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ACL 2022 | small sample ner of sequence annotation: dual tower Bert model integrating tag semantics
2022-07-07 12:46:00 【PaperWeekly】
author | SinGaln
This is an article from ACL 2022 The article , The general idea is meta-learning On the basis of , Adopt double towers BERT The model is used to match the text characters and the corresponding label Encoding , And carry out the two Dot Product( Point multiplication ) Get the output to do a classification . The article is not complicated on the whole , There are few formulas involved , It is easy to understand the author's ideas . For serial annotation NER It's a good idea .
Paper title :
Label Semantics for Few Shot Named Entity Recognition
Thesis link :
1.1 framework
▲ chart 1. The overall framework of the model
You can see clearly from the picture above , The author adopts double towers BERT To separate the text Token And each Token Corresponding label Encoding . Here, the author's idea of adopting this method is also very simple , the reason being that Few-shot Mission , There's not enough data , So the author thinks that every Token Of label It can be for Token Provide additional semantic information .
The author's Meta-Learning It's using metric-based Method , An intuitive understanding is to calculate each sample first Token The vector representation of , Then compare with the calculated label Characterization calculation similarity , Here, from the Dot Product It can be intuitively reflected . Then the similarity matrix obtained ([batch_size,sequence_length,embed_dim]) Conduct softmax normalization , adopt argmax The function takes the one with the largest median in the last dimension index, And corresponding tag list , Get the present Token Corresponding label .
1.2 Detail
Besides , When the author characterizes the label , Each label is also processed accordingly , In general, it is divided into the following three steps :
1. Change the abbreviation labels of words into natural language forms , for example PER-->person,ORG-->organization,LOC-->local wait ;
2. Start the label 、 The middle mark turns into natural language form , For example BIO If the form is marked, it can be changed into begin、inside、other wait , Other annotation forms are similar .
3. Combine after conversion according to the method of the previous two steps , for example B-PER-->begin person,I-PER-->inside person.
Because what is going on is Few-shot NER Mission , So the author is in many source datasets The training model above , Then they're in multiple unseen few shot target datasets The above verification has passed fine-tuning And without going through fine-tuning The effect of the model .
It's going on Token When coding , For each adopt BERT The model can get its corresponding vector , As shown below :
What needs to be noted here is BERT The output of the model is last_hidden_state As the corresponding Token Vector .
When encoding labels , Encode all tags in the tag set , Each complete label The obtained code is Part as its coding vector , And put all label Codes form a set of vectors , Finally, calculate each And The dot product , Form the following :
Because it's used here label The way of coding representation , Compared with other NER Method , Encounter new data and label when , There is no need to initiate a new top-level classifier , To achieve Few-shot Purpose .
1.3 Label Transfer
In the article, the author also lists the label conversion table of the experimental data set , Part of it is as follows :
▲ chart 2. Experimental data sets Label Transfer
1.4 Support Set Sampling Algorithm
The sampling pseudocode is as follows :
▲ chart 3. Sampling pseudocode
experimental result
▲ chart 4. Some experimental results
From the experimental results , You can obviously feel this method in Few-shot It still has a good effect , stay 1-50 shot The effect of time model is better than that of other models , Shows label Semantic validity ; But in full data , This method is discounted , It shows that the larger the amount of data , The model is for label The less semantic dependency . Here, the author also has a point of view that under the full amount of data , The introduction of tag semantics in this way may slightly offset the original text semantics , Of course , That's the way it's said Few-shot Next is also established , It's just Few-shot The lower offset is a positive offset , It can enhance the generalization ability of the model , The offset under the full amount of data is a little overflowing .
Two towers BERT Code implementation ( There is no metric-based Method ):
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2022/5/23 13:49
# @Author : SinGaln
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers import BertModel, BertPreTrainedModel
class SinusoidalPositionEmbedding(nn.Module):
""" Definition Sin-Cos Location Embedding
def __init__(
self, output_dim, merge_mode='add'):
super(SinusoidalPositionEmbedding, self).__init__()
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.merge_mode = merge_mode
def forward(self, inputs):
input_shape = inputs.shape
batch_size, seq_len = input_shape[0], input_shape[1]
position_ids = torch.arange(seq_len, dtype=torch.float)[None]
indices = torch.arange(self.output_dim // 2, dtype=torch.float)
indices = torch.pow(10000.0, -2 * indices / self.output_dim)
embeddings = torch.einsum('bn,d->bnd', position_ids, indices)
embeddings = torch.stack([torch.sin(embeddings), torch.cos(embeddings)], dim=-1)
embeddings = embeddings.repeat((batch_size, *([1] * len(embeddings.shape))))
embeddings = torch.reshape(embeddings, (batch_size, seq_len, self.output_dim))
if self.merge_mode == 'add':
return inputs + embeddings.to(inputs.device)
elif self.merge_mode == 'mul':
return inputs * (embeddings + 1.0).to(inputs.device)
elif self.merge_mode == 'zero':
return embeddings.to(inputs.device)
class DoubleTownNER(BertPreTrainedModel):
def __init__(self, config, num_labels, position=False):
super(DoubleTownNER, self).__init__(config)
self.position = position
self.num_labels = num_labels
self.bert = BertModel(config=config)
self.fc = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, self.num_labels)
if self.position:
self.sinposembed = SinusoidalPositionEmbedding(config.hidden_size, "add")
def forward(self, sequence_input_ids, sequence_attention_mask, sequence_token_type_ids, label_input_ids,
label_attention_mask, label_token_type_ids):
# Get text and labels encode
# [batch_size, sequence_length, embed_dim]
sequence_outputs = self.bert(input_ids=sequence_input_ids, attention_mask=sequence_attention_mask,
# [batch_size, embed_dim]
label_outputs = self.bert(input_ids=label_input_ids, attention_mask=label_attention_mask,
label_outputs = label_outputs.unsqueeze(1)
# Position vector
if self.position:
sequence_outputs = self.sinposembed(sequence_outputs)
# Dot Interaction
interactive_output = sequence_outputs * label_outputs
# full-connection
outputs = self.fc(interactive_output)
return outputs
if __name__=="__main__":
pretrain_path = "../bert_model"
from transformers import BertConfig
token_input_ids = torch.randint(1, 100, (32, 128))
token_attention_mask = torch.ones_like(token_input_ids)
token_token_type_ids = torch.zeros_like(token_input_ids)
label_input_ids = torch.randint(1, 10, (1, 10))
label_attention_mask = torch.ones_like(label_input_ids)
label_token_type_ids = torch.zeros_like(label_input_ids)
config = BertConfig.from_pretrained(pretrain_path)
model = DoubleTownNER.from_pretrained(pretrain_path, config=config, num_labels=10, position=True)
outs = model(sequence_input_ids=token_input_ids, sequence_attention_mask=token_attention_mask, sequence_token_type_ids=token_token_type_ids, label_input_ids=label_input_ids,
label_attention_mask=label_attention_mask, label_token_type_ids=label_token_type_ids)
print(outs, outs.size())
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