当前位置:网站首页>The virtual machine Ping is connected to the host, and the host Ping is not connected to the virtual machine

The virtual machine Ping is connected to the host, and the host Ping is not connected to the virtual machine

2022-07-06 10:54:00 hyh123a


 Inside the virtual machine  Windows 10  Sure  Ping through  Ubuntu host ,
Ubuntu Host cannot  Ping through  Windows10  virtual machine 

Environmental Science

 host :	    Ubuntu 20.04
 virtual machine :      Windows 10 
 Network mode : The bridge 

 situation :
 The host can access the Internet , The virtual machine can access the Internet normally 
 Inside the virtual machine  Windows 10  Sure   Ping through  Ubuntu host ,
Ubuntu host           Can not be  Ping through  Windows10  virtual machine 


Windows 10  Built in firewall   Shut down the Ping, Don't allow Ping  Modify the firewall “ Inbound rules ” that will do 


 Input... In the lower left corner :"Windows  Security Center ", 
=>  Click on  “ Firewall and network security ”, 
=>  Click on  “ Advanced settings ”
=>  Click on  “ Inbound rules ”
=>  Right click  “ Core network diagnosis ”
=>  Click on  “ Enable rules ”


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2021 year 8 Monthly test installation succeeded

