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In depth learning autumn recruitment interview questions collection (1)

2022-07-07 11:25:00 qinjianhuang

The interview questions in this part include C++ Basic knowledge of 、python Basics 、 Probability correlation 、 Related to intelligence problems 、 Algorithm related and deep learning related . It will continue to be supplemented in the future , Welcome to !

C++ Background development interview FAQ summary

Q1 : C++ Analysis of virtual function table .


Q2 : C++ Function and principle analysis of virtual destructor in .


Q3 : Structure (struct) And consortia (union) The difference between .


Q4 : Define and Const Define the difference between constants .


Q5 : C++ STL.


Q6 : The concept of red black tree .


Q7 : The difference between overloading and rewriting .


Q8 : Value passed 、 Pointer passing 、 Quote delivery details .


Q9 : The difference between a pointer and a reference .


Q10 : When function returns , Return value 、 The difference between a return reference and a return pointer .


Q11 : Can virtual functions be inline ?


Q12 : vector and list The difference between .

A12 : CSDN

Q13 : C++ Medium export Key words explanation .

A13 : CSDN

Q14 : The role of private constructors .

A14 : CSDN

Q15 : In what scenarios will friend functions be used ?

A15 : CSDN

Q16 : The difference between virtual function and pure virtual function ?

A16 : CSDN

Q17 : C++ Memory allocation details .

A17 : CSDN

Q1 : Python The core underlying principles of dictionaries .

A1 : Python Explain the core underlying principles of the dictionary

Q2 : __new__() And __init__() difference .


Q3 : Python Sorting function in sort() and sorted() The difference between .


Q1 : Use Newton iterative method to write the square root function sqrt.


Q2 : Second order optimization method .


Q3 : Fast scheduling algorithm and its optimization .


Q4 : Preorder traversal of two tree .

A4 : zhihu

Q5 : The longest subsequence .

A5 : zhihu | CSDN

Q6 : Flip binary tree .

A6 : zhihu

Q7 : Algorithms and bit operations in data structures .

A7 : zhihu

Q8 : The problem of greed ( The boat crossed the river ).


Q9 : Longest text substring & The longest palindrome subsequence ( Dynamic programming ).


Q10 : Subtracting large numbers ( According to the ancestral questions ).

A10 : CSDN

Q11 : Calculate the number of all paths from the upper left corner to the lower right corner of the two-dimensional array and the shortest one , How much if there are obstacles .

A11 : CSDN | Go to the (m,n) Location needs m+n-2 Step , Choose from n-1 Step right , Is the combinatorial number C m + n − 2 n − 1 C^{_{m+n-2}^{n-1}} Cm+n2n1

Q12 : Edit distance and edit distance algorithm ( Dynamic programming ).

A12 : CSDN

Q13 : Huge amounts of data .

A13 : CSDN

Q14 : Find the middle element of the linked list with unknown length .

A14 : Set two pointers ,p1,p2, Start p1,p2 Are located at the head of the linked list .p1 Two steps at a time ,p2 One step at a time ; When p1 At the end of the list ,p2 The location is the middle element of the linked list .

Q15 : Delete the duplicate nodes in the ordered linked list .

A15 : CSDN

Q16 : Find the elements in the array that appear more than half the length of the array .

A16 : CSDN

Q17 : use 1*3 The tiles are closely paved 3*20 There are several ways of flooring ?(1278)

A17 : Cattle from

Q18 : Print matrix clockwise .

A18 : CSDN

Q19 : The string moves left in a loop .

A19 : CSDN

Q20 : Given a string s, You can delete some characters from it , Make the remaining string a palindrome string . How to delete to make the palindrome string longest ?

A20 : CSDN

Q21 : Order array de duplication .

A21 : CSDN

Q22 : The maximum cumulative sum of subarrays .

A22 : CSDN

Q23 : Exchange without the aid of a third variable a,b Two variable values .

A23 : $a = a + b; b = a - b; a = a - b; $

Q24 : Comparison of several common sorting algorithms .

A24 : CSDN

Q25 : 42 Billion QQ,O(1) Time complexity to complete the search .

A25 : CSDN

Q26 : There are lines n A square , Use red (Red)、 powder (Pink)、 green (Green) Three colors on each grid , Color each grid , It is required that any adjacent squares should not be of the same color , And the first and the last two squares are also different colors . Find all the painting methods that meet the requirements .

A26 : Consider the n-1 Lattice :

  1. If this grid is the same as 1 The color of each grid is different , So the first n There are only 1 A choice , front n-1 The choice of a grid is A(n-1), here n The choice of a grid is 1*A(n-1)

  2. If this grid is the same as 1 The two squares are the same color , So the first n There are only 2 A choice , front n-2 The choice of a grid is A(n-2), here n When selecting a grid 2*A(n-2)

So there is A(n)=2*A(n-2)+A(n-1), n>=4

remak: Because we are considering n-1 Lattice , The grid and the 1 The color of each grid may be the same or different , therefore n>=4 Can only be . Otherwise n=3 Words , The first n-1=3-1=2 The color of the first grid and the first grid must be different , There is no such thing as this 2 That's the case , So from the n>=4 Start deducing .

M The number of colors ,F(n) Is the number of schemes

A(1) = 3

A(2) = 6 //A(3,2)=6

A(3) = 6 //A(3,3)=6

A(n)= A(n-1)+ 2*A(n-2), n>=4

Q27 : Given integer n and m, take 1 To n the n The integers are arranged in lexicographical order , Seeking the second m Number .

A27 :

Since it's a dictionary order , So it's natural , We can consider using a dictionary tree to implement . however , There is no need to actually generate this dictionary tree , You only need to calculate the number of nodes in the corresponding branch . Calculate the number of branch nodes , So it's very simple , The number of nodes is the parent node *10, Total number of nodes = 1 + (1 * 10) + (1 * 10 * 10) + (1 * 10 * 10 * 10) + … .

Now that you know how to calculate the number of nodes in the branch of the dictionary tree , If you want to know the second m What is the number , So that's looking for the first m Nodes , First of all, from the 1 Start , If 1 Number of nodes in the branch >m, So the first m The number must be based on 1 start , Further search its child nodes , When searching for child nodes, you don't have to search 1 了 , So search 1 The second of the branch m-1 Nodes . If 1 Number of nodes in the branch <m, Then the number you are looking for is definitely not 1 start , So start searching 2 Branch , stay 2 In the branch , The number you are looking for should be (m-(1 Number of branch nodes )) Number . Repeat the process , Or search for child nodes , Or search brother nodes , Until the end m==0, That is, the current node is the node to search .

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        while (sc.hasNext()) {
            long n = sc.nextLong();
            long m = sc.nextLong();
            System.out.println(solve(n, m));
    private static long solve(long n, long m) {
        long ans = 1;
        while (m != 0) {
            long cnt = getCntOfPre(ans, n);
            if(cnt >= m) {
                m --;
                if(m == 0)
                ans *= 10;
            } else {
                m -= cnt;
                ans ++;
        return ans;
    //  Calculate with pre Starts with and is less than n Number of digits of 
    private static long getCntOfPre(long pre, long n) {
        long cnt = 1;
        long p = 10;
        for (; pre * p <= n; p *= 10) {
            if (pre * p - 1 + p < n)
                cnt += p;
                cnt += n - pre * p + 1;
        return cnt;

Q1 : use 10 A white mouse looks for 1000 The poisonous one in the bottle of medicine ( Only one bottle ).


Q2 : Carter LAN number .

A2 : anonymous

Q3 : The probability of taking three points from a circle to form an acute triangle .(1/4)

A3 : anonymous

Q4 : There are two uneven scents , It takes an hour to burn one , How to use two joss sticks to determine a period 15 Minutes of time ?

A4 : Ignite both ends of the first incense , At the same time, one end of the second incense was lit , Half an hour passed when the first incense was burned , At this time, ignite the other end of the second root , The time between the first root burning and the second root burning is 15 minute .

Q5 : 10 Bottle medicine , Every bottle of medicine has 10 star , One of the bottles is broken , The quality is much higher than normal 0.1g, How to weigh out bad medicine at one time .

A5 : Respectively from the 1-10 Take from bottle No 1 To 10 Together, the stars are called , See how many grams heavier than normal .

Q6 : There are three lights in a room , There are three switches outside , How to determine which switch corresponds to which lamp when you only go in once .

A6 : A switch is turned on for a period of time and then off , Then turn on the other switch , Go to the room , Touch it , The one with temperature is the first one to open , On the second time , Another light can also judge .

Q7 : 50 Red balls and 50 Blue ball , Put two boxes , How to place it to maximize the probability of getting the red ball ?

A7 : One box for 1 A red ball , The other put 49 Red balls and 50 Blue ball The probability of getting the red ball =0.5+0.5*(49/99) About equal to 0.75.

Q8 : A wooden stick is cut into three sections , What's the probability of forming a triangle ?(1/4)

A8 : anonymous

Q9 : To a blind man 52 A playing card , And tell him there happens to be 10 The card is face up . Ask the blind man to divide the cards into two piles , Make the number of cards in each stack face up the same .

A9 : Divide the playing cards into two piles , a pile 10 Zhang , a pile 42 Zhang . then , Turn over all the cards in the small pile .( hypothesis 10 Zhang Zhong , All face up ,42 There is no upward in Zhang Zhong , It will be 10 A flip up , It turns out that neither side is up . if 10 Zhang Zhong 9 Zhang Xiangshang ,42 Zhang Zhong has only 1 Zhang upward , It will be 10 A flip up , It turns out that each side has an upward , And so on .)

Q10 : Yes n Copy of the data , however n I don't know the length of , Design a sampling algorithm , So that the probability of each selection is the same .

A10 : First, select the first data as the candidate data , With probability 1/2 Replace the current candidate with the second data , With 1/3 Choose to replace the current candidate with three data , By analogy . such , The first x The probability that the data is the final selected data = x The probability of being selected * (x+1 The probability of not being selected ) * (x+2 The probability of not being selected ) …(n The probability of not being selected ). for instance , The first 2 The probability of data being selected is :1/2 *(2/3 * 3/4 * 4/5 … n-1/n) = 1 / n.

Q11 : n individual [0,n) Number of numbers , Find the number of occurrences of each number ( Can't open up extra space ).

A11 : The key here is to see clearly the meaning of the question ,n Number , Then there is the left closed right open interval , That is to say, each number will not be greater than or equal to n, The main ideas are as follows :
1) If we give the number under an index no matter how many n, So this number pair n If you take the rest , We can know what this number used to be ;
2) On the other hand , If a number appears once , Let's add... To the number under the corresponding index position n, Then each number corresponds to the number pair at the index position n If you take business , Is the number of times this number appears . In this way, no extra space is opened up .

public class timeDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int[] arr = {0,1,3,4,3,2,5,4,3,7,3,2,4,6};
        int n = 8;
        for(int i = 0;i<arr.length;i++){
            arr[arr[i] % n] += n;
        for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){
            System.out.println(i + ":" + arr[i] / n);

Q12 : There is a known rand7() Function of , return 1 To 7 Random natural numbers , How to use this rand7() structure rand10(), Random 1~10.

A12 : The main principle of generating random numbers is that the probability of each number is equal , If you can get a set of numbers with equal probability , Then you can find the mapping to 1~10 Methods .

rand7() return 1~7 The natural number of , Construct a new function (rand7()-1)*7 + rand7(), This function will be generated randomly 1-49 The natural number of . as a result of 1-49 Each number in has a unique first rand7() And the second rand7() The value of represents , So the probability of their appearance is equal , Are all 1/49.

But there are too many numbers here , It can be discarded 41-49 The number of , hold 1-40 The numbers are divided into 10 Group , Each group maps to 1-10 One of them , So you can get random results .

The way to do it is , utilize (rand7()-1)*7 + rand7() Generate random numbers x, If it is greater than 40 Then continue to be random until less than or equal to 40 until , If less than or equal to 40, Then the random number generated is (x-1)/4+1.

Q13 : There was a couple , I have two children , One of the children is a girl , Ask the probability that the other child is a boy ?(2/3)

A13 : There are four possibilities for the gender of two children :( Man )( men and women )( Woman and man )( Woman ), One of them is a girl , It excludes ( Man ), There are three cases left . The other one is a boy, which accounts for two kinds , So the answer is 2/3. The reason why the answer is not 1/2, It is because it is uncertain whether a girl is the first or the second to be born .

Geometric distribution :

  • The number of times to do something ( Also called test times ) Is constant , use n Express .( for example , Flip a coin 3 Time , To marry him 101 Time )
  • Every event has two possible outcomes ( success , Or failure ).( for example , The proposal was accepted ( success ), The proposal was rejected ( Failure ))
  • every time “ success ” The probabilities are all equal , The probability of success is p Express .
  • This is what distinguishes it from binomial distribution , The problem of solving binomial distribution is success x Time Probability . The problem of solving geometric distribution becomes test x Time , To achieve their first success Probability .

Probability of occurrence of geometric distribution : p ( x ) = ( 1 − p ) x − 1 p {p}(x)=(1-p)^{x-1} p p(x)=(1p)x1p, expect : 1 p \frac{1}{p} p1

Hypergeometric distribution :

A kind of practical problems are often encountered in product sampling inspection , Assume that N There are M Pieces of nonconforming products , Randomly select... From the product n Check the parts , Find out k The probability of nonconforming products is :
P ( X = k ) = C M k C N − M n − k C N n P(X=k)=\frac{C_{M}^{k}C_{N-M}^{n-k}}{C_{N}^{n}} P(X=k)=CNnCMkCNMnk

  • The difference between hypergeometric distribution and binomial distribution : Hypergeometric distribution needs to know the total capacity , The binomial distribution does not need ;
  • Hypergeometric distribution is not put back to extraction , The binomial distribution is put back to extract ( Independent repetition ) When the overall capacity is very large , Hypergeometric distribution is approximate to binomial distribution .

Bernoulli distribution :

Bernoulli distribution (Bernoulli distribution) Also known as two-point distribution or 0-1 Distribution . Bernoulli distribution is a discrete probability distribution , The probability density function is :

f ( x ) = p x ( 1 − p ) 1 − x = { p  if  x = 1 1 − p  if  x = 0 0  otherwise  f(x)=p^{x}(1-p)^{1-x}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}{p} & {\text { if } x=1} \\ {1-p} & {\text { if } x=0} \\ {0} & {\text { otherwise }}\end{array}\right. f(x)=px(1p)1x=p1p0 if x=1 if x=0 otherwise 

The binomial distribution :

The binomial distribution (Binomial distribution) yes n Discrete probability distribution of success times of heavy Bernoulli test .

P { X = k } = C n k p k ( 1 − p ) n − k P\{X=k\}=C_{n}^{k} p^{k}(1-p)^{n-k} P{ X=k}=Cnkpk(1p)nk

expect : E ( X ) = n p E(X)=np E(X)=np, variance : D ( X ) = n p ( 1 − p ) D(X)=np(1-p) D(X)=np(1p)

Several commonly used methods for calculating the distance between two probability distributions and python Realization


Q1 : bagging vs boosting vs Random forests vs GBDT.


Q2 : A solution to a local optimal problem .

A2 :

  • Use random gradient descent instead of real gradient descent . It can be understood in this way , Each time you fumble for a single data sample , In essence, it is groping forward on the error surface formed by a sample , The surface of each sample is roughly similar , It's different , When you fall into a pit , It can often be pulled out by other surfaces .

  • Set impulse . A man is his name , The pace of this advance , According to the last step , Turn it up properly , Like a stone falling from a height , There is a better chance of crossing some small pits , If the pit is very large , It is impossible to escape by the inertia of impulse .

  • Different initial weights for training . Suppose the error surface is a pothole surface , We try to land at a random starting point for the first time , And then start groping forward , Maybe there will be a lucky time , Can not fall near a small pit , Try weights many times , You may find a good global point .

Q1 : Smooth l1 loss and l2 What's the difference? ?

A1 : Yinxiangnan's answer | A few answers

Q2 : Faster RCNN?

A2 : Bai Shang's article

Q3 : Summary of optimization methods (BGD,SGD,Momentum,AdaGrad,RMSProp,Adam)


Q4 : Performance evaluation criteria of the model

A4 : Nuggets

Q5 : Deep learning number of training epochs Medium epoch What do you mean ?

A5 :

(1)iteration: Express 1 Sub iteration ( Also called training step), Update every iteration 1 Parameters of secondary network structure ;

(2)batch-size:1 The sample size used in this iteration ;

(3)epoch:1 individual epoch It means that 1 Go through all the samples in the training set .

It is worth noting that , In the field of deep learning , Commonly used with mini-batch Random gradient descent algorithm for training deep structure , It has the advantage that it does not need to traverse all the samples , It is very effective when the amount of data is very large . here , It can be defined according to practical problems epoch, For example, definition 10000 The next iteration is 1 individual epoch, If each iteration batch-size Set to 256, that 1 individual epoch It's equivalent to passing 2560000 Training samples .

Michael Yuan

Q6 : In the neural network , Activation function sigmoid and tanh Is there any difference except the threshold value ?

A6 : Daniel Answer

Q7 : Batch Normalization Principle and its benefits ?

A7 : Juliuszh The article | Tianyusu's article

Q8 : YOLO v1~v3 understand ?

A8 : YOLO v1 In depth understanding of | YOLO v3 In depth understanding of

Q9 : Group Normalization?

A9 : CSDN | DoubleV The article | Eminem1147 The article

Q10 : Inception-v1~v4 understand ?

A10 : I am a young general's article | BLOG

Q11 : RoIPooling、RoIAlign Is there any difference ?

A11 : CSDN

Q12 : Mask RCNN principle ?

A12 : stone The article

Q13 : Convolutional neural networks (CNN) Principle of back propagation algorithm ?

A13 : BLOG

Q14 : Saddle point interpretation ?

A14 : Xixiaoyao's cute house

Q15 : Softmax Derivation ?

A15 : CSDN

Q16 : Various optimization methods in neural network ?

A16 : CSDN

Q17 : FPN Detailed explanation .

A17 : CSDN

Q18 : SVM Detailed explanation .

A18 : CSDN

Q19 : LR Why take log Loss function , And why take logarithm after likelihood function calculation .

A19 :

(1) The essence of the loss function is , If we're right , Be able to go unpunished , If the prediction is wrong , Will cause the loss function to become very large , That is to say, the punishment is greater , and -log Function in [-1,1] Just in line with this , There is another point to be made ,LR It is a generalized linear regression model , Square loss function , about Sigmoid Function derivation calculation , There is no guarantee that it is a convex function , In the process of optimization , The solution obtained may be a local minimum , Not the global optimal value . second : After taking the logarithm , It's convenient for our subsequent derivation .

(2) If it is calculated directly from the likelihood function , There are two disadvantages :(1) It is not conducive to the subsequent derivation ,(2) The calculation of likelihood function will lead to lower overflow .( The final calculation is the result of multiplication , And the value after each calculation is very small , If there are many samples , It leads to overflow . such as 0.01 x 0.01 x 0.01…)

Specific derivation process :CSDN

Q20 : LR Collinearity problems and solutions in .

A20 : CSDN

Q21 : LR And SVM similarities and differences .

A21 : CSDN

Q22 : SVM Mathematical basis of .

A22 : CSDN

Q23 : Convolutional neural networks (CNN) Formula derivation .

A23 : campoo

Q24 : IOU Computational code .

A24 : Reference

Q25 : Faster RCNN details .

A25 : BLOG

Q26 : How to understand hole convolution (dilated convolution).

A26 : zhihu

Q27 : How to understand... In deep learning deconvolution networks.

A27 : zhihu

Q28 : YOLOv2、v3 Use K-means Clustering calculation anchor boxes The specific method of .

A28 : CSDN

Q29 : L1 and L2 What is the purpose of regularization , What do you mean .

A29 : zhihu

Q30 : KL The relationship between divergence and cross entropy .

A30 : zhihu

Q31 : CNN Receptive field size calculation .

A31 : CSDN

