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The interface of grafana tool displays an error, incluxdb error

2022-07-05 23:16:00 Wangxupeng

grafana There is no data to show , The interface reports an error

【 Problem description 】

Pressure measurement is a discovery grafana There is no data to show , Panel error display influxDB Error:error parsing query:found rest,expected ) at line 1,char 93

【 Cause analysis 】

Special symbols or parts are used influxdb perhaps grafana Unsupported symbol , Such as influxdb English brackets... Are not supported ,grafana I won't support it / etc.

【 Problem solving 】

Script monitoring application Special characters cannot be filled , Try to be concise in letters or Chinese .

【 Process screenshot 】

grafana Error reporting interface :

Script modification application Value , Special characters are not allowed , Can fill in Chinese , Pure letter , Pure number , Try to be as concise as possible

Normally displayed grafana Interface

