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Mysql22 logical architecture

2022-07-06 10:37:00 Protect our party a Yao

One . Logical architecture analysis

1.1. The server handles client requests

What does the server process do with the request sent by the client process , To produce the final processing result ? Here, take the query request as an example to show :
 Insert picture description here Let's take a look at :
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1.2. Connectors

1.3. The first 1 layer : adjoining course

System ( client ) visit MySQL In front of the server , The first thing to do is to establish TCP Connect .
After three handshakes, the connection is established successfully , MySQL Server pair TCP The transmitted account and password are used for identity authentication 、 Access .

  1. Wrong user name or password , I'll get one Access denied for user error , The client program completes execution .
  2. User name password authentication passed , From the permission table, you will find out the permission of the account and the connection Association , The following permission judgment logic , Will depend on the permissions read at this time .
    TCP After the connection receives the request , Must be assigned to a thread dedicated to the interaction with this client . So there will be a thread pool , Go to the later process . Each connection gets threads from the thread pool , Eliminates the overhead of creating and destroying threads .

1.4. The first 2 layer : Service layer

  1. SQL Interface: SQL Interface
  • Receive the user's SQL command , And returns the result of the query that the user needs . such as SELECT … FROM It's called SQL Interface.
  • MySQL Support DML( Data operation language )、DDL( Data definition language )、 stored procedure 、 View 、 trigger 、 User defined functions, etc SQL Language interface .
  1. Parser: Parser
  • In the parser SQL Statement syntax analysis 、 Semantic analysis . take SQL Statements are decomposed into data structures , And pass the structure to the next step , in the future SQL Statements are passed and processed based on this structure . If you encounter an error in the decomposition composition , So that's it SQL The statement is unreasonable .
  • stay SQL Commands are validated and parsed by the parser when they are passed to the parser , And create for it Grammar tree , And enrich the query syntax tree according to the data dictionary , Meeting Verify whether the client has permission to execute the query . After creating the syntax tree ,MySQL Will also be right SQl Query syntax optimization , Query rewriting .
  1. Optimizer: Query optimizer
  • SQL Statement after syntax parsing 、 Before the query, the query optimizer will be used to determine SQL Statement execution path , Generate an execution plan .
  • The implementation plan indicates that Which index to use The query ( Full table search or index search ), What is the connection order between tables , Finally, the method provided by the storage engine will be called according to the steps in the execution plan to truly execute the query , And return the query results to the user .
  • It USES “ selection - Projection - Connect ” Strategy to query . for example :
SELECT id,name FROM student WHERE gender = ' Woman ';

This SELECT The query is based on WHERE The sentence goes on selection , Instead of querying all the tables and then gender Filter . This SELECT The query is based on id and name Make attributes Projection , Instead of taking all the attributes out and filtering them later , These two query criteria Connect Get up and generate the final query results .

  • Caches & Buffers: Query cache component
  1. MySQL There's some internal maintenance Cache and Buffer, such as Query Cache Used to cache a SELECT Statement execution result , If the corresponding query result can be found in it , Then there is no need to query and parse 、 Optimization and execution of the whole process , Directly feed back the results to the client .
  2. The caching mechanism consists of a series of small caches . For example, table caching , Record the cache ,key cache , Authority cache, etc .
  3. The query can be cached in Sharing between different clients .
  4. from MySQL 5.7.20 Start , Query caching is not recommended , And in MySQL 8.0 Delete in .

1.5. The first 3 layer : Engine layer

Plug in storage engine layer ( Storage Engines), Really responsible MySQL The storage and extraction of data in , Perform operations on the underlying data maintained at the physical server level , Server pass API Communicating with the storage engine . Different storage engines have different functions , So we can choose according to our actual needs .
MySQL 8.0.25 The storage engines supported by default are as follows :
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1.6. Storage layer

All data , database 、 The definition of the table , The contents of each row of the table , Indexes , All exist file system On , With file The way that exists , And complete the interaction with the storage engine . Of course, some storage engines, such as InnoDB, It also supports direct management of bare devices without using the file system , But the implementation of modern file systems makes this unnecessary . Under the file system , You can use a local disk , have access to DAS、NAS、SAN And other storage systems .

1.7. Summary

 Insert picture description here Simplified to a three-tier structure :

  1. adjoining course : Establish connection between client and server , The client sends SQL To the server side ;
  2. SQL layer ( Service layer ): Yes SQL Statement for query processing ; It has nothing to do with the storage mode of database files ;
  3. Storage engine layer : Dealing with database files , Responsible for data storage and reading .

Two . SQL Execute the process

2.1. MySQL Medium SQL Execute the process

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MySQL The query process of :

  1. The query cache :Server If you find this in the query cache SQL sentence , The result will be returned directly to the client ; without , We're in the parser phase . It should be noted that , Because query caching is often inefficient , So in MySQL8.0 After that, I abandoned this function .
    In most cases, query caching is a chicken rib , Why? ?
SELECT employee_id,last_name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 101;

Query caching is to cache query results in advance , In this way, you can get the results directly without execution next time . It should be noted that , stay MySQL Query caching in , Not a cached query plan , Instead, query the corresponding results . This means that the query matches The robustness is greatly reduced , Only The same query operation will hit the query cache . The difference between two query requests in any character ( for example : Space 、 notes 、 Case write ), Will cause the cache to miss . therefore MySQL Of The hit rate of query cache is not high .
meanwhile , If the query request contains some system functions 、 User defined variables and functions 、 Some system tables , Such as mysql 、information_schema、 performance_schema Tables in the database , Then the request will not be cached . Take some system functions for example , Maybe two calls to the same function will produce different results , Like functions NOW , Each call produces the latest current time , If you call this function in a query request , Even if the text information of the query request is the same , Two queries at different times should also get different results , If it is cached on the first query , It is wrong to directly use the result of the first query in the second query !
Besides , Since it's a cache , Then there is it When the cache fails .MySQL The cache system of will monitor each table involved , As long as the structure or data of the table is modified , If this table is used INSERT 、 UPDATE 、 DELETE 、 TRUNCATE TABLE 、 ALTERTABLE 、 DROP TABLE or DROP DATABASE sentence , All cached queries that use this table become invalid and are removed from the cache ! about Update the database with high pressure Come on , The hit rate for the query cache will be very low .

  1. Parser : In the parser SQL Statement syntax analysis 、 Semantic analysis .
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    First do “ Lexical analysis ”. What you enter is a string with multiple Spaces SQL sentence ,MySQL You need to identify the strings in it , What is the . MySQL From what you typed "select" This keyword recognizes , This is a query statement . It also takes strings “T” Identify a “ Table name T”, Put the string “ID” Identify a “ Column ID”.
    next , Want to do “ Syntax analysis ”. According to the result of lexical analysis , parsers ( such as :Bison) According to the rules of grammar , Judge the one you typed SQL Statement whether Satisfy MySQL grammar .
    If SQL The statement is correct , A syntax tree like this will be generated :
     Insert picture description here
  2. Optimizer : It will be determined in the optimizer that SQL Statement execution path , For example, according to Full search , Or according to Index search etc. .
    give an example : The following statement executes two tables join:
select * from test1 join test2 using(ID)
where test1.name='zhangwei' and test2.name='mysql Advanced courses ';

programme 1: You can start from the table test1 The inside out name='zhangwei’ The record of ID value , According to ID Values are associated to tables test2, To determine test2 Inside name Is the value of ‘mysql Advanced courses ’.
programme 2: You can start from the table test2 The inside out name=‘mysql Advanced courses ’ The record of ID value , According to ID The value associated with the test1, To determine test1 Inside name Is the value of zhangwei.
The logical result of the two execution methods is the same , But the efficiency of the execution will be different , The role of the optimizer is to decide which scheme to use . After the optimizer phase is complete , The execution of this statement is determined , Then we go to the executor phase .
In the query optimizer , Can be divided into Logical query Optimization phase and Physical query Optimization stage .

  1. actuator :
    Up to now , I haven't really read and write real tables yet , It just produced an implementation plan . So I entered Actuator stage .
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    Before execution, you need to judge whether the user Have authority . without , A permission error will be returned . If you have permission , Is executed SQL Query and return the result . stay MySQL8.0 The following version , If query cache is set , At this time, the query results will be cached .
select * from test where id=1;

such as : surface test in ,ID Field has no index , So the execution process of the actuator is like this :

 call  InnoDB  The engine interface takes the first row of this table , Judge  ID  Value is 1, If not, skip , If it is, the row will exist in the result set ;
 Call the engine interface “ The next line ”, Repeat the same logic of judgment , Until you get to the last row of the table .
 The executor returns the record set composed of all the rows that meet the conditions in the traversal process to the client as a result set .

thus , This statement is executed . For tables with indexes , The execution logic is similar .
SQL Statements in MySQL The process in is : SQL sentence → The query cache → Parser → Optimizer → actuator .
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2.2. MySQL8 in SQL Execution principle

  1. confirm profiling Open or not
show @@profiling;
show variables like 'profiling'

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profiling=0 On behalf of closed , We need to take profiling open , It is set to 1:

 set profiling=1;

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  1. Perform the same many times SQL Inquire about
    Then we execute a SQL Inquire about ( You can perform any SQL Inquire about ):
 select * from employees;
  1. see profiles
    View all generated by the current session profiles:
     Insert picture description here
  2. see profile
    Show execution plan , Check the execution steps of the program :
 show profile;

 Insert picture description here
Of course, you can also query the specified Query ID, such as :

 show profile for query 5;

 Insert picture description here
Inquire about SQL The result of execution time is the same as the above .
Besides , You can also query richer content :

SELECT PROFILE cpu,block io for query 5;

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2.3. MySQL5.7 in SQL Execution principle

The above operation is in MySQL5.7 Medium test , Found the same two times before and after sql sentence , The query process is still the same . Don't you know how to use cache ? Here we need Explicitly turn on query cache mode . stay MySQL5.7 The settings are as follows :

  1. Open the query cache in the configuration file
 stay  /etc/my.cnf  Add a new line :
  1. restart mysql service
systemctl restart mysqld
  1. Open the query execution plan
    Because the service has been restarted , The following instructions need to be executed again , Turn on profiling.
  1. Execute the statement twice :
select * from employees;
select * from employees;
  1. see profiles
show profiles;

 Insert picture description here

  1. see profile
    Show execution plan , Check the execution steps of the program :
show profile for query 5;
show profile for query 6;

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The conclusion is self-evident . Execution number 2 when , Ratio execution number 1 A lot of information is missing , As can be seen from the screenshot, the query statement directly obtains data from the cache .

2.4. SQL Grammatical order

With Mysql Version update , Its optimizer is also constantly upgrading , The optimizer will analyze the performance consumption caused by different execution order and dynamically adjust the execution order .
demand : Query each department older than 20 The number of years old is higher than 20 The number of people aged cannot be less than 2 people , Display the information of the first department with the largest number of people .
Here is the order of queries that often appear :
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2.5. Oracle Medium SQL Execute the process ( understand )

Oracle Have adopted the Shared pool To judge SQL Whether the statement has a cache and execution plan , Through this step, we can know whether we should use hard parsing or soft parsing .
So let's see SQL stay Oracle The implementation process in :
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As can be seen from the picture above ,SQL Statements in Oracle The following steps have been taken in .

  1. Syntax check : Check SQL Is the spelling correct , If not ,Oracle Can report grammatical errors .
  2. Semantic check : Check SQL Whether the access object in exists . For example, we are writing SELECT At the time of statement , The name is wrong , The system will prompt an error . The function of grammar check and semantic check is to ensure SQL There is no mistake in the statement .
  3. Permission check : See if the user has access to the data .
  4. Shared pool check : Shared pool (Shared Pool) Is a memory pool , The main function is to cache SQL Statement and its execution plan .Oracle By checking that the shared pool exists SQL Statement execution plan , To judge for soft parsing , Or hard parsing . How to understand soft parsing and hard parsing ?
    In a shared pool ,Oracle First of all, SQL The sentence goes on Hash operation , And then according to Hash Values are cached in the library (Library Cache) Search for , If There is SQL Statement execution plan , It's going to be executed directly , Go straight into “ actuator ” Link , This is it. Soft parsing . If not found SQL Statement and execution plan ,Oracle You need to create a parse tree to parse , Generate execution plan , Get into “ Optimizer ” This step , This is it. Hard parsing .
  5. Optimizer : In the optimizer, hard parsing is needed , That is to decide what to do , For example, create a parse tree , Generate execution plan .
  6. actuator : When you have the parse tree and the execution plan , You know the SQL How to be executed , In this way, the statement can be executed in the executor .
    The shared pool is Oracle Terms in , Including library cache , Data dictionary buffer, etc . We've already talked about the library cache , It mainly caches SQL Statement and execution plan . and Data dictionary buffer What's stored is Oracle Object definition in , Such as table 、 View 、 Index and so on . When the SQL When parsing a statement , If you need relevant data , Will extract... From the data dictionary buffer .
    Library cache This one step , To determine the SQL Whether the statement needs to be hard parsed . In order to improve SQL Efficiency of execution , We should try to avoid hard parsing , Because in SQL During the execution of , Create a parse tree , Generating an execution plan is very resource consuming .
    stay Oracle in , Bound variable It's a big feature . Binding variables is in SQL Use variables in statements , Through different variable values to change SQL The results of the implementation of . The advantage of this is that it can Improve the possibility of soft parsing , The disadvantage is that the generated execution plan may not be optimized , Therefore, whether you need to bind variables depends on the situation .
    for instance , We can use the following query statement :
 select * from player where player_id = 10001;

You can use bound variables , Such as :

 select * from player where player_id = :player_id;

The efficiency of these two query statements is Oracle It's totally different . If you are inquiring player_id = 10001 after , Also query 10002、10003 Data like that , Then each query will create a new query resolution . The second method uses bound variables , So after the first query , There will be execution plans for such queries in the shared pool , That is, soft parsing .
therefore , We can reduce hard parsing by using bound variables , Reduce Oracle The workload of parsing . But there are also drawbacks to this approach , Usage dynamics SQL The way , Because the parameters are different , It can lead to SQL The efficiency of implementation is different , meanwhile SQL Optimization can also be difficult .
Oracle The architecture of the figure :
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Schematic diagram :
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Summary :
Oracle and MySQL It's going on SQL There are differences in software implementation on the query of .Oracle The concept of shared pool is proposed , Determine whether soft parsing is performed through the shared pool , Or hard parsing .

3、 ... and . Database buffer pool (buffer pool)

InnoDB The storage engine manages the storage space on a page by page basis , In fact, our operations of adding, deleting, modifying and querying are essentially visiting the page ( Including reading pages 、 Write page 、 Create a new page ). And disk I/O It takes a lot of time , And operate in memory , Efficiency will be much higher , In order to make the data in the data table or index be used by us at any time ,DBMS Will apply for Occupy memory as a data buffer pool , Before actually accessing the page , You need to cache pages on disk into memory Buffer Pool Then you can access .
The advantage of this is that it minimizes disk activity , thus Reduce direct communication with disk I/O Time for . Need to know , This strategy is important to improve SQL Statement is critical to query performance . If the indexed data is in the buffer pool , Then the cost of access will be reduced a lot .

3.1. Buffer pool vs The query cache

Are buffer pools and query caches the same thing ? No .

3.1.1. Buffer pool (Buffer Pool)

First of all, we need to understand in InnoDB In the storage engine , What are included in the buffer pool .
stay InnoDB Some data in the storage engine will be put into memory , The buffer pool accounts for most of this memory , It is used to store a cache of various data , As shown in the figure below :
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From the picture , You can see InnoDB The buffer pool includes data pages 、 Index page 、 Insert buffer 、 Lock information 、 The adaptive Hash And data dictionary information .
The importance of cache pools :
Caching principle :
“ Location * The frequency of ” This principle , It can help us deal with I/O Optimize access efficiency .
First , Location determines efficiency , Buffer pool is provided to directly access data in memory .
secondly , Frequency determines priority . Because the size of the buffer pool is limited , For example, the disk has 200G, But only memory 16G, The buffer pool size is only 1G, You can't load all the data into the buffer pool , Here comes the priority order , Meeting The thermal data with high frequency of use shall be preferentially loaded .

3.1.2. The query cache

So what is query caching ?
Query caching is to put Query result cache get up , In this way, you can get the results directly without execution next time . It should be noted that , stay MySQL Query caching in , Not a cached query plan , Instead, query the corresponding results . Because the hit conditions are harsh , And as long as the data sheet changes , The query cache will fail , So the hit rate is low .

3.2. How the buffer pool reads data

The buffer pool manager will try to save frequently used data , When the database reads pages , First, it will judge whether the page is in the buffer pool , If it exists, read it directly , If it doesn't exist , The page will be stored in the buffer pool through memory or disk, and then read .
The structure and function of cache in the database are shown in the figure below :
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If we implement SQL Statement updates the data in the cache pool , So will these data be synchronized to the disk immediately ?

3.3. see / Set the size of the buffer pool

If you're using InnoDB Storage engine , By looking at innodb_buffer_pool_size Variable to see the size of the buffer pool . The order is as follows :

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'innodb_buffer_pool_size';

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You can see at this time InnoDB The size of the buffer pool is only 134217728/1024/1024=128MB. We can modify the buffer pool size , For example, change to 256MB, The method is as follows :

set global innodb_buffer_pool_size = 268435456

perhaps :

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 268435456

3.4. Multiple Buffer Pool example

innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 2

This shows that we want to create 2 individual Buffer Pool example .
Let's see how to check the number of buffer pools , Use command :
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Then each Buffer Pool How much memory does the instance actually occupy ? Actually, it's calculated using this formula :


That is, the total size divided by the number of instances , The result is every Buffer Pool The size occupied by the instance .

3.5. Extended question

Buffer Pool yes MySQL Memory structure is a very core component , You can think of it as a black box first .
Update data flow under black box
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For example, an error occurred suddenly in the middle of the update , Want to roll back to the previous version , What should I do ? Even the guarantee of data persistence 、 There is no way to do transaction rollback, so we still talk about crash recovery ?
answer :Redo Log & Undo Log


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