

2022-07-07 10:28:00 智源社区

LG - 机器学习   CV - 计算机视觉   CL - 计算与语言   AS - 音频与语音 RO - 机器人




1、[LG] Neural Networks and the Chomsky Hierarchy

G Delétang, A Ruoss, J Grau-Moya, T Genewein, L K Wenliang, E Catt, M Hutter, S Legg, P A. Ortega



Reliable generalization lies at the heart of safe ML and AI. However, understanding when and how neural networks generalize remains one of the most important unsolved problems in the field. In this work, we conduct an extensive empirical study (2200 models, 16 tasks) to investigate whether insights from the theory of computation can predict the limits of neural network generalization in practice. We demonstrate that grouping tasks according to the Chomsky hierarchy allows us to forecast whether certain architectures will be able to generalize to out-ofdistribution inputs. This includes negative results where even extensive amounts of data and training time never led to any non-trivial generalization, despite models having sufficient capacity to perfectly fit the training data. Our results show that, for our subset of tasks, RNNs and Transformers fail to generalize on nonregular tasks, LSTMs can solve regular and counter-language tasks, and only networks augmented with structured memory (such as a stack or memory tape) can successfully generalize on context-free and context-sensitive tasks.



2、[CV] How Much More Data Do I Need? Estimating Requirements for Downstream Tasks

R Mahmood, J Lucas, D Acuna, D Li, J Philion, J M. Alvarez, Z Yu, S Fidler, M T. Law



Given a small training data set and a learning algorithm, how much more data is necessary to reach a target validation or test performance? This question is of critical importance in applications such as autonomous driving or medical imaging where collecting data is expensive and time-consuming. Overestimating or underestimating data requirements incurs substantial costs that could be avoided with an adequate budget. Prior work on neural scaling laws suggest that the power-law function can fit the validation performance curve and extrapolate it to larger data set sizes. We find that this does not immediately translate to the more difficult downstream task of estimating the required data set size to meet a target performance. In this work, we consider a broad class of computer vision tasks and systematically investigate a family of functions that generalize the power-law function to allow for better estimation of data requirements. Finally, we show that incorporating a tuned correction factor and collecting over multiple rounds significantly improves the performance of the data estimators. Using our guidelines, practitioners can accurately estimate data requirements of machine learning systems to gain savings in both development time and data acquisition costs.



3、[CV] Improving Semantic Segmentation in Transformers using Hierarchical Inter-Level Attention

G Leung, J Gao, X Zeng, S Fidler

[University of Toronto]

基于层次级间注意力改进Transformer语义分割。现有的基于Transformers的图像骨架,通常将特征信息从低层向高层单向传播。这可能并不理想,因为准确划分物体边界的定位能力在较低的、高分辨率的特征图中最为突出,而能区分属于一个物体和另一个物体的图像信号的语义,通常在较高的处理水平上出现。本文提出层次级间注意力(Hierarchical Inter-Level Attention,HILA),一种基于注意力的方法,可以捕捉到不同层次特征间自下而上和自上而下的更新。HILA通过在骨干编码器中加入较高和较低层特征间的局部连接,扩展了层次视觉Transformers的结构。每次迭代通过让高层特征竞争分配来更新属于它们的低层特征,迭代解决目标-部分的关系来构建层次结构。这些改进的低级特征被用来重新更新高级特征。HILA可以被集成到大多数层次结构中,无需对基础模型做任何改变。将HILA添加到SegFormer和Swin Transformer中,显示出在语义分割中以较少的参数和FLOPS在精度上有明显的改善。

Existing transformer-based image backbones typically propagate feature information in one direction from lower to higher-levels. This may not be ideal since the localization ability to delineate accurate object boundaries, is most prominent in the lower, high-resolution feature maps, while the semantics that can disambiguate image signals belonging to one object vs. another, typically emerges in a higher level of processing. We present Hierarchical Inter-Level Attention (HILA), an attention-based method that captures Bottom-Up and Top-Down Updates between features of different levels. HILA extends hierarchical vision transformer architectures by adding local connections between features of higher and lower levels to the backbone encoder. In each iteration, we construct a hierarchy by having higher-level features compete for assignments to update lower-level features belonging to them, iteratively resolving object-part relationships. These improved lower-level features are then used to re-update the higher-level features. HILA can be integrated into the majority of hierarchical architectures without requiring any changes to the base model. We add HILA into SegFormer and the Swin Transformer and show notable improvements in accuracy in semantic segmentation with fewer parameters and FLOPS. Project website and code: this https URL



4、[LG] Transfer Learning with Deep Tabular Models

R Levin, V Cherepanova, A Schwarzschild, A Bansal, C. B Bruss, T Goldstein...

[University of Washington & University of Maryland & Capital One & New York University]


Recent work on deep learning for tabular data demonstrates the strong performance of deep tabular models, often bridging the gap between gradient boosted decision trees and neural networks. Accuracy aside, a major advantage of neural models is that they learn reusable features and are easily fine-tuned in new domains. This property is often exploited in computer vision and natural language applications, where transfer learning is indispensable when task-specific training data is scarce. In this work, we demonstrate that upstream data gives tabular neural networks a decisive advantage over widely used GBDT models. We propose a realistic medical diagnosis benchmark for tabular transfer learning, and we present a how-to guide for using upstream data to boost performance with a variety of tabular neural network architectures. Finally, we propose a pseudo-feature method for cases where the upstream and downstream feature sets differ, a tabular-specific problem widespread in real-world applications. Our code is available at github.com/LevinRoman/tabular-transfer-learning.



5、[CL] Fewer Errors, but More Stereotypes? The Effect of Model Size on Gender Bias

Y Tal, I Magar, R Schwartz

[The Hebrew University of Jerusalem]


The size of pretrained models is increasing, and so is their performance on a variety of NLP tasks. However, as their memorization capacity grows, they might pick up more social biases. In this work, we examine the connection between model size and its gender bias (specifically, occupational gender bias). We measure bias in three masked language model families (RoBERTa, DeBERTa, and T5) in two setups: directly using prompt based method, and using a downstream task (Winogender). We find on the one hand that larger models receive higher bias scores on the former task, but when evaluated on the latter, they make fewer gender errors. To examine these potentially conflicting results, we carefully investigate the behavior of the different models on Winogender. We find that while larger models outperform smaller ones, the probability that their mistakes are caused by gender bias is higher. Moreover, we find that the proportion of stereotypical errors compared to antistereotypical ones grows with the model size. Our findings highlight the potential risks that can arise from increasing model size.





[LG] An Empirical Study of Implicit Regularization in Deep Offline RL


C Gulcehre, S Srinivasan, J Sygnowski, G Ostrovski, M Farajtabar, M Hoffman, R Pascanu, A Doucet




[CV] CLEAR: Improving Vision-Language Navigation with Cross-Lingual, Environment-Agnostic Representations


J Li, H Tan, M Bansal

[UNC Chapel Hill]



[LG] Offline RL Policies Should be Trained to be Adaptive


D Ghosh, A Ajay, P Agrawal, S Levine

[UC Berkeley & MIT]



[CV] Accelerating Score-based Generative Models with Preconditioned Diffusion Sampling

H Ma, L Zhang, X Zhu, J Feng

[Fudan University & University of Surrey]





