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Flutter learning three-Flutter basic structure and principle
2022-08-05 04:50:00 【hn_lgc】
debug 调试模式
profile 分析模式
release 运行模式
Debug mode features:
Compilation is optimized for fast development and run cycles(But not for execution speed、Binary size or deployment).
The build is not minified
该应用程序使用 dartdevc 编译器进行编译,以便于调试.
Basically the debug mode is reversed
该应用程序是用 dart2js 编译器编译的,以获得最佳性能.
容易想到,Analysis mode and release mode are very close,An analytics service or tool is nearby
Note when running on a physical device for the first time,可能需要一段时间才能加载.
pubspec.yaml 是 Flutter 项目的配置文件,类似于 Android 中的 Gradle 配置文件,下面我们就看看 pubspec.yaml The configuration of each property in .
创建一个新的项目(Flutter Application),pubspec.yaml 位于根目录,如图:
FlutterBased on the rendering engine Skia,Skia 是一款用 C++ 开发的、性能彪悍的 2D 图像绘制引擎,其前身是一个向量绘图软件.目前是Android和
ChromeThe official rendering engine of .FlutterThere is no need to package when packaging these two platformsSkia了,然后IOSIt needs to be packed,So the packing volume will be larger.
Then because based onSkia,所以Flutter的绘图API和Android是比较像的.
参考资料 : https://juejin.cn/post/6844903784187953165
在 Flutter 中,Almost everything is a widget,包括对齐、padding and layout.
Simple understanding of reactive programming:
首先,Reactive programming is related to asynchronous programming,Asynchronous programming is all about issuing a task,Don't wait for results,Instead, execute other code,Then somehow listen to the task result and process it.
An asynchronous data stream can be a list of data for various events,比如点击,用户输入,IO数据输入,Process operation results, etc,But they arrive asynchronously.
Reactive programming raises the level of abstraction of code,We don't have to pay attention to the details of these asynchronous processing,Just treat this asynchronous data stream like a list of data,可以map,filter、process these data streams.
(几乎) All things can be turned into oneStream .这就是Rx的咒语.
widget是flutter的核心类,Acts like nativeView,用于构建UI界面.But its internal principles are different.
Flutter Widget 采用现代响应式框架构建, Widget描述了他们的视图在给定其当前配置和状态时应该看起来像什么.
Widget 唯一标识 - Key
在 Fultter 中,每一个 Widget are all uniquely identified.This unique identifier is in build/rendering Stages are defined by the framework.
The unique identifier corresponds to optional Key 参数.如果省略该参数,Flutter will generate one for you.
在某些情况下,You may need to force this key,so that it can be passed key 访问 widget.
为此,You can use any of the following methods:GlobalKey、LocalKey、UniqueKey 或 ObjectKey.
GlobalKey 确保生成的 key is unique throughout the application.
强制 Widget 使用唯一标识:
GlobalKey myKey = new GlobalKey();
Widget build(BuildContext context){
return new MyWidget(
key: myKey
这个就类似于Android中的view id了
Widget 以树结构进行组织.
包含其他 Widget 的 Widget 被称为父 Widget(或Widget 容器).包含在父 Widget 中的 Widget 被称为子 Widget.
flutterUse widget tree in widget treeto implement layout writing.
让我们用 Flutter An automatically generated base application illustrates this.以下是简化代码,仅有 build 方法:
Widget build(BuildContext){
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text(widget.title),
body: new Center(
child: new Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
new Text(
'You have pushed the button this many times:',
new Text(
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1,
floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: _incrementCounter,
tooltip: 'Increment',
child: new Icon(Icons.add),
If we now observe this basic example,我们将获得以下 Widget 树结构(Restrictions exist in the code Widget 列表)
Context 的概念
另外一个重要的概念是 Context.
Context 仅仅是已创建的所有 Widget one of the tree structures Widget A reference to the area occupied by the .
If we now try to illustrate in the image above Context 的概念,我们得到(Still a very simplified view)Each color represents one context(除了 MyApp,它是不同的):
无状态Stateless Widget
These visualization componentsDo not depend on any other information other than their own configuration information,This information is provided when its immediate parent node is constructed.
换句话说,这些 Widget 一旦创建就不关心任何变化.
这样的 Widget 称为 Stateless Widget.
When the described part of the user interface does not depend on anything other than configuration information in the object,StatelessWidgets 非常有用.
Stateless Widget The lifecycle is fairly simple:
通过 build() 渲染
有状态widget Stateful Widget
该 Widget The dataset held may change during its lifetime,这样的数据被称为 State.
If we use statefulwidget,当widget的状态发生变化时,widget会重新构建UI 注意Android需要手动调用Invalidjust repainted,Flutter会Compare the difference before and after, 以确定Required for the underlying render tree to transition from one state to the next最小更改.Flutter Does not change the old instance b,而是构造新的 Widget 实例.框架使用 RenderObjects Tradition is done in the background UI Object's many responsibilities(比如维护布局的状态).
注意:Flutter The widgets are lightweight,Part of the reason is their immutability.Because they are not views themselves,Nor draw anything directly,而是对 UI and a description of its semantics,These descriptions are used when rendering“膨胀”becomes the actual view object.
Stateful Widget 由 2 部分组成
第一部分 widget**
class MyStatefulWidget extends StatefulWidget {
Key key,
}): super(key: key);
final Color color;
_MyStatefulWidgetState createState() => new _MyStatefulWidgetState();
第一部分 “MyStatefulWidget” 通常是 Widget 的 public 部分.when you need to add it to widget 树时,可以实例化它.该部分在 Widget It doesn't change during the lifetime,But may accept related to it State Parameters to use when instantiating.
请注意,在 Widget Any variables defined in the first section generally do not change during their lifetime.
第二部分 Widget State
class MyStatefulWidgetState extends State {
Widget build(BuildContext context){
“MyStatefulWidgetStat” 管理 Widget Changes in the life cycle,and force that to be rebuilt every time a modification is applied Widget 实例.名称开头的 ‘’ Character makes this class pair .dart Files are private.
如果你需要在 .dart This class is referenced outside the file,请不要使用 ‘’ 前缀.
_MyStatefulWidgetState Classes can be used by using widget.{变量名称} to access is stored in MyStatefulWidget any variable in .在该示例中为:widget.color.
Widget Stateperiod and internal functions
一旦 State 对象被创建,initState() 方法是第一个(构造函数之后)被调用的方法.When you need to perform additional initialization,This method will be overridden.Common initialization and animation、controller, etc.如果重写该方法,You should call first super.initState().
build(BuildContext context) 方法在 didChangeDependencies()(及 didUpdateWidget)之后被调用.
This is what you build yours widget(There may be any subtrees)的地方.
每次 State 对象更新(或当 InheritedWidget 需要通知“已注册” widget)时都会调用该方法!!
setState 更新状态
通过setStatePass a similar to runfunction to enter,框架就会run这个函数,然后调用build函数构建widget,刷新界面
didChangeDependencies() method is the second method to be called.
在这一阶段,由于 context 是可用的,所以你可以使用它.
如果你的 Widget linked to one InheritedWidget 并且/Or you need to initialize some listeners(基于 context),This method is usually overridden.
请注意,如果你的 widget linked to one InheritedWidget,Rebuild this every time Widget 时都会调用该方法.
If you override this method,You should call first super.didChangeDependencies().
dispose() 方法在 widget Called when deprecated.
If you need to perform some cleanup(比如:listeners),则重写该方法,and called immediately after that super.dispose().
第二部分:如何访问 State
Access direct children Widget
有时,父 widget may need to access its immediate children State to perform specific tasks.
在这种情况下,To access these direct child nodes State,You need to know them.
The easiest way to call someone is by name.在 Flutter 中,每个 Widget 都有一个唯一的标识,by the frame build/rendering 时确定.如前所示,你可以使用 key 参数为 Widget Mandatory to specify an identity.
GlobalKey myWidgetStateKey = new GlobalKey();
Widget build(BuildContext context){
return new MyStatefulWidget(
key: myWidgetStateKey,
color: Colors.blue,
Copy the code as soon as it is determined,父 Widget Its child nodes can be accessed in the following form State:
The main job of a widget is to provide one build ()方法,This method describes how to display widgets in terms of other lower-level widgets.
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