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How to play video on unityui
2022-07-07 10:48:00 【HCC2017】
Realize in unity There are many kinds of videos playing on :
The first is to create a new Cube Put the video file directly into Cube You can play it by running on
The second is to use plug-ins EasyMovieTexturet Or is it AVProVideo
The third kind of
Play a movie on the mobile terminal , When you pack, you will find Unity It will remind you that it is similar to “ Not found Movie Texture type ” Such a mistake , This is because mobile platforms do not support this class . So we need to use that Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie Method to realize video playback on mobile platform . Mobile platform supports .mov, .mp4, .mpv, and .3gp Video in four formats .
Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie The method is dedicated to mobile platforms (IOS,Android) Play the video , When the video is playing ,Unity It will stop running , Until the end of the video . That is, when the video is over , Will start executing the next line of code in this line .
Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie Method has four overloaded methods , Here we introduce each parameter :
Represents the path to the file . The movie to be loaded must be placed in Assets/ StreamingAssets/ Under the path , This path is the root directory of the movie file , If there is no subdirectory , Directly through “Movie.mp4” File name to indicate Movie Path to file .
Represents the background color . Usually specified as Color.black.
Indicates the control mode of the video , This is a FullScreenMovieControlMode Type of structure , Four members in total :
FullScreenMovieControlMode.Full Means to apply a complete video controller when playing video , Such as progress bar 、 Pause and wait ;
FullScreenMovieControlMode.Minimal It means to apply the simplest video controller when playing video ;
FullScreenMovieControlMode.CancelOnInput It means that when playing the video, click the screen to close the video ;
FullScreenMovieControlMode.Hidden It means that it does not accept any control , Until the video is played .
Represents the zoom mode of the video , This is a FullScreenMovieScalingMode Type of structure , There are four members :
FullScreenMovieScalingMode.None Don't zoom the video ;
FullScreenMovieScalingMode.AspectFit Zoom the video until it fits the screen ;
FullScreenMovieScalingMode.AspectFill Zoom the video until it fills the entire screen ;
FullScreenMovieScalingMode.Fill Zoom the video until the length and width fit the screen .
A fourth On the first code
// Images
public RawImage image;
// player
public VideoPlayer vPlayer;
// Play
public Button btn_Play;
// Pause
public Button btn_Pause;
// Video controller
public Slider sliderVideo;
// Current video time
public Text text_Time;
// Current video time delivery
public int textTime=0;
// Total video duration
public Text text_Count;
// Total video delivery time
public int textCount=0;
// Audio components
//public AudioSource source;
// Need to add player objects
public GameObject obj;
// Whether to get the total length of video
public bool isShow=false;
// The size of forward and backward
public float numBer = 20f;
// when Conversion of points
private int hour, mint;
private float time;
private float time_Count;
private float time_Current;
// Whether the video playback is complete
public bool isVideo;
private bool isBoFangfang = true;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
image = obj.GetComponent<RawImage>();
vPlayer = obj.AddComponent<VideoPlayer>();
// this 3 There will be no sound without setting parameters Play off when you wake up
vPlayer.playOnAwake = false;
// source.playOnAwake = false;
// source.Pause();
isShow = true;
// initialization string url = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/EasyMovieTexture.mp4";
//Init(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/GuangChangWu.mp4");
Init(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/1.mp4");
btn_Play.onClick.AddListener(delegate { OnClick(0); });
btn_Pause.onClick.AddListener(delegate { OnClick(1); });
// sliderVideo.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { ChangeVideo(sliderVideo.value); });
/// <summary>
/// initialization VideoPlayer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="url"></param>
private void Init(string url) {
isVideo = true;
isShow = true;
time_Count = 0;
time_Current = 0;
sliderVideo.value = 0;
// Set to URL Pattern
vPlayer.source = VideoSource.Url;
// Set playback path
vPlayer.url = url;
// Audio type embedded in video
vPlayer.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.AudioSource;
// Assign the sound component to VideoPlayer
// vPlayer.SetTargetAudioSource(0, source);
// When VideoPlayer Call when all settings are set
// vPlayer.prepareCompleted += Prepared;
// Start the player
private void OnClick(int num) {
switch (num)
case 0:
isShow = true;
isBoFangfang = true;
isVideo = true;
case 1:
isBoFangfang = false;
isShow = false;
void Update ()
if (!isBoFangfang)
if (vPlayer.isPlaying && isShow)
// Assign the image to RawImage
image.texture = vPlayer.texture;
// frames / Frame rate = Total duration If it is a video with local direct assignment , We can go through VideoClip.length Get the total duration
sliderVideo.maxValue = vPlayer.frameCount/vPlayer.frameRate;
time = sliderVideo.maxValue;
hour = (int)time / 60;
mint = (int)time % 60;
textCount = hour * 60 + mint;
text_Count.text = string.Format("/ {0:D2}:{1:D2}", hour.ToString(), mint.ToString());
if (Mathf.Abs((int)vPlayer.time - (int)sliderVideo.maxValue) == 0)
vPlayer.frame = (long)vPlayer.frameCount;
Debug.Log(" The playback is finished !");
isVideo = false;
sliderVideo.value = 0;
hour = 0;
mint = 0;
text_Time.text = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}", hour.ToString(), mint.ToString());
else if (isVideo && vPlayer.isPlaying)
time_Count += Time.deltaTime;
if ((time_Count - time_Current) >=1)
sliderVideo.value += 1f;
time_Current = time_Count;
time = (float)vPlayer.time;
hour = (int)time / 60;
mint = (int)time % 60;
textTime = hour * 60 + mint;
text_Time.text = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}", hour.ToString(), mint.ToString());
The principle is to use unity Medium VideoPlayer Component assignment and control, etc
newly build canves newly build RawImage object , Just hang the script on the object
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