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剑指 Offer 30. 包含min函数的栈
2022-07-06 02:11:00 【anieoo】
用堆栈存储pair数据, first保存入栈元素,second保存最小值
class MinStack {
/** initialize your data structure here. */
typedef pair<int,int> PII;
stack<PII> stk;
MinStack() {
void push(int x) {
if(stk.empty() || x < stk.top().second) {
stk.push({x, x});
stk.push({x, stk.top().second});
void pop() {
int top() {
return stk.top().first;
int min() {
return stk.top().second;
* Your MinStack object will be instantiated and called as such:
* MinStack* obj = new MinStack();
* obj->push(x);
* obj->pop();
* int param_3 = obj->top();
* int param_4 = obj->min();
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