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Is it safe to open Huatai's account in kainiu in 2022?

2022-07-07 12:03:00 Koufu Q & A

2022 Is it safe to open Huatai's account in qiniu in ?

Take the answer 1:
Hello! : Qiniu is just a platform for learning financial management . The financial management course is real , If you are a financial Xiaobai, you can still learn something , But personally, I don't think it's practical for advanced , You can decide whether to sign up or not according to your needs . Qiniu is not a securities firm and has no qualification to open an account . Opening an account can only be handled in a securities company . Prepare your ID card and bank card, and you can apply online. Generally, it takes about ten minutes to complete the process .
Online account opening process :

Verify phone number → Upload ID card → Improve personal data → record video → Choose to open the market 、 Set transaction password → Bind the third-party depository bank → Submit audit → Waiting for a follow-up call .

You can contact me for ultra-low Commission , No threshold cost discount , Save your time and cost ! Welcome to consult and exchange , Find manager fan to open an account so that you can invest less detours !


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