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Setting and using richview trvstyle template style
2022-07-06 06:55:00 【lyhoo163】
RichView TRVStyle Template style setting and use
One 、RichEdit Of Style
Style Four important attributes :
The default is 5 individual :
Serial number name
0: Normal text Arial
1: Heading Arial
2: Subheading Arial
3: Keywords Arial
4: Jump 1 Arial
5: Jump 2 Arial
The default is 2 individual :
Serial number name
0: Paragraph Style 0
1: Centered 0
The default is 11 individual :
Serial number name
0 Normal
1 heading 1
2 heading 2
3 heading 3
4 Hyperlink
5 header
6 footer
7 footnote reference
8 endnote reference
9 footnote text
10 endnote text
The default is 0 individual ( not used ):
Two 、 Detailed instructions
1、TextStyles[TextNo] and ParaStyles[ParaNo] As a style ,TextNo and ParaNo, Not used together . Only for users AddNL Wait for function calls to use :
RVE.AddNL(Text, TextNo, ParaNo);
actually ,TextStyles[TextNo].StyleName and ParaStyles[ParaNo].StyleName, stay TextStyles and ParaStyles It doesn't make much sense when used to represent any format , We can simply ignore them ( It may be best to leave them empty , To prevent unnecessary storage XML/RVF Information in the file ).
2、StyleTemplates[StyleNo], Is the real style of software , it 0-StyleNo, All definitions TextStyles and ParaStyles, Use uniform Name.
In the code , It can be ignored TextStyles[TextNo] and ParaStyles[ParaNo], Use it directly StyleTemplates[StyleNo].
MakeTextStyle(rvs, nil, rvs.StyleTemplates[0]),
MakeParaStyle(rvs, rvs.StyleTemplates[0]));
such as , When you put some formats ( for example , Set text to Italic ) When applied to text formatted by a text style , You may create a new text style based on the existing text style , And this new style will inherit all unmodified properties of the existing style , Include its style name . therefore , When adding a style in an editing operation ,StyleName[No] Cannot be used to identify TextStyles and ParaStyles. If you use StyleTemplates[StyleNo], Then the name of the style template has practical significance .
3、 ... and 、 Practical significance
1、TextStyles[TextNo] and ParaStyles[ParaNo] As a style of independent single document . such as : A document has 7 A text style , Yes 4 A paragraph style . You can set 0-6 Text styles , Set up 0-3 Paragraph styles . It is the call of personality style .
RVE.AddNL(Text, TextNo, ParaNo);
2、 adopt StyleTemplates Establish an industry or unit ( Or a person ), Unified and standardized style templates . When creating a document , Unified use StyleTemplates.
MakeTextStyle(rvs, nil, rvs.StyleTemplates[0]),
MakeParaStyle(rvs, rvs.StyleTemplates[0]));
Four 、TextStyles and ParaStyles The establishment of the
1、 Modify the original style
with RVHeader.Style.TextStyles[0] do begin
FontName:=' Song style '; // Font name ;
Size:=10; // font size
Color:= clBlack; // text color ;
Style:=[]; // Text style ( bold , Italics , Underline , Delete line )
Charset:=DEFAULT_CHARSET; // Font character set ( Used for the unicode Text style ).
with RVHeader.Style.ParaStyles[0] do begin
FirstIndent:=0; // Indent the first line of the paragraph , use LeftIndent Summarize ;
LeftIndent:=0; // Left edge indent ;
RightIndent:=0; // Indent of the right edge ;
SpaceBefore:=0; // Space above paragraph ;
SpaceAfter:=0; // The space below the paragraph ;
LineSpacing:=200; // 200%
RichView.Style.TextStyles.Items[0].FontName:='Monotype Corsiva';
2、 Create a new style
with RVStyle1.ParaStyles.Add do begin
StyleName := 'Paragraph 1';
Alignment := rvaLeft; // Paragraph alignment ( left, right, center, justify or distribute)
LastLineAlignment:=rvaLeft; // Align the next line of paragraphs ( Align left , Right alignment , Align center , Align or assign );
FirstIndent:=0; // Indent the first line of the paragraph
LeftIndent:=0; // Left edge indent ;
RightIndent:=0; // Indent of the right edge ;
SpaceBefore:=5; // Space above paragraph ;
SpaceAfter:=5; // The space below the paragraph ;
Border:=:bsNone; // no border
with RVStyle1.ParaStyles.Add do begin
StyleName := 'Paragraph 2';
Alignment := rvaCenter; // Paragraph alignment ( left, right, center, justify or distribute)
LastLineAlignment:=rvaLeft; // Align the next line of paragraphs ( Align left , Right alignment , Align center , Align or assign );
FirstIndent:=0; // Indent the first line of the paragraph
LeftIndent:=0; // Left edge indent ;
RightIndent:=0; // Indent of the right edge ;
SpaceBefore:=5; // Space above paragraph ;
SpaceAfter:=5; // The space below the paragraph ;
Border.Style:=rvbSingle; // There's a border
Border.VisibleBorders.Top:=True; // Whether the border displays
5、 ... and 、StyleTemplates Creation of template style
1、 Modification of the original style
2、 Rebuild StyleTemplates 6、 ... and 、 Find the sequence number of the specified name style
ParaNo, StyleNo: Integer;
HeadingStyleTemplate: TRVStyleTemplate;
HeadingStyleTemplate := RVStyle1.StyleTemplates.FindItemByName('heading 1');
ParaNo := MakeParaStyle(RVStyle1, HeadingStyleTemplate);
StyleNo := MakeTextStyle(RVStyle1, nil, HeadingStyleTemplate);
RichViewEdit1.AddNL('This is Heading 1', StyleNo, ParaNo);
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