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Poker game program - man machine confrontation

2022-07-06 13:48:00 Programming Lindaiyu

Write poker game program , It is preliminarily set that the player is man-machine confrontation , Everyone catches 12 card , The rule of the game is that you can only play one card at a time , Roll the dice to decide who plays first . Those with large points should control those with small points . If you can't control each other, don't play cards , Let the other party play cards . The party who finishes first wins . The weight size is specified as follows ( From big to small ):13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Design and color : Square piece , Heart , Spade , The plum blossom .

The overall flow chart is as follows :

The flow chart of playing cards in turn is as follows :

The global variables are as follows :

jk=[]       # A deck of cards

cp=[]       # The card in the computer hand

ps=[]       # The cards in people's hands

dt=[]       # The cards that have been played on the table

n=random.randint(0,1)  # Who should play cards ,0: Computer licensing ,1: People play cards

m=0         # How to play cards ,0 For the first time ,1: Follow the card

The function module is defined as follows :

The name of the function

Function description


Return value

Other instructions


Produce a deck of playing cards and shuffle , Put the generated cards on the list jk in




Deal function , Each party sends 12 card , Send it to the list cp( Machine side ) and ps( Human side ) in .




The function of playing cards once




The function of the computer playing cards once




The overall function of playing cards , Win or lose



The main function

Call the above function to complete the game



Code (Python): 

Code before improvement :

import random 
# Global variables cannot be set too many , If necessary , Otherwise it's hard to maintain 
jk=[]  #  A deck of cards 
cp=[]  # The card in the computer hand 
ps=[]  # The cards in people's hands 
dt=[]  # Cards that have been played on the table 
n=random.randint(0,1)  # Who should play cards ,0: Computer licensing   1: People play cards 
m=0  # How to play cards ,0 For the first time ,1 Follow the card 
def createjk():  # Produce a deck of playing cards and shuffle 
    color=[' Red hearts ',' Square piece ',' Spade ',' The plum blossom ']
    for c in color:   # Produce a deck of cards , Use a double-layer cycle , Each Decor produces 1-13 The number of 
        for j in range(1,14):
            jk.append((c,j))  # Add the generated cards to the list 
    for i in range(10000):  # Shuffle 
        x1=random.randint(0,51) # produce 0-51 altogether 52 A random number 
        while (x1==x2):  # First judge x1 and x2 Whether it is equal or not , If equal, then give x2 Assign another value , Until they are not equal 
        jk[x1],jk[x2]=jk[x2],jk[x1]  # take x1 and x2 In exchange for , Shuffle 
def dest():   # Deal function ,destribute distribution 
    for i in range(12):  # Although there are 52 card , But only 24 Zhang 
        x=jk.pop()  #pop() Method is used to remove an element from the list ( Default to last element ), And returns the value of that element 
        y=jk.pop()  # Notice to remove , Back again 
        if len(cp)==0:  # Licensing computers 
        else:  # Sequential insertion , Insert list , And insert it into the appropriate position in sequence 
            k=len(cp)-1  # Length reduction 1 It is the subscript of the last element in the list 
            while(k>=0 and cp[k][1]>x[1]):  #cp[k][1] and x[1] Medium [1] You can't save , Because each tuple in the list contains two more elements , The first 0 Elements are decors , The first 1 The first element is the number on the card 
            cp.insert(k+1,x)  # Exit loop , namely k<0 or cp[k][1]<=x[1], if k<0, namely -1, explain x Is the smallest , Then insert cp[0] It's about ; if cp[k][1]<=x[1], because k=k-1, Then add it back 
        if len(ps)==0:  # Deal cards for people , The same algorithm as licensing computers 
            while(k>=0 and ps[k][1]>y[1]):
def psplay(): # People play cards 
    global m  # Be sure to declare global variables , Otherwise the following m and n Are considered local variables  
    global n
    print(" Cards played :")
    print(dt)  # Output the cards on the desktop 
    print(" The card in your hand :")
    for i in range(L): # Add the cards in people's hands in a cycle s In a string 
        s+='%d:%s%d,'%(i+1,ps[i][0],ps[i][1]) # In fact, it can also be output directly ps, But then there will be no label 
    s+='0: You can't afford to '
    print(s)  # take s Output 
        k=int(input(' Please play cards '))
        if k==0:  # If input 0, I can't afford , Then order m=0, For the first time , And exit the loop 
        elif (k>0 and k<=L) and (m==0 or (m==1 and ps[k-1][1]>dt[-1][1])):
        # otherwise , if k The input is within a reasonable range , And it is the first time to play cards or follow cards and k The corresponding card is larger than the corresponding last card on the table , Do the following 
        # Be careful , Must judge m Value , Because it is necessary to judge whether to follow or play for the first time , For the first time , Will not add “ Bigger than the last card on the table ”
            dt.append(ps[k-1])  # If the conditions are met, the card will be played , Then add this card to the desktop list 
            del(ps[k-1])  # And delete this card in people's hands 
            m=1  # And change m= Value , Make the next step follow 
def cpplay():
    global m
    global n
    if m==0:  # Judge m Value , For the first time 
        print(" Computer out ")  # Then tell people 
        print(cp[0])  # And put the first card in the hands of the computer , That is, the smallest card output , Inform people immediately 
        dt.append(cp[0])  # Add the hand to the table list 
        del(cp[0])  # And delete this card in the computer hand 
        m=1  # And change m= Value , Make the next step follow 
    else:  # If it is a follow card 
        k=0  # Make k=0, Start with the first card and look for a card larger than the card on the table 
        while(k<len(cp) and dt[-1][1]>=cp[k][1]):  # determine k Look for a card larger than the last card on the table 
        if k==len(cp):  # Judge whether the condition for exiting the cycle is that no qualified card is found 
            print(" Computers can't afford ")
        else:   # The condition for judging to exit the cycle is to find a card that meets the conditions 
            print(" The computer is out ")
def play():  # Start playing 
    global m
    global n
    n=random.randint(0,1)  # Decide who plays first 
    m=0  # For the first time 
        if n==0:  # If n==0, Computer first 
            if len(cp)==0:  # If the computer finishes playing cards , The length is 0, It means that the computer finishes playing cards first , That is, the computer wins 
                print(" The computer won ")
        else:  # otherwise n==1, People play cards 
            if len(ps)==0:  # If the computer finishes playing cards , The length is 0, It means that the computer finishes playing cards first , That is, the computer wins 
                print(" The man won ")
        n=(n+1)%2  # After each card , take n Replace the value of , Change the other side to play cards 
    # If you exit the loop , It means that one party won , Play cards 、 Computer 、 people 、 All cards on the table are empty 
    jk.clear()  # At the end of each game, clear all the lists of the program , So as not to affect the next game 
# The main program 
c='y'  # initialization c, Start the first round by entering the following cycle 
while c=='y':
    createjk()  # Generate cards and shuffle 
    dest()    # Licensing 
    play()    # Start playing 
    c=input(' Whether to have another round ?(y/n)')   
print(" Game over , bye !")

Running results : 

  Improved code : 

import random
jk=[]       # A deck of cards 
cp=[]       # The card in the computer hand 
ps=[]       # The cards in people's hands 
dt=[]       # The cards that have been played on the table 
n=0         # Who should play cards ,0: Computer licensing ,1: People play cards 
m=0         # How to play cards ,0 For the first time ,1: Follow the card 
def showjk(x):  # Display list x All playing cards in 
    for i in x:
        s+=i[0]+str(i[1])+' '
    return s
def createjk(): # Produce a deck of playing cards , And shuffle 
    for c in color:     # Generate a deck of playing cards 
        for j in range(1,14):
    for i in range(10000):      # Shuffle 
        x1=random.randint(0,51)  # Draw two cards at random 
        while(x1==x2):      # If these two cards are the same , Then re extract , Until these two cards are different 
        jk[x1],jk[x2]=jk[x2],jk[x1]     # Swap these two cards 
def dest():       # Deal function ,destribution  distribution , That is, the meaning of licensing 
    for i in range(12):
        x=jk.pop()      # Draw a card to the variable x, The card in the hand of the machine will be issued —— list cp in 
        y=jk.pop()      # Draw a card to the variable y, The card in the hand of the machine will be issued —— list ps in 
        # The following is a sequence preserving insert , Insert each card in descending order 
        if len(cp)==0:  # If the list cp It's empty. , And just insert 
            k=len(cp)-1  # Find the list cp The maximum subscript position of 
            while(k>=0 and cp[k][1]>x[1]):#  Find... From back to front , Find the first point less than x Subscript of the number of points , If not, then k The value of is -1
            cp.insert(k+1, x)   # take x Insert into k+1 That position 
            # Here is what will be y Cards inserted into people's hands , The algorithm is the same as above 
        if len(ps)==0:
            while(k>=0 and ps[k][1]>y[1]):
            ps.insert(k+1, y) 
def psplay(): # People play a card 
    global m
    global n
    print(' desktop :'+showjk(dt))
    print(' The card in your hand :')
    for i in range(L):
        s=s+'%d:%s%d, '%(i+1,ps[i][0],ps[i][1]) # Show all the cards in one's hand , There is a serial number in front of each card 
    s+='0: You can't afford to '   
    print(s)            # Show menu 
    while(True):        # This cycle controls the licensing and ensures the legitimacy of licensing 
        k=int(input(' Please play cards '))  # Receive user input 
        if k==0:        # Indicates that the user does not play cards 
            m=0         #m=0 Is for the next cycle , Let the next computer side play cards in the way of first playing 
        # The following sentence determines whether the card played is legal ,0<k<=L Control user input k Must be in the optional range 
        # if m==0 You can play cards at will , If m==1 Then the card must be larger than the last card on the table 
        elif (0<k<=L) and (m==0 or (m==1 and ps[k-1][1]>dt[-1][1])): 
            dt.append(ps[k-1])  # Add legally played cards to the list of played cards dt in 
            del(ps[k-1])        # stay ps Delete the cards played 
            m=1                 # Prepare for the next cycle , Let the computer follow the card 
def cpplay():   # The computer plays a card 
    global m
    global n
    if m==0:    # For the first time , You can play cards at will , Generally, the smallest card in the hand 
        # The cards played are shown below , Because it is the first time to play cards , So the smallest card is played     
        print(' Computer out :'+showjk([cp[0]]))      
        dt.append(cp[0])# Add the cards played to the list of cards played dt in 
        del(cp[0])      # from cp The list will play cards to delete 
        m=1             # Set the way of playing cards in the next round to follow 
    else:               # This branch is m==1 The situation of , The computer should follow the card 
        # The following cycle is to find the smallest card in the computer's hand that is larger than the card in the previous round 
        while(k<len(cp) and dt[-1][1]>=cp[k][1]): #k from 0 Start looking backwards in turn 
        if k==len(cp):  # If it is out of range, it means that no card larger than the one just played in the last round is found 
            print(' Computers can't afford ')
            print(' The computer is out '+showjk([cp[k]]))
            #print(cp[k])        # Play the cards you find 
            dt.append(cp[k])    # Add to the list of cards played dt in    
            del(cp[k])          # from cp List delete 
            m=1                 # Set up m For the 1, Let the next round of people press “ Follow the card ” The way of playing cards 

def play():
    global n
    global m
    n=random.randint(0, 1)  #n use 0 To 1 Between random numbers , Randomly decide who plays first 
    print('              Game begins ')                     # Set the initial playing method to “ For the first time ”
    if n==0:
        print(' This time, the game computer will play cards first ')
        print(' People play cards first ')
        if n==0:            # Computer licensing 
            cpplay()        # The computer plays a card 
            if len(cp)==0:  # If the card in the computer hand is 0, Then the computer wins 
                print(' The computer won !!!')
            psplay()        # here n==1, People play a card 
            if len(ps)==0:  # If the card in one's hand is 0, Then people win 
                print(' The man won !!!')
        n=(n+1)%2           # Flip n Value , Turned out to be 1 Then it turns to 0, The original value is 0 Then it turns to 1
# The main program 
while c=='y':        
    c=input(' Whether to have another round ?(y/n)')
print(' Game over , bye !') 

This is an interesting program , People and computers take turns playing cards , The one who finishes first wins , But it's still relatively simple , It's just that both sides play cards to compare the size , There are not many rules in the poker games we usually play, such as fighting landlords . and , In the above procedure , Computers don't know how to play cards “ tactical ”, It only knows that if it has a bigger card in its hand, it will keep playing .

But everyone must know the famous man-machine confrontation ——2017 year 5 month , stay China Wuzhen go Summit On , It's with the world's number one go champion Kerjie Against the , With 3 Than 0 The total score of . It is generally acknowledged that the power of alpha go has exceeded the top level of human professional go , stay GoRatings In the world professional go ranking published on the website , It once surpassed Ke Jie, the No.1 chess player in the world .

Alpha go (AlphaGo) Previous versions , Combined with the chess score of millions of human go experts , As well as intensive learning for self-training .AlphaGoZero On this basis, our ability has been qualitatively improved . The big difference , It no longer requires human data . in other words , It didn't touch human chess at the beginning . The R & D team just let it play chess freely on the chessboard , Then play a game with yourself . According to alpha go team leader David · Silva (Dave Sliver) Introduce ,AlphaGoZero Use new reinforcement learning methods , Let yourself become a teacher . The system didn't even know what go was at first , Just start with a single neural network , Through the powerful search algorithm of neural network , Played self chess . With the increase of self game , The neural network gradually adjusts , Improve the ability to predict the next step , Finally win the game . What's more powerful is , With the deepening of training , Alpha go team found ,AlphaGoZero Also found the rules of the game independently , And out of a new strategy , It brings new insights into the ancient game of go .

More Than This ,6 month 1 Japan , China's first original virtual student “ Hua Zhibing ” Officially appeared in Beijing and entered the Knowledge Engineering Laboratory of the Department of computer science and technology of Tsinghua University , And one after another 《 The boy 》 And the Internet . Different from ordinary virtual digital people , Hua Zhibing has continuous learning ability , Can gradually “ Grow up ”, constantly “ Study ” Patterns implied in data , Including text 、 Vision 、 Images , Video etc. , Just as human beings can constantly learn behavior patterns from what they experience around them . as time goes on , Hua Zhibing learned new abilities for new scenes , Integrate organically into your own model , And become smarter and smarter .

Man machine confrontation is the frontier direction of artificial intelligence research , It has become a hotspot in the field of intelligence at home and abroad , In the future, the demand for AI professionals in the industry will gradually increase , Interested students can learn more about human-computer confrontation or artificial intelligence !


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