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[IELTS speaking] Anna's oral learning records part2

2022-07-07 08:16:00 Ma Pengsen

  The second part : Theme card statement

   In this part , The examiner will hand the candidate a theme card , There are questions and related ideas on the card . After getting the card , Candidates have one minute to prepare , At the same time, you can make notes on the provided papyrus ( Don't take out the examination room ).

   then , Candidates should make 1-2 minute Statement . The answer should not be too long , It can't be too short . Too short is short , It is the examiner who believes that the student does not have the ability to analyze and describe in English . Too long is easy to be interrupted by the examiner , Make them think that the candidate can't grasp the key points or has the suspicion of reciting .

   Be careful , After the candidate's presentation , The examiner may add 1-2 problem ( Or maybe not ), But it won't have much impact on the second part . here , There is no need for candidates to repeat what they have already said . Answer concisely , To the point , clear .

( One ) neighbor

1–2: Interesting neighbors (5-8 New monthly questions )& Chatty friends (5-8 New monthly questions )

 I think my friend Anna is a very interesting person and I enjoy chatting with her. We both love pets, so there's just so much for us to talk about in that regard( dependent ).

We live in the same residential quarter, and first met while walking our dogs; mine a poodle and hers a Pomeranian. I always walk my dog after 10 pm, and often meet her in the elevator( The elevator ), so we both got to know each other. On weekends, we would go to the park to walk our dogs together.

Anna is very kind and funny. She is very caring and treats her pet as if it was her baby. And what's even more interesting is that she previously spent time studying animal nutrition. She even knows how to deal with some common diseases. So, I always learn something new quickly by talking to her. For example, I learned what is bad for a dog's health, such as the additives( additive ) in pet treats, and what foods are good for its health. She also taught me how to make pet treats and pet cakes with chicken. Once, when my dog had diarrhea( suffer from diarrhea ), Anna sent me to the pharmacy( The pharmacy ) to buy some human medications for my dog, and it recovered just a few days later. Animal clinics( clinic ) usually cost me a lot, so this really helped me save a ton of money. I'm grateful to have such a good friend!

Chinese thinking :

I think my friend ( neighbor )anna Is a very interesting person , Chatting with her always makes me feel happy . We all like pets very much , So there are many common topics .

Me and Anna Live in the same community , We met while walking the dog . When I'm at home , I always at night 10 Walk the dog after o'clock . And I often meet her in the elevator , Gradually, the two of us became familiar . I also make an appointment to walk my dog in the park on weekends . I raised a A poodle , And she keeps a pome .

Anna He is a kind and interesting person . She is very caring , Treat your pets like children . What makes me more interesting is , She will spend time studying Pet Nutrition . Even some simple diseases , She knows how to deal with . Chatting with her always makes me learn quickly Something new . She once told me that pet snacks sold outside have additives , It is harmful to the health of dogs . She will also share with me what food is good for pet health . know anna after , I learned how to make pet snacks with chicken , Even learned to make pet eggs cake . Once my dog had diarrhea , anna I was instructed to go to the pharmacy and buy some people to give medicine to the dog , A few days later, my dog recovered . Usually pet hospitals are very expensive , This helped me save a lot of money . I'm glad to have such a good friend ( neighbor ).

( Two ) Help children

3-4: Moments of praise (5-8 New monthly questions )& Help children (5-8 New monthly questions )

Not long ago during the holidays, my cousin's academic performance improved thanks to my help. So, my aunt praised me highly at the family gathering. It made me so proud to be recognized by my elders.

My cousin, who is in junior high school( Middle school ) this year, is not performing well academically. He even failed in English and Maths. My aunt hired a tutor for him, but my cousin was very rebellious and did not do the homework assigned by the tutor. So, she turned to me in the hope that I could help him with his studies. We had been very close since childhood and often played together. Subsequently, my aunt thought he would listen to what I had to say.

I didn't rush to tutor him on homework, but first shared some of my own experiences and study methods with him. And I found that he didn't reject me, but listened carefully to my ideas. I tried to start with the basics, and he seemed to concentrate a bit harder. My aunt was grateful that I was able to smooth out her communication with my cousin. His attitude toward learning has changed significantly since then. After all, she and my uncle had tried many times but with counterproductive( backfire ) results. I even felt a little embarrassed when my aunt kept praising me. Actually, I was happy to be able to help my cousin, because we are not only relatives but also good friends who grew up together. Our experiences have a lot in common, and our parents oftentimes did not really understand what we were thinking about.

Chinese thinking :

Not long ago holiday , My cousin with my help , Academic performance has been improved . My aunt highly praised me at the family party . Can get the affirmation of elders , This makes me feel very proud .

My cousin is in junior high school this year , Academic performance is not ideal . Especially math and English , It's hard to even pass . His aunt invited him a family elder t , But my cousin is very rebellious , The task assigned by the teacher is not done at all . So my aunt found me , I hope I can help my cousin tutor . We grew up The relationship is very good , Often play together . My aunt thought what I said , Cousin should listen .

I'm not in a hurry to tutor my cousin , Instead, I told him some of my own experiences . And I shared some learning methods I summarized . I feel that he has no strong rejection of me , He listened carefully to what I said . I try to start from the most basic , He seems to be paying more attention 了 . Aunt thanks me for helping her communicate with her cousin , After my cousin talked with me , Learning attitude has improved significantly . After all, she and her uncle Communicated many times , Are counterproductive . My aunt kept praising me , I'm even a little embarrassed . in fact , I'm very happy to Help my cousin , We are not only relatives , He is also a good friend who grew up together . Many things he has experienced are what I have experienced . very Most of the time, parents can't really understand what we are thinking .

( 3、 ... and ) Dance Liu Fuhong

5-6: Things that surprise and delight you (5-8 New monthly questions )& Recent changes to improve life (5-8 New monthly questions )

7: Ways to stay healthy (5-8 New monthly questions )

Describe something you do that you think is important for keeping fit and healthy.

Some instructions that you can follow:
What you do
How often you do it
Who you do it with
And explain why you think this activity is important for keeping fit and healthy.

8: Difficult decisions (5-8 New monthly questions )

Describe a difficult decision you made that had a very good result.

Some instructions that you can follow:
What the decision was
Why it was difficult to make the decision
What helped you to decide
And explain why the decision you made had such a good result.

For a long time, I have wanted to exercise regularly. I've always been a lazy person, and exercise was a hard thing for me to keep up until recently an actor named Liu GengHong has gone viral because of a workout livestream on Tiktok. A great many people have been following him to do aerobics, so do I.

Recently our school has been locked down due to COVID-19. So, I can barely go out and have to spend every day in my dorm checking my phone, about which I feel exhausted. My dorm is crowded and small, which is not a good place for exercise. I was also worried that doing a big jump would lead to complaints from downstairs. It was not an easy decision. A few weeks ago, my roommate Anna jumped on the bandwagon and was the first to do aerobics in the dorm. Anna's behavior instantly ignited my passion for fitness.

Now I do his aerobics almost every day. Every time we finished a set of moves, Liu would take a five-minute break to chat with everyone, which also made the exercise less boring. Before I knew it, I have been exercising for a month, which is a positive change for me to keep fit. The feeling of sweating makes me feel good and any unhappiness seems to be wiped off along with the sweat. Of course, what makes me most happy is that I lost one kilogram this week and my muscles are no longer sore.

It is difficult to make a hard decision. But once we have made up our mind to do it and keep on doing it, we will make it.

Chinese thinking :

For a long time , I want to keep regular exercise . I've always been a lazy person , Exercise is a hard thing for me to adhere to , straight To . recently , An actor named Liu Jianhong , It's popular because of the live fitness in Tiktok . All the people are following him in Aerobics , I decided to jump up too .

Recently, our school was blocked because of novel coronavirus . This makes me hardly go out , Play mobile phones in the dormitory every day , I feel very tired . The dormitory is crowded and small , Not a good choice for sports . At the same time, I'm also worried that a large jump will lead to complaints downstairs . This is not an easy Decision . Until a few weeks ago , My roommate anna Keep up with this upsurge , Take the lead in doing aerobics in the dormitory .Anna The moment of action It ignited my enthusiasm for fitness .

Liu Jianhong's aerobics is easy to learn , I jumped for an hour on my first day . Every time he finishes a set of movements, he will rest 5 Minutes and big Chat at home , This also makes sports no longer boring . Before you know it , I have been exercising for a month , I think this is a positive change , Exercise is good for keeping healthy . The feeling of sweating I feel very comfortable , Unhappy things also seem to disappear with sweat . Of course , What makes me most happy is that this week I not only lost weight 2 Jin , The problem of shoulder pain has also improved .

Although it is difficult to make a decision , But as long as you try bravely , After habits are formed , You will surely reap a good Result .

( Four ) Self study in the Library

9-10: A quiet place (5-8 New monthly questions )& Things that help you focus (5-8 New monthly questions )

Usually, I go to the library to do some reading when I am alone. It is really a quiet place and I can totally concentrate on my reading or studying. The first time that I visited the library was when my roommate Anna took me there. I find there are no other places on campus quieter and more suitable for study than the library.

As a matter of fact, almost every Saturday afternoon, I love to go there and read for a while. If I feel bored, I will also go to library to do some reading. While reading in the library, my mindset is the most placid and calm.

So, whenever I want to concentrate on my studies or do some reading, I will go there. There are four people in our dormitory, so it is usually noisy. My roommates often talk or play games in the dormitory which makes it hard for me to concentrate. A quiet place can help me significantly to study more efficiently. Besides, when I don't have to study, I like to go to the library to read all kinds of interesting books. It is free for students to borrow books. I especially enjoy literature and history books. When I am immersed in the story, all my troubles seem to disappear.

I'm a very easily distracted person, and the library really gives me the perfect environment to focus on what I want to do. I feel completely comfortable and relaxed in the library.

Usually , When I'm alone , I like reading in the Library . This is a quiet place , I can concentrate my attention on reading or Study . The first time I went to the library was my roommate anna Took me , Since then, I have loved the Library . I found that on campus , Nothing is quieter than a library , It is more suitable for learning .

in fact , Almost every Saturday afternoon , I like to go there to read for a while . Usually if I feel bored , I also go to the Library . When reading in the library , My state of mind is the most peaceful and calm .

Whenever I want to concentrate on my study , I always go to the Library . Four people live in our dormitory , Dormitories are usually noisy , My roommate often Can talk or play games in the dormitory . These sounds make it difficult for me to concentrate . A quiet place can significantly improve my learning efficiency . another Outside , When there is no need to review , I like going to the library to read all kinds of interesting extracurricular books . Students are free to borrow books . I especially like Wen Books on science and history . When I am immersed in the story , All the troubles seem to be gone . I am a person who is easily disturbed , The library really gives me a perfect environment , Let me focus on what I want to do . Here let me Feel free and relaxed .

( 5、 ... and ) Make dumplings during the Spring Festival

11-13: Busy moments (5-8 New monthly questions )& Celebrate important events (5-8 New monthly questions )& Activities prepared

The Chinese people attach great importance to the Spring Festival. It is rather exciting to stay with the family on this day.

This year was impressive because I was engaged in preparing for the Spring Festival with my family. My mother and I began to clean up half a month before this date, including the bedding, curtains, furniture, floor, and windows. In addition to the New Year purchases we needed, we also bought gifts for relatives. My days were very busy, even though I was only helping my mom with these trivial things.

To do things more efficiently, I made a plan ahead of time and followed the schedule every day. I tried saving time by, for example, putting the curtains into the washing machine and cleaning rooms at the same time. I can’t believe how diligent I became at that time.

During this period, my family and I were busy, but we were happy. I cherish the Spring Festival very much due to the rare days spent with them as I attended college. It is delightful to cook meals with my mom and make dumplings with other family members. This engagement makes me feel contented and fulfilled.

Spring Festival is the most important festival in the eyes of Chinese people , Spending the Spring Festival with your family is very exciting .

This year's Chinese New Year impressed me , Because during that time, my family and I were busy preparing to celebrate the Spring Festival . Half a month before the new year, my mother and I Start cleaning . Bedding and curtains should be removed for cleaning . Furniture at home , Clean the floor and glass . In addition to the preparation year cargo , You have to buy gifts for relatives during the Spring Festival . Although I just give my mother a hand , But these trivial things still make me very busy .

In order to improve efficiency , I made a plan early , Follow the schedule every day . I will try to save time , For example, put the window Throw the curtain into the washing machine , I can use this time to clean my room . I can't believe it myself , I have always been lazy , Will change in this period of time I have to work very hard .

Although the Chinese New Year is very busy , But my family is very happy . Spring Festival is a very important festival for me . Since I went to college, I've been very Don't go home , The day of family reunion is also particularly precious . Cook with mom , Or the whole family makes dumplings together, which makes me feel very happy . Even if it's busy , But such busyness makes me feel full and meaningful .

14: Favorite traditional items (5-8 New monthly questions )

Describe a traditional product made in your country which you like.

What this product is

When you first tried this product

How this product is made

And explain why you like this traditional product.

My favourite Chinese traditional product is dumplings. It is one of the most famous traditional foods in our country.

Dumplings are made with dumpling wrappers and minced pork. My family used to make dumplings ourselves. I have been eating dumplings since I was a child. Sometimes they also go to the supermarket to buy frozen dumplings. In fact, they taste similar, but I actually prefer homemade dumplings, because usually during the Spring Festival, my whole family will sit together and make dumplings while watching TV, which is a must for our family during the Spring Festival every year.

In China, we believe that dumplings contain our good fortunes for the coming year. People in certain places will often choose one dumpling to hide a coin inside. It is thought that whoever eats the dumpling that contains the coin is the luckiest person and shall be extremely fortunate in the following year.

I very much love to eat dumplings, and making dumplings with my family is rather meaningful. Normally, my parents and I are very busy and anxious, and there are seldom opportunities for everyone to get together. I cherish such activity with all my heart. Perhaps what I cherish the most are not the dumplings, but rather the rare reunion.

Chinese thinking :

My favorite traditional product is Jiaozi . Dumplings are one of the most famous traditional foods in China .

Dumplings are made of dough and pork stuffing . My family used to make dumplings by themselves , I have often eaten dumplings since I was a child . Sometimes they also go Buy quick-frozen dumplings from the supermarket . In fact, the two taste the same , I actually prefer my own dumplings , Because usually during the Spring Festival , We The whole family will sit together , Watching TV while making dumplings , This is a must for our family to celebrate the Spring Festival every year .

Dumplings carry our good expectations for the coming year . People in some places like to choose one of all dumplings , Put a coin in it . Who eats dumplings with coins , It means that he is the luckiest person , Then there will be good luck .

I like dumplings very much , It's meaningful to make dumplings with your family . Usually , My parents and I are very busy , Very anxious , Very few Opportunity to get together . I cherish such activities very much . Maybe what I cherish most is not dumplings , But a rare reunion .

( 6、 ... and ) Packet loss

15-16: Use your mobile phone to do important things (5-8 New monthly questions )& Lost items in public places (5-8 New monthly questions )

 I remember it was several months ago that I lost my wallet while hanging out at a mall with my classmate Anna. Luckily enough, the wallet found its way back to me later. It was the weekend if I remember correctly, and we had just finished our final exams. We were in such a great mood that we decided to go to the mall for lunch before going shopping there.

A while after lunch, I found that my wallet was gone. At first, I believed it had gotten stolen and was extremely frustrated. In my wallet, there were all my credentials and bank cards. It would be a lot of trouble to get them all replaced, although the sum of money lost wasn't large. But then, Anna asked me to think back to the last time I used my wallet. It didn't take long for me to recall that it was when I paid for my lunch. I pulled out my phone promptly and made a call to the restaurant. The restaurant manager answered it and agreed to help me find the wallet. Thankfully, he called back soon after and told me my wallet was still there.

I was grateful that Anna had reminded me right away and advised me to call the restaurant. Otherwise, my wallet might have been taken away by another diner. I learned an important lesson from this experience: don't panic when you lose something; instead, calm yourself down and think about where it was the last time you saw it!

Chinese thinking :

I still remember a few months ago , Me and my classmates Anna I accidentally lost my wallet while shopping , Fortunately, , Later I Found it . If I remember correctly , It was a weekend , At that time, we just finished the final exam , I'm in a good mood , So we are happy Happily go to the mall for lunch , Then go shopping in the mall .

Soon after I finished eating , I found my wallet missing . At first I thought it was stolen , Very depressed . I'm in my wallet All documents and bank cards , It's not worth it , But it's very troublesome to make it up . But at this point Anna Let me think about it. Finally When is the first time to use your wallet . I thought for a while and then remembered , The last time I used my wallet was in the restaurant where I had lunch . therefore I quickly picked up my cell phone and called the restaurant . The manager of the restaurant answered the phone , And promised to help me find it . Fortunately , He will call me back soon word , Tell me I found my wallet .

Fortunately Anna Reminds me , And ask them to call the restaurant immediately . If there is no such call , Time is long. , My wallet is likely It was taken away by the next guest . This is a lesson for me : Don't panic if you lose something in the future , We should calm down and think about it When was the last time I used it !

( 7、 ... and ) Li Jiaqi

17: Domestic celebrities (5-8 New monthly questions )18-19: People who make contributions to society & People who are often followed on Social Networks

Describe a well-known person in your country who is very popular.

Some instructions that you can follow:

Who this person is

What you know about this person

Why he/she is so popular

And explain how you feel about this person being so popular.

Li Jiaqi is a household name in my country. He has a lot of fans and is currently the most popular influencer in China. I like him very much. Concurrently, I believe he also contributes a lot to society.Li Jiaqi, who started out as an ordinary cosmetics salesman, eventually became a superstar in the livestreaming industry with his hard work and great eloquence. Li Jiaqi usually recommends a variety of good products in his streams.

Li Jiaqi has great verbal dexterity. He can explain the features of the products accurately in the shortest time possible. His livestreams are highly infectious, which always makes me feel the urge to buy the products he recommends without even realizing it. Meanwhile, Li is very dedicated to his work, almost restless all year round. He livestreams for four or five hours every day.

I believe Li is a person who contributes much to society. Through his live streaming, everyone can buy the products they need at a lower price, which invariably improves people's quality of life. Li Jiaqi often recommends products that are fairly priced and of good quality, which is very suitable for students.

Besides, from time to time, he will do some charity livestreams without charging any commission, so as to help farmers in poor mountainous areas to sell their agricultural products. With his efforts, some unsalable agricultural products have become best-selling ones again. Through all these live streams to help farmers, Li is doing his part to contribute to the economic development of remote mountainous areas.

Chinese thinking :

Li Jiaqi is very famous in our country , Few people don't know him . He has a lot of fans , It is the hottest anchor in China at present , He is a person who makes great contributions to society . Li Jiaqi was originally just an ordinary cosmetics seller , With their own efforts and excellent eloquence , Finally, he became a superstar in the live broadcasting industry . Li Jiaqi usually recommends many useful products in live broadcast .

Li Jiaqi has excellent expression ability , He can always accurately introduce the characteristics of the product in the shortest time . His live broadcast is very infectious , It always makes me have the impulse to buy unconsciously . meanwhile , Li Jiaqi is very dedicated . A year 365 He hardly takes a rest these days . It's straight every day Broadcast for fourorfive hours .

I think Li Jiaqi is a person who contributes to society . Through his studio , Everyone can buy the products they need at a lower price . This has virtually improved people's quality of life . Li Jiaqi often recommends some cheap and easy-to-use products , Very suitable for the student party . besides , He often does some public service live broadcasts , No commission will be charged for the whole process . Help farmers in poor mountainous areas sell agricultural products . With his efforts , Some unsalable agricultural products have become popular products again . Live broadcast by helping farmers one by one , Li Jiaqi is doing her best , On the contrary Make contributions to the economic development of remote mountain areas .

( 8、 ... and ) Air conditioner

20: Inventions that change the world (5-8 New monthly questions )

Describe an invention which you think has changed the world in a good way.

Some instructions that you can follow:

What this invention is

What it does

How popular it is with people of different ages

And explain how you think this invention has changed the world in a good way.

I think air-conditioning is one of the greatest inventions in the world. I live in the south of China, and it is very hot in the summertime! I use an air conditioner for more than two-thirds of the year, or I would easily become irritated and impatient.

The major function of the air conditioner is, of course, to cool down the room. No matter how sweltering it is outside, as long as the air conditioner is turned on, the indoor temperature will remain at about 26 degrees, which is the most suitable temperature for the human body.

Many of the older generations think that it is unhealthy and uncomfortable to stay long in an air-conditioned room. They probably prefer electric fans. However, many young people, myself among them, consider air-conditioning as a vital item that we couldn’t live without. I can still remember that one night when the power went out and I was awakened by the heat and could not fall asleep again. The only thing I could do was to take a cold shower and stand out on the balcony for the breeze.

Before air conditioning was invented, people could only cool themselves with ice. Now, air-conditioning makes our working and living environment more comfortable. Food factories need low temperature environments to ensure the freshness of food, and to avoid affecting its shelf life. In the office, air-conditioning makes employees more efficient. Air-conditioning may seem mundane, but it has changed the world in a positive way.

Chinese thinking :

I think air conditioning is an invention that is extremely beneficial to the world . I live in the South , The summer there is really too hot ! More than one third of a year Time for two , I need to use it . Otherwise I will be too hot to think .

Of course, the main function of air conditioning is to cool down , He can make the hot summer cool . No matter how hot it is outside , Just turn on the air conditioner , indoor It will stay in the 26 degree , This is the most suitable temperature for human body .

Many older generations feel that blowing air conditioning all the time is unhealthy and uncomfortable , In contrast, they prefer fans . But in the eyes of our young people , If you leave the air conditioner , I think my life will not continue . I remember a blackout in the middle of the night , I was awakened by heat in my sleep , then Never fell asleep again . I can only take a cold bath , Then stand on the balcony and blow the wind .

Before air conditioning was invented , People can only use ice to cool down . Air conditioning makes us work , The living environment becomes more comfortable . If a food The processing plant cannot control the temperature of the workshop , Then it cannot produce qualified food . In the office , Air conditioning makes employees more efficient high . The air conditioner looks ordinary , But there is no denying that he changed the world in a positive way .

21-23: School / Rules you don't like at work & Something inseparable & Repaired bad objects

《 School / Rules you don't like at work 》

On my first day living in the university dormitory, there was something that upset me very much: the lack of an air conditioner. There was only a fan in the dorm. I consulted the dorm supervisor about whether it was allowed for me to install an air conditioner by myself, and I got a “no”.

According to the university, it is not allowed for me to do so for two reasons: one is that the uniformity of the dorm environment will be affected, and the other is that if the air conditioner is removed later, a large hole will be left in the wall. I don’t think this is reasonable.

If I am asked about one thing that I cannot live without, the answer would be an air conditioner. I live in the south of China, and it is very hot in the summertime! I use an air conditioner for more than two-thirds of the year, or I would easily become irritated and impatient. The summer in the south is very sultry, and there is no difference in temperature between morning and evening. When walking on the street during the day, I will feel dizzy because of the scorching sunlight. I feel like I am brought back to life again whenever I return to an air-conditioned room from outside. I believe that air conditioners are a necessity for everyone living in the south.

If the university believes that the installation of air-conditioning in some dorms over others will cause adverse effects, it should take into consideration the general installation of air-conditioning in every student dormitory. All in all, a proper living environment is the basis for learning. It’s frustrating when it is too hot to fall asleep every night.

Chinese thinking :

On my first day in college dormitory , There is one thing that makes me very dissatisfied . That is, there is no air conditioning in the dormitory , There is only one typhoon Fans can be used . I asked the dormitory management school whether it is allowed to install air conditioners by itself , The answer is No .

The reason given by the school is , If individual dormitories are equipped with air conditioners , On the one hand, it will affect the beauty , On the other hand, if it is removed later , Will be on the wall Leave a big hole in . I think this is very unreasonable .

What I absolutely cannot live without , It must be air conditioning . I live in the South , The summer there is really too hot ! More than one third of a year Time for two , I need to use it . Otherwise I will be too hot to think . Summer in the south is very sultry , And sooner or later there is no temperature Bad . Walk on the street for a while during the day , I will be dizzy by the heat . Every time I return to the air-conditioned room from the outside , I feel myself Come back to life . I think air conditioning is a necessity for everyone living in the South .

If the school thinks that installing air conditioners for individual students will cause adverse effects , We can consider installing air conditioners for students' dormitories . After all, a good living environment is the basis of learning . It's too hot to sleep every night , It's really a crazy thing .

《 Fix bad items 》

An unforgettable experience pops into my mind of a summer night last year. The air conditioner broke down accidently which almost drove me crazy at the time. That summer was very hot with temperatures over 30 degrees. I had to keep the air conditioner on to get enough sleep. One night, the air conditioner suddenly broke down and the room was filled with hot air. I tried to call the after-sales staff to repair it, but they said that they were so busy that they could only come to repair it the day after tomorrow.

The summer in the south is very sultry, and there is no difference in temperature between morning and evening. When walking on the street during the day, I will feel dizzy because of the scorching sunlight. I feel like I am 2122 brought back to life again whenever I return to an air-conditioned room from outside. I believe that air conditioners are a necessity for everyone living in the south.

I was devastated, so I tried to figure out a solution to fix it. I removed the filter and cleaned it, and then plugged the air conditioner back in again. The air conditioner still refused to work. I didn't even know why it had broken down. Eventually, I suffered through that burning night with no sleep. Fortunately, I kept calling the staff the next day and the repairman finally came to the door in time to repair the air conditioner.

Chinese thinking :

I still remember a summer a few years ago , My air conditioner suddenly broke , This makes me so hot . I still remember that it was very hot for a while , There are about 30 How much . I have to turn on the air conditioner every night to fall asleep . One night , I The air conditioner in your house suddenly broke down . The room became very hot . So I tried to call the after-sales personnel to repair the air conditioner , But the after-sales personnel said They have been too busy recently , It can't be repaired until the day after tomorrow .

I live in Guangzhou , The summer here is really too hot ! There is no temperature difference in the morning and evening , The night is almost as hot as the day . Every time I return from outside Go to the air-conditioned room , I feel like I'm alive again . I think air conditioning is a necessity for everyone living in the South . I can't imagine I need to live without air conditioning . I can't help it , I can only try by myself to find some way to repair the air conditioner .

I took down the filter screen of the air conditioner and cleaned it , Plug the power supply of the air conditioner again several times . But the air conditioner still doesn't work properly . I don't even Know where the air conditioner is broken . Last , I spent a sleepless night in the hot weather . Fortunately, the next day , At my urging , dimension The repairman finally came to the door in time to fix the air conditioner .

( Nine ) Chengdu

24-25: A livable place (5-8 New monthly questions )& Interesting famous cities 《 A livable place 》 & Go out economically (5-8 New monthly questions )

Describe a special day out which didn’t cost very much.

Some instructions that you can follow:

Where and when you went

What you did

What the you spent money on

And explain why you enjoyed this special day out.

32-34: New place & Enjoy a hike & A corner of the country

I believe Chengdu is a perfect city that I recommend to all my friends as a place to live. I first saw Chengdu on TV when I was very young, but it wasn't until my parents took me on a trip to Chengdu after I had graduated from high school, that I could actually visit it.

Chengdu is famous for hotpot and Mahjong culture. Hotpot, in particular, has become the symbol of Chengdu. When I went there for the first time, I visited several famous hotpot restaurants to try their hot pot. I have to say, the hot pot in Chengdu is the best that I have ever tasted. Every time I travel there, I would happily eat hotpot for seven days a week!

Mahjong culture is also an interesting aspect of Chengdu. It is well known that Chengdu people, both young and old, love to play mahjong. The last time I was in Chengdu, I saw there were all sorts of mahjong clubs in the neighborhood, where old people would gather to play mahjong. Besides, I heard that young people will also play Mahjong mobile games in their free time.

There are two reasons why I recommend Chengdu. For one thing, the culture of working overtime doesn’t exist there. People lead a slow and interesting life, playing Mahjong and having conversations with neighbors. For another, there are so many kinds of delicious foods in Chengdu, people will never feel bored about eating if they live there!

I think Chengdu is the most livable city I have ever been to . I saw Chengdu on TV when I was very young , Until I graduated from high school, my parents took me Chengdu Travel , I went there for the first time .

Chengdu is famous for hot pot and mahjong . Especially hot pot , It has become the business card of Chengdu . There may be more than 1000 hot pot shops in Chengdu , This foot To see people's love for hot pot . When I first went to Chengdu , I went to several famous hotpot restaurants for dinner . I have to be their Hot pot is the most delicious I have ever eaten . So every time I go there , I can eat hot pot seven days a week without getting bored .

Mahjong culture is also an interesting aspect of Chengdu . as everyone knows , Chengdu people, young and old, love playing mahjong . Last time I went to Chengdu Hou , I saw all kinds of mahjong parlors in the neighborhood , The old people are all around playing mahjong . It is said that young people will Take out your mobile phone and play some mahjong . This is an interesting culture that cannot be seen elsewhere .

The reason why I recommend Chengdu , One side , Overtime culture does not exist in Chengdu , People live a relaxed and interesting life , Play mahjong when you are free Chat with . On the other hand , Chengdu has many delicacies , People will never be hungry here !

( Ten ) Scallop words

26-27: Others ask for your opinions (5-8 New monthly questions )& Time saving changes (5-8 New monthly questions ) 

 28: Help you learn a foreign language

Describe something you did that helped you to learn another language.

Some instructions that you can follow:
What you did
Where you did it
Who you did it with
And explain how doing this helped you to learn another language.

Recently, I made a change, that is, I downloaded a word-memorizing app to memorize words, which has improved my word-memorizing efficiency and saved me a lot of time.

I used to recite English words with word books. I would set myself how many words to recite every day. If I couldn't memorize them, I would write them down in my notebook. But I find this method of memorizing words particularly boring. So, I asked my roommate Anna, who is a student with excellent grades, how to recite words efficiently. Anna told me that she usually uses the app Scallop Words to recite words. According to your recitation plan, this app will randomly send English words to you every day, and record the words you do not know, and then send them to you again on the next day.

I was immediately attracted by the app and downloaded it immediately. I have to say, this way of reciting words is far more effective. I used to be annoyed by the boring task of reciting words every day, but now I just need to pick up my cell phone and spend half an hour every day, so now I can finish the task of reciting words in half an hour, when it would take me over an hour before. Scallop app is of great help to my English learning. I am very grateful to Anna for recommending this app to me.

Chinese thinking :

Recently I made a change , That is to give up the habit of memorizing word books , Downloaded a mobile phone APP To memorize words , This makes me happy It saves a lot of time , And it also improves my efficiency of reciting words .

I used to memorize English words with a word book , I will stipulate how many words I recite every day , If you won't, just extract it , Take notes Ben li . But I find this method of memorizing words particularly boring , It's hard to stick to it for a long time . So I learned from my roommate Anna Ask how Can recite words efficiently .Anna Tell me , She usually uses the word scallop app To memorize words . This APP Will recite according to your plan draw , Push English words to you randomly every day , And record the words you don't know , The next day I will send it to you to recite .

I have to say , This way of memorizing words is really very effective . Originally, I was annoyed by the boring task of reciting words every day , Now I just need Pick up your cell phone , Spend half an hour every day , I can finish the task of memorizing words that I couldn't finish in an hour before . Making this change is almost No effort was expended , I just downloaded one app. Modern learning methods can improve learning efficiency , Saved me a lot of precious Time for study . I really appreciate it. Anna Recommended this software to me .

( 11、 ... and ) Mom

29-30: Family members who want to work together in the future (5-8 New monthly questions )& People who want to spend time together

My mum is very caring and helpful to me, and we get along easily. She is a wise and optimistic person whom I enjoy spending time with.

When I was little, my mum was the one who took care of me and helped me with my studies. She would make lovely meals for me and we would go shopping together. Whenever I was in trouble, she would be there for me. Whenever I am very eager to buy something, even if it is very expensive, my mum will buy it for me most of the time. Every time I am with my mother, I feel relaxed and comfortable. The long periods we have spent together have given us a tacit understanding of each other. Most of the time, my mother can know my thoughts just by a glance.

She is gentle, yet firm. I don’t think I have ever heard her yell. She is able to prioritize efficiently in order to get things done, but never seems to rush or show stress. She seldom reprimands me severely, but more often we get on well with each other as if we were close friends. When I was younger, I would often share my thoughts or little secrets with her. For example, when I had a boyfriend in high school, my mother didn’t scold me for this, but helped me to conceal the fact from my dad.

My mum enjoys being a part of my life and sharing in my happiness and sorrows. There is no better person than my mum for me to spend time with.

Chinese thinking :

My mother is very kind to me , There is a tacit understanding between us . At the same time , She is a wise , An optimistic person . So I really enjoy with her Time together .

When I was a child , My mother takes care of me and tutors me in my lessons . She will cook my favorite meal for me . When I'm in trouble , Mom will try her best Help me out . Meet something I like , Even if it's expensive , He will buy it for me most of the time . Every time I am with my mother When , I feel very relaxed , It's very pleasant . We get along well with each other for a long time . Most of the time, as long as a look, mom can Understand what I'm thinking .

She's very gentle , But very strong . I don't think I've ever heard her yell . She can prioritize things , Get things done , But it seems from Don't rush or show nervousness . She seldom scolds me severely , More often we are like friends . My mood or little secret can be Share with my mother for a while . For example, I made a boyfriend in high school , Mother is not worried about this affecting my study , Often help me out idea , And help me hide my father . Mom likes to be a part of my life , Share all the joy and tension with me . no There is no one better suited to spend time with than my mother .

( 13、 ... and ) Homemade cake

35-36: Special cake & An impressive lesson

I am crazy for dessert, especially cakes and milk tea. Speaking of the most special cake, I would like to share with you my first experience of making a cake.

On my birthday this year, my good friend Anna took me to a great baking shop called ABC cooking. The shop looks very bright and clean, and it is located in the busiest mall in the city. In this shop, Anna and I got the chance to design our own cake. Since both of us had no baking experience, we chose to start with cheesecake, which was the simplest. During the process, there was a professional teacher who guided us through everything. She taught me how to make a cake base with flour and how to whip the cream. I also acquired some professional baking knowledge, such as how to choose suitable flour, what are the methods used for different mixing techniques, and so on. I followed the teacher’s instructions step by step, and finally, I made a perfect cheesecake in about two hours.

To be honest, it is the most special cake for me. I took it home and shared it with my parents. They said that the cake was delicious and my mother didn’t even believe it was made with my own two hands. I think this bakery lesson was interesting and memorable. It was meaningful to make a cake for myself on my birthday. I seem to be in love with baking ever since then. If I have free time in the future, I will join a similar baking course again.

I am a very sweet person , All cakes and milk tea are my favorite . To say the most special cake , I want to talk about my first time Experience of making cakes .

On my birthday this year , My good friend anna Took me to a great baking experience hall , be called ABC cooking. In that shop Located in the most prosperous shopping mall in the city , It looks very bright and clean . in the store , Me and anna There will be a chance for everyone to make a completely In your own cake . Because there is no foundation , We chose the simplest cheese cake . In the process of making , A professional teacher pointed out the whole process Guide us . She told me how to make cakes with flour , How to beat cream . I also learned some professional baking knowledge , Like how Choose flour , What are the requirements for the mixing method . I followed the teacher step by step , About two hours , I made a A super perfect cheese cake .

I think this is the most special cake , I took it home and gave it to my parents , They all feel very delicious , My mother doesn't even like This is what I did . I think this is a special and impressive course . I can make one for myself on my birthday The cake , Is a very meaningful thing . I seem to fall in love with baking . If you have time later , I will take similar courses again .

( fourteen ) The story of studying abroad

37-39: The story that others tell you & Interesting conversation & Recently met and want to know more people

《 Recently met and want to know more people 》

Not long ago, I was employed at a securities institution as an intern, where I met Anna. I surprisingly found that she graduated from the same college as me. She is older than me and had studied in the UK years ago for her Master’s degree, whereupon she has been working ever since. She has strong work ethic and I admire her very much. We had lunch one day where she asked about my plans after graduation and I told her that I planned to study abroad.

Anna seems very interested in this topic. She believed that studying abroad was indeed worthwhile, but one had to be well-prepared to overcome various challenges. Finishing a master’s program abroad in just one or two years requires hard work. The courses have a tight schedule: every day you must attend many classes, and also have to stay up late to complete research and papers. She also told me about difficulties in daily life. The cost of food, accommodation and commuting abroad is relatively high. Although students from wealthy families will skip classes and spend lavishly on sports cars or luxury goods, most international students need to earn pocket money with part-time jobs.

Then she shared her experiences of living and working abroad which was very useful information for me to hear. I think she is an excellent and independent woman who is also a good example for me to learn from. I want to know more about her and learn from her.

Chinese thinking :

not long ago , I am interning in a company , I met a schoolgirl in the same school anna. She is older than me , She went to England many years ago to stay Study for a master's degree , I have been working for several years now . This student sister is very professional , Working ability is very strong , I appreciate her very much . One day at noon Get up for dinner , She asked me about my plans after graduation , I told her my plan to study abroad .

anna Seems very interested in this topic , She told me that studying abroad is really a good plan , But I want to overcome difficulties and challenges To prepare , Because it's hard to pass the master's course in just oneortwo years . Foreign courses are very compact , In every class When full , I have to stay up late in the evening to finish all kinds of research and papers . meanwhile , The expenditure on food, housing and transportation abroad is very high . Beyond seas It's true that I can see many students with rich families who spend a lot of time drinking , They buy sports cars , Buy luxury goods , And often skip classes . But most international students Need to work in your spare time , To earn some pocket money .

She shared with me a lot of his experience of living and working abroad , I feel very rewarding . I think she is an excellent independent woman ,, It is an example worth learning . I want to know more about her , Learn from her .

( 15、 ... and ) Graduation dress

40-41: Free goods and services received & Clothes given to you by others

At my high school graduation, our school prepared for each of us a set of graduation gowns and held a grand graduation ceremony for us in the great hall. The graduation gown was black with wide sleeves. It reached down to our knees and was fairly shapeless. We were all also required to wear black shoes. The boys needed to wear black pants with a white shirt while the girls needed to wear a black skirt with a white blouse.

Our head teacher said that the graduation gowns were gifts bought by our school, so we didn’t need to pay for them. This represented their best wishes for all of us to have a bright future. I felt grateful and delighted when I heard this.

Although I will probably only wear the graduation gown once in my graduation ceremony, I believe it to be some of my finest clothing, and that it holds two special meanings: On one hand, it makes us look tidier and more like a group. On the other hand, and most importantly, it carries a sense of ritual, which symbolizes that we have completed one stage of learning and can move on to the next.

My classmates and I wore our gowns proudly throughout the ceremony. Also, my whole family attended this ceremony and each of them was as happy as a clam, especially my grandparents. My aunt kept telling me how beautiful I looked and how quickly I had become an adult. It was a day filled with emotion and I was so proud to be wearing my graduation gown that I didn’t want to take it off.

At my high school graduation ceremony , Our school ordered a batch of graduation dresses for us , And also prepared a grand graduation for us in the auditorium ceremony . The dress is a loose black robe , The sleeves are wide , Down to our knees . We are also required to wear black shoes , The boy You need to wear black pants and white shirts , Girls need to wear black skirts and white shirts .

Our head teacher said that our graduation dress was bought by our school as a graduation gift , We don't need to pay , This means wishing us all the best in the future Best wishes . When I hear this , I feel very grateful .

Although I will probably wear a graduation dress at the graduation ceremony once in my life , But I think graduation dress is one of my best clothes , meanwhile It also has special significance . One side , It can make us look cleaner , More like a group . On the other hand , most important of all , this It's a ritual , It symbolizes that we have completed a stage of learning , You can continue to the next stage .

My classmates and I proudly wore gowns throughout the ceremony . and , Our whole family attended the ceremony , They are all very happy , Especially my grandparents . My aunt always told me that I was beautiful , Say I'll grow up soon . It was a really happy day , I do it for myself I'm proud to wear my graduation dress , That I don't want to take it off .

( sixteen ) Lego

42-43: Want to buy gifts for friends & Childhood toys

 《 Want to buy gifts for friends 》

Anna and I grew up together and we are very close friends. She lives nearby and we meet each other every week. I can always easily guess what Anna is thinking, and she often points out that no one knows her better than I do. Every year on our birthdays, we will send each other good wishes and exchange gifts. This year, I am thinking of giving her a set of Lego. I think Lego is a perfect gift because it is suitable for all ages, and everyone loves it.

I am planning to give Anna the latest Harry Potter owl Lego set, which is very popular recently. It truly resembles the owl Hedwig from the Harry Potter movies. Besides this, there is a mechanism that can control the movements of the wings when turning on the switch!

I know Anna is a big fan of Harry Potter, and so this gift will make a great addition to her collection. I hope that our friendship goes on and on. We can share with each other the sorrows and happiness of our lives just as Harry and his friends did. Though it will cost me an arm and a leg, I want to give her a perfect gift and I believe that Anna will definitely love it!

Anna is a friend I grew up with , Our relationship is very close . Because our two families live close together , So we meet every week . I can always guess anna What's on your mind , She often said that there should be no one who knows her better than me . Every birthday we meet each other Exchange gifts to express blessing , I want to give her a set of LEGO bricks this year . I think Lego is a perfect gift . Because it is suitable for all ages , very Few people will not like it .

I'm going to send a set of the latest Harry Potter owl LEGO suit to Anna. This set of owl building blocks is a very popular LEGO recently toy , Because it really restored the shape of Hedwig, the owl in Harry Potter movies , And it can turn owls The mechanism of wings , Just turn the switch , The wings of an owl will wave up and down !

That's true. Anna Is a fanatical Harry Potter fan . At the same time Anna This set of toys will become a great one collection . I hope our friendship will last forever . We can share our joys and sorrows in life , Like Harry and his friends sample . Although its price is a little expensive , but Anna Is my best friend , I hope I can give her the best gift . I'm sure she likes it Enjoy this LEGO !

( seventeen ) Driving a car

44-45: Skills learned from elders & Unfinished goals

 《 Unfinished goals 》

I have always wanted to go on a self-driving tour because the tour group set the itinerary and schedule, but I think it is very inconvenient.

In fact, I'm learning to drive. When I get the driving license, I want to go with my friends. Driving in a car will offer us a private space to chatter, to exchange gossip, and to listen to music as loud as we want. Most importantly, we can stop the car at any moment, in any place, and so never miss beautiful scenery along the road. We are in full control of our route and can travel anywhere we want. Copyright by Annayasi.

To be honest, it idea came to me last year. I have seen quite a few short videos on Tiktok about driving to Tibet. The scenery along the road is really astonishing. But at the same time, I also know that driving to Tibet is very dangerous and I have little experience in driving. So I can't drive to Tibet for the time being, but I can also go for a self-driving tour in the city to accumulate driving experience and prepare for going to Tibet in the future. When I have good driving skills, maybe before I am 30 years old, I will plan to drive to Tibet.

I've always wanted to take a self drive tour , If you can , I hope I can drive to Tibet by myself . Because if you travel with a group , Tour groups travel The route and schedule are all set , I find it inconvenient , Not free .

in fact , I'm still learning to drive ! When I get my driver's license , I want to go on a self drive tour with my friends . Self drive tour can contact The feelings between us , Several people in a space , Talk and laugh along the way , You can be reckless . And most of the time, you can stop at any time , You won't miss some beautiful scenery because of the journey of the tourist bus . We can plan our own route , Go wherever you want .

I came up with this idea last year , In recent years, I have seen many short videos about self driving Tibet on Tiktok , The scenery on both sides of the road It's so beautiful . But at the same time, I also know that driving to Tibet is a very dangerous thing , Although I have got my driver's license , But my driving experience The test is almost 0 . So I can't go to Tibet for the time being , But I can also try driving in the city , By the way, accumulate driving experience for going west in the future Tibet is ready . When I have good driving skills , Maybe before I was thirty , I will plan a self drive trip to Tibet .

( eighteen ) A separate topic

46: Ideal home

Describe the kind of house or apartment you would like to live in.

Some instructions that you can follow:

Where this house or apartment would be

What it would look like

What would be special about the house or apartment?

And explain why you would like to live in this house or apartment

My ideal house would be a nice modern flat somewhere near the centre of Beijing. I would like for it to be big enough that I could share it with my family. I prefer to live with them than living on my own. I would like it to be quite high up in Beijing, perhaps on an upper floor of a skyscraper. Unlike many people, I think large urban cities are very beautiful, and I love being high up so I am able to look over vast amounts of the city.

It would have to be a very modern and sleek looking flat filled with all the latest home technologies. This is because I have a great love of gadgets and modern technology. I think that these products make a house much more enjoyable to live in. I like the minimalist style of decoration, preferably with a big glass cabinet to display my collectables. It would be even better if there was a big balcony, as I could throw a great party with my friends on the balcony.

I think this would be my ideal house because I am a very modern person and really embrace modern developments. My family home was not like this at all, but very traditional and homely. Though this is lovely, there are so many modern developments which can improve a person’s quality of living. I think it is a shame when a house does not embrace this. Furthermore, I think modern architecture is far more impressive than traditional architecture, therefore aesthetically, this modern flat would be ideal to me.

Chinese thinking :

My ideal house should be a beautiful and modern apartment in the center of Beijing . I want an apartment big enough , So I can Live with my family . Compared with living alone , I prefer to live with my family . I hope it's high , Maybe in some skyscraper The high floor of the building . Unlike most people , I think big cities are very beautiful , I like to be high . Here I can overlook the scenery of the whole city .

It must be a modern and tidy apartment , Full of all the latest home technologies . This is because I like gadgets and modern things very much Modern technology , I think these products greatly improve the comfort of living . I like the minimalist decoration style , It's better to have a big glass cabinet To display my toys . It would be even better if there was a big balcony , I can have a great party with my friends on the balcony .

I think this is my ideal house , I am a very modern person , Truly embrace modern development . My home is not like this , It's very Tradition and simplicity . Although it's cute , There are still many modern products that can improve people's quality of life , I don't think a house can do this It's a pity . Besides , I think modern architecture is far more fashionable and impressive than traditional architecture , So aesthetically , This cash out Modern apartment is ideal for me .

47: Interesting song

Describe a song that you think is interesting.

Some instructions that you can follow:

What country the song is from

How you know about the song

What the song is about

And explain why you think this song is interesting.

I'm a big fan of, and have listened to, a lot of music. I like all kinds of music, and above all, I believe the “Birthday Song” is the most interesting and meaningful song. It's a song from America, and of course it's been translated into dozens of languages around the world.

When we were young, our parents and friends would sing this happy song to us on our birthday. It seems to me that it was the first song that I mastered. The song reminds us of childhood days, the affection of parents and the friendship of friends. No other song in the world can bring more happiness than the birthday song.

I remember when I was a kid, my parents once held a birthday party for me at McDonald's. On my birthday, I put on a birthday hat and had lit candles on my birthday cake. Then the staff turned off the lights in the shop, and I made a wish for next year. After making the wish, the lights came on and everyone sang the birthday song to me. It was one of my happiest moments as a child.

This song means happiness to children and it is also a kind of inheritance. As you can imagine, my grandfather used to sing it to my father, and my father used to sing it to me. Years from now, I will also sing the birthday song to my children. What a wonderful song it is!

Chinese thinking :

I am a person who likes listening to music , I have heard a lot of music from childhood . I like all kinds of music , among , I think it's the most interesting and What makes sense is 《 Birthday song 》. This is a song from the United States , Of course, it has also been translated into dozens of languages and spread all over the world .

When I was a child, I celebrated my birthday , My parents and friends will sing this happy song for me . This should be the first song I learned to sing . this This song reminds people of the growth of children 、 The affection of parents and the friendship of friends , No other song in the world can compare with birthday Songs make people happier .

I remember a birthday when I was a child , My parents gave me a birthday party at McDonald's . Birthday , I put on my birthday hat , On the birthday cake Light a candle . Then the staff will turn off the lights in the store , At this time, I will make my expectations for next year . I made my wish , The light It will light up , Everyone will sing this birthday song for me . That was one of the happiest moments of my childhood .

This song is not only happy for children , It is also a kind of inheritance . You can imagine , My grandfather once sang this song to my father , My father once sang for me . A few years later , I will also sing birthday songs to my children . This is really a wonderful song !

48: When there is traffic jam (5-8 New monthly questions )

Describe a situation when you had to spend a long time in a traffic jam.

Some instructions that you can follow:

When and where the traffic jam happened

What you did while you were in the traffic jam

How you felt about having to spend time in the traffic jam

And explain what problems the delay caused you.

On the topic of traffic jams, one of the most memorable I can recall happened during last year's National Day holiday.

At that time, my family decided to go to a seaside resort for fun. Because of the free highway, we started a self-driving tour that would have taken us about four hours.

However, consecutive traffic accidents occurred on the highway due to excessive traffic flow, resulting in an unexpected traffic jam. For nearly an hour, our car did not move at all. I didn’t mind at first. I even played games using my mobile phone. As time elapsed, I became restless. I wanted to go to the bathroom, but I had nowhere to go as we were still a long way from the next service station. Along the way, we managed to stop at one, and then continued on. It took us ten hours to get to our destination. I felt tired and hungry. What was more terrible was that I dared not even drink water on the way for fear of not finding a toilet.

Traffic jams are annoying because I can't do anything but wait through them. The scariest thing is that I never know how long I need to wait. This traffic jam, for example, took us almost a whole day. It was already late at night by the time we arrived at the resort. Hopefully, I will never encounter such a thing again.

Chinese thinking :

Talking about the traffic jam that impressed me most , It must be the traffic jam I encountered during the National Day holiday last year .

Last October , Our family decided to go to the seaside to play . Our destination is the seaside resort, which is about four hours' drive away from us . consider It's convenient to drive , Plus high-speed free . We gave up high-speed rail , Chose to drive .

However, on the way , Due to excessive traffic , Traffic accidents happen one after another on the highway , Caused an unexpected traffic jam . take Nearly an hour , Our car didn't move at all . At first I didn't feel anything . I also played several games with my mobile phone . but As time goes by , I began to fret . I want to go to the bathroom , But we are still a long way from the next service area . I don't know where I can go to the bathroom . We walked and stopped all the way , It was originally a four hour drive , It took us ten hours to get there The earth . I feel tired and hungry . What's more terrible is that I'm afraid I can't find the toilet , I dare not even drink water on the road .

I think traffic jam is a very annoying thing . In the meantime , Besides waiting . I can't do anything . The most terrible thing is me I don't know how long I need to wait . For example, this traffic jam , Wasted a whole day . It was late at night when we arrived at the resort . I hope I can I won't encounter similar things .

49: Important domestic waters (5-8 New monthly questions )

Describe an important river, lake or area of water in your country.

Some instructions that you can follow:

Where in your country it is

How big it is

What it looks like

And explain why this river, lake or area of water is important for your country.

The Pearl River is an extensive river system in southern China. Having lived in Guangzhou for eighteen years, I am still surprised at the ongoing developments happening in Guangzhou, and the Pearl River in particular.

Today, the two riverbanks of the Pearl River make for the most beautiful landscape of Guangzhou. If my memory serves me correctly, the Pearl River is the third largest river in our country. It flows through Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and other provinces. To be honest, I don't know exactly how long or how big it is, but I do know that it is very wide because the bridges across the river in Guangzhou are quite long. I assume that the Pearl River may be nearly a kilometer wide.

The Pearl River plays an important role in the development of southern cities. Since ancient times, people on both sides of the Pearl River have used the water to irrigate grain and transport goods. In modern times, the Pearl River has gradually become a valuable tourist attraction for southern cities. A large number of high-rise buildings have been built on both sides of the Pearl River. Every night, there are beautiful light shows along the riverbank and its skyscrapers. The cruise ships on the river and the lights on the shore contribute to a beautiful scene, attracting both tourists and locals alike to watch and enjoy.

Chinese thinking :

The Pearl River is a very large water area in southern China . I have lived in Guangzhou for nearly 20 year , I am still surprised by the development of Guangzhou , especially Pearl River . Now , Both sides of the Pearl River are the most beautiful scenery in Guangzhou .

If I remember correctly , The Pearl River is the third largest river in China . It flows through Guangdong , guangxi , Guizhou and other provinces . Tell the truth , I don't know How long is it , Or how big . But I know the Pearl River is very wide , Because the river crossing bridge in Guangzhou is very long . I estimate that the Pearl River may Nearly one kilometer wide The Pearl River plays an important role in the development of southern cities . Since the ancient times , People on both sides of the Pearl River use pearl river water to irrigate grain , freight .

In modern times , The Pearl River has gradually become a valuable tourism resource for southern cities . A large number of high-rise buildings have been built on both sides of the Pearl River . Every night , Along the The river bank and those high-rise buildings will show a beautiful light show . The cruise ships on the river and the lights on both banks form a beautiful picture , suction Attract many tourists and locals to stop and watch .

50: The competition you want to participate in (5-8 New monthly questions )

Describe a competition (e.g. music, cooking, sport) you would like to take part in.

Some instructions that you can follow:

What the competition is

Where and when it happens

What you have to do to win the competition

And explain why you would like to take part in this competition.

There's a competition in my local city that I've always wanted to take part in, but I've never had the courage to do so. It's called the English Excellence Award - or EEA, and it's a competition that anybody in the city can take part in, as long as you are a student and have a passion for English. But in a big city like mine, there are many people studying English, and therefore the competition can be very fierce.

I know about this competition because our teachers tell us about it in school - it's actually quite a famous competition among students in the city. The competition’s format is quite straightforward; each student has two minutes in which to recite a speech. Each year, the topics of the speeches change, and around two months before the competition begins, the organisers will release three potential topics for the students to use within the competition. All I would need to do is to choose one of the three topics and prepare my own speech. I really want to attend this competition because the first prize is a trip to Singapore, and Singapore is a place I've always wanted to visit. The only thing holding me back are my nerves, but I guess doing this IELTS examination is a similar experience, so I should probably just do the competition as well.

Chinese thinking :

There is a competition in my city that I have always wanted to participate in , But I have never had the courage to participate . It is the English winner Award , perhaps EEA, This is a competition that any student in the city can participate in , And require enthusiasm for learning English . But in a big place like mine In the city , There are many people learning English , So the competition will be fierce .

The reason why I know this competition is because our teacher told us in school —— In fact, this is a very Famous competition . The form of the competition is very simple ; Each student has two minutes to recite a speech . The theme of the speech changes every year turn , About two months before the game , The organizer will post three potential themes for students to use in the competition . All I have to do is start with Choose one of the three topics , Then prepare my own speech . I really want to participate in this competition , Because the first prize is a trip to Singapore , Singapore is the place I have always wanted to go . The only thing that makes me flinch is that I'm nervous , But I think this IELTS exam is a similar experience , So I should also be able to participate in this competition .


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