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Mcp4725 driver based on FPGA

2020-11-10 10:46:00 I don't know.

be based on FPGA Of MCP4725 The driver

  1. Chip data
          MCP4725 It's low power 、 High precision 、 Single channel 12 Bit buffer voltage output DAC (Digital-to-Analog Convertor,DAC), With nonvolatile memory (EEPROM). Users can use I2C The interface command will DAC Input and configuration data are written to nonvolatile memory (EEPROM). The nonvolatile memory function makes DAC The device can maintain during power failure DAC Enter the code , And DAC The output is available immediately after power up .
     Insert picture description here

                                                    chart 1.MCP4725 Functional block diagram
      MCP4725 Having external A0 Address bit selection pin . this A0 Pins can be connected to the user's application board VDD or VSS.MCP4725 have 2 Linetype IIC Compatible with serial interface , Can be used for standard (100 kHz)、 Fast (400 kHz) Or high speed (3.4 MHz) Pattern .
 chart 2.MCP4725 Package type
   Vout: Analog output voltage ;
   Vss: Reference point ;
   VDD: Supply voltage ;3.7~5.5V
   SDA:IIC Serial data ;
   SCL:IIC Serial clock input
   A0: Address bit selection pin ; The pin can be connected to VSS or VDD , Or effectively driven by digital logic level . The logical state of the pin determines I2 C Address bit A0 position .
2. Output voltage calculation
 Insert picture description here
       For example, when we type 0x400, It's a decimal number 1024, The power supply voltage is connected to 5V, So the output voltage Vout=5*1024/4096=1.25V.
3. working principle
       When the device is connected to I2C Bus time , The device works as a slave device . Use I2C Interface command , The main device can read / Write DAC Input register or EEPROM.MCP4725 The device address contains 4 A fixed position (1100 = Device code ) and 3 Address bits (A2、A1 and A0).A2 and A1 Bits are hardwired at the factory , and A0 Bitwise by A0 The logical state of the pin determines .A0 Pins can be connected to VDD or VSS, Or effectively driven by digital logic level . The write command is used to combine the configuration bit with DAC Input code to load into DAC register , Or writing devices EEPROM. By using 3 Write command type bits (C2、C1 and C0) Define the type of write command .
 Insert picture description here
       When C2=0,C1=0 when , For fast mode , This command is used to change DAC register ,EEPROM Unaffected ; When C2=0,C1=1,C0=0 when , For writing DAC Register mode , Load configuration bits and data code to DAC register ; When C2=0,C1=1,C0=1 when , For writing DAC Registers and updates EEPROM Pattern , Load the configuration bits and data code to DAC Register and write EEPROM in . This time I mainly use to write DAC Register mode and write DAC Registers and updates EEPROM Pattern , As shown in the figure below .
 Insert picture description here
       The first byte is device addressing ,A2 and A1 It has been set by the manufacturer to 0,A0 Self control ( The default is 0, That is, grounding ), So the first byte is 0x60; The second byte is the write data address ,PD0 and PD1 All for 0 It's normal mode , So the second byte is 0x60; The height of the third and fourth bytes 4 A composition 12 Bit data input , It's up to us to define the input .
4. IIC serial communication
      MCP4725 The device uses 2 Line IIC serial interface , The interface is available in standard 、 Working in fast or high speed mode . The device that sends data on the bus is defined as a transmitter , The device that receives data is defined as a receiver . The bus must be controlled by the master device , When the main device generates serial (SCL) The signal 、 Control bus access and generate start and stop conditions .MCP4725 The device works as a slave device . Both master and slave devices can work as transmitters or receivers , But it's up to the master to decide which mode to activate . Communication is made up of a master device ( Single chip microcomputer ) launch , It sends the start bit , Followed by the address byte . The first byte sent is always the slave address byte , It contains the device code 、 Address bits and R/W position .MCP4725 The device code of the device is 1100. When the device receives a read command (R/W = 1) when , send out DAC Input registers and EEPROM The content of . The figure below shows IIC Communication timing requirements .
 Insert picture description here
       In this design ,SCL The clock input frequency is selected as 250KHz,FPGA The working clock is 50MHz, Power on and wait 20ms Later on IIC Data writing . Modular design , It is divided into IIC Drive design ,MCP4725 Initialization design , Top level modules .
5. Code module

5.1 IIC Driver module

module i2c_dri
    #(// slave address( Device address )
      parameter   SLAVE_ADDR =  7'b1100000  ,
      parameter   CLK_FREQ   = 26'd50_000_000,   //   clock frequency (CLK_FREQ)
      parameter   I2C_FREQ   = 18'd250_000       // I2C Of SCL clock frequency 
          //global clock
          input                clk        ,      //  The clock 
          input                rst_n      ,      //  Reset signal 

          //i2c interface
          input                i2c_exec   ,      // I2C Trigger execution signal 
          input                bit_ctrl   ,      //  Word address bit control (16b/8b)
          input                i2c_rh_wl  ,      // I2C Read write control signal 
          input        [15:0]  i2c_addr   ,      // I2C Address in device 
          input        [15:0]  i2c_data_w ,      // I2C Data to write 
          output  reg  [ 7:0]  i2c_data_r ,      // I2C Read out data 
          output  reg          i2c_done   ,      // I2C One operation complete 
          output  reg          scl        ,      // I2C Of SCL Clock signal 
          inout                sda        ,      // I2C Of SDA The signal 

          //user interface
          output  reg          dri_clk           //  drive I2C Operating drive clock 

//localparam define
localparam  st_idle     = 8'b0000_0001;          //  Idle state 
localparam  st_sladdr   = 8'b0000_0010;          //  Send device address (slave address)
localparam  st_addr16   = 8'b0000_0100;          //  send out 16 Bit word address 
localparam  st_addr8    = 8'b0000_1000;          //  send out 8 Bit word address 
localparam  st_data_wr  = 8'b0001_0000;          //  Writing data (8 bit)
localparam  st_addr_rd  = 8'b0010_0000;          //  Send device address read 
localparam  st_data_rd  = 8'b0100_0000;          //  Reading data (8 bit)
localparam  st_stop     = 8'b1000_0000;          //  end I2C operation 

//reg define
reg            sda_dir     ;                     // I2C data (SDA) Direction control 
reg            sda_out     ;                     // SDA The output signal 
reg            st_done     ;                     //  State end 
reg            wr_flag     ;                     //  Write a sign 
reg    [ 6:0]  cnt         ;                     //  Count 
reg    [ 7:0]  cur_state   ;                     //  State machine current state 
reg    [ 7:0]  next_state  ;                     //  State machine next state 
reg    [15:0]  addr_t      ;                     //  Address 
reg    [ 7:0]  data_r      ;                     //  Read data 
reg    [15:0]  data_wr_t   ;                     // I2C Temporary deposit of data to be written 
reg    [ 9:0]  clk_cnt     ;                     //  Divide the clock count 

//wire define
wire          sda_in      ;                      // SDA Input signal 
wire   [8:0]  clk_divide  ;                      //  The division coefficient of the module driven clock 

//SDA control 
assign  sda     = sda_dir ?  sda_out : 1'bz;     // SDA Data output or high resistance 
assign  sda_in  = sda ;                          // SDA data input 
assign  clk_divide = (CLK_FREQ/I2C_FREQ) >> 3;   //  The division coefficient of the module driven clock 

// Generate I2C Of SCL Four times the frequency of the drive clock is used to drive i2c The operation of 
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
    if(!rst_n) begin
        dri_clk <=  1'b1;
        clk_cnt <= 10'd0;
    else if(clk_cnt == clk_divide - 1'd1) begin
        clk_cnt <= 10'd0;
        dri_clk <= ~dri_clk;
        clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1'b1;

//( Three stage state machine ) Synchronous timing describes state transitions 
always @(posedge dri_clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        cur_state <= st_idle;
        cur_state <= next_state;

// Combinational logic determines the condition of state transition 
always @( * ) begin
//    next_state = st_idle;
        st_idle: begin                           //  Idle state 
           if(i2c_exec) begin
               next_state = st_sladdr;
               next_state = st_idle;
        st_sladdr: begin
            if(st_done) begin
                if(bit_ctrl)                     //  Judgment is 16 A still 8 Bit word address 
                   next_state = st_addr16;
                   next_state = st_addr8 ;
                next_state = st_sladdr;
        st_addr16: begin                         //  Write 16 Bit word address 
            if(st_done) begin
                next_state = st_addr8;
            else begin
                next_state = st_addr16;
        st_addr8: begin                          // 8 Bit word address 
            if(st_done) begin
                if(wr_flag==1'b0)                //  Read and write 
                    next_state = st_data_wr;
                    next_state = st_addr_rd;
            else begin
                next_state = st_addr8;
        st_data_wr: begin                        //  Writing data (8 bit)
                next_state = st_stop;
                next_state = st_data_wr;
        st_addr_rd: begin                        //  Write an address to read data 
            if(st_done) begin
                next_state = st_data_rd;
            else begin
                next_state = st_addr_rd;
        st_data_rd: begin                        //  Reading data (8 bit)
                next_state = st_stop;
                next_state = st_data_rd;
        st_stop: begin                           //  end I2C operation 
                next_state = st_idle;
                next_state = st_stop ;
        default: next_state= st_idle;

// Sequential circuits describe state outputs 
always @(posedge dri_clk or negedge rst_n) begin
    // Reset initialization 
    if(!rst_n) begin
        scl        <= 1'b1;
        sda_out    <= 1'b1;
        sda_dir    <= 1'b1;
        i2c_done   <= 1'b0;
        cnt        <= 1'b0;
        st_done    <= 1'b0;
        data_r     <= 1'b0;
        i2c_data_r <= 1'b0;
        wr_flag    <= 1'b0;
        addr_t     <= 1'b0;
        data_wr_t  <= 1'b0;
    else begin
        st_done <= 1'b0 ;
        cnt     <= cnt +1'b1 ;
             st_idle: begin                            //  Idle state 
                scl     <= 1'b1;
                sda_out <= 1'b1;
                sda_dir <= 1'b1;
                i2c_done<= 1'b0;
                cnt     <= 7'b0;
                if(i2c_exec) begin
                    wr_flag   <= i2c_rh_wl ;
                    addr_t    <= i2c_addr  ;
                    data_wr_t <= i2c_data_w;
            st_sladdr: begin                           //  Write the address ( Device address and word address )
                    7'd1 : sda_out <= 1'b0;            //  Start I2C
                    7'd3 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd4 : sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[6];   //  Send device address 
                    7'd5 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd7 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd8 : sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[5];
                    7'd9 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd11: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd12: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[4];
                    7'd13: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd15: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd16: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[3];
                    7'd17: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd19: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd20: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[2];
                    7'd21: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd23: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd24: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[1];
                    7'd25: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd27: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd28: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[0];
                    7'd29: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd31: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd32: sda_out <= 1'b0;            // 0: Write 
                    7'd33: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd35: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd36: begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b0;               //  Slave response 
                        sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd37: scl     <= 1'b1;
                    7'd38: st_done <= 1'b1;
                    7'd39: begin
                        scl <= 1'b0;
                        cnt <= 1'b0;
                    default :  ;
            st_addr16: begin
                    7'd0 : begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b1 ;
                        sda_out <= addr_t[15];         //  Send word address 
                    7'd1 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd3 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd4 : sda_out <= addr_t[14];
                    7'd5 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd7 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd8 : sda_out <= addr_t[13];
                    7'd9 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd11: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd12: sda_out <= addr_t[12];
                    7'd13: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd15: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd16: sda_out <= addr_t[11];
                    7'd17: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd19: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd20: sda_out <= addr_t[10];
                    7'd21: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd23: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd24: sda_out <= addr_t[9];
                    7'd25: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd27: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd28: sda_out <= addr_t[8];
                    7'd29: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd31: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd32: begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b0;               //  Slave response 
                        sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd33: scl     <= 1'b1;
                    7'd34: st_done <= 1'b1;
                    7'd35: begin
                        scl <= 1'b0;
                        cnt <= 1'b0;
                    default :  ;
            st_addr8: begin
                    7'd0: begin
                       sda_dir <= 1'b1 ;
                       sda_out <= addr_t[7];           //  Word address 
                    7'd1 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd3 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd4 : sda_out <= addr_t[6];
                    7'd5 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd7 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd8 : sda_out <= addr_t[5];
                    7'd9 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd11: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd12: sda_out <= addr_t[4];
                    7'd13: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd15: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd16: sda_out <= addr_t[3];
                    7'd17: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd19: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd20: sda_out <= addr_t[2];
                    7'd21: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd23: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd24: sda_out <= addr_t[1];
                    7'd25: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd27: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd28: sda_out <= addr_t[0];
                    7'd29: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd31: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd32: begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b0;               //  Slave response 
                        sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd33: scl     <= 1'b1;
                    7'd34: st_done <= 1'b1;
                    7'd35: begin
                        scl <= 1'b0;
                        cnt <= 1'b0;
                    default :  ;
            st_data_wr: begin                          //  Writing data (12 bit)
                    7'd0: begin
                        sda_out <= data_wr_t[15];       // I2C Write 2 Time 8 Bit data 
                        sda_dir <= 1'b1;
                    7'd1 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd3 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd4 : sda_out <= data_wr_t[14];
                    7'd5 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd7 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd8 : sda_out <= data_wr_t[13];
                    7'd9 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd11: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd12: sda_out <= data_wr_t[12];
                    7'd13: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd15: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd16: sda_out <= data_wr_t[11];
                    7'd17: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd19: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd20: sda_out <= data_wr_t[10];
                    7'd21: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd23: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd24: sda_out <= data_wr_t[9];
                    7'd25: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd27: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd28: sda_out <= data_wr_t[8];
                    7'd29: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd31: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd32: begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b0;               //  Slave response 
                        sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd33: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd35: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd36: sda_out <= data_wr_t[7];
					     7'd37: scl <= 1'b1;
					     7'd39: scl  <= 1'b0;
					     7'd40: sda_out <= data_wr_t[6];
					     7'd41: scl <= 1'b1;
						  7'd43: scl  <= 1'b0;
					     7'd44: sda_out <= data_wr_t[5];
					     7'd45: scl <= 1'b1;
				        7'd47: scl  <= 1'b0;
					     7'd48: sda_out <= data_wr_t[4];
					     7'd49: scl <= 1'b1;
						  7'd51: scl  <= 1'b0;
					     7'd52: sda_out <= data_wr_t[3];
					     7'd53: scl <= 1'b1;
						  7'd55: scl  <= 1'b0;
					     7'd56: sda_out <= data_wr_t[2];
					     7'd57: scl <= 1'b1;
						  7'd59: scl  <= 1'b0;
					     7'd60: sda_out <= data_wr_t[1];
					     7'd61: scl <= 1'b1;
						  7'd63: scl  <= 1'b0;
					     7'd64: sda_out <= data_wr_t[0];
					     7'd65: scl <= 1'b1;
						  7'd67: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd68: begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b0;               //  Slave response 
                        sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd69: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd70: st_done <= 1'b1;
                    7'd71: begin
                        scl  <= 1'b0;
                        cnt  <= 1'b0;
                    default  :  ;
            st_addr_rd: begin                          //  Write an address to read data 
                    7'd0 : begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b1;
                        sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd1 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd2 : sda_out <= 1'b0;            //  restart 
                    7'd3 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd4 : sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[6];   //  Send device address 
                    7'd5 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd7 : scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd8 : sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[5];
                    7'd9 : scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd11: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd12: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[4];
                    7'd13: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd15: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd16: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[3];
                    7'd17: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd19: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd20: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[2];
                    7'd21: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd23: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd24: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[1];
                    7'd25: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd27: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd28: sda_out <= SLAVE_ADDR[0];
                    7'd29: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd31: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd32: sda_out <= 1'b1;            // 1: read 
                    7'd33: scl <= 1'b1;
                    7'd35: scl <= 1'b0;
                    7'd36: begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b0;               //  Slave response 
                        sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd37: scl     <= 1'b1;
                    7'd38: st_done <= 1'b1;
                    7'd39: begin
                        scl <= 1'b0;
                        cnt <= 1'b0;
                    default : ;
            st_data_rd: begin                          //  Reading data (8 bit)
                    7'd0: sda_dir <= 1'b0;
                    7'd1: begin
                        data_r[7] <= sda_in;
                        scl       <= 1'b1;
                    7'd3: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd5: begin
                        data_r[6] <= sda_in ;
                        scl       <= 1'b1   ;
                    7'd7: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd9: begin
                        data_r[5] <= sda_in;
                        scl       <= 1'b1  ;
                    7'd11: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd13: begin
                        data_r[4] <= sda_in;
                        scl       <= 1'b1  ;
                    7'd15: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd17: begin
                        data_r[3] <= sda_in;
                        scl       <= 1'b1  ;
                    7'd19: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd21: begin
                        data_r[2] <= sda_in;
                        scl       <= 1'b1  ;
                    7'd23: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd25: begin
                        data_r[1] <= sda_in;
                        scl       <= 1'b1  ;
                    7'd27: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd29: begin
                        data_r[0] <= sda_in;
                        scl       <= 1'b1  ;
                    7'd31: scl  <= 1'b0;
                    7'd32: begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b1;              //  Non response 
                        sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd33: scl     <= 1'b1;
                    7'd34: st_done <= 1'b1;
                    7'd35: begin
                        scl <= 1'b0;
                        cnt <= 1'b0;
                        i2c_data_r <= data_r;
                    default  :  ;
            st_stop: begin                            //  end I2C operation 
                    7'd0: begin
                        sda_dir <= 1'b1;              //  end I2C
                        sda_out <= 1'b0;
                    7'd1 : scl     <= 1'b1;
                    7'd3 : sda_out <= 1'b1;
                    7'd15: st_done <= 1'b1;
                    7'd16: begin
                        cnt      <= 1'b0;
                        i2c_done <= 1'b1;             //  Pass to upper module I2C End signal 
                    default  : ;


5.2 MCP4725 Initialization module

module MCP4725_init( 
    input                clk      ,   // Clock signal 
    input                rst_n    ,   // Reset signal , Low level active 
    input                i2c_done ,   //I2C Register configuration completion signal 
    output  reg          i2c_exec ,   //I2C Trigger execution signal    
    output  reg  [23:0]  i2c_data    //I2C Address and data to be configured ( high 16 Bit address , low 8 Bit data )

//reg define
reg   [14:0]   start_init_cnt;        // Wait for the delay counter 

//scl configure 250khz, Input clk by 1Mhz, The period is 1us,20000*1us = 20ms
// Power on to start configuration IIC At least wait for 20ms
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        start_init_cnt <= 15'd0;
    else if(start_init_cnt < 15'd20000)
        start_init_cnt <= start_init_cnt + 1'b1;                    

//i2c Trigger execution signal    
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        i2c_exec <= 1'b0;
    else if(start_init_cnt == 15'd19999)
        i2c_exec <= 1'b1;

        i2c_exec <= 1'b0;

// Configure register address and data 
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
        i2c_data <= 16'd0;
	     i2c_data <= {
   8'h60,8'h40,8'h00} ;// The first byte is mode control (60: Update to EEPROM;40: Update only DAC register ), The next two bytes are input data , Take the height 12 position 

5.3 Top level modules

module MCP4725_CTRL(

  input clk,
  input rst_n,
  output scl,
  inout sda


  wire                  i2c_exec        ;  //I2C Trigger execution signal 
  wire   [23:0]         i2c_data        ;  //I2C Address and data to be configured ( high 8 Bit address , low 16 Bit data )          
  wire                  i2c_done        ;  //I2C Register configuration completion signal 
  wire                  i2c_dri_clk     ;  //I2C Operating the clock 
  parameter  SLAVE_ADDR = 7'h60         ;  //MCP4725 The device address of 7'h60
  parameter  BIT_CTRL   = 1'b0          ;  // Byte address is 8 position   0:8 position  1:16 position 
  parameter  CLK_FREQ   = 26'd50_000_000;  // clock frequency  50MHz
  parameter  I2C_FREQ   = 18'd250_000   ;  //I2C Of SCL clock frequency ,250KHz

    .SLAVE_ADDR         (SLAVE_ADDR),       // Parameter passing 
    .CLK_FREQ           (CLK_FREQ  ),              
    .I2C_FREQ           (I2C_FREQ  )                
    .clk                (clk       ),
    .rst_n              (rst_n     ),   
    .i2c_exec           (i2c_exec  ),   
    .bit_ctrl           (BIT_CTRL  ),   
    .i2c_rh_wl          (1'b0),             // Fixed for 0, It's only used. IIC Driven write operations    
    .i2c_addr           (i2c_data[23:16]),   
    .i2c_data_w         (i2c_data[15:0]),   
    .i2c_data_r         (),   
    .i2c_done           (i2c_done  ),   
    .scl                (scl   ),   
    .sda                (sda   ),   
    .dri_clk            (i2c_dri_clk)       //I2C Operating the clock 
MCP4725_init u_MCP4725_init( 
   .clk     (i2c_dri_clk),   // Clock signal 
   .rst_n   (rst_n),   // Reset signal , Low level active 
   .i2c_done(i2c_done),   //I2C Register configuration completion signal 
   .i2c_exec(i2c_exec),   //I2C Trigger execution signal    
   .i2c_data(i2c_data)   //I2C Address and data to be configured ( high 8 Bit address , low 16 Bit data )

PS:IIC I wrote the driver before IIC Based on the single byte read-write program , So as to realize the writing of two bytes ( Here you can add multiple byte write , But should pay attention to cnt The bit width of ).MCP4725 The last... In the initialization program i2c_data <= {8’h60,8’h40,8’h00} ; You can make changes in this line according to your actual needs , Please refer to the data manual of the chip for details .

6. verification
       After compiling the project sof Download the file to EP4CE6F17C8 In the device , Well connected MCP4725 Each pin , The power supply is connected to 5V, The data entered is 1024, by 4096 Quarter of , So the output voltage should be 1.25V, Using a multimeter, the measured data is 1.25V, Power off the module and power it on again , The second measurement is also 1.25V, Prove that the data was successfully written to EEPROM in , Verify success .

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