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China's county life record: go upstairs to the Internet, go downstairs' code the Great Wall '

2022-07-06 14:58:00 Junhong's road of data analysis

source : Kangaroo deep selection (ID:wwwdaishu)

Spring Festival every year , Many people will return to their hometown to experience county life for a few days .

Some people say :

Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are illusions , County town is the background of China .

The county , Is the place that can truly embody the essence of Chinese culture .

China 2000 Residents in many counties and cities , What kind of life are you living every day ?

When the sky is light , A city slowly woke up with the sound of the breakfast stall owner opening the rolling shutter door .

The daytime in this city is much slower than that in other cities , The night is also longer .

People here have more time , Also with a lot of discretionary money .

They don't seem to have to keep busy with their work , But it is always full 、 Tirelessly creating all kinds of " leisure "—— As if that were serious .


This is an ordinary Chinese county .

At present, nearly 900million people in China are living in such cities , Only 10% of them are college students and above , More than seven adults have an average monthly income of less than 5000 ;

Most of them read zero books every year , The most frequently forwarded articles are " Not the Chinese people do not turn ".

Some people joked that in addition to sex life in the county , Is playing mahjong , That sounds right , But it seems absolutely wrong .

The following is China 2000 Daily life of residents in several counties !



employment :

City " Second rate boy " vs Town civil servants

Because in terms of social resources and employment opportunities , Big cities always crush small cities , And small cities always look down on counties, towns and villages , People really should go higher , So every county , Are losing excellent young people year after year .

Among all kinds of jobs in the county , Civil servants in public institutions have shouldered the banner of retaining higher talents .

Although the county is small , But all five internal organs , All kinds of science and technology bureaus add up , The county civil servants have become the largest civil servant group in the country , Kan Kan seems to confirm Sima Qian's sentence " County Jier County , Counties gather all over the world ".

Civil servants are the screws of grass-roots political power , In the counties that still value the iron rice bowl , It has become the most cultural level in the employment level , It is also the most suitable group for marriage .


meanwhile , Individual businesses 、 Private units and farmers in the suburbs are another employment component , It has constructed the necessary contents for the daily operation of the city .

The restaurant 、 clinic 、 Barber Shop 、 Decoration companies and supermarkets perform their respective duties and are distributed in all corners of the county , There are only a few streets in the north and south of the city , Residents of the whole county can find them with their eyes closed , This means that the supply and demand of life in the county has long been settled .

Because the saturated business no longer needs more labor , therefore , In the definition of county employment , There are also a number of unemployed people who mainly do nothing .


In the county town , People who are still eating, drinking and wandering outside after twelve o'clock in the evening , They are often regarded as those who don't do their jobs " Second rate boy "、" Little gangster "、" habitual loafer ", Because they are still fooling around outside so late , Obviously, I don't go to serious work during the day 、 Only those who gnaw at home or engage in the industry without light .

When the mall closes 、 The streets are empty 、 All traffic lights turn yellow , A roar of motorcycles came from the distant night , Several men and women in the car laughed loudly , Like the old confused boy in the old Hong Kong film, he roared through the empty night —— This is " famous " Of " Second rate boy " 了 .


Interestingly , Take the young civil servants in the county for example , They usually need to master a special skill , That's rude 、 Learn to swear .

The cultural level of the county is generally low , The workplace also doesn't pay attention to suits , There are farmers who stand in front of the tax window and ask questions , There are also relocated households splashing and rolling in the fields , More provocative 、 Idle social youth .

All kinds of employees in grass-roots cities deal with each other in a noisy way , Simple and rough , Even Si literati , Also boil into a temper .



entertainment :

Go upstairs to the Internet

Downstairs " Yard Great Wall "

Due to the limitations of economic volume and urban facilities , There are few large concerts in small counties 、 The chamber of secrets 、 Screenplays or art exhibitions , therefore , Online entertainment has become a highly cost-effective way of leisure .

People spend at least 80% of their time using mobile phones brushing Tiktok videos 、 Play the game 、 Watch anchor and other kinds of online entertainment .

besides , In other free time , Most of the young people in the county go to the Internet cafes in the streets 、 The cinema 、 The coffee shop , To fall in love 、 Play games or surf the Internet to kill time ;

Middle aged people in the county are more likely to gather in teahouses upstairs and downstairs 、 Mahjong Hall , If you are lucky , Rubbing cards is another form of making money .

So in a humble facade , The landlady who closed the breakfast stand and the owner of the snack bar next door sat on the north and south sides of the mahjong table respectively , The fragrance of cheap tea is accompanied by the collision sound of mahjong and the cry of middle-aged people ——" Hammer ! Let me touch myself !"—— It constitutes a unique rush of life in the county .


It needs to be mentioned that , Ordinary people in third and fourth tier cities love mahjong , It has reached an astonishing state .

Two years ago. , It was found in a community in Miyi County that 10 Home mahjong house ;

In the Wenchuan earthquake , Foreign and foreign volunteers who went to China to rescue once saw that the victims forgot their sadness and played mahjong in the plank house , The story of crying for a moment because of shock and incomprehension .

It is no coincidence that mahjong has become the quintessence of Chinese culture , This national essence , Maybe it's really printed from these four corners " Hair " The words are crackling on the mahjong table in the community .

When the horizon pulls the sun down , People in the county have the same goal by different routes :

The oily smell of barbecue spread out on the ground at the entrance of the park , On the edge of the city KTV The sign lights up in all colors .

" Go out " And bars KTV Constitute the nightlife of the county , They are still the real economy that the Internet cannot replace .



consumption :

Yiyuandian rich and pinduoduo yellow diamond players

" Cut it for me !

It's almost cut , You didn't cut our table !"—— When you are shopping in a barbecue shop, you hear such a conversation , Don't panic , This is not a little gangster fighting .

A few years ago , When the advertising music of spell Duoduo magic brainwashing just entered the public view , Sharing economy is still a relatively unfamiliar concept , The public who are not familiar with single consumption do not realize that this product will quickly penetrate the corners of third and fourth tier cities in the next few years , Become one of Taobao 、 Jd.com is one of the hottest new retail means .

Under the Internet economy , The consumption preferences of county people can be met and realized through platforms like pinduoduo :

Amazing low price 、 Touching high quality 、 It feels great to grab it —— So simple 、 Direct consumers think carefully , Converge through the platform , But it's huge 、 Market income of blowout .


Even pinduoduo later fell into the storm of patent infringement and was criticized and questioned by the profit model , Third and fourth tier users still don't care , Because in their cognition , This is related to their consumption demands , It doesn't matter much .

Pinduoduo is the most popular , The links of chopping and spelling out orders are tossed around in wechat chat records , It seems to have become a new tool for evaluating the quality of social relations :

If you love him, you will take the trouble to help him chop , If the feelings are weak , It's better to blackout as soon as possible .

With the emergence of consumption capacity and the exploration of consumption potential in third and fourth tier cities , The county seems to have become the capital market sinking " New blue ocean ".

In addition to spell a lot , Taobao live selling 、 Alibaba offline one yuan store also followed , Plunge into the Weian and golden arms of county consumers .


however , It is worth mentioning that , County residents love flowers like this 、 Dare to spend , The essence is that although their income is absolutely not high , But disposable income is not low , Lower cost of living is " On average, every month 5.8 Secondary online shopping " Bottom gas .

Take house prices as an example , A young man working in Shenzhen , One month's salary , Even if you don't eat or drink , You can only buy local houses 0.1 Square meters .

And in the county city , There is still room for flexibility between housing loans and income , A year ago. , More than 40% of the county residents have led a leisurely life with houses but no loans .

There is room under my feet , There is money in hand , It is the economic state of many county people .



The spirit of :

Jianghu hero dream and domestic idol drama

Three years ago ,《 Warwolf 2》 release , The rise of audience in third and fourth tier cities has pushed its box office up 56.8 Billion , a 《 Warwolf 1》 More than ten times higher .

In tears and cash for the heroic plot , County residents are eager to take the lead .

Simple and even rigid 、 The boring living environment in the county is easy to create simple judgment and aimless reverie , Become a hotbed of individual hero dreams and romanticism , They nourish the spiritual world of the county people after dinner .

Ancient Hong Kong opera 、 Network game 、 And the online fairy novels with male users in the third and fourth tier cities as the main readers have given men , Especially the exaggerated Jianghu fantasy and heroic complex of young men ;

And the domestic idol drama, which is divorced from the real workplace environment and the logic of love, attracts here to do housework 、 A woman whose husband and children are the main plot of her life .

It is worth mentioning that , The middle-aged and elderly people in the county seem to have reached an agreement on film and television art appreciation , Watch 60 episodes of the Anti Japanese war every night 、 Anti Japanese TV series .

Their attitude is sincere 、 Firm eyes , Immerse yourself in " America is the worst , Japan is a thief , Korea is a dog leg " In the judgment of the world situation .



A new day in the county

When the day will finally pass , Night fell in the mountains around the county , Surround them in silence , This makes the excitement of the barbecue stand seem less grand ,KTV The fever of drunkenness in the room also fell .

Night owls are sitting in front of a pile of beer in this lonely island of night , Laugh sometimes , Sometimes they scold loudly , Performing a simple degeneration .

Until the wine has passed three rounds , Barbecue stalls , Lie down KTV People who cry or vomit at the door have disappeared , The streets are gray and quiet .


ad locum , Life is simple , It is also rich , Individual frustration is not likely to rise to a profound sense of sadness .

Those men and women who laugh and make trouble 、 Hard life or hearsay rumors and anecdotes , All along the traces of the night , Quietly returned to the beds or homes scattered all over the town .

The breakfast stall owner received the Nightowl's stick , It's time to get up and work , And a new round of Asahi, which belongs to the County alone , Will rise again .


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