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Why can't mathematics give machine consciousness

2022-07-06 00:41:00 Oriental Golden wood

Everyone knows nine chapters of arithmetic , How many people have read it , Nine chapters of arithmetic were created around the first century AD . It roughly includes all the fraction geometry content of primary and secondary schools .

My biggest emotion is , The solution process is described in detail , justified , Have a show . There are also many problems and examples , Including land survey , Including astrometry , Very detailed , It also includes the way of determinant to solve the equation .

Even though many things such as integral and differential have been developed at present, they still haven't left the essence . There is also an academic in China called Yi Xue , Contrary to Mathematics , Mathematics sums up fixed laws to solve problems , studies of the Book of Changes ------. One response is nature , One response is humanities and society .

The reason why mathematics cannot give machine consciousness is very simple , The law of things is not fixed, but changing .

The so-called table and inside Mathematics belongs to Li , It can be refined, but , Things will not develop because of The table is fixed because the rule is uncertain and changeable , The principle of uncertainty can be found in Physics .

Only then can we know that mathematics cannot stand in the micro world , It is difficult to express the shimmering world .

Mathematics is a language that cannot be expressed , It can be expressed in another language , Such as Chinese , Chinese is one of the most expressive languages . Use Easy to learn model , It is possible to build n Personal characteristics , It can lead to the general development direction of a person's life .

This in itself is an artificial intelligence model , But it can. Non one-to-one mapping .

The essence of the model established by mathematics is one-to-one mapping .

So mathematics cannot achieve the goal of machine consciousness .

You can test any neural network model established by mathematics today . Such as dialogue , Input a sentence repeatedly, and the answer must be fixed . Today and tomorrow , Can you answer the same . Can a good mood be the same as a bad mood .

Of course, this can be achieved by adding conditions and data volume , But isn't it the same as chicken laying eggs and chicken laying eggs , Cycle . In fact, the essence of mathematics, any problem can be solved step by step by turning , But first of all, it must be divisible and quantitative, isn't it .

Just as traditional Chinese medicine says Few , Everyone understands differently , But it's all right . So the reason why mathematics cannot give machine consciousness is that it is too clear .

Daydream is not strange


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