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Allure -- common configuration items
2022-07-02 10:23:00 【Lost ~ know to return】
allure-- Common configuration options
Parameterized dynamic update case name
- parametrize Add... To the parameter ids Realization : use ids When modifying the case title , Don't add @allure.title()
# conftest.py
# Hook function , Solve the problem of garbled console
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items):
""" When test case collection is complete , What will be collected item Of name and nodeid The Chinese language of is displayed on the console """
for item in items:
item.name = item.name.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')
item._nodeid = item.nodeid.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')
# coding:utf-8
# pytest Use case function
import os
import allure
import pytest
# Test data
test_datas = [
# {} Put the test data ,
# success: Expected results
'username': 'zz', 'pwd': '123456'}, 'success'),
'username': 'xu', 'pwd': '127654'}, 'failed'),
'username': 'qb_10', 'pwd': '123456'}, 'success')
# @allure.title(' Login module ')
# @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, expeted', test_datas)
# def test_login(test_input, expeted):
# """ Test case login """
# print(' Get input data ')
# print(test_input['username'], test_input['pwd'])
# print(' Get the expected results ')
# print(expeted)
# print(' Sign in ')
# Simulate a login interface
def login(username, pwd):
print(' Enter the account :{}'.format(username))
print(' Input password :{}'.format(pwd))
# return
return {
'code': 0, 'msg': 'success'}
# ids: effect , Change function name , Easy to view
# @allure.title(' Login module ')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, expeted', test_datas,
ids=[' Enter the correct account number A, password , Sign in ',
' Enter the correct account number B, password , Sign in ',
' Enter the correct account number C, password , Sign in '
def test_login(test_input, expeted):
""" Test case login """
result = login(test_input['username'], test_input['pwd'])
# Assertion
assert result['msg'] == expeted
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main(['./test_ids.py', '--alluredir', './result2/', '--clean-alluredir'])
os.system('allure generate ./result2/ -o ./report_2/ --clean')
Parameterized use case name , Advanced , adopt @allure.title() Realization
# coding:utf-8
# pytest Use case function
import os
import allure
import pytest
# Test data
test_datas = [
# {} Put the test data ,
# success: Expected results
'username': 'zz', 'pwd': '123456'}, 'success', ' Enter the correct account number , Password to login '),
'username': 'xu', 'pwd': '127654'}, 'failed', ' Enter the correct account number , Password to login '),
'username': 'qb_10', 'pwd': '123456'}, 'success', ' Enter the correct account number , Password to login ')
# @allure.title(' Login module ')
# @pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, expeted', test_datas)
# def test_login(test_input, expeted):
# """ Test case login """
# print(' Get input data ')
# print(test_input['username'], test_input['pwd'])
# print(' Get the expected results ')
# print(expeted)
# print(' Sign in ')
# Simulate a login interface
def login(username, pwd):
print(' Enter the account :{}'.format(username))
print(' Input password :{}'.format(pwd))
# return
return {
'code': 0, 'msg': 'success'}
@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_input, expeted, title', test_datas)
def test_login(test_input, expeted, title):
""" Test case login """
result = login(test_input['username'], test_input['pwd'])
# Assertion
assert result['msg'] == expeted
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main(['./test_b_title.py', '--alluredir', './result4/', '--clean-alluredir'])
os.system('allure generate ./result4/ -o ./report4/ --clean')
allure Clean up the last operation record
- allure The report can record the execution of each use case , It is convenient to track the success rate of use cases , Keep data in json In file
- There's a problem , When you delete or change the name of the use case in your code , Previous use case reports will still be recorded
pytest.main(['./test_b_title.py', '--alluredir', './result4/'])
Clean up historical data
pytest.main(['./test_b_title.py', '--alluredir', './result4/', '--clean-alluredir'])
- Output clean: Just let the report regenerate , The generated results will retain the previous use case execution records
os.system('allure generate ./result4/ -o ./report4/ --clean')
allure Dynamically generate use case titles
@allure.title Describe the use case Title
@allure.description Describe the details of the use case Use cases can be dynamically updated , Use allure.dynamic Method realization
# coding:utf-8
import os
import allure
import pytest
desc = '<font color="red"> request url:</font>{}<Br/>'\
'<font color="red"> test result :</font>{}<Br/>'\
'<font color="red"> Request method :</font>{}<Br/>'\
'<font color="red"> The actual result :</font>{}<Br/>'\
'<font color="red"> Wrong result :</font>{}<Br/>'\
.format('http://www.baidu.com', 'pass', 'post', '200', '404')
@allure.description(' A brief description ')
def test_dynamic():
assert 1 == 1
@allure.title(' Update title ')
def test_dynamic_title():
assert 2 + 2 == 4
allure.dynamic.title(' When the assertion succeeds , The title will be modified ')
@allure.title(' Parameterized use case title , add to {param1} and {param2}')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('param1, param2, expected', [(1, 2, 3), (2, 2, 5)])
def test_with_parm_title(param1, param2, expected):
assert param1 + param2 == expected
allure.dynamic.title(' Change the title ')
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main(['./test_dynamic_allure.py', '--alluredir', './result/', '--clean-alluredir'])
os.system('allure generate ./result/ -o ./report/ --clean')
Execution results
allure- Add environment information
stay result Add... To the catalog environment.properties
email=[email protected].com
- Mode two : stay allure Of result Add a environment.xml
stay result In addition, create the above two files , then , Before generating the test report , Import the contents of the file
if __name__ == '__main__':
pytest.main(['./test_env.py', '--alluredir', './result/', '--clean-alluredir'])
os.system('copy environment.properties result\\environment.properties')
os.system('allure generate ./result/ -o ./report/ --clean')
Screenshot of test case failure
# conftest Code
# coding:utf-8
import allure
import pytest
from selenium import webdriver
def browser():
print('browser init')
global driver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
yield driver
print('browser quit')
""" Decorator @pytest,hookimpl(hookwrapper=True) Equivalent to @pytest.mark.hookwrapper effect : You can get the information of test cases , For example, the description of use case function You can get the execution results of test cases ,yield, Return to one result object """
def pytest_runtest_makereport():
# You can get the execution results of test cases ,yield, Return to one result object
out = yield
""" Return one from result object (out) Get the test report of the call result , Return to one report object report Object properties Include when(setup,call,teardown Three values )、nodeid( The name of the test case )、 outcome( The execution result of the use case :passed,failed) """
report = out.get_result()
# Just get the use cases call The execution results of the phase , It doesn't contain setup and teardown
if report.when == 'call':
# Get use cases call The execution result is failure
xfail = hasattr(report,"wasxfail")
if(report.skipped and xfail) or (report.failed and not xfail):
# add to allure Report screenshots
with allure.step(" Add failed screenshot .."):
# Use allure The self-contained method of adding attachments : The three parameters are : Source file 、 file name 、 file type
allure.attach(driver.get_screenshot_as_png()," Screenshot of failure ",
Test code
# coding:utf-8
from time import sleep
def test_baidu_case01(browser):
driver = browser
# Locate the baidu search box , Then type the keyword
driver.find_element_by_id('kw').send_keys(' Dog money ')
# Go to the search button , Click on the search
assert driver.title == "11 Dog money _ Baidu search "
Entry function
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import pytest
def run():
os.system('allure generate ./result/ -o ./report_allure/ --clean')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Running results
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