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LeetCode:39. Combined sum

2022-07-06 08:50:00 Bertil

To give you one No repeating elements Array of integers for candidates And a target integer target , find candidates You can make the sum of numbers as the target number target Of all Different combinations , And return... As a list . You can press In any order Return these combinations .

candidates Medium The same Numbers can Unlimited repeat selected . If the selected number of at least one number is different , Then the two combinations are different .

For a given input , Guarantee and for target The number of different combinations of is less than 150 individual .

Example 1:

 Input :candidates = [2,3,6,7], target = 7
 Output :[[2,2,3],[7]]
 explain :
2  and  3  Can form a set of candidates ,2 + 2 + 3 = 7 . Be careful  2  You can use it multiple times .
7  Is also a candidate , 7 = 7 .
 Only these two combinations .

Example 2:

 Input : candidates = [2,3,5], target = 8
 Output : [[2,2,2,2],[2,3,3],[3,5]]

Example 3:

 Input : candidates = [2], target = 1
 Output : []

Tips :

  • 1 <= candidates.length <= 30
  • 1 <= candidates[i] <= 200
  • candidate Every element in is Different from each other
  • 1 <= target <= 500

Their thinking

1. Using backtracking ( namely DFS Prune with constraints ): First, ascending the array , Then define recursive functions , But pay attention to : Numbers can be reused , So every recursion , The starting point of incoming is i
2. Use two conditions to prune , Recursive exit :

  • Meet the conditions , Copy one into the result array
  • The number of remaining targets is less than the current element , The latter elements will only be larger , Abandon this round directly

Backtracking and DFS, The main difference is , The backtracking method does not retain the complete tree structure in the solution process , While depth first search records the complete search tree


/** * @param {number[]} candidates * @param {number} target * @return {number[][]} */
var combinationSum = function(candidates, target) {
    const res = [];
    //  Ascending sort 
    candidates.sort((a, b) => a - b);
    const search = (path, target, start) => {
        if (target === 0) {
            //  Meet the conditions , Copy one into the result array 
        //  Note that the starting point is start
        for (let i = start; i < candidates.length; i++) {
            //  The number of remaining targets is less than the current element , The latter elements will only be larger , Abandon this round directly 
            if (target < candidates[i]) return;
            //  Numbers can be repeated , So the introduction i
            search(path, target - candidates[i], i);
    search([], target, 0);
    return res;
