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How to write a resume that shines in front of another interviewer [easy to understand]

2022-07-07 04:06:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm the king of the whole stack

In recent years . I'm here Google Job opportunities , It's a software project league ( I was the leader of a development team at Microsoft ). I've browsed hundreds of resumes , Select those who can carry out the next interview process Applicant . I was very impressed by the resumes of some people , Others don't feel .

gradual . More and more friends and relatives ask me how to optimize their resumes , So I collected some of the most common questions I've ever seen in my resume . And gives suggestions on how to avoid these problems : 1. Include technical details of your job in your resume : programing language , Your personal achievement and level . I sometimes see resumes , There is only one jargon in the description of work , like this : * In a 3 Develop a... In a team of people e-mail plug-in unit . Screeners have selection criteria in mind when reading your resume . 1. How challenging is the work , 2. How relevant is your work to our company . So you need to make the job description clear .

A more appropriate way of writing should be this : * use C++ Language to implement a used to run their own proactive backup Outlook e-mail plug-in unit .

There are three people working on this task , The other two are responsible for writing backup storage server And product packaging 、 Distributed to the 300,000 A customer .2. Don't let plain things dilute the attraction of your resume . Suppose you write too many trivial things . It lowers the quality of your entire resume .

There's no need for you to write ” I finished the task on time . And achieved the expected goal .

” You don't say , Readers will also default to this . But if you write something that is not an achievement as an achievement, it will weaken your resume . Sometimes I see this one “ Main work content ” Introduce : The intern , XYZ company * Optimize ABC Component code , Improve its operation efficiency 20%. * use C++ Realization ABC The front end of the component . * Document filing , Do some administrative work . Suppose this last one is not as influential as the first two . Then get rid of it . Even if you just write one, it won't be a problem —— Just want it to be attractive information . 3. The real reflection of your work , Don't exaggerate . Screeners use their own feelings to infer the nature and value of your work , You need to write some quantifiers , Reward ( Inside or outside the company ), News reports , Wage increases , And other measurable things . Do not use Your own subjective consciousness to describe the narrative . It's a way to elevate yourself , It won't appear that you are very arrogant . Do not write “ Developed amazing software at a high speed ”, It should be written as “ adopt 3 Zhou's efforts have improved the efficiency of the software 25%”. Don't write as “ Whenever others are confused , I was called to put out the fire ”. Should be written as “ I've been assigned to three projects that are seriously behind schedule , And help them through the difficulties .

” identical . Don't be ridiculous , Like this : By organizing an ice cream Party, Let several teams achieve harmonious cooperation .4. List all the things that can improve your image ( Reward , Special projects ). I have a friend named Melody ( alias ), I know her. She has 10 Years. .

She developed a product that made her XXX The company made millions of dollars , Won a lot of industry praise , This software became their company's flagship software .

When I went to Shanghai . I saw a row of billboards for their products beside the expressway .

However , When I look at her resume , It just says : * The technical director of the company's products . This product runs for users X Tasks provide enterprise level solutions . You have to write about the honors and awards you've received ! Suppose you finish some technically challenging projects in your spare time , Or another group of considerable users ( Hundreds of numbers ). These are also listed in your resume .

5. Don't lie . It seems unnecessary to remind , But I've seen a resume on several recruitment reviews that says :“ Rewrote XYZ The company's e-commerce system back-end program ”. But a member of the jury said :“ I am here XYZ company Have done . He doesn't do this !

” For this reason, there is every reason to refuse this person . I hope you can write a good resume !

This is a difficult task , however , This is also a task that can be completed

Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/116704.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn


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