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3. Oracle control file management
2022-07-05 06:22:00 【Cold leaves elegant_】
- Close instance (shutdown immediate), Delete all control files , Recreate the control file (3 individual )
select member from v$logfile;
select value from v$parameter where name = 'control_files';
First, close the database
perform create control command ( I reported an error before , The reason is that the log file size is not set correctly , It should be the same size as when it was created )
- After the above operations are completed , Add a control file control04.ctl, Put it in D disc ( Multi mirror )
- The backup control file is a text file
- Please try to control01.ctl File move to C:\oracle\product Location , And ensure that the database can be re 、 Normal start
Query the location of the control file
modify spfile Location of control files in
Close the database , And move the control file to the modified location
Start database , And query the directory where the control file is located
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