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Introduction to JVM

2022-07-05 23:21:00 xmh-sxh-1314






  JVM Defines the control Java Five specifications of code interpretation, execution and specific implementation , So the JVM Divided into 6 Parts of :JVM Interpreter 、 Command system 、 register 、 Stack 、 Storage area and debris recycling area .


  ◆JVM Interpreter : That is, the virtual machine processes field codes CPU.




  ◆JVM Command system : The system is very similar to a computer , An instruction consists of an opcode and an operand . The operation code is 8 Bit binary number , Mainly to explain the function of an instruction , The operand can be determined as needed ,JVM At most 256 Different operating instructions . At present, it has been used 160 Multiple opcodes .




  ◆ register :JVM Have your own virtual register , In this way, we can quickly communicate with JVM Interpreter for data exchange . For functional needs ,JVM Set up 4 A commonly used 32 Bit register :pc( Program counter )、optop( Pointer to the top of the operand stack )、frame( Current execution environment pointer ) and vars( Pointer to the first local variable in the current execution environment ).




  ◆JVM Stack : The place and control center where data and information are stored when instructions are executed , It provides JVM The information needed for the operation of the interpreter . When JVM Get one Java After bytecode application , Create a stack framework for each method of a class in the code , To save the state information of the method . Each stack framework includes the following three types of information : local variable 、 execution environment 、 The stack of operands .


   Local variables are used to store local variables used in the methods of a class .vars The register points to the first local variable in the variable table .


   The execution environment is used to save the interpreter pair Java The information required in the interpretation of bytecode . They are : Last called method 、 Local variable pointer and top and bottom of the stack of operands . The execution environment is a control center that executes a method . for example : If the interpreter wants to execute iadd( Integer addition ), First of all, from the frame Find the current execution environment in the register , Then find the operand stack from the execution environment , Pop up two integers from the top of the stack for addition , Finally, push the result into the top of the stack .


   The operand stack is used to store the operands required by the operation and the result of the operation .




  ◆ Storage area :JVM There are two types of storage : Constant buffer pool and method area . The constant buffer pool is used to store class names 、 Method and field names and string constants . The method area is used to store Java Bytecode of method .




  ◆ Debris recycling area :JVM Debris recycling refers to the use of Java The concrete instance of class is recycled from memory , This makes developers avoid the trouble and danger of programming and controlling memory . With JVM Continuous upgrading of , The technology and algorithm of fragment recovery are also more reasonable .JVM 1.4.1 After the edition, there is a technology called generational collection , Simply put, it is to divide the time of objects in the program into generations , Take this as the standard for debris recovery .






2.JAVA Garbage collection mechanism GC Determines whether an object is collected by determining whether it is referenced by the active object .


  2.1 Trigger GC(Garbage Collector) Conditions


    1)GC Run in the lowest priority thread , Generally, when the application is idle, that is, no application thread is called at runtime . But the following conditions are exceptions .


    2)Java When the heap is low on memory ,GC Will be called . When the application thread is running , And create new objects in the run , If there is not enough memory ,JVM Will force the call GC Threads . if GC Memory allocation cannot be satisfied after one time ,JVM There will be two more GC, If still unable to meet the requirements , be JVM Will report “out of memory” Error of ,Java The app will stop .




  2.2 Two important ways


    2.2.1 System.gc() Method


       Use System.gc() Can be either JVM What kind of garbage collection algorithm is used , Can request Java The garbage collection of . There is a parameter in the command line -verbosegc You can see Java Heap memory used , The format is as follows :java -verbosegc classfile Because this method will affect the system performance , It is not recommended to use , So don't tell me .




    2.2.2 finalize() Method


       stay JVM Before the garbage collector collects an object , Generally, the program is required to call appropriate methods to release resources , But without explicitly releasing resources ,Java A default mechanism is provided to terminate the object and release resources , This method is finalize(). Its prototype is :protected void finalize() throws Throwable stay finalize() After the method returns , The object disappears , Garbage collection starts . In the prototype throws Throwable Indicates that it can throw any type of exception .


       Why use finalize(), There is a special case that the garbage collector cannot handle . for example :1) Because when allocating memory, you may use a similar C The practice of language , Instead of JAVA Usual new practice . This happens mainly in native method in , such as native method Called C/C++ Method malloc() Function series to allocate storage space , But unless you call free() function , Otherwise, these memory spaces will not be released , Then this time may cause memory leakage . But because of free() The method is in C/C++ The function in , therefore finalize() You can use local methods to call it . To release these “ special ” Of memory space .2) Or open file resources , These resources do not belong to the recycling scope of the garbage collector .


  2.3 Reduce GC Spending measures


    1) Do not explicitly call System.gc(). This function is recommended JVM Carry out the main task GC, It's just advice, not certainty , But in many cases, it will trigger the main GC, So as to increase the main GC The frequency of , That is to say, the number of intermittent pauses is increased . Greatly affect the system performance .


    2) Minimize the use of temporary objects . After the temporary object jumps out of the function call , Will become rubbish , Using fewer temporary variables is equivalent to reducing the generation of garbage , Thus, the time for the occurrence of the above second trigger condition is prolonged , Reduce the main GC The opportunity of .


    3) When the object is not in use, it is best to explicitly set it to Null. generally speaking , by Null The objects will be treated as garbage , So the unused objects are explicitly set to Null, advantageous to GC The collector determines that the garbage , So as to improve GC The efficiency of .


    4) Use as much as possible StringBuffer, without String To accumulate strings . because String Is a fixed length string object , Add up String Object time , Not in a String Object , But to recreate a new String object , Such as Str5=Str1+Str2+Str3+Str4, Multiple garbage objects will be generated during the execution of this statement , Because of the second “+” You must create a new String object , But these transition objects have no practical significance for the system , It will only add more garbage . To avoid this situation, you can use StringBuffer To accumulate strings , because StringBuffer It's variable length , It is amplified on the original basis , No intermediate objects are generated .


    5) Can use basic types such as Int,Long, You don't have to Integer,Long object . Basic type variables take up much less memory resources than the corresponding objects , If not necessary , It's best to use basic variables .


    6) Try to use less static object variables . Static variables are global variables , It won't be GC Recycling , They will always occupy memory .


    7) Scatter when objects are created or deleted . Focus on creating a large number of new objects in a short time , Especially large objects , It will cause a sudden need for a lot of memory ,JVM In the face of this situation , Only the main GC, To reclaim memory or consolidate memory fragments , So as to increase the main GC The frequency of . Delete objects in a set , The same is true . It makes a large number of garbage objects appear suddenly , Free space is bound to decrease , This greatly increases the force of the master when creating a new object the next time GC The opportunity of .




  2.4 The object is JVM The state of the heap


    1) Accessible state : There are also variable references in the program , Then this object is accessible .


    2) Resurrectable state : When there is no variable reference to this object in the program , Then this object changes from touchable state to revivable state .CG The thread will be ready to call this object at a certain time finalize Method (finalize Method inherits or rewrites children Object),finalize It is possible for the code in the method to turn the object into a touchable state , Otherwise, the object becomes inaccessible .


    3) Inaccessible state : Only when the object is in an inaccessible state ,GC Threads can reclaim the memory of this object .




Jvm Heap object state transition diagram




  2.5 Common garbage collectors


    1) Mark - Clear the collector Mark-Sweep


    2) Copy collector Copying  


    3) Mark - Compression collector Mark-Compact


    4) Generational collectors    Generational




  2.6 Introduction to garbage collection algorithm


    2.6.1 tracing Algorithm


       be based on tracing Algorithm garbage collection is also called marking and clearing (mark-and-sweep) Garbage collector .


       This is the most basic garbage collection algorithm , The reason why it is the most basic is that it is the easiest to implement , Thought is also the simplest . Mark - The clearing algorithm is divided into two stages : Mark phase and clear phase . The task of the marking phase is to mark all objects that need to be recycled , The cleanup phase is to reclaim the space occupied by the marked object . The specific process is shown in the figure below :




       It is easy to see the mark from the figure - The clearing algorithm is easy to implement , However, there is a serious problem that it is easy to produce memory fragments , Too many fragments may lead to the failure to find enough space for large objects in the subsequent process and trigger a new garbage collection action in advance .




    2.6.2 Copying Algorithm


       In order to solve Mark-Sweep Defects of algorithm ,Copying The algorithm was put forward . It divides the available memory into two equal sized blocks according to the capacity , Use only one piece at a time . When this block of memory runs out , Copy the living object to another piece , Then clean up the used memory space once again , In this way, it is not easy to have the problem of memory fragmentation . The specific process is shown in the figure below :




       This algorithm is simple to implement , Runs efficiently and does not easily generate memory fragmentation , But it has made a high price for the use of memory space , Because the memory that can be used is reduced to half of the original . Obviously ,Copying The efficiency of the algorithm has a lot to do with the number of surviving objects , If there are a lot of survivors , that Copying The efficiency of the algorithm will be greatly reduced .


    2.6.3 compacting Algorithm


       In order to solve Copying Defects of algorithm , Make the most of memory space , Put forward Mark-Compact Algorithm . The algorithm marks stages and Mark-Sweep equally , But after marking , It's not about cleaning up recyclable objects directly , Instead, move the living objects to one end , Then clean up the memory beyond the end boundary . The specific process is shown in the figure below :




    2.6.4 Generation Algorithm  


       Generational collection algorithms are by far the majority JVM The algorithm used by the garbage collector of . Its core idea is to divide the memory into several different regions according to the life cycle of the object . In general, the reactor area is divided into the older generation (Tenured Generation) And the new generation (Young Generation), The characteristic of the old days was that only a small amount of objects needed to be recycled each time the garbage was collected , The new generation is characterized by a large number of objects that need to be recycled every time they are recycled , Then we can take the most suitable collection algorithm according to the characteristics of different generations .


       At present, most of the garbage collectors adopt Copying Algorithm , Because in the new generation, most objects are recycled every time they are recycled , That is to say, fewer operations need to be copied , But in practice, it's not in accordance with 1:1 To divide the space of the Cenozoic , Generally speaking, the Cenozoic is divided into a larger area Eden Space and two smaller ones Survivor Space , Each use Eden Space and a piece of it Survivor Space , When it comes to recycling , take Eden and Survivor Is copied to another piece Survivor In the space , And clean it up Eden And the one we just used Survivor Space .


       And because of the characteristics of the old age, only a small number of objects are recycled each time , It's commonly used Mark-Compact Algorithm .








       New age : All newly created objects are stored here . Because most objects quickly become unreachable , So most objects are created in the younger generation , And then disappear . When an object disappears from this memory area , We say it happened once “minor GC”.


       Old age : Nothing becomes unreachable , The surviving younger generation is copied here . This memory area is generally larger than the younger generation . Because it's bigger ,GC It happens less often than in younger generations . When objects disappear from the old age , We said “major GC”( or “full GC”) It happened. .


       The permanent generation in the above figure (permanent generation) Also known as “ Method area (method area)”, He stores class Object and string constants . So this memory area is definitely not a permanent storage of objects that survive from the elderly . Garbage collection is possible in this memory . And what happens here is garbage collection is also called major GC


