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Day 248/300 thoughts on how graduates find jobs

2022-07-06 06:40:00 Arden Zhao

I see Chinese college graduates this year 1076 ten thousand people , The employment rate is not good , There are also many graduates at home .

So I thought , Share some of my thoughts to graduates , I hope it will enlighten you .

( One ) Why do you want to find a job ?

1、 Because we are going to set up our own house

I think most of my classmates are from home to study until graduation .

that , After graduation, , The wings are hard, time and opportunity come .

There will be a change in mentality .

But the reality is , They are often the poorest when they just graduate , Sorry to ask for money from home .

I haven't made money yet . There is a lot of time .

2、 It's better to have a job than not

I want to come to many students , Fantasize about after graduating from college , His glittering appearance .

Facing such employment situation , May complain .

But whenever , We all need to accept the reality .

I think it's worse now , It will not be more than a month after I graduated 2000 The salary of yuan is still low .

3、 Develop skills through work , Ride a donkey and find a horse

Working hours , Constantly accumulate skills , Network resources , Discover market opportunities .

Then dynamically adjust work or rank , It will have a higher winning rate than static waiting .

( Two ) What is the essence of looking for a job

The essence of the workplace is value exchange

Use your skills , Problems that can be solved , In return for value —— money 、 Develop space or emotion .

So here comes the question

What skills do you have ?

What problems can you solve ?

How about the market demand ?

Can you solve these market needs ?

( 3、 ... and ) How to find a job ?

1、 Self exploration interest 、 advantage

For example, do Holland test —— Probably know what kind of personality you are , What types of occupations are suitable for .

Do Gallup test —— Know what your strengths are .

Organize achievement events —— What problems have you solved in your past experience , Which advantages do you use ?

Resources Audit —— Check whether there are internal network resources , What skills have you mastered .

If the skill is insufficient , You can find skill training courses to learn .

2、 Discover market opportunities

Share a view of Huige —— The company is the primary productive force .

With the right company , It means choosing the right industry , There will be a good rise with the development of the whole industry , Work hard , There will be long-term linear returns .

I read Lin Chao's analysis on economy , Combined with my own experience , Share four criteria

  • industry : Look for industries in the rising stage , New industry opportunities , There will be a new blue ocean , Such as new energy ;
  • company : Big factories or small and beautiful companies are good ( Those who don't pay five insurances and one fund in full are not recommended )
  • Position : Skill type of work , It's not bad in the current economic cycle
  • place : Give priority to big cities , pattern , Vision and contacts will be different ;

3、 According to your own interests 、 advantage , Choose companies in rising industries

The essence is based on your own interests 、 Advantages match market demand .

Don't be picky yet , Take one offer, See what opportunities you can really get in the market .

Constantly accumulate interview experience , Work experience , Network resources, etc , Find another job you like .

Good work , It may not be found at once .

( Four ) What opportunities do I see ?

1、 industry

  • AI industry

  • New energy industry

  • Knowledge payment industry

  • Consulting coaching industry

2、 company

There are many companies , Attached to the upstream and downstream of the above industries , Head companies can choose .

Combine your interests , advantage , Information resources collected , Can be dynamically filtered .

3、 Position

  • AI Deep learning
  • Algorithm engineer
  • Front end engineer
  • Big Data Engineer
  • consultant
  • The coach
  • ERP Managers, etc
  • The host
  • Financial Planner

I am a front-end development engineer , You can talk more .

The front end is not a comfortable job , It's an offensive job , such as PC,H5, Android ,IOS, Desktop client ,AR,VR,web3.0 wait

Students who want to cultivate deeply , You can focus on a specific field and study deeply —— Like graphics ,AR,web3.0 wait .

4、 place

The first five years after graduation , Into big cities .

such as , Beijing , Shanghai , Shenzhen .

We may be outsiders , There will be maladjustment .

But the appearance of barbaric growth , It is also an opportunity for us to grow rapidly .

( 5、 ... and ) The resources I can provide are

1、 The front-end development

I am here AI The leading company in the data industry , Do front-end development 8 year , Stayed in Beijing 6 year .

touch upon 5 Human team , from 0 To 1 Set up the project 5 Time .

The company recruits both front-end and interns , But there are not many places , There's something else that needs to be done , I can ask my friend about the recruitment quota of the company .

What's the problem with front-end development , Or career development problems , Or about the growth of cognitive problems , Add my wechat ——ardenzhaogx, We can talk about any problems .

2、 Growth cognition

I followed teacher liaoshuqi ( At home TOP10) To learn the 4 Years. , There are many career plans in the circle , The coach , There are many consultants .

I learned a lot about the underlying logic of growth cognition .

How to learn . How to share .

How to act . How to build your own knowledge system .

How to communicate .

How to make contacts .

How to plan money .

How to manage time .

How to fall in love .

How to provide for parents

What's the problem? , I can't solve , I can ask them for help .

It is also recommended that you study directly with Mr. Shuqi .

3、 Skills training

  • Technical : front end , Back end , big data , Artificial intelligence , Recommend a podcast , I know the teacher inside , I can recommend it to you , If there are many people , I wonder if I can apply for the group purchase price , This does not guarantee employment , But the average employment of different types of work is 9k-1.5w Between , Generally, I study for half a year ( There are many interdisciplinary studies );
  • ERP Implementation consultant : Suitable for accounting ,HR Professional students ,3 Months of training , Can be directly in the tide , UFIDA and other companies are employed ( Sign an employment agreement ), salary 7500 about


I set up a front-end learning group , Welcome to join ~(ardenzhaogx)


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