2022-07-05 22:50:00 【明朗晨光】
class Employee {
public int happy; //这名员工可以带来的快乐值
List<Employee> subordinates; //这名员工有哪些直接下级
公司的每个员工都符合 Employee
这个公司现在要办 party,你可以决定哪些员工来,哪些员工不来,规则:
- 如果某个员工来了,那么这个员工的所有直接下级都不能来;
- 排队的整体快乐值是所有到场员工快乐值的累加;
- 你的目标是让排队的整体快乐值尽量大。
给定一棵多叉树的根节点 boss
①目标:以 X 为根的整棵树获得最大 happy 值
1)X 来的情况:假设 X 的直接下级是 a,b,c,那么快乐值 = X.happy + a 不来的 max + b 不来的max + c不来的max;
2)X 不来的情况:快乐值 = 0 + max{a来,a不来} + max{b来,b不来} + max{c来,c不来}
C++ 版
/************************************************************************* > File Name: 042.派对最大快乐值.cpp > Author: Maureen > Mail: [email protected] > Created Time: 二 7/ 5 14:59:05 2022 ************************************************************************/
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class Employee {
int happy;
vector<Employee*> subordinates;
Employee(int h) : happy(h) {
// up为true, 表示cur的上级确定要来的情况,cur 整棵树能提供的最大happy值
// up为false,表示cur的上级确定不来的情况,cur 整棵树能提供的最大happy值
int process1(Employee *cur, bool up) {
if (up) {
int ans = 0;
for (Employee *next : cur->subordinates) {
ans += process1(next, false);
return ans;
} else {
int p1 = cur->happy;
int p2 = 0;
for (Employee *next : cur->subordinates) {
p1 += process1(next, true);
p2 += process1(next, false);
return max(p1, p2);
int maxHappy1(Employee *boss) {
if (boss == nullptr)
return 0;
return process1(boss, false);
class Info {
int no; //根节点不来的情况最大happy值
int yes; //根节点来的情况最大happy值
Info (int n, int y) : no(n), yes(y) {
Info *process(Employee *x) {
if (x == nullptr) {
return new Info(0, 0);
int no = 0;
int yes = x->happy;
for (Employee *next : x->subordinates) {
Info *nextInfo = process(next);
no += max(nextInfo->no, nextInfo->yes);
yes += nextInfo->no;
return new Info(no, yes);
int maxHappy2(Employee *boss) {
Info *allInfo = process(boss);
return max(allInfo->no, allInfo->yes);
//for test
void generateNexts(Employee *e, int level, int maxLevel, int maxNexts, int maxHappy) {
if (level > maxLevel) return ;
int nextsSize = rand() % (maxNexts + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < nextsSize; i++) {
Employee *next = new Employee(rand() % (maxHappy + 1));
generateNexts(next, level + 1, maxLevel, maxNexts, maxHappy);
Employee *generateBoss(int maxLevel, int maxNexts, int maxHappy) {
if ((rand() % 100 / (double)101) < 0.02) return nullptr;
Employee *boss = new Employee(rand() % (maxHappy + 1));
generateNexts(boss, 1, maxLevel, maxNexts, maxHappy);
return boss;
int main() {
int maxLevel = 4;
int maxNexts = 7;
int maxHappy = 100;
int testTimes = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < testTimes + 1; i++) {
Employee *boss = generateBoss(maxLevel, maxNexts, maxHappy);
if (maxHappy1(boss) != maxHappy2(boss)) {
cout << "Failed!" << endl;
return 0;
if (i && i % 1000 == 0) cout << i << " cases passed!" << endl;
cout << "Success!" << endl;
return 0;
Java 版
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class MaxHappy {
public static class Employee {
public int happy;
public List<Employee> nexts;
public Employee(int h) {
happy = h;
nexts = new ArrayList<>();
public static int maxHappy1(Employee boss) {
if (boss == null) {
return 0;
return process1(boss, false);
// 当前来到的节点叫cur,
// up表示cur的上级是否来,
// 该函数含义:
// 如果up为true,表示在cur上级已经确定来,的情况下,cur整棵树能够提供最大的快乐值是多少?
// 如果up为false,表示在cur上级已经确定不来,的情况下,cur整棵树能够提供最大的快乐值是多少?
public static int process1(Employee cur, boolean up) {
if (up) {
// 如果cur的上级来的话,cur没得选,只能不来
int ans = 0;
for (Employee next : cur.nexts) {
ans += process1(next, false);
return ans;
} else {
// 如果cur的上级不来的话,cur可以选,可以来也可以不来
int p1 = cur.happy;
int p2 = 0;
for (Employee next : cur.nexts) {
p1 += process1(next, true);
p2 += process1(next, false);
return Math.max(p1, p2);
public static int maxHappy2(Employee head) {
Info allInfo = process(head);
return Math.max(allInfo.no, allInfo.yes); //最大老板来的最大收益,和最大老板不来的最大收益
public static class Info {
public int no; //根节点不来的情况下的最大happy值
public int yes;//根节点来的情况下的最大happy值
public Info(int n, int y) {
no = n;
yes = y;
public static Info process(Employee x) {
if (x == null) {
return new Info(0, 0); //快乐值为0
int no = 0;
int yes = x.happy;
for (Employee next : x.nexts) {
Info nextInfo = process(next);
no += Math.max(nextInfo.no, nextInfo.yes); //x不来的时候,子孩子可以来,也可以不来,求二者的最大值
yes += nextInfo.no;//子孩子不能来
return new Info(no, yes);
// for test
public static Employee genarateBoss(int maxLevel, int maxNexts, int maxHappy) {
if (Math.random() < 0.02) {
return null;
Employee boss = new Employee((int) (Math.random() * (maxHappy + 1)));
genarateNexts(boss, 1, maxLevel, maxNexts, maxHappy);
return boss;
// for test
public static void genarateNexts(Employee e, int level, int maxLevel, int maxNexts, int maxHappy) {
if (level > maxLevel) {
int nextsSize = (int) (Math.random() * (maxNexts + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < nextsSize; i++) {
Employee next = new Employee((int) (Math.random() * (maxHappy + 1)));
genarateNexts(next, level + 1, maxLevel, maxNexts, maxHappy);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int maxLevel = 4;
int maxNexts = 7;
int maxHappy = 100;
int testTimes = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < testTimes; i++) {
Employee boss = genarateBoss(maxLevel, maxNexts, maxHappy);
if (maxHappy1(boss) != maxHappy2(boss)) {
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