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Yutai micro rushes to the scientific innovation board: Huawei and Xiaomi fund are shareholders to raise 1.3 billion

2022-07-06 18:55:00 leijianping_ ce


RedI network Lei Jianping 7 month 5 Reported Wednesday

Yutai Microelectronics Co., Ltd ( abbreviation :“ Yu Taiwei ”) The prospectus was submitted a few days ago , Ready to be listed on the science and technology innovation board . Yutaiwei plans to raise funds 13 One hundred million yuan .


among ,2.9 Billion yuan for the development and industrialization of vehicle Ethernet chips ,3.9 Billion yuan for Netcom Ethernet chip development and industrialization project ,2.7 100 million yuan for R & D center construction projects ,3.5 Billion yuan is used to supplement working capital projects .

Annual revenue 2.54 Billion

Yutaiwei focuses on the research and development of high-speed wired communication chips 、 Design and sell . Since its establishment , The company takes Ethernet physical layer chip as the market entry point , Continue to launch a series of chip products , It is one of the few Ethernet physical layer chip suppliers in Chinese Mainland with independent intellectual property rights and large-scale sales .

The application scope of the company's products covers information communication 、 Automotive electronics 、 Consumer electronics 、 Monitoring equipment 、 Industrial control and many other market fields , At present, there are commercial grade 、 Job specification level 、 Different performance levels such as vehicle specification level , And 100 megabytes 、 Gigabit and other product combinations with different transmission rates and different port numbers are available for sale , It can meet the application needs of different end customers on various occasions .


The prospectus shows , Yu Taiwei 2019 year 、2020 year 、2021 The annual revenue is 132.6 Ten thousand yuan 、1295 Ten thousand yuan 、2.54 One hundred million yuan ; Net losses are 2749 Ten thousand yuan 、4037.7 Ten thousand yuan 、46.25 Ten thousand yuan ; The net loss after deducting non-profit is 3035.9 Ten thousand yuan 、4419 Ten thousand yuan 、937 Ten thousand yuan .

Huawei and Xiaomi fund are shareholders

IPO front , Yutaiwei has no controlling shareholder , The actual controllers are Ouyang Yufei and Shi Qing .

Shi Qing directly holds yutaiwei 16.5514% equity ; Ouyang Yufei directly holds yutaiwei 12.2424% equity ; Ouyang Yufei is the general partner of ruiqitong , Ruiqitong holds yutaiwei 13.5152% equity , Therefore, Ouyang Yufei controls 25.7576% shares .

Ouyang Yufei and Shi Qing directly hold shares and jointly control through ruiqitong 42.309% equity .


In order to strengthen the control of the actual controller , Ouyang Yufei 、 Shi Qing 、 Ruiqitong and tangxiaofeng signed a concerted action agreement . Ouyang Yufei, the actual controller of the company 、 Shi Qing and his concerted action, Rui Qitong 、 Tangxiaofeng totally controls 49.3430% equity .

Besides , Huawei's Hubble Technology Holdings 9.2897%, Li Haihua holds 8.2757%, Tangxiaofeng holds 7.0340%, Dingfu investment holds 3.6826%, Yuanhe Puhua 、 Huiqi venture capital holds 3.3868%, Guanggu Fenghuo holds shares of 2.9027%, China mobile fund holds 2.2%, Zhengxuan investment 、 Shanghai Xuanli holds shares of 2.1592%;

Nova Nebula Holdings 1.916%, Juyuan core casting Co., Ltd 1.4516%, Qiao beijingchen holds 1.3555%, Gao Henan holds 1.2012%;

Hope Fund 、 Xiaomi fund holds 1%, Huichuan technology 、 AVIC investment watch ruizhisai 、 Wofu venture capital 、 Tianchuang Hexin 、 Gaochuang venture capital 、 Qilu investment holds 0.958%.


IPO after , Shi Qing holds 12.4136%, Ruiqitong holds 10.1364%, Ouyang Yufei holds 9.1818%, Hubble technology holds 6.9673%, Li Haihua holds 6.2068%;

Tangxiaofeng holds 5.2755%, Dingfu investment holds 2.762%, Yuanhe Puhua 、 Huiqi venture capital holds 2.5401%, Guanggu Fenghuo holds shares of 2.177%, China mobile fund holds 1.65%, Zhengxuan investment 、 Shanghai Xuanli holds shares of 1.6194%, Hope Fund 、 Xiaomi fund holds 0.75%.


Lei Di was founded by Lei Jianping, a senior media person , If reproduced, please indicate the source .




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