当前位置:网站首页>At the age of 26, I changed my career from finance to software testing. After four years of precipitation, I have been a 25K Test Development Engineer

At the age of 26, I changed my career from finance to software testing. After four years of precipitation, I have been a 25K Test Development Engineer

2022-07-06 06:47:00 Peng Yuyan in the testing industry

This article is definitely not feeding chicken soup , But tell you the real way to change your career . A little longer , Please take a closer look

Some people will go ashore easily .

Some people will struggle to get ashore .

Some people drown in the water .

I'm the one struggling to get ashore .

I used to work in Finance , Later, I changed my profession by myself and became a soft test programmer , Engaged in software testing 4 year , At present, I am deeply engaged in test and development

There happened to be several college students working in Internet companies , They are all engaged in IT Of technical work , And they all got a good salary, much higher than me ,“ I decided to change my career IT industry , At that time, it was all about money to change careers “, I thought the financial salary was too low , Not suitable for boys , I just want to change my career .

I've also seen a bit of development related content , In contrast, I think the work is harder than the test , Learning is also more difficult , I'm not a computer related major myself , I think software testing is more suitable for me . Later, in the process of learning , Find yourself interested in this area , So I persisted .

At that time, I thought it would cost 4-6 A month's time cost , In addition, I'm not sure about myself , After considering all aspects , I still adopted the way of self-study , I searched some resources on the Internet , Use your spare time to study every day , It took half a year , Successful entry . But learning efficiency is too low , Qualified friends can sign up for a training class to study .....

As the saying goes, men are afraid of entering the wrong line 、 Women are afraid of marrying the wrong man . stay 26 This golden age began to seek change , It's actually a very good choice . Back to the question itself , Many people still have a lot of confusion when they decide to enter this industry , Let me give you some practical advice :【 At the end of the article, I share a wave of my learning route and supporting learning resources 】

One 、26 Is the software test suitable for changing careers at the age of ?

26 year Generally speaking, it means graduating from college or college 3 About years ago , Have certain working experience and experience , At the same time, some edges and corners are retained .25 It can only be said that your life has just started , The reason for this age level concern is that various Internet reports advocate everywhere 35 Age crisis , In fact, there will be crises in any industry , How to get through these so-called crises smoothly , The key point is whether you have relevant Core competitiveness .

stay 26 The age of , Be aware of the bottleneck and crisis of industry development and actively change the demand , In fact, it is very valuable , Don't be paralyzed by easy life , You need to keep your learning ability , Because the future is full of changes and opportunities .

Two 、26 How to change careers at the age of zero ?

I have some suggestions for changing careers on a zero basis , I hope it can help you change your career smoothly .

  • Find a suitable learning material : Can be in b Stand and find a material that you are interested in and can learn , There are a lot of online materials. Many children will find a lot of materials when they study by themselves , Think the more the better , It's not , Find a relatively complete material to read , Have a complete learning system , These I also have to sort out, friends in need can get at the end of the article
  • Do more exercises to consolidate your knowledge : Most of the time, self learners will brush the interview questions first , I suggest more practice to consolidate the knowledge , This is very helpful to improve skills and technologies , Otherwise, it's easy to get into a misunderstanding, and you'll , A vicious circle of waste after practice .

3、 ... and 、 What kind of person is suitable for software testing ?

The threshold for software testing is low , The requirements of general enterprises for software test engineers are : College degree or above ; There are not too many professional requirements ; Familiar with common techniques of software testing 、 Method 、 technological process , Familiar with automated testing ( It's hot at the moment ); Have corresponding business knowledge ……

therefore , For many non computer professional zero foundation friends who want to switch to software testing , at present , This industry is very tolerant of people with non professional backgrounds , As long as you master the relevant knowledge and Technology , Have the ability to solve practical problems .

Four 、 Can you find a good job after studying ?

It's hard to find a job , The present situation is : There are many employment opportunities in the first and second tier cities , Good job hunting , The third and fourth lines are not very good . secondly , Look at the personal segment , Pure functional testing is now saturated , It's hard to find a job , Pay back , But if the interface 、 performance 、 In terms of Automation , The job is easy to find , And the salary can easily exceed 10000 .

5、 ... and 、 Test related salary Introduction

Primary test

  • The market : About more than half of the current market , Just a little Engineer ;
  • treatment :4-10k, It also depends on the city ;
  • requirement : Project experience , Understand product business requirements and development process . Can write test documents and use cases ;
  • characteristic : Work is boring, repeat work every day , Don't need to know too much technology , Relatively few tools are used in daily work , Need some databases , There are many outsourcing companies .

Intermediate test + automation

  • The market : In the market, it accounts for about 20%
  • treatment :8-15k It also depends on the city
  • requirement : In fact, you can refer to the recruitment software for more information JD, Need more project experience in function , And the use of open source tools ,postman、jmeter、mysql、Linux、python; It also needs auxiliary testing and some simple programming , The interface needs to know something ;
  • characteristic : Can achieve simple automation ,demo level , Know where to find fragment code on the Internet , You may have a poor understanding of the principles of the framework .

Advanced testing + Interface + automation

  • The market :10-15%
  • treatment :10-25k
  • requirement : Programming language ( A door ), Proficient in automated testing ,UI+ Interface +web Understand the automation code , When receiving the project, be able to independently build the test framework used by the team , Take new people to write automatic tests in modules , Can build a set of efficient landing test scheme , Write some scripts , It's easy to use a framework ;

You can see that , The more skills you master , The higher the pay .

If you don't know how to learn ? Below 《 Software test engineer development planning route 》 And supporting 【 Learning video resources 】, It should give you help and direction : Friends who need it can get it for free at the end of the article .

《 Software test engineer development planning route 》

One 、 Fundamentals of testing

Understand the basics of testing , Master the use of mainstream defect management tools , Proficient in the operation and maintenance of test environment

Little brother said the test Fundamentals of testing
test plan / The test case Black box use case design equivalence class / The boundary value / Scene analysis / Decision table / Cause and effect diagram analysis / Wrong inference
defects Defect life cycle / Defect classification / Defect management tools Zen road /Jira
database Mysql/ Environment building / Additions and deletions / Relational query / stored procedure
Linux System building / Basic instructions / Log analysis / Environment building

Two 、Linux You're supposed to know

Linux As the most popular software environment system now , It must be mastered , The current recruitment requirements need to have Linux Ability .

Little brother said the test Linux You're supposed to know
Linux System introduction and preparation Linux As the most popular software environment system now , It has to be , from CenterOS Version system , install , Learn the basic content of the directory , Also for the subsequent self built test environment preparation .
Linux Remote tools Xshell Details on how to get started with Linux, And routine remote management , File transfer operations , The tools involved Xshell,Xftp
Linux File attributes and management Linux file , Directory basic properties , File operations , file management , Directory operation , Directory management . Do not use self destructive behavior , How to prevent accidental operation
Linux User and group management How to be in Linux Newly added , Delete , Modify users and groups , And give them the right to , It's no longer stuck because of permissions
Linux file editor Linux file editor vi Use , Command mode , The input mode , Examples of operation , Shortcut key , Pipeline command , Use experience . How to edit in a system without graphics ?
Linux Common system settings Network settings , environment variable , Disk management , Set the time , System resources , A firewall , have everything that one expects to find , Don't worry. There's no clue .
Linux Install the software Linux Installation command , And how to pass tar,gz Wait for the installation file downloaded from the network to install , Such as MySQL Database installation .
Linux Docker Containers Docker Introduction to container technology ,image Image management , Warehouse , Container to create , start-up , operation , Image packaging , Catch up with the industry's popular technology

3、 ... and 、Shell Script

master Shell Script : Include Shell Foundation and Application 、Shell Logic control 、Shell Logical functions

Little brother said the test Shell
Linux Shell Foundation and Application shell Introduction to script programming , Type of environment , Variable , Parameters , Operator , Use of arrays , Zero contact script
Linux Shell Logic control shell Logic application ,test command , Process control , Data input and output , Script logic is no longer monotonous , Play tricks
Linux Shell function shell Script function writing , Files call each other , Script application , Know how to develop , test , What can operation and maintenance do
Windows Script batch processing Linux Enough playing , Look again. Windows General command usage , Batch script writing , Actual combat application , Not everywhere Linux,Windows Script is also one of the common scripts , You may use it when you see it here Windows

Four 、 The principles of the Internet

The only way for Automation : Basic knowledge of front-end development and essential knowledge of Internet network 、 The principles of the Internet

Little brother said the test The principles of the Internet
Web The foundation of front-end development HTML、CSS Basic content learning . Why testing courses are developed ? I'm sorry , If not , Automation may not welcome , Many automated testing problems come from the development foundation
Web Front end development script JavaScript The most mainstream script learning , alike , This will also be involved in automated testing , In fact, dynamic scripts are often used in some tools , It's also JavaScript Language
Developers debug tools to test applications Although the browser's F12 It's called the developer tool , But in fact, testing is not only in functional testing but also in automated testing , All played a key role . Such as analysis HTML, Positioning elements , Debug script , Monitoring network capture packets and so on
Internet application network architecture Understand the birth of Internet program in detail through network architecture , Logical details , How does the principle of Internet communication transfer data to other computers ,TCP,UCP,HTTP, Wait, what is the relationship between the agreements .
HTTP Protocol data structure analysis Complete parsing HTTP Protocol data structure , Include Request、Response data format ,Header What do various states represent , How to identify mistakes . Analyze the position of parameters in the protocol ,rest structure , All kinds of common body Data form , Analytical way , Common causes of data parsing errors .
Cookie And Session Mechanism Reading Cookie What is it , and Session What kind of relationship exists , How to test Cookie And Session, What to pay attention to

5、 ... and 、MySQL database

Software test engineer must MySQL Database knowledge , It's not just about basic “ Additions and deletions ”.

Little brother said the test MySQL database
MySQL Database test application MySQL Environment building , client Navicat Basic use and data operation of , Learn and consolidate basic SQL grammar , Adding, deleting, modifying and checking are indispensable , Master the usage of various conditions
MySQL Advanced query Query upgrade , Master multi table query , Subquery , Query groups , The use of statistical functions , And the classic interview questions are studied and analyzed
MySQL Custom function Since there are built-in functions , Of course, there is no lack of user-defined functions , It's also often used , This is just like any development language can not do without the definition and use of functions
MySQL stored procedure SP Database essential stored procedures , It's usually called SP, How to define ? How to test ? How to use it more safely , Test what else can be done with stored procedures, more easily tested content
MySQL Things and programming Database transaction use case , The principle and use of index , database SQL The application of programming in testing , How to use it to generate a large number of specified test data quickly and accurately

6、 ... and 、 Caught tools

Fiddler,Wireshark,Sniffer,Tcpdump Various bag capturing tools are suitable for various projects , There's always one for you

Little brother said the test Caught tools
Principle and method of bag grabbing Only understand the principle of bag grabbing , In order to really use a suitable tool , Choose the right direction and method , Otherwise, it will be in vain
Bag capture tool selection The classification and efficacy of bag grabbing tools , What kind of project is suitable for which tool , How to identify the advantages of tools
Fiddler Basic function As a professional HTTP System of packet capture tools , The principle of the tool is introduced in detail , How to filter data , How to search for the data you want , How to web, Not web, mobile phone ,HTTPS Protocol and other environments
Fiddler Advanced features Learn to use it for interface testing , power failure , Modify the data by script, etc , Replace , Analog data interface Mock test , Create your own menu functions
Wireshark It's not so much bag grabbing , It is also a kind of analysis tool after packet capture , In each system, we use other package capturing tools integrated with the system to capture data and display them , It has powerful filtering and analysis functions
Sniffer Black technology bag grabbing tool , There are many versions , Very professional bag grabbing tool
TcpdumpLinux、Android Series of systems in the bag grabbing plug-in artifact

7、 ... and 、 Interface testing tool

Interface test artifact , Powerful tools you can't get around :Jmeter. Small and flexible :Postman

Little brother said the test Interface testing tool
Jmeter Introduction to interface testing Jmeter brief introduction , Environmental preparation , Introduction to directory structure , How to record scripts , And the use of basic components , Threads 、 Scope 、HTTP request 、 Timer 、 Assertions, etc
Jmeter Advanced use of interface testing Jmeter Logic control 、 Preprocessor 、 Post Processors 、 The monitor 、 Fruit trees , How to parameterize 、 Regular expression Association 、 Business 、 Checkpoints and so on . And lead you all to have token Such as the dynamic data of the project for actual combat exercises
Jmeter Interface test advanced functions Jmeter Script thinking time 、 Random time 、 Thread start interval 、 Concurrent assembly point 、 Online remote call ,webservice、websocket、jdbc、 Command calls and so on
Postman Interface test tool usage Industry standard HTTP、rest Interface test artifact , Basic request 、 Save in groups 、 Dynamic variables 、 Script 、 Data Association 、 A parameterized 、 Automatic assertion 、 Run in bulk 、 Continuous integration . The idea is similar to other interface tools , Avoid overuse of learning

8、 ... and 、Web automated testing Java&Python

Understand the purpose of Automation , Have a good command of TestNG&unittest Automation framework , And assertion and log processing

Little brother said the test Web automated testing Java&Python
Automation framework ideas guide What do we do automation for ? Save manpower 、 Speed up 、 Or let the machine replace the manual 、 Or self-improvement . How to build ideas , Instead of being brainless and at the mercy of machines
Java&Python3 Development environment and basic syntax Java&Python Development environment construction , Introduction to basic grammar , Let those who can't code get started as quickly as possible , Easy to adapt to follow-up automated test development content learning , Enough code is enough , It's not that the more you learn, the better
Java&Python3 Set type and object oriented development Java&Python Various basic types 、 Understanding and manipulation of set data types , Loop statement 、 Judgment statement , Object oriented development , Use of functions , The use of the class
Selenium3 Environment and browser driver configuration be based on selenium3 Of web Automation environment construction , Correct browser configuration , No longer worry about not being able to afford the browser . Support IE、Firefox、Chrome wait
Selenium3 Multiple positioning and dynamic operation selenium3 Common positioning methods , Property and value acquisition , How to dynamically judge elements that do not necessarily exist , Complex web structure , Elements that require multi-step operations, etc
Special case handling (js、 Special controls, etc )selenium3 Automated testing , Dealing with common special situations , Such as date 、 Control 、 Intelligent waiting 、 File upload download 、 Web nested structure , How to deal with pop-up windows ,cookie Handle ,JavaScript Script calls, etc
TestNG&unittest Automation framework uses Python unittest、Java TestNG The use of automation frameworks , Environmental treatment 、 The basic use of logic , Data driven model , Database data loading, etc
Automated framework assertion and log processing What's the most important thing in Automation ? As a test, of course, it's assertion , Automation without assertions is useless , How to display logs and results is the fundamental of automated testing
PageObject Frame design pattern PageObject Frame design pattern , What do you do ? How to better manage control quickly , From then on

Nine 、 Interface and mobile automation

Professional interface call 、 Test solutions . Build a complete web And interface automation framework ,Appium Overall use

Little brother said the test Interface and mobile automation
Interface automation solution RequestsPython Requests、Java HTTPclient Interface framework , Are professional interface calls 、 Test solution , It's easy and fast to use , Combine the usage and function of tools , Get started quickly and operate on it , Solve some of the problems
web+ Automation framework Integration Automated testing is interlinked , How to integrate web Interface with 、 Even more test types and directions combined , Make up a complete automation framework
Appium Environment building Appium The environment is relatively complex , in the light of Android The system carries out a complete environment building exercise , Solve environmental problems , And basic automation
Appium The combination of automation and framework Appium Use as a whole with web Automation is similar to , Guide to use typical functions , And for a APP Carry out actual operation

Ten 、 Agile testing &TestOps structure

uncover TestOps The veil of mystery , Continuous integration Jenkins The frame is familiar with the heart

Little brother said the test Agile testing &TestOps structure
Build agile test operation and maintenance architecture system What agile testing is ? Why agility is needed , It's mentioned by the industry devops What is it again? ?TestOps What can be done
Continuous integration Jenkins Framework practice The most common framework for continuous integration , Introduce Jenkins operation 、 jurisdiction 、 System management, etc , Common examples of construction and operation explain
Static scan test Sonar An automated code scanning tool , Convenient quick scan code problems , Find out ahead of time , Uniform specification , Code testing artifact in Automation

11、 ... and 、 Performance testing & Security testing

The other side of software testing : Performance testing and security testing , Choose a direction and try to climb the pit !

Little brother said the test Performance testing & Security testing
Performance testing learning path How to learn performance testing , How to learn from performance testing , What tools to use ? Tools don't represent performance , The basis of the interface is very important for performance testing , And tools are just AIDS , More ideas and Strategies . You're not going to be analyzing, you're going to be preparing
loadrunner Recording a project off the browser IE Unable to start the website under test ? Can't open the browser ? The program cannot be opened in the browser ? It doesn't matter , Still can record , But the recording is dedicated to laziness , It has a certain auxiliary effect on learning , It will also bring into the pit that cannot be separated
Performance testing tool operation practice loadrunner、jmeter, With the basic use of the front , It's not a problem to understand scripts , With the key parametrization 、 Dynamic Data Association 、 thing 、 journal , Most scripts can be done for practice
The implementation of system monitoring scheme The tool comes with monitoring ? System monitoring ?JVM Internal monitoring ? Database monitoring ? What's the point of all kinds of monitoring , How to accurately monitor data in various situations
Introduction to the origin and tools of security testing How security testing should be conducted , What are the categories of security testing ? What kind of tools will be used , What are their respective functions , Such as web Vulnerability scanning , Port scanning , System scanning, etc
web Security testing manual combat The role of interface testing in security , No manual security testing , Then you'll never understand the results of Automation
Security practice scanning tool Practical introduction and use of APPscan、awvs And other professional security scanning tools
Enterprise safety construction (SDLC) How should enterprises carry out security construction , Develop a more secure software lifecycle . From what aspects to start

Learning resource sharing

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , Watching the rise and attention of fans all the way , Reciprocity is always necessary , Although it's not very valuable , If you can use it, you can take it

​ These materials , For those who want to engage in 【 software test 】 For our friends, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! Everything should be done as soon as possible , Especially in the technology industry , We must improve our technical skills . I hope that's helpful …….


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