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Day-17 connection set

2022-07-07 12:36:00 Xiaobai shelter

Examination supplement
geter/seter Use of methods
for example Declare a variable private String name;
seter Is to set the attribute value , Therefore, it is necessary to enter , Don't worry if you set it up , No need to participate , Therefore, the return value type is void
public void setName(String name){
geter Is to get the attribute value , Therefore, it is necessary to participate ( Return value ), No input is required , Just get value , It is not to modify the value
public String getName(){
return name;

① Concept :LinkedList: The bottom layer is a two-way linked list , Because it's not continuous storage , It's just that you can find the address of the next element , So add and delete High efficiency , But the query efficiency is low , Because you can only find one by one from the first
② Common operations :

 stay LinkedList list=new LinkedList();
    	//ArrayList list=new ArrayList();
    	// Add to tail 
    	// Add to specified location 
    	// Add to head 
    	// Tail add 
    	// Number 
    	// Determine whether it is null 
    	// Delete... According to subscript 
    	// Delete according to data 
    	list.remove(new Integer(11));
    	// Empty 
    	// change 
    	list.set(1, 521);
    	// obtain 
    	// Traverse 
    	for(Object object:list){
    } Insert the code chip here 

1.2 Underlying implementation
1.2.1 A linked list consists of nodes , Because it's a two-way list , So there are three attributes in the node
1 Saved data Object
2 Next node object Node type
3 Previous node object Node type

1.2.2 LinkedList class
In order to add more efficiency from beginning to end , stay LinkedList The first and last nodes are saved in the class
1.2.3 add to -add、 obtain -get、
among Get Method just simulates the subscript acquisition method , It is essentially a traversal operation , Just made a certain judgment , Judge whether the first half is fast or the second half is fast

2 Set And sort
Set characteristic Disordered and unrepeatable , Unordered means that the order of addition and extraction are not guaranteed to be the same

HashSet: At the bottom is a hash table
TreeSet: At the bottom are red and black trees , The added elements must be sorted according to a certain format
Numbers : Default from small to large
character string : Per person ASCLL Code to sort
date : Natural date , Yesterday today tomorrow
2.1 TreeSet

public static void main(String[] args) {
		//  Create objects 
		TreeSet set = new TreeSet();
		//  add to 
		//  because treeSet The elements must be in order , This means that the element types must be unified 
		//  Without unity, there is no comparability , You can't sort 
		// set.add("xxx");
		//  Do not repeat , Do not add if repeated 
		//  Delete by content ,  Cannot delete from index , Because there's no index 
		//  Traverse 
		for (Object object : set) {
		set = new TreeSet();
		//  every ASCII Compare 
		// a,aa,aadddd,acadas,caa,d
		set = new TreeSet();
		// [1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
 Use TreeSet When , The element must implement Comparable Interface , Because when adding , This interface will be called automatically compareTo Methods for comparison 
 Add string , Numbers , When it comes to dates , Automatically sort , Because Integer,String,Date Both implement the interface and the method 
 If we want to store custom types , You need to let this class implement the corresponding interfaces and methods to store 

2.3 Comparator
Comparator It is also a comparator class Comparable It's also quite , If these two exist at the same time , be Comparator High priority
Comparable: If treeSet When saving our own defined types in , Use Comparable
Comparator : If treeSet When the type we write is not saved in , Then use Comparator To specify the collation
such as Integer The default is ascending sort , If we need to sort in descending order , We can only use Comparator, Because we can't change Integer Source code
But this time Integer There is Comparable The implementation of the interface , Equal to two comparisons exist , however Comparator High priority ,
So it will be sorted according to the rules we define
Opening and closing principle : Turn off for changes , For extension development
2.4List Sort

 Here public static void main(String[] args) {
		List list = new ArrayList();
		//  This method will call the... Of the object Comparable Medium compareTo Method or Comparator Methods in interfaces 
		//  because Integer There is compareTo Method , And in ascending order , That's why you can use sort Method 
		//  For example, if you want to descending order, you can use sort Method overloading 
		// Collections.sort(list);
		Collections.sort(list, new Comparator() {

			public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
				// o1  Is the element to be added 
				// o2  It's the elements of the collection 
				Integer i1 = (Integer) o1;
				Integer i2 = (Integer) o2;
				//  The method   return  0  Repeated description , Don't add 
				//  return   Greater than 0 Value   Indicates that the element to be added is larger than that in the collection , Just put it back 
				//  return   Less than 0 Value   Indicates that the element to be added is smaller than the element in the collection , Just put it forward 
				return i2 - i1;

		list = new ArrayList();
		list.add(new Student1(18));
		list.add(new Student1(11));
		list.add(new Student1(15));
		list.add(new Student1(4));
		//  because Student1 It didn't come true comparable Interface   So it can't be used sort Method 
		// Collections.sort(list);
		//  But you can use overloaded methods 
		Collections.sort(list,new Comparator () {
			public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
				return 0;

class Student1 {
	int age;

	public Student1(int age) {
		this.age = age;
 Insert a piece of code into 

3 summary
Comparable : If treeSet When saving our own defined types in , Use Comparable
Comparator : If treeSet When the type we write is not saved in , Then use Comparator To specify the collation
such as Integer The default is ascending sort , If we need to sort in descending order , We can only use Comparator, Because we can't change Integer Source code
But this time Integer There is Comparable The implementation of the interface , Equal to two comparisons exist , however Comparator High priority ,
So it will be sorted according to the rules we define
Opening and closing principle : Turn off for changes , For extension development


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