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Database middleware_ MYCAT summary
2022-07-06 10:30:00 【Protect our party a Yao】
One . Introduction
1.1. Mycat What is it?
Mycat It's database middleware .
1.1.1. database middleware
middleware : It's a kind of computer software that connects software components and applications , In order to facilitate the communication between software components .
Example :Tomcat,web middleware .
database middleware : Connect java Applications and databases .
1.1.2. Why use Mycat?
① Java Tightly coupled with database .
② High access and high concurrency pressure on the database .
③ Read write request data inconsistent .
1.1.3. Database middleware comparison
database middleware ( The idea of flying in the sky , The realization of landing on the ground )
middleware | Realization |
Cobar | Alibaba team development , There has been no maintenance update for many years |
Mycat | be based on Cobar Secondary development , Open source community maintenance |
OneProxy | Non open source commercial middleware |
Kingshard | go Language development , In continuous improvement |
vitess | Youtube Production is in use , I won't support it Mysql Native protocol |
Atlas | 360 be based on MysqlProxy rewrite , High and unstable |
MaxScale | MaxScale yes mariadb R & D middleware |
MysqlRoute | MysqlRoute yes Mysql official oracle Middleware released by the company |
1.1.4. Mycat Its official website
1.2. Mycat What for?
1.2.1. Read / write separation
1.2.2. Data fragmentation
Split Vertically ( sub-treasury )、 Horizontal split ( table )、 vertical + Horizontal split ( Sub database and sub table )
1.2.3. Multiple data source integration
1.3. principle
Mycat The most important verb in the principle of is “ Intercept ”, It intercepts what the user sent SQL sentence , First of all, SQL The statement does some specific analysis : Such as fragment analysis 、 Route analysis 、 Read write separation analysis 、 Cache analysis, etc , And then put this SQL Real database sent to the back end , And will return the results to do the appropriate processing , And finally back to the user .
In this way, the distributed database is decoupled from the code , The programmer doesn't notice that it's used in the background Mycat still MySQL.
Two . Installing the
2.1. install
2.1.1. After decompression, you can use
Unzip the file and copy it to linux Next /usr/local/
tar -zxvf Mycat-server-
cp -r mycat /usr/local
2.1.2. Three configuration files
①schema.xml: Define logical library , surface 、 Fragment node and so on
②rule.xml: Define fragmentation rules
③server.xml: Define user and system related variables , Such as port, etc
2.2. start-up
2.2.1. Modify the configuration file server.xml
<user name="mycat" defaultAccount="true">
<property name="password">123456</property>
<property name="schemas">TESTDB</property>
2.2.2. Modify the configuration file schema.xml
Delete table information between tags , There's only one label left , There's only one label left , Only one pair left
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE mycat:schema SYSTEM "schema.dtd">
<mycat:schema xmlns:mycat="http://io.mycat/">
<schema name="TESTDB" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100" dataNode="dn1">
<dataNode name="dn1" dataHost="host1" database="MYSQLTEST" />
<dataHost name="host1" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="0"
writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1" slaveThreshold="100">
<heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat>
<!-- can have multi write hosts -->
<writeHost host="hostM1" url="" user="root"
<readHost host="hostS1" url="" user="root"
password="123456" />
2.2.3. Verify database access
Mycat As database middleware, it should be deployed on different machines with database , So verify remote access .
mysql -uroot -p123456 -h -P 3306
mysql -uroot -p123456 -h -P 3306
# If remote access reports an error , Please create corresponding user
grant all privileges on *.* to [email protected]' lack of host' identified by '123456';
2.2.4. Start the program
① Console launch : Go to mycat/bin Execute under directory ./mycat console
② Background start : Go to mycat/bin Under the table of contents ./mycat start
In order to see the startup log for the first time , Easy to locate problems , We choose ① Console launch .
2.2.5. An error may occur during startup
If the operating system is CentOS6.8, The domain name resolution failure error may occur , Here's the picture It can be solved by following the steps below :
① use vim modify /etc/hosts file , stay Add your machine name later
② Restart network service after modification
Be careful : start-up Mycat Must install JDK
2.3. Sign in
2.3.1. Log in to the background management window
This login method is used for management and maintenance Mycat
mysql -umycat -p123456 -P 9066 -h
# Common commands are as follows :
show database;
show @@help;
2.3.2. Log in to the data window
This login method is used to log in through Mycat Query data , We choose this way to access Mycat
mysql -umycat -p123456 -P 8066 -h
3、 ... and . Set up read-write separation
We go through Mycat and MySQL The master-slave replication of the database is combined with the read-write separation of the database , Realization MySQL High availability . We're going to build : A master from 、 Dual master and dual slave read / write separation modes .
3.1. Build a master and a slave
One host is used to handle all write requests , A slave is responsible for all read requests , The architecture is as follows
3.1.1. build MySQL Master slave replication of database
stay MySQL35- Master slave copy It says .
3.1.2. modify Mycat Configuration file for schema.xml
The previous configuration has assigned a read-write host , Whether the read-write separation has been realized ?
Verify read-write separation :
(1) Insert... In the write host :insert into mytbl values (1,@@hostname);
The master-slave host data is inconsistent
(2) stay Mycat Look in :select * from mytbl;
Modified balance attribute , Use this property to configure the type of read-write separation
Load balancing type , The current values are 4 Kind of :
(1)balance="0", Do not turn on the read-write separation mechanism , All read operations are sent to the currently available writeHost On .
(2)balance="1", All of the readHost And stand by writeHost Participate in select Statement load balancing , To put it simply , When two masters and two slaves
Pattern (M1->S1,M2->S2, also M1 And M2 Prepare for each other ), Under normal circumstances ,M2,S1,S2 All involved select Statement load balancing .
(3)balance="2", All the reading operations are random in writeHost、readhost To distribute .
(4)balance="3", All read requests are randomly distributed to readhost perform ,writerHost No pressure to read
In order to see the effect of read-write separation , hold balance Set to 2, The query will be switched between the two hosts
<dataHost name="host1" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="2"
writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1"
3.1.3. start-up Mycat
3.1.4. Verify read-write separation
#(1) Writing host database table mytbl Insert data with system variables into , Cause inconsistency between master and slave data
INSERT INTO mytbl VALUES(2,@@hostname);
#(2) stay Mycat Look in mytbl surface , You can see that the query statement switches between the master and slave hosts
3.2. Build double master and double slave
A mainframe m1 Used to handle all write requests , Its slaves s1 And another host m2 And its slaves s2 Responsible for all read requests . When m1 After the host goes down ,m2 The host is responsible for writing requests ,m1、m2 Stand by each other . The architecture is as follows
Number | role | IP Address | machine name |
1 | Master1 | | root-zyy128 |
2 | Slave1 | | root-zyy129 |
3 | Master2 | | root-zyy130 |
4 | Slave2 | | root-zyy131 |
3.2.1. build MySQL Master slave replication of database ( Two masters and two slaves )
① Dual host configuration
Master1 To configure
Modify the configuration file :vim /etc/my.cnf
#[ Optional ] 0( Default ) Read and write ( host ),1 Indicates read-only ( Slave )
#[ must ] The primary server is unique ID
#[ must ] Enable binary logging , Named path . such as : My own local path /log/mysqlbin
# Control the size of a single binary log . The maximum and default values for this parameter are 1GB
#[ Optional ] Set up the database not to be copied
#[ Optional ] Set up binlog Format
#[ Optional ] Set up the database to be copied , Default all records . such as :binlog-do-db=atguigu_master_slave
# As a slave database , If there is a write operation, it is also necessary to update the binary log file
# Represents the amount of each increment of the self growing field , Refers to the starting value of self growth , The default value is 1, The value range is 1 To 65535
# Indicates the number from which the self growing field starts , Refers to how many fields are incremented at a time , The value range is 1 To 65535
Master2 To configure
Modify the configuration file :vim /etc/my.cnf
#[ Optional ] 0( Default ) Read and write ( host ),1 Indicates read-only ( Slave )
#[ must ] The primary server is unique ID
#[ must ] Enable binary logging , Named path . such as : My own local path /log/mysqlbin
# Control the size of a single binary log . The maximum and default values for this parameter are 1GB
#[ Optional ] Set up the database not to be copied
#[ Optional ] Set up binlog Format
#[ Optional ] Set up the database to be copied , Default all records . such as :binlog-do-db=atguigu_master_slave
# As a slave database , If there is a write operation, it is also necessary to update the binary log file
## Represents the amount of each increment of the self growing field , Refers to the starting value of self growth , The default value is 1, The value range is 1 To 65535
## Indicates the number from which the self growing field starts , Refers to how many fields are incremented at a time , The value range is 1 To 65535
② Dual slave configuration
Slave1 To configure
Modify the configuration file :vim /etc/my.cnf
# From the server only ID
# Enable relay logging
Slave2 To configure
Modify the configuration file :vim /etc/my.cnf
# From the server only ID
# Enable relay logging
③ Dual host 、 Double slave restart mysql service
④ The host and slave turn off the firewall
⑤ Set up accounts on both hosts and authorize mcyat
# Host computer MySQL To carry out the authorization order in the library
# Inquire about Master1 The state of
show master status;
# Inquire about Master2 The state of
show master status;
# Record separately File and Position Value
# Do not operate the master server after this step MYSQL, Prevent the state value of the primary server from changing
⑥ Configure the master to be replicated on the slave
Slava1 Copy Master1,Slava2 Copy Master2
# Command to copy host
MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin. Specific figures ',MASTER_LOG_POS= Specific value ;
# Start the replication function of two slave servers
start slave;
# View the status of the slave server
show slave status\G;
# The following two parameters are Yes, The master-slave configuration is successful !
# Slave_IO_Running: Yes
# Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
⑦ Two hosts copy each other
Master2 Copy Master1,Master1 Copy Master2
# Master2 Copy command of
# Master1 Copy command of
# Start the replication function of two master servers
start slave;
# View the status of the slave server
show slave status\G;
⑧ Master1 Host new library 、 new table 、insert Record ,Master2 And slave copy
⑨ How to stop replication from the service
stop slave;
⑩ How to reconfigure master-slave
stop slave;
reset master;
3.3. modify Mycat Configuration file for schema.xml
Modified balance attribute , Use this property to configure the type of read-write separation
Load balancing type , The current values are 4 Kind of :
(1)balance="0", Do not turn on the read-write separation mechanism , All read operations are sent to the currently available writeHost On .
(2)balance="1", All of the readHost And stand by writeHost Participate in select Statement load balancing , To put it simply , When two masters and two slaves
Pattern (M1->S1,M2->S2, also M1 And M2 Prepare for each other ), Under normal circumstances ,M2,S1,S2 All involved select Statement load balancing .
(3)balance="2", All the reading operations are random in writeHost、readhost To distribute .
(4)balance="3", All read requests are randomly distributed to readhost perform ,writerHost No pressure to read
For dual master and dual slave read-write separation balance Set to 1
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE mycat:schema SYSTEM "schema.dtd">
<mycat:schema xmlns:mycat="http://io.mycat/">
<schema name="TESTDB" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100" dataNode="dn1">
<dataNode name="dn1" dataHost="host1" database="MYSQLTEST" />
<dataHost name="host1" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="2"
writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1" slaveThreshold="100">
<heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat>
<!-- can have multi write hosts -->
<writeHost host="hostM1" url="" user="root"
<readHost host="hostS1" url="" user="root"
password="123456" />
#balance="1": All of the readHost And stand by writeHost Participate in select Statement load balancing .
#writeType="0": All writes are sent to the first of the configuration writeHost, The first one is cut to the second one that still exists
#writeType="1", All writes are sent randomly to the configured writeHost,1.5 It is not recommended to discard it later
#writeHost, After restart, the one after switching shall prevail , The switch is recorded in the configuration file :dnindex.properties .
#switchType="1": 1 The default value is , Automatic switch .
# -1 Does not automatically switch
# 2 be based on MySQL The state of master-slave synchronization determines whether to switch .
3.4. start-up Mycat
3.5. Verify read-write separation
# Writing to host Master1 Database table mytbl Insert data with system variables into , Cause inconsistency between master and slave data
INSERT INTO mytbl VALUES(3,@@hostname);
# stay Mycat Look in mytbl surface , You can see the query statement in Master2(host130)、Slava1(host129)、Slava2(host131) Switching between master and slave hosts
3.5. Resistance to risk
# Stop database Master1
systemctl stop mysqld
# stay Mycat Inserting data into the is still successful ,Master2 Automatically switch to write host
INSERT INTO mytbl VALUES(3,@@hostname);
# Start database Master1
systemctl start mysqld
# stay Mycat Look in mytbl surface , You can see the query statement in Master1(host128)、Slava1(host129)、Slava2(host131) Switching between master and slave hosts
Master1、Master2 Mutual standby , The host responsible for writing is down , The standby switch is responsible for writing , Ensure the separation of database reading and writing and high availability .
Four . Split Vertically —— sub-treasury
A database is made up of many tables , Each table corresponds to a different business , Vertical segmentation refers to the classification of tables according to business , Distributed to different The database above , In this way, data or pressure will be shared among different databases , Here's the picture :
The system is divided into , user , Order transaction , Pay for several modules .
4.1. How to divide tables
A problem : Tables in two databases on two hosts , Can the query be associated ?
answer : It is not allowed to associate queries .
The principle of sub database : Closely related tables should be in a library , Tables that are not related to each other can be divided into different libraries .
# Customer list rows:20 ten thousand
CREATE TABLE customer(
# The order sheet rows:600 ten thousand
order_type INT,
customer_id INT,
amount DECIMAL(10,2),
# Order details rows:600 ten thousand
CREATE TABLE orders_detail(
detail VARCHAR(2000),
order_id INT,
# Order status dictionary table rows:20
CREATE TABLE dict_order_type(
order_type VARCHAR(200),
How to divide the above four tables ? The customer table is divided into a database , The other three need to be associated with the query , In another database .
4.2. Realize the sub library
4.2.1. modify schema The configuration file
<mycat:schema xmlns:mycat="http://io.mycat/">
<schema name="TESTDB" checkSQLschema="false" sqlMaxLimit="100" dataNode="dn1">
<table name="customer" dataNode="dn2"></table>
<dataNode name="dn1" dataHost="host1" database="orders" />
<dataNode name="dn2" dataHost="host2" database="orders" />
<dataHost name="host1" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="0"
writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1" slaveThreshold="100">
<heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat>
<!-- can have multi write hosts -->
<writeHost host="hostM1" url="" user="mycat"
<dataHost name="host2" maxCon="1000" minCon="10" balance="0"
writeType="0" dbType="mysql" dbDriver="native" switchType="1" slaveThreshold="100">
<heartbeat>select user()</heartbeat>
<!-- can have multi write hosts -->
<writeHost host="hostM1" url="" user="mycat"
4.2.2. Add two blank Libraries
Sub database operation is not in the original old database operation , Two machines need to be prepared to install the new database
# At the data node dn1、dn2 Create databases separately on orders
4.2.3. start-up Mycat
./mycat console
4.2.4. visit Mycat Carry out the sub Library
# visit Mycat
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P 8066
# Switch to TESTDB
# establish 4 A watch
# View table information , You can see the successful sub database
5、 ... and . Horizontal split —— table
Split relative to vertical , Horizontal splitting is not about classifying tables , But according to a certain rule of a certain field, it is scattered into multiple libraries , In each table Contains some data . Simply speaking , We can understand the horizontal segmentation of data as the segmentation of data lines , It is to split some rows in a table To a database , And some of the other rows are split into other databases , Pictured :
5.1. Realize the sub table
5.1.1. Select the table to split
MySQL There is a bottleneck in the number of data stored in a single table , A single table achieves 1000 Ten thousand pieces of data have reached the bottleneck , It will affect the query efficiency , It needs to be split horizontally ( table ) To optimize .
for example : In the example orders、orders_detail Have reached 600 Ten thousand rows of data , We need to optimize the sub table .
5.1.2. Sub table field
With orders Table as an example , You can divide tables according to different self fields
Number | Sub table field | effect |
1 | id( Primary key 、 Or creation time ) | Order query focuses on timeliness , Historical orders are queried less often , Such fragmentation will cause one node to access multiple nodes , One question less , Uneven . |
2 | customer_id( Customer id) | According to the customer id Disjunction , The average number of accesses between the two nodes , All orders of a customer are in the same node |
5.1.3. Modify the configuration file schema.xml
# by orders Table set the data node to dn1、dn2, And specify the partition rule as mod_rule( Custom name )
<table name="orders" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="mod_rule" ></table>
# Here's the picture
5.1.4. Modify the configuration file rule.xml
# stay rule Add fragmentation rules to the configuration file mod_rule, And specify the rule for the field customer_id,
# There are also selective slicing algorithms mod-long( Moduling fields ),customer_id Moduling two nodes , Slice according to the results
# Configuration algorithm mod-long Parameters count by 2, Two nodes
<tableRule name="mod_rule">
<function name="mod-long" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByMod">
<!-- how many data nodes -->
<property name="count">2</property>
# Here's the picture :
5.1.5. At the data node dn2 Shangjian orders surface
5.1.6. restart Mycat, Make the configuration work
5.1.7. visit Mycat Realize fragmentation
# stay mycat Inward orders Table insert data ,INSERT Fields cannot be omitted
INSERT INTO orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) VALUES (1,101,100,100100);
INSERT INTO orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) VALUES(2,101,100,100300);
INSERT INTO orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) VALUES(3,101,101,120000);
INSERT INTO orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) VALUES(4,101,101,103000);
INSERT INTO orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) VALUES(5,102,101,100400);
INSERT INTO orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) VALUES(6,102,100,100020);
# stay mycat、dn1、dn2 View in orders Table data , Sub table success
5.2. Mycat The fragmentation of “join”
Orders The order table has been divided into different tables , It's associated with orders_detail How to proceed with the order details form join Inquire about .
We need to orders_detail We also need to do slicing .Join The principle is shown in the figure below :
5.2.1. ER surface
Mycat Learn from it NewSQL A rookie in the field Foundation DB Design idea ,Foundation DB Innovatively put forward Table Group The concept of , It depends on the storage location of the child table on the main table , And physically close to each other , So it completely solved JION The efficiency and performance of topic , According to this idea , Based on E-R Data fragmentation strategy for relationships , The records of the child table and the associated parent table are stored in the same data fragment .
# modify schema.xml The configuration file
<table name="orders" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="mod_rule" >
<childTable name="orders_detail" primaryKey="id" joinKey="order_id" parentKey="id" />
# stay dn2 establish orders_detail surface
# restart Mycat
# visit Mycat towards orders_detail Table insert data
INSERT INTO orders_detail(id,detail,order_id) values(1,'detail1',1);
INSERT INTO orders_detail(id,detail,order_id) VALUES(2,'detail1',2);
INSERT INTO orders_detail(id,detail,order_id) VALUES(3,'detail1',3);
INSERT INTO orders_detail(id,detail,order_id) VALUES(4,'detail1',4);
INSERT INTO orders_detail(id,detail,order_id) VALUES(5,'detail1',5);
INSERT INTO orders_detail(id,detail,order_id) VALUES(6,'detail1',6);
# stay mycat、dn1、dn2 Run two tables in join sentence
Select o.*,od.detail from orders o inner join orders_detail od on o.id=od.order_id;
5.2.2. Global table
In the case of fragmentation , When the business table is fragmented due to its size , The association between business tables and these attached dictionary tables , It becomes a comparison A tricky question , Consider the following features of a dictionary table :
① Changes are not frequent .
② The total amount of data has not changed much .
③ The data is not big , There are rarely more than a hundred thousand records .
In view of this ,Mycat A special table is defined , be called “ Global table ”, The global table has the following properties :
① Insert global table 、 The update operation will be performed on all nodes in real time , Keep the data consistency of each segment .
② Query operation of global table , Get... From only one node .
③ The global table can follow any table JOIN operation .
Define a dictionary table or some tables that conform to the characteristics of a dictionary table as a global table , On the other hand , Well solved the data JOIN The problem of . Through the global table + be based on E-R The segmentation strategy of relationship ,Mycat You can meet 80% The above enterprise application development .
# modify schema.xml The configuration file
<table name="orders" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="mod_rule" >
<childTable name="orders_detail" primaryKey="id" joinKey="order_id" parentKey="id" />
<table name="dict_order_type" dataNode="dn1,dn2" type="global" ></table>
# stay dn2 establish dict_order_type surface
# restart Mycat
# visit Mycat towards dict_order_type Table insert data
INSERT INTO dict_order_type(id,order_type) VALUES(101,'type1');
INSERT INTO dict_order_type(id,order_type) VALUES(102,'type2');
# stay Mycat、dn1、dn2 Query table data in
select * from dict_order_type;
5.3. Commonly used fragmentation rules
5.3.1. modulus
This rule is for the calculation of segmented fields . It is also the most commonly used rule of horizontal sub table .5.1 In the configuration sub table ,orders Table applies this rule .
5.3.2. Piecewise enumeration
By configuring possible enumerations in the configuration file id, Make your own configuration , This rule applies to specific scenarios , For example, some businesses need to be preserved according to provinces or districts , And all the provinces and counties in China have fixed , This kind of business uses this rule .
(1) modify schema.xml The configuration file
<table name="orders_ware_info" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="sharding_by_intfile" ></table>
(2) modify rule.xml The configuration file
<tableRule name="sharding_by_intfile">
<function name="hash-int"
<property name="mapFile">partition-hash-int.txt</property>
<property name="type">1</property>
<property name="defaultNode">0</property>
# columns: Fragment field ,algorithm: Piecewise functions
# mapFile: Identify the profile name ,type:0 by int type 、 Not 0 by String,
#defaultNode: Default node : Less than 0 Indicates that the default node is not set , Greater than or equal to 0 Indicates setting the default node ,
# Set the default node if it encounters an unrecognized enumeration value , Just route it to the default node , If it is not set, an error will be reported
(3) modify partition-hash-int.txt The configuration file
(4) restart Mycat
(5) visit Mycat Create table
# Information table of the region where the order belongs
CREATE TABLE orders_ware_info
`id` INT AUTO_INCREMENT comment ' Number ',
`order_id` INT comment ' The order no. ',
`address` VARCHAR(200) comment ' Address ',
`areacode` VARCHAR(20) comment ' Area number ',
(6) insert data
INSERT INTO ORDERS_WARE_INFO(id, order_id,address,areacode) VALUES (1,1,' Beijing ','110');
INSERT INTO ORDERS_WARE_INFO(id, order_id,address,areacode) VALUES (2,2,' tianjin ','120');
(7) Inquire about Mycat、dn1、dn2 You can see the effect of data fragmentation
5.3.3. Scope agreement
This partition is applicable to , Plan in advance which partition field belongs to .
(1) modify schema.xml The configuration file
<table name="payment_info" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="auto_sharding_long" ></table>
(2) modify rule.xml The configuration file
<tableRule name="auto_sharding_long">
<function name="rang-long"
<property name="mapFile">autopartition-long.txt</property>
<property name="defaultNode">0</property>
# columns: Fragment field ,algorithm: Piecewise functions
# mapFile: Identify the profile name
#defaultNode: Default node : Less than 0 Indicates that the default node is not set , Greater than or equal to 0 Indicates setting the default node ,
# Set the default node if it encounters an unrecognized enumeration value , Just route it to the default node , If you don't set no recognition
Report errors
(3) modify autopartition-long.txt The configuration file
vim conf/autopartition-long.txt
notes : Need to put mycat Take out the three lines that come with you , Otherwise, it will report a mistake !!!
(4) restart Mycat
(5) visit Mycat Create table
CREATE TABLE payment_info
`id` INT AUTO_INCREMENT comment ' Number ',
`order_id` INT comment ' The order no. ',
`payment_status` INT comment ' Payment status ',
(6) insert data
INSERT INTO PAYMENT_INFO(id,order_id,payment_status) VALUES (1,101,0);
INSERT INTO PAYMENT_INFO(id,order_id,payment_status) VALUES (2,102,1);
INSERT INTO PAYMENT_INFO(id,order_id ,payment_status) VALUES (3,103,0);
INSERT INTO PAYMENT_INFO(id,order_id,payment_status) VALUES (4,104,1);
(7) Inquire about Mycat、dn1、dn2 You can see the effect of data fragmentation
5.3.4. By date ( God ) Fragmentation
This rule is divided by day . Set the time format 、 Range
(1) modify schema.xml The configuration file
<table name="login_info" dataNode="dn1,dn2" rule="sharding_by_date" ></table>
(2) modify rule.xml The configuration file
<tableRule name="sharding_by_date">
<function name="shardingByDate" class="io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByDate">
<property name="dateFormat">yyyy-MM-dd</property>
<property name="sBeginDate">2019-01-01</property>
<property name="sEndDate">2019-01-04</property>
<property name="sPartionDay">2</property>
# columns: Fragment field ,algorithm: Piecewise functions
#dateFormat : Date format
#sBeginDate : Start date
#sEndDate: End date , Then it represents that the data reaches the partition of the date, and then the loop starts from the partition insertion
#sPartionDay : Partition days , From the start date by default , Separate 2 Day one division
(3) restart Mycat
(4) visit Mycat Create table
`id` INT AUTO_INCREMENT comment ' Number ',
`user_id` INT comment ' The user id ',
`login_date` date comment ' Login date ',
(6) insert data
INSERT INTO LOGIN_INFO(id,user_id,login_date) VALUES (1,101,'2019-01-01');
INSERT INTO LOGIN_INFO(id,user_id,login_date) VALUES (2,102,'2019-01-02');
INSERT INTO LOGIN_INFO(id,user_id,login_date) VALUES (3,103,'2019-01-03');
INSERT INTO LOGIN_INFO(id,user_id,login_date) VALUES (4,104,'2019-01-04');
INSERT INTO LOGIN_INFO(id,user_id,login_date) VALUES (5,103,'2019-01-05');
INSERT INTO LOGIN_INFO(id,user_id,login_date) VALUES (6,104,'2019-01-06');
(7) Inquire about Mycat、dn1、dn2 You can see the effect of data fragmentation
5.4. Global sequence
In the case of implementing sub database and sub table , Database auto increment primary key can't guarantee the global uniqueness of auto increment primary key . So ,Mycat Provides the overall picture sequence, And provides a variety of implementation methods including local configuration and database configuration .
5.4.1. Local files
This way Mycat take sequence Configure to a file , When used to sequence After configuration in ,Mycat It will be worse classpath Medium sequence_conf.properties In file sequence The current value .
① advantage : Local load , Read faster
② shortcoming : Poor risk resistance ,Mycat After the host machine goes down , Unable to read local file .
5.4.2. Database mode
Using a table in a database To count and accumulate . But not every time a sequence is generated it reads and writes to the database , That's inefficient .Mycat Some segments will be preloaded to Mycat The memory of the , In this way, most of the read and write sequences are completed in memory . If you run out of segments in memory Mycat Will ask the database again .
ask : Then if Mycat collapsed , The sequence in the memory is not gone ?
Yes . If so , that Mycat After startup, it will apply to the database for a new segment , The original segment will be discarded .
That is to say if Mycat restart , Then the loss is the number of the current segment that has not been used up , So the primary key doesn't repeat
① Library creation sequence script
# stay dn1 Create a global sequence table on
# The function required to create a global sequence
CREATE FUNCTION mycat_seq_currval(seq_name VARCHAR(50)) RETURNS VARCHAR(64)
SET retval="-999999999,null";
SELECT CONCAT(CAST(current_value AS CHAR),",",CAST(increment AS CHAR)) INTO retval FROM
RETURN retval;
END $$
SET current_value = VALUE
WHERE NAME = seq_name;
RETURN mycat_seq_currval(seq_name);
END $$
CREATE FUNCTION mycat_seq_nextval(seq_name VARCHAR(50)) RETURNS VARCHAR(64)
SET current_value = current_value + increment WHERE NAME = seq_name;
RETURN mycat_seq_currval(seq_name);
END $$
# Initialize sequence table record
INSERT INTO MYCAT_SEQUENCE(NAME,current_value,increment) VALUES ('ORDERS', 400000,100);
② modify Mycat To configure
# modify sequence_db_conf.properties
vim sequence_db_conf.properties
# intend ORDERS This sequence is in dn1 On this node , Specifically dn1 Which machine is the node , Please refer to schema.xml
# modify server.xml
vim server.xml
# Global sequence type :0- Local files ,1- Database mode ,2- Time stamp method . This should be changed to 1.
③ restart Mycat
④ Verify the global sequence
# Sign in Mycat, insert data
insert into orders(id,amount,customer_id,order_type) values(next value for
# Query data
# restart Mycat after , Insert data again , The query again
5.4.3. Time stamp method
Global sequence ID= 64 Bit binary (42( millisecond )+5( machine ID)+5( Business coding )+12( Add up again and again ) Convert to decimal to 18 In figures long type , Every millisecond can be concurrent 12 The accumulation of bits and bits .
① advantage : Simple configuration
② shortcoming :18 position ID Too long
5.4.4. Self generated global sequence
Can be found in java Generate the global sequence in the project , as follows :
① According to the business logic
② You can use redis Single thread atomicity of incr To generate a sequence , But autonomous generation needs to be used separately in the project java Code implementation , Still recommended Mycat With its own global sequence .
6、 ... and . be based on HA The mechanism Mycat High availability
In the actual project ,Mycat Services also need to consider high availability , If Mycat The server is down , or Mycat Service failure , A standby machine is needed to provide services , You need to consider Mycat colony .
6.1. High availability solution
We can use HAProxy + Keepalived With two Mycat Set up Mycat colony , Achieve high availability .HAProxy Realized MyCat Multi node cluster high availability and load balancing , and HAProxy Its high availability can be achieved through Keepalived To achieve .
Number | role | IP Address | machine name |
1 | Mycat1 | | root-zyy128 |
2 | Mycat2 | | root-zyy130 |
3 | HAProxy(master) | | root-zyy129 |
4 | Keepalived(master) | | root-zyy129 |
5 | HAProxy(backup) | | root-zyy131 |
6 | Keepalived(backup) | | root-zyy131 |
6.2. Installation configuration HAProxy
6.2.1. install HAProxy
Get ready HAProxy Installation package , to /opt Under the table of contents .
Download address :https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/haproxy/Unzip to /usr/local/src
tar -zxvf haproxy-2.4.8.tar.gz
cp -r haproxy-2.4.8 /usr/local/src/
- Enter the unzipped directory , View kernel version , Compile
cd /usr/local/src/haproxy-2.4.8/
uname -r
make TARGET=linux310 PREFIX=/usr/local/haproxy ARCH=x86_64
# ARGET=linux310, Kernel version , Use uname -r View kernel , Such as :3.10.0-514.el7, At this point, the parameter is linux310;
#ARCH=x86_64, System digits ;
#PREFIX=/usr/local/haprpxy #/usr/local/haprpxy, by haprpxy The installation path .
If you make a mistake :
sudo yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel
- After compilation , Installation
make install PREFIX=/usr/local/haproxy
- After installation , Create directory 、 establish HAProxy The configuration file
mkdir -p /usr/data/haproxy/
vim /usr/local/haproxy/haproxy.conf
- Insert the following configuration information into the configuration file , And save
log local0
#log local1 notice
#log loghost local0 info
maxconn 4096
chroot /usr/local/haproxy
pidfile /usr/data/haproxy/haproxy.pid
uid 99
gid 99
log global
mode tcp
option abortonclose
option redispatch
retries 3
maxconn 2000
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
listen proxy_status
bind :48066
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
server mycat_1 check inter 10s
server mycat_2 check inter 10s
frontend admin_stats
bind :7777
mode http
stats enable
option httplog
maxconn 10
stats refresh 30s
stats uri /admin
stats auth admin:123123
stats hide-version
stats admin if TRUE
6.2.2. Start validation
- start-up HAProxy
/usr/local/haproxy/sbin/haproxy -f /usr/local/haproxy/haproxy.conf
- see HAProxy process
ps -ef|grep haproxy
- Open browser access
# Enter the user name in the pop-up box :admin password :123123
- Verify load balancing , adopt HAProxy visit Mycat
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P 48066
6.3. To configure Keepalived
6.3.1. install Keepalived
- Get ready Keepalived Installation package , to /opt Under the table of contents
Download address :https://www.keepalived.org/download.html - Unzip to /usr/local/src
tar -zxvf keepalived-2.0.20.tar.gz
mv -i keepalived-2.0.20 /usr/local/src/
- Enter the unzipped directory , To configure , Compile
cd /usr/local/src/keepalived-2.0.20/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/keepalived
- Compile , Install after completion
yum install -y gcc openssl-devel popt-devel
make install
- Configuration before operation
cp /usr/local/src/keepalived-2.0.20/keepalived/etc/init.d/keepalived /etc/init.d/
mkdir /etc/keepalived
cp /usr/local/keepalived/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf /etc/keepalived/
cp /usr/local/src/keepalived-2.0.20/keepalived/etc/sysconfig/keepalived /etc/sysconfig/
cp /usr/local/keepalived/sbin/keepalived /usr/sbin/
- Modify the configuration file
vim /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
! Configuration File for keepalived
global_defs {
notification_email {
[email protected]
notification_email_from [email protected]
smtp_connect_timeout 30
router_id LVS_DEVEL
vrrp_garp_interval 0
vrrp_gna_interval 0
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
# The main engine is equipped with MASTER, Spare parts BACKUP
state MASTER
# Network card of the machine
interface ens33
virtual_router_id 51
# The higher the value, the higher the priority
priority 100
advert_int 1
authentication {
auth_type PASS
auth_pass 1111
virtual_ipaddress {
# fictitious IP
virtual_server 48066 {
delay_loop 6
lb_algo rr
lb_kind NAT
persistence_timeout 50
protocol TCP
real_server 48066 {
weight 1
connect_timeout 3
retry 3
delay_before_retry 3
real_server 48600 {
weight 1
connect_timeout 3
nb_get_retry 3
delay_before_retry 3
6.3.2. Start validation
- start-up Keepalived
service keepalived start
- validate logon
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P 48066
6.4. Test high availability
- testing procedure
#1 close mycat
#2 Through virtual ip Query data
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P 48066
7、 ... and . Mycat Security Settings
7.1. Access configuration
7.1.1. user Tag permission control
at present Mycat The connection control of middleware is not too complex , At present, it only controls the read and write permissions at the level of middleware logical library . It's through server.xml Of user Label to configure .
#server.xml The configuration file user part
<user name="mycat">
<property name="password">123456</property>
<property name="schemas">TESTDB</property>
<user name="user">
<property name="password">user</property>
<property name="schemas">TESTDB</property>
<property name="readOnly">true</property>
Here's the picture :
Configuration instructions
Tag attributes | explain |
name | Logical connection of user name application middleware |
password | The password of the user |
TESTDB | Apply the corresponding logical table in the logical library of the current connection .schemas You can configure one or more |
readOnly | The permissions of application connection middleware logical library .true As read-only ,false For both reading and writing , The default is false |
Test cases
# Test case 1
# Use user user , Permission is read-only (readOnly:true)
# Verify whether the data can be queried , Verify that data can be written
- use user The user login , Run the command as follows :
mysql -uuser -puser -h -P8066
- Switch to TESTDB database , Inquire about orders Table data , as follows :
select * from orders;
- You can query the data , Here's the picture
- Perform insert data sql, as follows :
insert into orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) values(7,101,101,10000);
- You can see the running results , Insert the failure , Read only permission only , Here's the picture :
Test case 2
# Use mycat user , Permissions are read and write (readOnly:false)
# Verify whether the data can be queried , Verify that data can be written
- use mycat The user login , Run the command as follows :
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P8066
- Switch to TESTDB database , Inquire about orders Table data , as follows :
select * from orders;
- You can query the data , Here's the picture
- Perform insert data sql, as follows :
insert into orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) values(7,101,101,10000);
- You can see the running results , Insert the success , Here's the picture :
7.1.2. privileges Tag permission control
stay user Label under privileges Tags can be used for logical Libraries (schema)、 surface (table) To refine DML Access control .
privileges Label under check attribute , If true Turn on permission check , by false Don't open , The default is false.
because Mycat One user's schemas Property to configure multiple logical Libraries (schema) , therefore privileges The child nodes of schema Nodes can also be configured with multiple , Fine grained... For multiple databases and tables DML Access control .
#server.xml The configuration file privileges part
# To configure orders The table does not have the authority to add, delete, modify and search
<user name="mycat">
<property name="password">123456</property>
<property name="schemas">TESTDB</property>
<!-- Table level DML permissions -->
<privileges check="true">
<schema name="TESTDB" dml="1111" >
<table name="orders" dml="0000"></table>
<!--<table name="tb02" dml="1111"></table>-->
Configuration instructions :
DML jurisdiction | increase (insert) | to update (update) | Inquire about (select) | Delete (select) |
0000 | prohibit | prohibit | prohibit | prohibit |
0010 | prohibit | prohibit | Sure | prohibit |
1110 | Sure | prohibit | prohibit | prohibit |
1111 | Sure | Sure | Sure | Sure |
Test case 1
# Use mycat user ,privileges To configure orders The table permission is to prohibit addition, deletion, modification and query (dml="0000")
# Verify whether the data can be queried , Verify that data can be written
#1、 restart mycat, use mycat The user login , Run the command as follows :
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P8066
#2、 Switch to TESTDB database , Inquire about orders Table data , as follows :
select * from orders;
#3、 Prohibit the user from querying data , Here's the picture
#4、 Perform insert data sql, as follows :
insert into orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) values(8,101,101,10000);
#5、 You can see the running results , Prohibit the user from inserting data , Here's the picture :
Test case 2
# Use mycat user ,privileges To configure orders The table permission is that you can add, delete, modify and query (dml="1111")
# Verify whether the data can be queried , Verify that data can be written
#1、 restart mycat, use mycat The user login , Run the command as follows :
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P8066
#2、 Switch to TESTDB database , Inquire about orders Table data , as follows :
select * from orders;
#3、 You can query the data , Here's the picture
#4、 Perform insert data sql, as follows :
insert into orders(id,order_type,customer_id,amount) values(8,101,101,10000);
#5、 You can see the running results , Insert the success , Here's the picture :
#4、 Perform insert data sql, as follows :
delete from orders where id in (7,8);
#5、 You can see the running results , Insert the success , Here's the picture :
7.2. SQL Intercept
firewall Tags are used to define firewalls ;firewall Next whitehost Labels are used to define IP White list ,blacklist Used to define SQL The blacklist .
7.2.1. White list
You can set the white list , Realize that a host and a user can access Mycat, Other host users are forbidden to access .
# Set the whitelist
#server.xml The configuration file firewall label
# Configuration only The host can go through mycat User access
<host host="" user="mycat"/>
# restart Mycat after , Host use mycat User access
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P 8066
# Normal access , Here's the picture
# Change the host here user User access , Blocking access
7.2.2. The blacklist
You can set up a blacklist , Realization Mycat To be specific SQL Operational interception , Such as adding, deleting, modifying, checking, etc .
# Set a blacklist
#server.xml The configuration file firewall label
# Configuration inhibit mycat Users delete
<host host="" user="mycat"/>
<blacklist check="true">
<property name="deleteAllow">false</property>
# restart Mycat after , Host use mycat User access
mysql -umycat -p123456 -h -P 8066
# Normal access , Here's the picture
# Switch TESTDB After the database , Execute delete data statement
delete from orders where id=7;
# After running, it is found that deleting data has been prohibited , Here's the picture
Blacklist that can be set SQL List of interception functions
Configuration item | The default value | describe |
selelctAllow | true | No allow execution SELECT sentence |
deleteAllow | true | No allow execution DELETE sentence |
updateAllow | true | No allow execution UPDATE sentence |
insertAllow | true | No allow execution INSERT sentence |
createTableAllow | true | Allow table creation |
setAllow | true | Is it allowed to use SET grammar |
alterTableAllow | true | Whether to allow execution Alter Table sentence |
dropTableAllow | true | Is it allowed to modify the table |
commitAllow | true | Whether to allow execution commit operation |
rollbackAllow | true | Whether to allow execution roll back operation |
8、 ... and . Mycat Monitoring tools
8.1. Mycat-web brief introduction
Mycat-web yes Mycat Visual operation and maintenance management and monitoring platform , Make up for Mycat There's a gap in monitoring . help Mycat Share statistical and configuration management tasks .Mycat-web Introduced ZooKeeper As configuration center , You can manage multiple nodes .Mycat-web Main management and monitoring Mycat Of traffic 、 Connect 、 Active threads and memory, etc , Have IP White list 、 E-mail alarm module , You can count SQL And analyze slow SQL And high frequency SQL etc. . To optimize SQL Provide evidence .
8.2. Mycat-web Configuration and use
8.2.1. ZooKeeper install
- Download installation package http://zookeeper.apache.org/
- Install package copy to Linux System /opt Under the table of contents , And extract the
tar -zxvf zookeeper-3.4.11.tar.gz
- Get into ZooKeeper Unzipped configuration directory (conf), Copy the configuration file and rename it
cd /opt/zookeeper-3.4.11/conf
cp zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfg
- Get into ZooKeeper Command directory for (bin), Run the start command
./zkServer.sh start
- ZooKeeper The service port is 2181, The view service has been started
netstat -ant | grep 2181
8.2.2. Mycat-web install
- Download installation package http://www.mycat.io/
- Install package copy to Linux System /opt Under the table of contents , And extract the
tar -zxvf Mycat-web-1.0-SNAPSHOT-20170102153329-linux.tar.gz
- Copy mycat-web Folder to /usr/local Under the table of contents
cp -r mycat-web /usr/local
- Get into mycat-web Run the start command under the directory of
cd /usr/local/mycat-web/
./start.sh &
- Mycat-web The service port is 8082, The view service has been started
netstat -ant | grep 8082
- Access the service through an address
8.2.3. Mycat-web To configure
The installation steps are as follows :
- First configure... In the registry ZooKeeper Address , Refresh the page after configuration , so
- newly added Mycat Monitoring instance
8.3. Mycat Performance monitoring indicators
Mycat-web It can be done on the Internet Mycat Performance monitoring , for example : Memory sharing 、 Flow analysis 、 Connection analysis 、 Active thread analysis, etc .
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