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The IDM server response shows that you do not have permission to download the solution tutorial

2022-07-07 12:27:00 Coco Macchiato

IDM It is a download software that can improve the download speed of the computer , It supports multi-threaded download technology by default , The file can be scattered into countless small fragments and downloaded at the same time , And integrate the fragments into a whole when the download is completed . But recently, some friends reported that IDM Show that you have no permission to download , Let's see how to solve it .

One .IDM Show the reason why you don't have permission to download

Under normal circumstances ,IDM After installation , It can download many file types , And the download speed is very fast , Pictured 1 Shown , The speed in the picture is far faster than me 200M Broadband network speed ,300M The size of the video file can be downloaded in the blink of an eye . Under what circumstances will it show that you have no permission to download ?

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When we go through IDM Download some network disk files or YouTube Pictures often appear in videos 2 Download prompt shown in :“ The server response shows that you do not have permission to download this file ”, This is because the download link of online disk files is not an open direct link , Only your own client can call the download link , When detected IDM Access will be denied when waiting for external download .

and YouTube Because it is a foreign video website , Whether you are accessing or downloading, you need to go through the proxy address , This prompt indicates IDM Failed to pass the proxy address when downloading , You can't access the source address of the video file .

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There is also a case of computer firewall or software killing network restrictions , It's forbidden IDM Normal network access behavior , Permission denied will pop up .

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Two . terms of settlement

If it is to use IDM Download a network disk file , We can get the download direct link through the browser extension , So that you can use ,

If it's a download YouTube Video words , Just set it up IDM The agency rule of is fine , Or you can use it directly after opening other network agents IDM download .

Pictured 3 Shown , Click on IDM Of “ download ”-“ Options ” Button to enter the setting page , We need to set up IDM The agency rules of , Make sure its download goes through the proxy channel , In this way, you can access the source address of the video file .

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After entering the setup page , Click on “ proxy server ” Button , Click on the picture 4 Marked in “ from IE obtain ”, At this time, the system will automatically select “ Use auto configuration scripts ” And generate a proxy address , After confirmation , Click ok .

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If the download permission is denied due to firewall or software killing , Only need to IDM Add it to the network access white list .

IDM When downloading domestic normal files, the download speed is very fast , And there will be no strange pop ups , When you need to download files from foreign websites , You need to set proxy rules to achieve ,

IDM The latest version is downloaded as follows :


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