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CSDN Q & a tag skill tree (V) -- cloud native skill tree

2022-07-06 10:42:00 Alexxinlu

Series articles

Team blog : CSDN AI team

Cloud native skill tree overview

essential information

  • All nodes : 3712
  • There are data nodes in all nodes / All nodes : 593 / 3712 = 0.16
  • Number of leaf knots : 2806
  • There are data node points in the leaf node / Number of leaf knots : 551 / 2806 = 0.2
  • Percentage of difficulty points at different levels : The first step : 75.51%, Middle stage : 22.96%, Higher order : 1.54%

Data resources covered

 Third party Forum :
* [csdn_roadmap](https://codechina.gitcode.host/developer-roadmap/cloud-native/intro/) --> csdn_roadmap

 Book catalogue :
* [kubernetes Authoritative guide ](https://item.jd.com/12230380.html)
* [ Every day 5 Minutes to play kubernetes](https://item.jd.com/12329528.html)
* [ be based on kubernetes Actual combat of container cloud platform ](https://item.jd.com/12433425.html)
* [docker Introduction to technology and actual combat ](https://item.jd.com/12453318.html)
* [go Programming language ](https://item.jd.com/12187988.html)
* [go Language practice ](https://item.jd.com/12136974.html)
* [goweb Programming ](https://item.jd.com/12252845.html)
* [go Language advanced programming ](https://item.jd.com/12647494.html)
* [DevOps Practice Guide ](https://item.jd.com/12350780.html)
* [DevOps And automatic operation and maintenance practice ](https://item.jd.com/12473008.html)
* [Serverless framework : Server free applications and AWS_Lambda](https://item.jd.com/12416446.html)
* [ Explain profound theories in simple language Serverless: Technical principle and application practice ](https://item.jd.com/12506392.html)
* [Serverless framework : From principle 、 Design to project practice ](https://item.jd.com/12592747.html)
* [Serverless Architecture application development :Python Realization ](https://item.jd.com/12691756.html)
* [ In depth understanding of Spring_Cloud And microservice construction ](https://item.jd.com/12698004.html)
* [ In depth understanding of Spring_Cloud And actual combat ](https://item.jd.com/13043028.html)
* [ Continuously evolving Cloud_Native: Best practice of microservice under cloud native architecture ](https://item.jd.com/37236336060.html)
* [Service_Mesh actual combat : be based on Linkerd and Kubernetes Microservice practice of ](https://item.jd.com/12494016.html)
* [ Cloud native service grid Istio](https://item.jd.com/12538407.html)
* [Istio Analysis and practice of service grid technology ](http://product.china-pub.com/8067565#ml)
* [ High availability scalable microservice architecture : be based on Dubbo、Spring_Cloud and Service_Mesh](https://item.jd.com/12585284.html)
* [ Architecture decryption : From distributed to microservices ](https://item.jd.com/12888366.html)
* [kubernetes The advanced combat ](https://item.jd.com/12477105.html)
* [kubernetes An authoritative guide to the Internet ](https://item.jd.com/12724298.html)
* [ Cloud native : Using containers 、 Function computing and data building the next generation of applications ](https://item.jd.com/12867066.html)
* [ Cloud native operating system kubernetes](https://item.jd.com/13029786.html)

The relationship between trees

basetree,,csdn_roadmap_ Cloud native _revised
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - Platform development ;Kubernetes,kubernetes Authoritative guide 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - Platform development ;Kubernetes, Every day 5 Minutes to play kubernetes
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - Platform development ;Kubernetes, be based on kubernetes Actual combat of container cloud platform 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - Platform development ; Containers ,Docker Introduction to technology and actual combat 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; programing language ,go Programming language 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; programing language ,go Language practice 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; programing language ,goweb Programming 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; programing language ,go Language advanced programming 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - Platform development ;DevOps,DevOps Practice Guide 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - Platform development ;DevOps,DevOps And automatic operation and maintenance practice 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ;Serverless,Serverless framework : Server free applications and AWS_Lambda
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ;Serverless, Explain profound theories in simple language Serverless: Technical principle and application practice 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ;Serverless,Serverless framework : From principle 、 Design to project practice 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ;Serverless,Serverless Architecture application development :Python Realization 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; Microservices , In depth understanding of Spring_Cloud And microservice construction 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; Microservices , In depth understanding of Spring_Cloud And actual combat 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; Microservices , Continuously evolving Cloud_Native: Best practice of microservice under cloud native architecture 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; Microservices ,Service_Mesh actual combat : be based on Linkerd and Kubernetes Microservice practice of 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; Microservices , Cloud native service grid Istio
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; Microservices ,Istio Analysis and practice of service grid technology 
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; Microservices , High availability scalable microservice architecture : be based on Dubbo、Spring_Cloud and Service_Mesh
subtree, Primary stage of cloud - application development ; Microservices , Architecture decryption : From distributed to microservices 
subtree, Cloud primary middle stage - Platform development ;Kubernetes,kubernetes The advanced combat 
subtree, Cloud primary middle stage - Platform development ;Kubernetes,kubernetes An authoritative guide to the Internet 
subtree, Cloud primary middle stage - Platform development ;Kubernetes, Cloud native : Using containers 、 Function computing and data building the next generation of applications 
subtree, Cloud primary middle stage - Platform development ;Kubernetes, Cloud native operating system kubernetes
subtree, other , other 

Cloud native skill tree

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