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百度数字人度晓晓在线回应网友喊话 应战上海高考英语作文
2022-07-07 10:06:00 【飞桨PaddlePaddle】
知名科普创作人妈咪说MommyTalk率先喊话,让度晓晓挑战英语作文写作。数字经济智库副院长储殷和知名教育博主、生涯规划师张雪峰甚至规划起度晓晓的考研和工作来。最近大火的“栓Q哥”刘涛(Teacher Liu)则邀请度晓晓唱一唱英文划船歌展示实力,度晓晓可能已经在默念“栓Q”了。
据透露,度晓晓为挑战英文作文做足了准备,除了百度最新推出的文心ERNIE 3.0 Zeus千亿大模型,还将使用一种可以理解超过100多种语言的多语言模型ERNIE-M。也就是说,度晓晓具备了超百种语言的文章创作能力。
作为AI界的“尖子生”, 百度打造的首个可交互虚拟偶像度晓晓拥有多模态交互技术、3D数字人建模、机器翻译、语音识别、自然语言理解等多项技术能力,可谓“集百度AI技术万千宠爱于一身”,智商、情商“双高”。更重要的是,她可以自主学习迭代,基于AI能力进行多样化的创作。全国高考作文写作得高分、作画参加西安美术学院毕业展、联合龚俊数字人推出国内首个虚拟偶像AIGC创作歌曲……度晓晓的一系列操作让我们看到了文心大模型支持下,AIGC内容创作方式时代的到来。
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- [filter tracking] comparison between EKF and UKF based on MATLAB extended Kalman filter [including Matlab source code 1933]
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- Automated testing framework
- Internet Protocol
- About how to install mysql8.0 on the cloud server (Tencent cloud here) and enable local remote connection
Flet教程之 15 GridView 基础入门(教程含源码)
The running kubernetes cluster wants to adjust the network segment address of pod
18 basic introduction to divider separator component of fleet tutorial (tutorial includes source code)
[data clustering] realize data clustering analysis based on multiverse optimization DBSCAN with matlab code
Some opinions and code implementation of Siou loss: more powerful learning for bounding box regression zhora gevorgyan
[filter tracking] strapdown inertial navigation pure inertial navigation solution matlab implementation
Time bomb inside the software: 0-day log4shell is just the tip of the iceberg
Superscalar processor design yaoyongbin Chapter 8 instruction emission excerpt
Steps of redis installation and self startup configuration under CentOS system
Test the foundation of development, and teach you to prepare for a fully functional web platform environment
When sink is consumed in mysql, the self incrementing primary key has been set in the database table. How to operate in Flink?
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[neural network] convolutional neural network CNN [including Matlab source code 1932]
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【神经网络】卷积神经网络CNN【含Matlab源码 1932期】
Neural approvals to conversational AI (1)
Sonar:Cognitive Complexity认知复杂度
The function of adding @ before the path in C #
Flet教程之 15 GridView 基础入门(教程含源码)
Reasons for the failure of web side automation test
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[Yugong series] go teaching course 005 variables in July 2022
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