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Why is Dameng data called the "first share" of domestic databases?

2022-07-04 22:27:00 Heart of machine

2022 year 6 month 29 Japan , Domestic database product development service provider Dameng data officially submitted the prospectus , To be listed on the science and Technology Innovation Board .

Dameng data is the key driver of the development of domestic database basic software industry , It has achieved a breakthrough of zero localization of key core technologies such as shared storage clusters , It breaks the technological monopoly of foreign database manufacturers . If successful , Dameng data will become A The first share of domestic database in the stock market .

With the gradual advancement of information construction , The domestic database market began to enter the deep water . In the fierce market competition , Can the products of Dameng data be comparable with the world's top databases , Even better ?

1、 Originated from a dream of independent research and development

DM yes Database Management Abbreviation , To reach a dream means to reach a dream , Because the founder of Dameng data 、 Feng Yucai, chairman of the board, is determined to develop the database , Originated from a dream of independent research and development .

Feng Yucai , Professor of Huazhong University of science and technology 、 Doctoral supervisor 、 Leader of China Database Standards Working Group . Recipients of special government allowance of the State Council , Young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions from the State .

1982 year , Feng Yucai began to prepare for the research and development of the database management system , And set up its own research and development team . After six years , Finally in the 1988 In, it successfully developed China's first independent copyright “ Database management system CRDS”.1992 year , Founded the first institution specialized in database technology research in China , And has undertaken many important national scientific research projects .

2000 year , Feng Yucai founded the first database company in China —— Wuhan Dameng database Co., Ltd , Officially passed the market operation mode , Will reach dream products 、 The service is extended to more government units 、 Military and cooperative enterprises .

Since its establishment , Dameng has entered the track of rapid development , Not only become the first batch of countries to obtain “ Double soft ” Certified software enterprise , The only database enterprise that has obtained independent original certification , The product also passes EAL4+ Level audit , It has reached the highest security level of domestic databases .

As of the date of this prospectus , Feng Yucai directly holds the issuer 10.1872% Shares of , In total, it actually controls the shareholders' meeting of the issuer 40.5527% The right to vote .

Database management system is the core product of Damon data , It is also the three basic software ( Including the operating system 、 database 、 middleware ) One of .

In China's database market , Some Internet manufacturers and commercial database manufacturers often choose to be based on open source databases OEM Or carry out secondary development to launch its commercial distribution . Dameng data insists on independent research and development , The core source codes of database products are independently written .

by comparison , The disadvantage of self-study database is the low starting point , It's very difficult , High risk ; The advantage is that you can learn from others , Digest and absorb a lot of advanced ideas , You can adjust flexibly when encountering problems ; Once the technical bottleneck is broken, the sea and sky will be vast , Unlimited potential .

It is reported that , Daydream database management system ( abbreviation DM) It is a large general relational database with independent intellectual property rights of Damon data . The latest version DM8 The product adopts the innovative multi cluster architecture based on the unified kernel proposed by Damon data , Realize the organic unification of different clusters in the database kernel through the virtual machine actuator and instruction system based on state machine , The overall technical level has reached the domestic leading 、 International advanced .

By 2021 year 12 month 31 Japan , Dameng data has more than employees 1000 people , Among them, the proportion of technology R & D personnel in the total number of employees of the company exceeds 70%.2019 year -2021 year , The company's R & D expenses have increased steadily , Respectively 6,255.86 Ten thousand yuan 、9,660.26 Ten thousand yuan 、11,786.99 Ten thousand yuan , The proportion of R & D expenses in operating revenue in each year is 20.74%、21.46%、15.86%.

2、 Sprint domestic database “ The first one ”

Dameng data has been focusing on the research, development and sales of databases and related supporting products and services , The main product line extends from general relational database products to full stack data products .2019 year -2021 year , The end users of the company's software product use authorization business are mainly concentrated in the party and government 、 Areas such as energy and finance .

2019 year -2021 year , The operating income of Dameng data is 30,161.93 Ten thousand yuan 、45,020.09 Million and $ 74,300.01 Ten thousand yuan , The annual compound growth rate is 56.95%; After deducting non recurring profits and losses, the net profits attributable to the shareholders of the parent company are 7,754.46 Ten thousand yuan 、13,163.38 Million and $ 34,802.43 Ten thousand yuan , The annual compound growth rate is 111.85%.

among , The income from software product use authorization is the main source of the main business income of Dameng data , It is also the main source of gross profit of the company's main business .2019 year -2021 year , The gross profit margin of the main business is 80.32%、90.27% and 90.60%.

however , Compared with international giants , The comprehensive competitiveness of Dameng data is still in a weak position . at present , The international mainstream database manufacturers have Oracle、 Microsoft 、IBM、MongoDB、 Amazon 、 Google, etc , With its first mover advantage, it has occupied nearly 60% of the market share in the domestic market .

The overall scale of China's database market accounts for a relatively low proportion in the global database market , However, the number of database manufacturers is significantly higher than that of other countries and regions in the world . According to the statistics of ink Sky Wheel ,2022 year 6 month , Chinese database manufacturers have surpassed 200 home .

In recent years , Some domestic Internet 、 Leading communication enterprises also rely on cloud database 、 Open source database and other products gradually enter the relevant market .2010 year , Ant financial officially launched its self-developed financial level distributed relational database OceanBase;2017 year , Alibaba cloud launched a self-developed relational cloud database PolarDB; Huawei in 2019 year 5 In June, the enterprise level AI-Native database GaussDB; Tencent cloud in 2020 In, it was announced that the original TDSQL、CynosDB、TBase The integration of the three database brands has been upgraded to a unified enterprise level distributed database TDSQL.

According to the report released by CCID consultants ,2019-2021 The ranking of the market share of China's domestic database management software in is as follows :

According to the information and Communication Institute 《 Database Development Research Report (2021 year )》,2020 In, the global database market reached 671 Billion dollars , The scale of China's database market is 240.9 One hundred million yuan , About 5.2%, The market is vast . Expect to 2025 year , The global database market will reach 798 Billion dollars , The total size of China's database market will reach 688 One hundred million yuan , The annual compound growth rate is 23.4%.

The prospectus shows , Dameng data plans to raise funds this time 23.51 One hundred million yuan , It will be used in the cluster database management system upgrade project 、 High performance distributed relational database management system upgrade project 、 New generation cloud database product construction project and Damon research institute construction project .


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