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How to continue after handling chain interruption / sub chain error removed from scheduling

2022-07-07 12:56:00 xiaomici

1. How to continue after handling chain interruption

First, there is a table :
RSPCPROCESSLOG At a glance, I know that there is process chain Of log.
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There are many in your processing chain DTP, But there is one DTP Something went wrong , Then its state is R 了 .
If this chain has to be executed after the correct running above , Then this chain will be stuck here .
Automatically repair after , The chain will run down by itself .
But if you repair it manually , After that, how to make this chain continue to run ?
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The chain is a step One step Running down .
When you deal with the wrong chain DTP Right click on message.
stay Chain You can see it in there Variant and Instance:
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Go to the log Look up in the table , Can see TYPE wait .
After manual repair , Run this FM :

Change the state of this chain to G, Let this chain continue trigger Other chains at the bottom .
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To sum up , If you fix one manually DTP, In order to make this chain from this DTP Run down again , Just use the above FM.

2. Subchain removed from scheduling

What's the problem ?
When the chain is executed , There is one backstage job BI_PROCESS_CHAIN Start .
Then I went into this chain . There are many in this chain DTP, The next step is to perform job BI_PROCESS_DTP_LOAD 了 .
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You can see ,DTP_OLAD It was not implemented .
Why? ? The normal process is :

  1. remove from scheduling: I don't know why remove First , But it is a whole process
  2. The next step is to start many DTP_LOAD Of job
  3. Then is activate and schedule This chain, And the first step to form a complete process . The next time I run, I will still be triggered by the main chain .
    The problem is , Why the bottom DTP_LOAD Of these job Not triggered ?
    Is there no executable process in the background at that time ?
    This is not to say that in the sub chain DTP Execution error , It's because it didn't start at all , Even one log None .
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The general situation is , This processing chain has not been changed .
But maybe inside DTP Due to the change of conversion , Then it doesn't activate . These are on the watch RSTRAN and RSBKDTP See the corresponding OBJSTAT Just go . Is it right? INA
It may be converted A and M Version inconsistency ?

What should I do at this time ? Fix inconsistent A and M edition : SE38 RSTRAN_ROUT_RSFO_CHECK

Then put the problem processing chain remove from schedule, Again reschedule once . This solves the problem .

But if it's not the above problem . I also see an explanation .
An explanation of this long history , I'm skeptical .
But it seems to make some sense , To be verified .

The saying is , Because every backstage JOB There is one. ID. This ID It's a timestamp and two numbers 00 - 99
Only time is counted ID, Dates are not counted .

If you have a processing chain that runs periodically at a fixed time every day , That backstage job It may occupy the same time 00-99
It's full for a long time , Then there is no way to generate new job 了 .
Then you have to let basis Delete the completed background on a regular basis job ID .

I cut a picture and found that it was not what I said , There are Z 了 , There are also characters in the description . That could be 00-00 and AA-ZZ? There is no time to check , Check it later .
however reschedule It should be solved in a moment . Well . Insert picture description here
Let's check :
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Forget it , Not this one :
Take a look at the following two :
TBTCO - Job Status Overview Table
TBTCD - Job Log Directory
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Why so many ?1296 How did it come from ?
0-9 yes 10 A digital ,A-Z yes 26 Letters . That's it 36*36=1296 ah
That is to say, from 00:05 branch 11 All that starts in seconds ID Have been used up ?? This seems to be in the past . I instantly feel that what I said is reasonable . I took a look , It's full before and after . How to delete it ?
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test I found so many . Tick off test One more time, it will be deleted .
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And then it's all right .

Or ,SM37 Delete what you want to delete . Find that job, Select... On the command line job->delete.

