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Trends of "software" in robotics Engineering

2022-07-06 20:18:00 zhangrelay

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source :The Construct

Robot engineering “ Software ” Trend change

  1. Code driven
  2. Model driven
  3. Data driven
  4. Intelligent drive

Mainly experienced the above four processes , The first 4 The step is still ongoing .

however , Most domestic tutorials are still in “ Code driven ” This level .

No comment here , Share only one professional suggestion from abroad (2006-2010):

Time :

15 Years ago, , Compare and find the gap , Just list a little :



Many universities offer courses in Robotics. Some, including WPI, offer concentrations or similar, such as minors, clusters, threads, and focus areas. As far as we know, no university in the U.S. offers an undergraduate degree in Robotics, although Plymouth (U.K.) University has been offering a Robotics and Automation B.Sc. course since 2004 with an emphasis on industrial robotics.
At the graduate level, CMU offer M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Robotics, USC offers an M.S. program in Intelligent Robotics, and GA Tech recently announced the establishment of the Center for Robotics and Intelligent Machines at Georgia Tech to serve as a center for robotics research and education. 

Machine translation :

Many universities offer robotics courses . some , Include WPI, Provide centralized or similar , Such as minors 、 colony 、 Threads and focus areas . As far as we know , Although Plymouth ( The British ) Universities have been offering bachelor's degrees in robotics and Automation , But no university in the United States offers an undergraduate degree in robotics . since 2004 Courses since , The focus is on industrial robots .
In the graduate stage ,CMU Provide M.S. And a doctorate . The University of Southern California robotics degree offers a master of Science degree . Intelligent robot project ,GA Tech Recently announced the establishment of a robotics and intelligent machine center at Georgia Institute of Technology , As a robot research and Education Center . 

Note that the time is 2006 year .

Important content in machine translation :

Robotics is the ultimate interactive media .
Robot engineering complements interactive media and game development . The two programs share a common theme : The close interaction between human beings and computing systems . The former emphasizes autonomous systems that perform physical tasks for humans ; The latter emphasizes the semi autonomous system of generating virtual worlds for human beings . 

Fall 2006: 
Complete proposal. 
Offer ES 2201 Introduction to Robotics.
Approval by WPI faculty and administration. 
Develop marketing materials. 
Submit NSF IISCD proposal. 
Recruit high school seniors.
Spring 2007: 
Submit NSF CCLI proposal.
Summer 2007: 
Develop courses. 
Fall 2007: 
Enroll 1st student cohort. 
Offer RBE 1001 Introduction to Robotics. 
Spring 2008: 
Hire Program Director. 
Offer RBE 1001 Introduction to Robotics. 
Offer RBE 2001 Unified Robotics I, RBE 2002 Unified Robotics II. 
Summer 2008: 
Additional course development
Fall 2008: 
 Enroll 2nd student cohort. 
Offer RBE 1001 Introduction to Robotics. 
Offer RBE 2001 Unified Robotics I, RBE 2002 Unified Robotics II. 
Spring 2009: 
Recruit additional faculty. 
Offer RBE 1001 Introduction to Robotics. 
Offer RBE 3001 Unified Robotics III, RBE 3002 Unified Robotics IV. 
AY 2009-2010:
Expect first RBE student to graduate. 
Prepare for accreditation. 
Continue course offerings as above. 
Summer 2010: 
Submit accreditation materials to ABET.


