当前位置:网站首页>[C language] twenty two steps to understand the function stack frame (pressing the stack, passing parameters, returning, bouncing the stack)

[C language] twenty two steps to understand the function stack frame (pressing the stack, passing parameters, returning, bouncing the stack)

2022-07-06 15:16:00 iluo12

What you need to master to read this article

Skillfully use ——c Language functions

Get to the point

First of all, why should we learn the stack frame of functions ?

The simple answer is : Increase internal skill

Learn the underlying code of function calls , Understand how functions pass parameters 、 How to return
This is very helpful for the use of functions You will know something about the problems that will arise in the future
Columns such as :
When a function passes parameters , Variables will be created inside the function a,
And then a The address of was sent back ,
Function as test Call complete Will be destroyed
It was sent back at this time a The address of is p Receiving will cause wild pointer , Using wild pointers will cause illegal access and other problems
If you don't know the function stack frame , There may be some trouble in understanding The display code is as follows

int* test()
	int a = 10;
	int *pa = &a;
	return pa;
int main()
	int* p = test();// here p Points to a nonexistent   Or the address that does not belong to the current function  

Used at this time p The pointer does some other operations , There will be problems , So it is important to understand the function stack frame

Preparation :

The function stack frame is roughly divided into the following steps : A simple understanding will not persuade you to retreat .
1.main Function creates in the stack area , And pass it on
2. The called function is created in the stack , Calculated value , And bring back the return value
3. All the above operations are in The stack area Finish in , So there is pressure stack 、 Bomb stack

We will explain the function stack frame around the following code

 This code passes Add Function implementation a+b   Bring the return value to c The process of 
#include <stdio.h>

int Add(int x, int y)
	int z = 0;
	z = x + y;
	return z;

int main()
	int a = 10;
	int b = 20;
	int c = 0;
	c = Add(a, b);
	printf("%d\n", c);
	return 0;

Problems solved by the creation and destruction of function stack frames

Finally, I will answer these questions , It's okay not to remember
How local variables are created ?
Why is the value of a local variable a random value ?
How functions pass parameters ?
What is the order of passing parameters ?
What is the relationship between formal parameters and arguments ?
How do function calls do ?
How to return after the function call is completed ?

Software required for this process

The software I use is Visual Studio 2019
Use VS2013 It's fine too , There may be a slight difference

Software preparation

Write the code in VS2019 in , Press F10 Start debugging  Here is the reference

And click disassembly  Insert picture description here

perhaps F10 after , Right click in the blank and turn to disassembly  Insert picture description here

Open memory And monitoring  Here is the reference

Arrange like this for observation

also Memory monitoring Column to 4 Because the code we wrote was int type int yes 4 byte  Here is the reference

Ready to finish , Interpreting disassembly code , You need to know this !

In disassembly , You see the following code
It's a long time however Don't be afraid
Just take a look at the following code for the time being , It doesn't matter if you don't understand , Next I'll say one sentence explain You will soon understand

int main()
002918B0  push        ebp  
002918B1  mov         ebp,esp  
002918B3  sub         esp,0E4h  
002918B9  push        ebx  
002918BA  push        esi  
002918BB  push        edi  
002918BC  lea         edi,[ebp-24h]  
002918BF  mov         ecx,9  
002918C4  mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh  
002918C9  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi]  
002918CB  mov         ecx,29C003h  
002918D0  call        0029131B  
	int a = 10;
002918D5  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],0Ah  
	int b = 20;
002918DC  mov         dword ptr [ebp-14h],14h  
	int c = 0;
002918E3  mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],0  
	c = Add(a, b);
002918EA  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-14h]  
002918ED  push        eax  
002918EE  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-8]  
002918F1  push        ecx  
002918F2  call        002910B4  
002918F7  add         esp,8  
002918FA  mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],eax  
	printf("%d\n", c);
002918FD  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-20h]  
00291900  push        eax  
00291901  push        297B30h  
00291906  call        002910D2  
0029190B  add         esp,8  
	return 0;
0029190E  xor         eax,eax  
00291910  pop         edi  
00291911  pop         esi  
00291912  pop         ebx  
00291913  add         esp,0E4h  
00291919  cmp         ebp,esp  
0029191B  call        00291244  
00291920  mov         esp,ebp  
00291922  pop         ebp  
00291923  ret  

After reading the code above , If you haven't been dissuaded , Then keep looking down with me !

Let me introduce you Some English registers of the above code are temporarily It's okay not to remember , I will explain it when I use it
eax - register Will not be destroyed Integrated into the cpu Upper

esp - Top pointer of stack remember
ebp - Pointer at the bottom of the stack remember
These two registers contain addresses
These two addresses are used to maintain the function stack frame

Here you can learn about it eaxespebp That's all right.
It doesn't matter if you can't remember , It will be explained later

First of all, understand main() When the function is executed, it is also called __tmainCRTStartup Function called

So first give __tmainCRTStartup Open up space in the stack area
This is the bottom call of the compiler No discussion for the time being Just know

See below Add esp、ebp Check the address  Please add a picture description

esp、ebp Are two pointers that maintain function space

For the above Low address , The following is High address

     Top pointer of stack  esp 0x008ff99c
     Pointer at the bottom of the stack  ebp 0x008ff9b8
     First allocate a space to __tmainCRTStartup
     The stack area :
    |       |            Low address 
    |       |
    |       |
    |       |
    |       |\ esp 0x008ff99c 	 To the top of the stack 
    |       | \  
    |       |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |       | /
    |       |/ ebp 0x008ff9b8	 At the bottom of the stack 
    |       |            High address 

As can be seen from the above code The stack area Use the high address first , Then use low address
Top pointer of stack esp 0x008ff99c( Hexadecimal ) —— 9,435,548 ( Decimal system )
Pointer at the bottom of the stack ebp 0x008ff9b8( Hexadecimal ) —— 9,435,576 ( Decimal system )
8ff99c - 8ff9b8 calculated Stack area is __tmainCRTStartup Opens the 28 Byte space

Reading Disassembly Statements begin

One 、 by main Function opens up space

1.002918B0 push ebp
Press down F11 Perform statement by statement operation , All the following operations are F11 complete

push It means pressing stack This line of code means take ebp Pressing stack
The yellow arrow points to the second statement It indicates that the first statement has been executed
At this time espebp It's maintenance __tmainCRTStartup Functional

Code display

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Illustration shows

    push  Pressing stack  ebp 
         hold ebp Press the address of to the top of the stack  esp Automatically point to the top address 
         And because the stack uses the high address first   After using the low address  
         therefore esp  The address of decreases 4 esp = 0x008ff998
    |       |            Low address 
    |       |
    |       |
    |  ebp  |   esp 0x008ff998
    |       |\  ↑↑↑ Move up  4 byte      ~~0x008ff99c~~  
    |       | \  
    |       |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |       | /
    |       |/ ebp 0x008ff9b8
    |       |            High address     
2. 002918B1 mov ebp,esp

mov It can be understood as assignment , This code means :ebp = esp
Now it's espebp The process of moving up To maintain main function

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     hold esp The value is assigned to ebp
         here ebp Point to  esp Point to 
        ebp = 0x008ff998
    |       |   
    |       |        
    |       |
    |       |        
    |       |            Low address 
    |       |
    |       |
    |  ebp  |   ebp 0x008ff998   esp 0x008ff998
    |       |\  
    |       | \  
    |       |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |       | /
    |       |/ 
    |       |            High address   
3. 002918B3 sub esp,0E4h

sub It means subtract
esp reduce 0E4h ,esp The pointer points to the low address
This operation will esp( Top pointer of stack ) Move up , by main Functions open up space and maintain

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    002918B3  sub         esp,0E4h  
    esp  subtract  0E4h   0E4h == 228
        esp = 0x008ff8b4
                         Low address 
    |       |\   esp 0x008ff8b4
    |       | \       
    |       |  \ 
    |       |   main     
    |       |  /         
    |       | /
    |       |/
    |  ebp  |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |       |\  
    |       | \  
    |       |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |       | /
    |       |/ 
    |       |            High address     

main Function space  Please add a picture description

Two 、 Pressing stack

002918B9 push ebx
002918BA push esi
002918BB push edi

esp Each time after pressing the stack, it will automatically point to the lowest address
EBX yes " Base address "(base) register , Store base address in memory addressing .
ESI/EDI named " Source / Target index register "
It doesn't matter if I don't understand for the moment , Look directly at three

                            Low address 
   |  edi      |   esp  0x008ff8a8
   |  esi      |0x008ff8ac
   |  ebx      |0x008ff8b0 
   | 			|\   ↑   0x008ff8b4
   | 			|  \   
   | 			|    \
   | 			|     main
   | 			|    /
   | 			|   /   
   | 			|  /         
   | 			| /
   |           |/
   |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
   |           |\  
   |           | \  
   |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
   |           | /
   |           |/ 
   |           |            High address  

 Please add a picture description  Please add a picture description
 Please add a picture description

3、 ... and 、 initialization main function

002918BC lea edi,[ebp-24h]

002918BF mov ecx,9

002918C4 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh

002918C9 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]

edi Storage ebp reduce 24h The location of ,24h yes main Size of function space
ecx Storage 9
eax Storage 0CCCCCCCCh
take ebp To edi Storage location ecx(9) All positions Initialize to eax(0CCCCCCCCh)
Talking about people is : take main The contents of the space are initialized to cc cc cc cc

                             Low address 
    |  edi      |   esp  0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |0x008ff8ac
    |  ebx      |0x008ff8b0 
    |cc cc cc cc|\   ↑   0x008ff8b4
    |cc cc cc cc|  \   
    |cc cc cc cc|    \
    |cc cc cc cc|     main
    |cc cc cc cc|    /
    |cc cc cc cc|   /   
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |cc cc cc cc| /
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           | \  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           | /
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address  
    002918BC  lea         edi,[ebp-24h] 
        [ebp-24h]  Load into  edi
    002918BF  mov         ecx,9
         hold 9 Put it in ecx in 
    002918C4  mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh
        eax The assignment is 0CCCCCCCCh
    002918C9  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi]  
         from edi The position of starts downward eax So many  dword(4byte)  All changed eax Value 

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Four 、 stay main Create variables in a And store

int a = 10;
002918D5 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],0Ah

take a The value of the variable is stored in main In the open space , Location is ([ebp-8]) The location of
In memory |0a 00 00 00| Medium a Hexadecimal stands for 10 yes a The value of , It's not a variable a

                                 Low address 
    |  edi      |   esp  0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |   
    |cc cc cc cc|\ 
    |cc cc cc cc|  \
    |cc cc cc cc|    \
    |cc cc cc cc|     main    
    |cc cc cc cc|    /
    |cc cc cc cc|   /    
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| / ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           | \  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           | /
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address     
        int a = 10;
    002918D5  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],0Ah
        ebp - 8  Position of   One 10 go in    0Ah == 10

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5、 ... and 、 stay main Create variables in b And store

int b = 20;
002918DC mov dword ptr [ebp-14h],14h

take b The value of the variable is stored in main In the open space , Location is ([ebp-14h]) The location of
In memory |14 00 00 00| Medium 14 Hexadecimal stands for 20

                                     Low address 
    |  edi      |   esp  0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |cc cc cc cc|  \
    |cc cc cc cc|    \   
    |cc cc cc cc|     main     
    |14 00 00 00|  b /   ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           | \  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           | /
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address    
            int b = 20;
    002918DC  mov         dword ptr [ebp-14h],14h  
         hold b Put it in  ebp-20 The location of    14h == 20

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6、 ... and 、 stay main Create variables in c And store

int c = 0;
002918E3 mov dword ptr [ebp-20h],0

take c The value of the variable is stored in main In the open space , Location is ([ebp-20h]) The location of

                                 Low address 
    |  edi      |   esp  0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           | \  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           | /
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address  
        	int c = 0;
    002918E3  mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],0 
         take ebp-20h To store in c

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here : It's done main function The opening up of , int a = 10;int b = 20;int c = 0; The creation of .
Next : Yes, it will a and b Make a temporary copy of the value of , by Add function Open up space .

7、 ... and 、 Function arguments : take b Pressing stack

c = Add(a, b);
002918EA mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
002918ED push eax

take [ebp-14h] The value of the position (b) Store in eax in
take eax Stack
Call for Add Function to prepare Because the transmission parameter is ab So will ab Press the stack to the stack area first In order to call
EAX Registers are also called accumulators
push Stack pressing operation

                             Low address 
    |           |
    |14 00 00 00|  b esp  0x008ff8a4                 
    |  edi      |         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address  
            c = Add(a, b);
    002918EA  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-14h]  
    002918ED  push        eax  
     take [ebp-14h] The value is placed in eax Register     then eax Pressing stack 

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8、 ... and 、 Function arguments : take a Pressing stack

002918EE mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-8]
002918F1 push ecx

take [ebp-8](a) Value of exists ecx in
take ecx Stack
ECX Is the counter (counter), It's repetition (REP) Prefix instruction and LOOP The internal counter of the instruction .

                             Low address 
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a) esp  0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b)      0x008ff8a4                
    |  edi      |              0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address  
    002918EE  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-8]  
    002918F1  push        ecx 
     take ebp-8(a)  The value of is stored in ecx   take ecx Pressing stack                     

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Nine 、 Pressing stack call The address of the next instruction

002918F2 call 002910B4
002918F7 add esp,8

Pressing stack call Instructions The address of the next instruction To continue executing code on return
Because this statement is finished Will enter Add function
First of all, remember you call The address of the next instruction

here 002918F7 For a while , It will be stored in the position pointed by the arrow on the way  Please add a picture description
At this time, the stack pressing is successful Jump into the function You can see 002918F7 Stored in memory in the form of small end
Small end storage : Store the low order bytes at the low address  Please add a picture description

    002918F2  call        002910B4  
    002918F7  add         esp,8  
        call After execution   The address of the next instruction will be pressed on the stack 
                                     Low address 
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for   esp  0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a)                 0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b)                 0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address  

Disassembly code at this time : yes VS2019 The meaning of the bottom logic jump Jump to address 00291770 The location of
Continue to press F11 Will jump to the following interface

( Borrow it , Figure of the following statement , Now you see Add function , You can read on Disassembly Instructions ) Please add a picture description

Ten 、 Inside the function

At this time, you see a lot of Disassembly code

good heavens Did you almost persuade me to quit
So far we have done 45%
The following code It is good to look at , Don't understand It's also very simple. Watch it with me ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙

    int Add(int x, int y)
    00291770  push        ebp  
    00291771  mov         ebp,esp  
    00291773  sub         esp,0CCh  
    00291779  push        ebx  
    0029177A  push        esi  
    0029177B  push        edi  
    0029177C  lea         edi,[ebp-0Ch]  
    0029177F  mov         ecx,3  
    00291784  mov         eax,0CCCCCCCCh  
    00291789  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi]  
    0029178B  mov         ecx,29C003h  
    00291790  call        0029131B  
    	int z = 0;
    00291795  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],0  
    	z = x + y;
    0029179C  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]  
    0029179F  add         eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]  
    002917A2  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],eax  
    	return z;
    002917A5  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]  
    002917A8  pop         edi  
    002917A9  pop         esi  
    002917AA  pop         ebx  
    002917AB  add         esp,0CCh  
    002917B1  cmp         ebp,esp  
    002917B3  call        00291244  
    002917B8  mov         esp,ebp  
    002917BA  pop         ebp  
    002917BB  ret 

11、 ... and 、 Pressing stack ebp The address of

00291770 push ebp

ebp It's the bottom of the stack pointer maintain main function Now to maintain Add function So move up
This code means : take ebp Stack the address of
You can see in memory |98 f9 8f 00| Namely ebp The address of

                                         Low address 
    |98 f9 8f 00|  ebp(main)        esp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a)                 0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b)                 0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address  

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Twelve 、 Give Way ebp( Pointer at the bottom of the stack ) Point to esp( Top pointer of stack ) The location of

00291771 mov ebp,esp

This statement means :ebp = esp
mov( Assembly instruction ) Put a byte 、 Word or doubleword operands are transferred from the source location to the destination location , The contents of the source operand remain unchanged .

    00291771  mov         ebp,esp
         hold esp The value is assigned to ebp
         Give Way ebp Point to the present esp
                                             Low address 
    |98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp     ebp  esp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a)                 0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b)                 0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   *ebp* 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

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13、 ... and 、 by Add Function opens up space

00291773 sub esp,0CCh

esp subtract 0cch A numerical This operation will esp Up ( Low address ) Move , And open up Maintenance space

    00291773  sub         esp,0CCh
         take esp - 0CCH
        esp Move to low address   by Add Function opens up space 
                              Low address 
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |
    |           |\   esp  0x008ff7cc
    |           | \
    |           |  \
    |           |   \
    |           |    \
    |           |     \
    |           |      Add
    |           |     /
    |           |    /
    |           |   /
    |           |  /
    |           | /
    |           |/                      
    |98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp         ebp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a)                 0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b)                 0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   *ebp* 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

Forget the screenshot Follow up main The function opens up space is the same

fourteen 、 Pressing stack

00291779 push ebx
0029177A push esi
0029177B push edi

Remember seeing these registers above So the operation is the same
Don't understand these registers for the time being
esp Automatically point to the lowest address ( To the top of the stack )

                                  Low address 
    |98 f9 8f 00| edi    esp 0x008ff7c0
    |23 10 29 00| esi
    |00 70 75 00| ebx
    |           |\           0x008ff7cc
    |           | \
    |           |  \
    |           |   \
    |           |    \
    |           |     \
    |           |      Add
    |           |     /
    |           |    /
    |           |   /
    |           |  /
    |           | /
    |           |/                      
    |98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp         ebp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a)                 0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b)                 0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   *ebp* 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 
    00291779  push        ebx  
    0029177A  push        esi  
    0029177B  push        edi
     Pressing stack  ebx  esi  edi

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15、 ... and 、 initialization Add function

0029177C lea edi,[ebp-0Ch]
0029177F mov ecx,3
00291784 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
00291789 rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]

Are you familiar with If you don't remember It doesn't matter. Let's talk about it again
take [ebp-0Ch] Such space is placed in edi in
take 3 Store in ecx in
take 0CCCCCCCCh Store in eax in
take ebp( Pointer at the bottom of the stack ) Down ecx(3) Positions are initialized to eax(cc cc cc cc) Value
Talk is talk take Add function 3 Spaces are initialized to cc cc cc cc
The first three sentences are storage , The last round is executed

 Please add a picture description

                                      Low address 
    |98 f9 8f 00| edi    esp 0x008ff7c0
    |23 10 29 00| esi
    |00 70 75 00| ebx
    |           |\           0x008ff7cc
    |           | \
    |           |  \
    |           |   \
    |           |    \
    |           |     \
    |           |      Add
    |           |     /
    |           |    /
    |           |   /
    |cc cc cc cc|  /
    |cc cc cc cc| /
    |cc cc cc cc|/                      
    |98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp         ebp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a)                 0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b)                 0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   *ebp* 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address   

Take a look back. Add The code inside the function

int Add(int x, int y)
	int z = 0;
	z = x + y;
	return z;

sixteen 、 Create... In function z And the assignment 0

int z = 0;
00291795 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],0

take 0 Put it in [ebp-8] Location
here vs2019 It may jump Don't worry about it for the time being continue F11 Jump back

                                          Low address 
    |98 f9 8f 00| edi    esp 0x008ff7c0
    |23 10 29 00| esi
    |00 70 75 00| ebx
    |           |\           0x008ff7cc
    |           | \
    |           |  \
    |           |   \
    |           |    \
    |           |     \
    |           |      Add
    |           |     /
    |           |    /
    |           |   /
    |cc cc cc cc|  /
    |00 00 00 00| / z (ebp-80x008FF890
    |cc cc cc cc|/                      
    |98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp         ebp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a`) ebp+8          0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b`) ebp+c          0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   *ebp* 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 
    int z = 0;
    00291795  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],0 
         establish z The variable is assigned to 0
         here vs2019 It may jump   Don't worry about it for the time being   continue F11  Jump back 

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seventeen 、 Calculate in function z = a+b

z = x + y;
0029179C mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
0029179F add eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
002917A2 mov dword ptr [ebp-8],eax

Read ebp+8 The value is assigned to eax eax = 10
take ebp+0ch The value of is added to eax eax = 10+20
take eax Value Assign a value to ebp-8 The location of z = 30
1e Hexadecimal to decimal equals 30

                                              Low address 
    |98 f9 8f 00| edi    esp 0x008ff7c0
    |23 10 29 00| esi
    |00 70 75 00| ebx
    |           |\           0x008ff7cc
    |           | \
    |           |  \
    |           |   \
    |           |    \
    |           |     \
    |           |      Add
    |           |     /
    |           |    /
    |           |   /
    |cc cc cc cc|  /
    |1e 00 00 00| / z (ebp-80x008FF890
    |cc cc cc cc|/                      
    |98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp         ebp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a`) ebp+8          0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b`) ebp+c          0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   *ebp* 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

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eighteen 、 Will return z The value of is stored in the register 、 Then play the stack

return z;
002917A5 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]

take [ebp-8] The value of the position Store in eax in
eax It's a register , The register is not on the stack , So it won't be destroyed when playing the stack Can bring the value back smoothly
Here we will run the stack together
esp Automatically move to high address

The popular science

Stack area usage , First Pressing stack , When used up, it will Bomb stack ,
The position that pops up after bouncing the stack will not belong to the current program
But the value is reserved , In principle, you can't visit
When this space is not used again
But you can also access the value here when you cross the boundary
That reminds me Data recovery technology

    	return z;
    002917A5  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]
         Function is about to return   The destruction   To preserve z
         take z Value   Save to register eax in 
    002917A8  pop         edi  
    002917A9  pop         esi  
    002917AA  pop         ebx 
         eject  esi  esi ebx
    --|98 f9 8f 00| edi     0x008ff7c0
    --|23 10 29 00| esi
    --|00 70 75 00| ebx
    |           |\     esp   0x008ff7cc
    |           | \
    |           |  \
    |           |   \
    |           |    \
    |           |     \
    |           |      Add
    |           |     /
    |           |    /
    |           |   /
    |cc cc cc cc|  /
    |1e 00 00 00| / z (ebp-80x008FF890
    |cc cc cc cc|/                      
    |98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp         ebp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a`) ebp+8          0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b`) ebp+c          0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   *ebp* 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

1 Please add a picture description
 Please add a picture description

It's almost finished ! hold one's own O(∩_∩)O ha-ha ~( Completed 86%)

nineteen 、 Bomb stack 、 The destruction Add function

002917AB add esp,0CCh
002917B1 cmp ebp,esp
002917B3 call 00291244

take esp add 0cch here esp Point to the bottom of the stack (ebp) The location of
take esp The value in the position pointed to Assign a value to ebp You can see |98 f9 8f 00| It's maintenance main The position at the bottom of the function stack , Now do you understand why you want to store this location
Don't read the third sentence for the time being

002917B8 mov esp,ebp

take ebp Assign a value to esp Also is to let esp maintain ebp The location of ,ebp It has pointed to main Function space stack bottom

    002917AB  add         esp,0CCh  
    002917B1  cmp         ebp,esp  
    002917B3  call        00291244 
    002917B8  mov         esp,ebp 
         take ebp Assign a value to esp
    |           |\        0x008ff7cc
    |           | \
    |           |  \
    |           |   \
    |           |    \
    |           |     \
    |           |      Add
    |           |     /
    |           |    /
    |           |   /
    |cc cc cc cc|  /
    |1e 00 00 00| / z (ebp-80x008FF890
    |cc cc cc cc|/                      
    |98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp     esp   ebp  0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a`) ebp+8          0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b`) ebp+c          0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |   *ebp* 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

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002917BA pop ebp

take ebp Play stack on the position , And jump to ebp Go to the address stored in (main Function stack bottom )

    002917BA  pop         ebp
         take ebp eject   take ebp Function pointed to  main-ebp  Assign a value to ebp
    --|98 f9 8f 00|  main-ebp               0x008ff898
    |f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for   esp  0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a`) ebp+8          0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b`) ebp+c          0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |                     ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

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twenty 、ret return

002917BB ret

Jump back To call Next instruction for
Remember what was stored before call Your next order , At this point, the bomb stack will be found call Next instruction for

    002917BB  ret 
         Jump back   To  call  Next instruction for 
    --|f7 18 29 00|  call Next instruction for        0x008FF89C
    |0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a`) ebp+8    esp   0x008ff8a0
    |14 00 00 00|  eax(b`) ebp+c          0x008ff8a4    
    |  edi      |                         0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |                     ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

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The 21st 、 Bomb stack a、b Temporary copy of variables

002918F7 add esp,8

This means :esp+8 esp Go to the high address
That is the ab And the operating system , No more maintenance

    002918F7  add         esp,8
        esp + 8  That is the  a` b` And the operating system  
    --|0a 00 00 00|  ecx(a`) ebp+8          0x008ff8a0
    --|14 00 00 00|  eax(b`) ebp+c          0x008ff8a4   
    |  edi      |                 esp    0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |00 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |                     ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

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Twenty-two 、 Bring back the return value of the function

002918FA mov dword ptr [ebp-20h],eax

take eax The value of is assigned to [ebp-20h]( c ) in
eax Is when the function returns z Stored in 30

    002918FA  mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],eax  
         take eax The value of is assigned to  [ebp-20h](c) in 
        eax  Is when the function returns  z Stored in 30 
    |  edi      |                 esp    0x008ff8a8
    |  esi      |   
    |  ebx      |
    |cc cc cc cc|\
    |1e 00 00 00|  \ c    ebp-20h 0x008FF978
    |cc cc cc cc|    \ 
    |cc cc cc cc|     main   
    |14 00 00 00|    /b    ebp-14h 0x008FF984
    |cc cc cc cc|   /     
    |cc cc cc cc|  /         
    |0a 00 00 00| /  a    ebp-8 0x008FF990
    |cc cc cc cc|/
    |  ebp      |                     ebp 0x008ff998 
    |           |\  
    |           |   __tmainCRTStartup
    |           |/ 
    |           |            High address 

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The stack frame of this function is finished , Sort out !

1.esp、ebp maintain __tmainCRTStartup()

2. Stack area is main Function opens up space , And initialization 、 establish a、b

3. Copy a、b Stack ( That is, pass reference —— Value passed )

4.Add Function opens up space in the stack area , And calculate z The value is stored in the register eax in

5. Because registers will not be destroyed , After playing the stack eax Assign a value to c, This brings back the return value of the function

Here we are The following code and Add The return process is the same, so don't explain too much !

How local variables are created ?
answer : In the stack main Function space creation .
Why is the value of a local variable a random value ?
answer : Because it is initialized as cc cc cc cc It's a random value .
How functions pass parameters ?
answer : Value transfer call —— Is to temporarily copy a parameter in the stack , So changing the formal parameter will not affect the argument .
What is the order of passing parameters ?
answer :Add(a,b); First press the parameters on the right side of the stack b.
What is the relationship between formal parameters and arguments ?
answer : A formal parameter is a temporary copy of an argument .
How do function calls do ?
answer : Press the stack when calling , Destroy the bomb stack when returning .
How to return after the function call is completed ?
answer : End of function call , The return value exists eax In the register , Then play the stack , use eax Take the value back .

At this point, the function is created 、 The ginseng 、 return It's all done The stack frame of the function is completed main Return of a function and Add equal Let's try it by ourselves !

If you read it carefully What don't you understand Sure Comment on Direct messages or Add penguins

