rich text editing component 
      richTextEditor: {
  watch: {
    //  Announcement content verification monitoring 
    'form.content': {
      handler() {
      	//  Call form validation 
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    //  Rich text box initialization 
    initRichText() {
      //  Omit the initialization code above 
      //  binding change event 
      this.richTextEditor.config.onchange = this.richTextChange;
    //  Copy the contents of the rich text box 
    richTextChange(newHtml) {
      this.richTxt = this.richTextEditor.txt.text();
      this.form.content= newHtml;
