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AWS learning notes (I)
2022-07-07 02:35:00 【51CTO】
AWS Service Overview
Mind mapping
Basic services
AWS The duration of the free package is 12 Months , Here 12 Months of use , We have the following free scope of use , By month ( Only those related to assistant solution architects are listed below ):
- Elasitc Compute Cloud (EC2) – Every month 720 Run for hours t2.micro The duration of an instance of type , That is, every month 30 God , Every day 24 Run instances of this type 24 hours a day ,Linux and Windows The examples meet the requirements
- Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) – Different ELB Every month in total 720 Hours of running time and 15GB Data processing of , It includes Classic Load Balancer and Application Load Balancer( But does not include Network Load Balancer).
- Elastic Block Store (EBS) – Every month 30GB Storage space ,1GB And 200 Ten thousand times I/O Reading and writing .
- Simple Storage Service (S3) – 5GB Standard type storage ,20000 individual Get Request and 20000 individual Put request
- Amazon Glacier – Every month 10GB Data retrieval
- Elastic File System (EFS) – 5GB Of storage capacity
- Relational Database Service (RDS) – Every month 720 Hours db.t2.micro Type instance , That is, every month 30 God , Every day 24 Run instances of this type 24 hours a day ;20GB Database storage capacity ;1000 Ten thousand times I/O;20GB Backup storage
- The data transfer – Every month , all AWS A total of 15GB Data transfer out of ( Efferent AWS) and 1GB Regional data transmission
AWS The calculation of data transmission cost of is complex , But generally speaking, the cost is not very high
For span AWS Area (Region) Come on
Data from the Internet Spread Or from another AWS Area Spread It's free.
data Efferent Go to the Internet or Efferent To other AWS The area is charged
For the same AWS Area (Region) Same zone (AZ) Come on
- Completely free , The premise is that different services are private IPv4 Address to communicate
For the same AWS Area (Region) Different zones (AZ) Come on
- charge
- DynamoDB – 25GB storage capacity ,25 Read capacity units and 25 Units of write capacity
- Amazon CloudWatch – 5GB Log data archiving
- Simple Workflow Service (SWF) – 1000 Workflow execution
- Simple Queue Service (SQS) and Simple Notification Service (SNS) – 100 Ten thousand times SQS request ,100 Ten thousand times SNS request
- AWS Lambda – monthly 100 Ten thousand free requests
- Amazon API Gateway – monthly 100 Ten thousand times API call
- Amazon CloudFront – 50GB Data transmission and 200 m HTTP and HTTPS request
- Identity Access Management (IAM) – Free forever , Not just free packages
- CloudFormation – ditto
- AutoScaling – ditto
On the whole , Most of the services used in the experiment can be covered by the free package . But there are also the following contents that need special attention .
- NAT Gateway – There is a charge for this , And it's more expensive , So be sure to shut down this service as soon as the experiment is over
- Route53 – A small fee will be charged every month after the creation ( every last Host Zone A month 0.5 Dollars or so )
- Amazon WorkSpace – It's also for a fee , And it's not cheap
- MySQL Multi-AZ – If it's on MySql High availability settings , There will be an extra charge , Therefore, please close it in time
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