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Strings and characters
2022-07-04 10:38:00 【She was your flaw】
character string
One 、 Strings and characters
- What is a string (str)
Container data type ; take ’ ‘ perhaps ’’’ ‘’‘ perhaps """ “”" As a container mark , Each symbol in quotation marks is an element of a string .(’’’’’‘ and ”“”“”“ When representing the contents of a string, the line break can be performed without using escape characters , And press enter directly )
String immutable ( Addition, deletion and modification are not supported ); String order ( Subscript operation is supported )
Elements : Each individual symbol in quotation marks is an element of a string ( Also called character ), Characters can be any symbol .
Characters fall into two categories : Ordinary character ( Represents the character of the symbol itself )、 Escape character ( The existence of symbols has special functions and meanings )
str1 = '90,100' # Yes 6 String elements
str2 = "jofjkn= It's accounting "
str3 = 'abc\n123'
str4 = '''131 adc'''
str5 = """dsd asd bgf """
str6 = 'abc\n123' # 'ABC123'
- Elements of string – character
Characters are divided into ordinary characters and escape characters
Escape character – Add \ Let symbols have special functions , Common escape characters are as follows :
\n – Line break
\t – Horizontal tabs ( amount to tab Key function )
’ – Represents an ordinary single quotation mark
" – Represents an ordinary double quotation mark
\ – Represents a common backslash
The length of an escape character is 1
\u4 Character encoding value of bit – Encoded characters
str7= '\tabc\n123'
str8 = 'it\'s me!'
print(str8) # it's me!
str9 = "it's me!"
str10 = "I say:\"you see see, one day day!\""
str11 = 'I say:"you see see, one day day!"'
str12 = 'abc\\name\u4eff'
print(str12) # abc\name Imitation
str13 = '' # "",'''''',""""""
print(type(str13), len(str13))
- Character encoding
( 1) code
Computers can only store numbers directly ( And the binary complement of the saved number ), Text symbols cannot be stored directly in the computer .
In order to enable the computer to have the ability to store text symbols , We give all the characters a fixed number , The corresponding number of the symbol should be stored every time .
The number corresponding to the symbol is the coded value of the symbol
(2) Encoding table - Save the table of symbols and corresponding relationships
(2.1) ASCII clock
a. All in all 128 Characters ( American symbol )
b. The number is in front of the letter ; Uppercase letters precede lowercase letters ; Capital letters and There are other symbols between lowercase letters
(2.2) Unicode Encoding table (Python)
a. Unicode The coding table is correct ASCII Extension of table , Including all countries in the world Symbols of all nations and languages ( Also known as the universal code ), in total :65536 individual
b. Chinese range :4e00 ~ 9fa5
(2.3) Code value in Python The use of
a. chr function :chr( Encoding value ) - Get the character corresponding to the encoded value
b. ord function :ord( character ) - Get the encoded value of the character
c. Encoded characters :\u4e00 (4e00 It's just one. 16 Binary encoded value )
Be careful :python Where characters are required in, the length must be 1 String assignment of
1) chr
print(chr(35), chr(0x23))
print(chr(0x4e00)) # One
print(chr(0x9fa5)) # A kind of
num = 0
for x in range(0x4e00, 0x9fa5+1):
print(chr(x), end=' ')
num += 1
if num % 30 == 0:
print(ord(' Tan '), ord(' Cai ')) # 35885 20594
practice : Convert upper case letters to corresponding lower case letters
A -> a, M -> m
c = 'M'
new_c = chr(ord(c) + 32)
str14 = 'abc\u5fdd'
Two 、 String related operations
- check - Gets the character of the string
The syntax of getting characters from strings is exactly the same as that of getting elements from lists
str1 = '\tabc\n123\'+-'
# print(str1[100]) # IndexError: string index out of range
print(str1[5:8], str1[5:-3])
for x in str1:
for index in range(len(str1)):
print(index, str1[index])
for index, item in enumerate(str1):
print(index, item)
- Numeric operators :+、*
print('hello' + 'word!') # helloword!
print('hello' * 2) # hellohello
name = ' Xiao Ming '
full name : Xiao Ming
print(' full name :' + name) # full name : Xiao Ming
practice : Extract lowercase letters in characters
'ss Give it a try 78,mvn0-k= attend class;class begins 23' --> 'ssmvnk'
str2 = 'ss Give it a try 78,mvn0-k= attend class;class begins 23'
new_str2 = ''
for x in str2:
if 97 <=ord(x) <= 122:
new_str2 += x
print(new_str2) # 'ssmvnk'
new_str2 = [x for x in str2 if 97 <= ord(x) <= 122]
print(new_str2) # ['s', 's', 'm', 'v', 'n', 'k']
- Comparison operator
- Comparison is equal :==、!=
print('abc' == 'abc') # True
print('abc' == 'acb') # False
- Compare the size :>、<、>=、<=
Two strings compare size , The comparison is the size of the encoded values of the first pair of unequal characters
char = ?
Judge whether the segment is a numeric character : ‘0’ <= char <= ‘9’
Determine if it's lowercase : ‘a’ <= char <= ‘z’
Decide if it's a capital letter : ‘A’ <= char <= ‘Z’
Decide if it's a letter : ‘a’ <= char <= ‘z’ or ‘A’ <= char <= ‘Z’
Judge whether it is Chinese :’\u4e00’ <= char <= ‘\u9fa5’
print('MNxy' > 'ab') # False
print(' how are you ' > 'hello') # True
print('123' > 'KM123') # False
print('M' > 'N')
practice 2:
str3 = ‘ Hello loe–23=sks;M9JHkyu yes -12 Shankara ’
1) Practice counting the number of Chinese characters
2) Print all numeric characters in the string
3) Extract all the letters in the string
Method 1
count = 0
for x in str3:
if '\u4e00' <= x <= '\u9fa5':
count += 1
print(' The number of Chinese :', count)
for x in str3:
if '0' <= x <= '9':
new_str = ''
for x in str3:
if 'a' <= x <= 'z' or 'A' <= x <= 'Z':
new_str += x
print(' All the letters :', new_str)
Method 2
str3 = ' Hello loe--23=sks;M9JHkyu yes -12 Shankara '
count = 0
c = ''
new_str = ''
for x in str3:
if '\u4e00' <= x <= '\u9fa5':
count += 1
elif '0' <= x <= '9':
c += x
elif 'a' <= x <= 'z' or 'A' <= x <= 'Z':
new_str += x
print(count, c, new_str)
- in and not in
character string 1 in character string 2 - Judgment string 2 Whether there is a string in 1( Judgment string 1 Whether it's a string 2 The string of )
print('abc' in 'abc123') # True
print('abc' in 'abc123') # True
print(10 in [10, 20, 30]) # True
print([10, 20] in [10, 20, 30]) # False
print('ac' in 'abc123') # False
- r grammar (r-string) - Prefix the string with r/R
If you prefix a string with r, Then the function of all escape characters in the string will disappear .( Prevent escape )
str4 = r'abc\n123'
print(str4) # abc\n123
path = R'c:\\users\name\test\a.txt'
- Correlation function
len ( To obtain the length of the )
str( data ) - Convert data to string ( Any type of data type can be converted into a string ; When converting, put quotation marks outside the printed value of the data )
eval( character string ) - Remove the outermost quotation marks of the string , get data ( If there is not a data after removing the quotation marks , Just calculate the result of the expression )
str(100) # '100'
str(12.5) # '12.5'
str([10, 20, 30]) # '[10, 20, 30]'
str([1,2,3]) # '[1, 2, 3]'
print([1,2,3]) # [1, 2, 3]
'a': 10, 'b': 20}) # "{'a': 10, 'b': 20}"
'a': 10, "b": 20}) # "{'a': 10, 'b': 20}"
'a': 10, "b": 20}) # {'a': 10, 'b': 20}
str(lambda x: x*2)
print(str(lambda x: x*2)) # '<function <lambda> at 0x10f49d430>'
result1 = eval('100') # 100
print(result1, type(result1)) # 100 <class 'int'>
result2 = eval('[10, 20, 30]') # [10, 20, 30]
print(result2, type(result2)) # [10, 20, 30] <class 'list'>
result3 = eval('10 + 20')
print(result3) # 30
result4 = eval('type(10)')
print(result4) # <class 'int'>
str5 = """{ 'student':[ {'name': ' Xiao Ming ', 'age': 18}, {'name': ' Zhang San ', 'age': 20}, ], 'name': 'python2104' }"""
result4 = eval(str5)
print(result4, result4['student'][0])
abc = 200
print(eval('abc')) # abc
a = b = 10
print(eval('a+b')) # a + b
3、 ... and 、 String related methods
character string .join Sequence – The elements in the sequence are spliced into a string with the specified string ( The element in the sequence must be a string )
list1 = ['abc', 'name', '123', 'sdf']
result = ''.join(list1)
print(result) # abcname123sdf
result1 = '+'.join(list1)
print(result1) # abc+name+123+sdf
result2 = '123'.join('abc')
print(result2) # a123b123c
practice 1: take list2 All elements in are spliced into a string
list2 = ['abc', 100, True, 'hello'] # 'abc100Truehello'
result3 = ''.join([str(x) for x in list2])
print(result3) # abc100Truehello
practice 2: take list2 All strings in are spliced into one string
list2 = ['abc', 100, True, 'hello'] # abchello
result4 = ''.join([x for x in list2 if type(x) == str])
print(result4) # abchello
character string 1.count( character string 2) – Statistics string 1 Middle string 2 Number of occurrences
message = 'how are you? i am fine! thank you! and you?'
result5 = message.count('you')
print(result5) # 3
- index/find
character string 1.index( character string 2) – Get string 2 The first occurrence is in the string 1 Get a position in ( The location is from 0 Starting subscript value )
character string 1.find( character string 2) – Get string 2 The first occurrence is in the string 1 Get a position in ( The location is from 0 Starting subscript value )
In string 2 When it doesn't exist index Will report a mistake ,find Will not report an error and return -1
rindex/rfind - It's from right to left , Found is the last string 2
result6 = message.index('you')
print(result6) # 8
result7 = message.find('you')
print(result7) # 8
result8 = message.rfind('you')
print(result8) # 39
character string 1.split( character string 2) – The string 1 All strings in 2 As a cut point pair string 1 For cutting
character string 1.split( character string 2, N) – Cut at most N Time
Be careful : If how to distribute the cutting points , The number of small strings after cutting is the number of cutting points plus 1
message = 'mnabc123abcxyzabcoop'
result9 = message.split('abc')
print(result9) # ['mn', '123', 'xyz', 'oop']
message = 'abcmnabc123abcxyzabcabcoopabc'
print(message.split('abc')) # ['', 'mn', '123', 'xyz', '', 'oop', '']
message = 'mnabc123abcxyzabcoop'
print(message.split('abc', 1)) # ['mn', '123abcxyzabcoop']
character string 1.replace( character string 2, character string 3) – The string 1 All strings in 2 Replace with a string 3
character string 1.replace( character string 2, character string 3, N) – Just replace before N individual
message = 'how are you? i am fine! thank you! and you?'
result10 = message.replace('you', 'me')
print(result10) # how are me? i am fine! thank me! and me?
result11 = message.replace('you', 'me', 2)
print(result11) # how are me? i am fine! thank me! and you?
- center\rjust\ljust\zfill
character string 1.center( length , Fill character ) – The string 1 Convert to a new string of specified length , Not enough to fill in with the specified character , Center the original string
character string 1.rjust( length , Fill character ) – The string 1 Convert to a new string of specified length , Not enough to fill in with the specified character , The original string is displayed on the right
character string 1.ljust( length , Fill character ) – The string 1 Convert to a new string of specified length , Not enough to fill in with the specified character , The original string is displayed on the left
character string 1.zfill( length ) == character string 1.rjust( length , ‘0’)
str1 = 'abc'
print(str1.center(9, '0')) # 000abc000
print(str1.center(8, 'x')) # xxabcxxx
print(str1.rjust(9, '0')) # 000000abc
print(str1.ljust(9, '0')) # abc000000
3 -> 7
num = 9 # 009
strip - At the same time, remove all blanks on both sides of the string
rstrip - Remove all white space on the right side of the string
lstrip - Remove all blanks on the left of the string
str2 = ‘\t abc 123 \n’
print('------------ Remove the strings on both sides ------------')
Enter a string , Print all characters on odd bits ( The subscript is 1,3,5,7… The character on the bit )
for example : Input **'abcd1234 ’ ** Output **‘bd24’**
message = ' Thermal radiation accessories 58598433huit' print(message[1::2]) # Radially attached 5583hi
enter one user name , Judge whether the user name is legal ( User name length 6~10 position )
message = ' Thermal radiation accessories 58598433huit' if 6 <= len(message) <= 10: print(' user name :', ' legal ') else: print(' user name :', ' illegal ')
enter one user name , Judge whether the user name is legal ( The user name can only consist of numbers and letters )
for example : ‘abc’ — legal ‘123’ — legal ‘abc123a’ — legal
message = '432 be rash and too much in haste KUd' for x in message: if '0' <= x <= '9' or 'a' <= x <= 'z' or 'A' <= x <= 'Z': continue else: print(' illegal ') break else: print(' legal ')
enter one user name , Judge whether the user name is legal ( The user name must contain and can only contain numbers and letters , And the first character must be a capital letter )
for example : ‘abc’ — illegal ‘123’ — illegal ‘abc123’ — illegal ‘Abc123ahs’ — legal
message = 'K32KUd' if 'A' <= message[0] <= 'Z': for x in message: if '0' <= x <= '9' or 'a' <= x <= 'z' or 'A' <= x <= 'Z': continue else: print(' illegal ') break else: print(' legal ')
Enter a string , Take out all the numeric characters in the string to produce a new string
for example : Input **‘abc1shj23kls99+2kkk’** Output :'123992’
message = 'abc1shj23kls99+2kkk' count = '' for x in message: if '0' <= x <= '9': count += x print(count)
Enter a string , Change all lowercase letters in the string into corresponding uppercase letters and output ( use upper Method and write your own algorithm )
for example : Input **‘a2h2klm12+’ ** Output 'A2H2KLM12+'
message = 'a2h2klm12+' count = '' for sin in message: if 'a' <= sin <= 'z': count = chr(ord(sin) - 32) else: count = sin print(count, end='')
Enter a value less than 1000 The number of , Generate the corresponding student number
for example : Input **‘23’, Output ’py1901023’** Input **‘9’, Output ’py1901009’** Input **‘123’, Output ’py1901123’**
x = 'py1901' a = input(' Please enter a value less than 1000 The number of :') print(x+a.zfill(3))
Enter a string , Count the number of non alphanumeric characters in the string
for example : Input **‘anc2+93-sj nonsense ’** Output :4 Input **’===’** Output :3
x = input(' Please enter a string :') count = 0 for i in x: if not (('a' <= i <= 'z' or 'A' <= i <= 'Z') or ('0' <= i <= '9')): count += 1 print(count)
Input string , Change the beginning and end of the string to ’+’, Generate a new string
for example : Input string **‘abc123’, Output ’+bc12+’**
x = input(' Please enter a string :') a = x.replace(x[0], '+') b = a.replace(a[-1], '+') print(b)
Input string , Gets the middle character of the string
for example : Input **‘abc1234’** Output :‘1’ Input **‘abc123’** Output **‘c1’**
x = input(' Please enter a string :')
if len(x) % 2 == 0:
print(x[len(x)//2-1], x[len(x)//2], sep='')
- Write a program to realize the string function find/index The function of ( Get string 1 Middle string 2 First occurrence )
for example : character string 1 by :how are you? Im fine, Thank you! , character string 2 by :you, Print 8
str1 = 'how are you? Im fine, Thank you!'
str2 = 'you'
if str2 in str1:
for index in range(len(str1)-len(str2)+1):
for index1 in range(len(str2)):
if str1[index+index1] != str2[index1]:
- Get the common characters in two strings
for example : character string 1 by :abc123, character string 2 by : huak3 , Print : Common characters are :a3
a = ''
str1 = 'abc123'
str2 = 'dfc89'
for i in str1:
if i in str2:
a += i
print(' Common characters are :', a)
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