当前位置:网站首页>Which is more important for programming, practice or theory [there are some things recently, I don't have time to write an article, so I'll post an article on hydrology, and I'll fill in later]

Which is more important for programming, practice or theory [there are some things recently, I don't have time to write an article, so I'll post an article on hydrology, and I'll fill in later]

2022-07-06 16:52:00 Flower dog fdog

Before , I personally think practice is important , But every time I get hit in the face , It makes me feel that theory is more important than practice , Over and over again , Practice on the scale began to tilt to theory , So there's today's topic . For programming , Practice and theory are more important , I came all the way , I found that this has been a controversial topic .

I came to the conclusion that practice and theory are important , Both are like your right arm , Be short of one cannot , But you can choose one of the two first , Make up for the second , That's why people are arguing , Because you may take different routes , In different periods, practice and theory are more important .

Gouzi began to learn programming in the third year of junior high school , I bought two books at that time , I borrowed the book money from my brother , I wanted to buy one c primer plus Look at , I remember sixty oceans , But there is a set meal with c++ primer plus More than a hundred oceans , Thinking about , I'll buy it in the future anyway , For the sake of cheapness , So I bought two and started to nibble on them ( A little off topic , I went on to say ).

I remember learning C Language , The front is very formal , I look at it page by page , Take notes seriously , If I hadn't taken that note to school , I'll take a picture of you , so to speak , I followed the theory at that time , The book introduces , Take another example , But it doesn't last long , I can't read any more , Five or six hundred pages of books , It's boring , I started looking for videos , Not out of your expectation , I didn't watch the video for a few days , I found that as soon as I watched the video, I wanted to sleep , I don't know if you're like this .

after that , I started to take the practice line , What is the practice route , I just threw the book away , Start thinking about it , With a little bit of grammar , I started imagining myself making things out , Where can't , I like Baidu , I just copy and paste the code , I find that's good , You don't have to read , It can be done directly , I continue to rely on their own imagination to achieve the student management system , snake , Tetris and so on demo, I was very happy at that time , But as we go deeper , Knowledge gives me a lovely big mouth ! Once or twice is fine , Cheeky , I don't think it's my problem , I began to wonder what was wrong , In fact, there is something wrong with the theory ( At first, I may be conscious, I may not know it's theory , I just recalled the missing content later , It belongs to a theoretical category ), Practice has reached a height that your current theory cannot support , Your practice is starting to get stuck , Start swinging left and right , At this time, you have to pay attention to the theory .

There may be people here who are beginning to ask , Is it too late to get there ? I can tell you , It's not late , I believe a lot of people take my route , Sum up , It's a road from concrete to abstract , First, I chose the specific , Add the abstract . Another way is from abstraction to concreteness , Computer theory is very abstract , Most people don't have access to computers when they go to college , Most people start with theory and then practice with knowledge , Consolidate knowledge in practice , This road is rather painful in the early days , But as long as you keep going , It will be successful .

in general , At present, most school education is from abstract to concrete , This is a typical traditional learning method . But it's boring in the early days , Pain , No concrete results can be seen , It's suitable for people with perseverance , If you don't think this method is right for you , It's better to choose a path from concrete to abstract , Quickly make simple programs to , In this way, interest in learning will not decline , With my understanding of computer programs , Come back to targeted learning computer and related basic theory , Don't feel that the second way is easy , The second way also requires perseverance !

From concrete to abstract , Or from abstract to concrete , After all, we need to have both , Choose one of the two ways , Zhang Xuefeng said such a sentence : When you get to a certain height , You think theory is as important as practice , You can find this video if you are interested .
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