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QT creator test

2022-07-06 11:13:00 it_ xiangqiang


Qt Creator test Testing_ Automatic test


If you will Qt Creator As Qt Part of the installation , be GNU Symbolic Debugger It will be installed automatically , And you should be ready to start debugging after you create a new project . however , for example , You can change the settings to use Windows Debugging tools . You can connect the device to the development host , And debug the process running on the device .

Analysis of the code

Qt Creator Integrated Valgrind Code analysis tools , Used to detect memory leaks and analyze function execution . You must download and install them separately to get them from Qt Creator Use them in .QML Profiler As Qt Creator Part of the installation . It enables you to analyze Qt Quick Applications .

Run automated tests

You can use Qt Creator establish , Build and run Qt test ,Qt Quick test ,Google Testing and Boost test .


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